Cruising toward a makeover by Manny I enjoy all the story's by Manny,i like his story line and tipe of haircut's and the way he write about the haircut itself with details and all. I had my fair shear off such cut's including buzz'cuts butch'cuts baldy cut's and my total favorite headshave's,and now I am into all kinds of fade's the high and tight razor shaved skin fade is my most favorite one's now. I love'd the time's I got them, i agree with to keep them coming please!!! Thanks for all the great story's with lot's off details by Skin fade on 25 Mar 2025
Mr Lambs - Dad and I return by buzztob Nice story.
I too had a saturday job in a barbershop when i was still at school, the barber was called mr Short beleive it or not, his wife ran a cafe next door to his barbershop with a door that led from one to the other.
I would usher boys from the cafe into the barbershop for their haircut when it was their turn while
Their mums or dads finished their coffee etc, my hair was always cut very short and smart, on seeing me they would quite often ask for their sons hair to be cut the same as mine was, much to their sons dissaproval as long hair was very much the fashion in the uk, circa 1976.
I always enjoyed watching mr Short in action.
by My barbershop memories on 24 Mar 2025
Is It That Time? by Just_Me My favorite haircut and I like moustaches and 70s flared but not below my earlobe sideburns too. I like the idea of a barber being totally int giving him a cool look. It makes the experience very special. I missed him being in awe of his flat deck as a flattop fan can't take his eyes off the level plane of bristles that now stands up on top vs having compare or in his case long flowing hair. You realize your hair is now totally different and your long hair is gone and you are a guy with stand up flattop hair. I also think if you do a follow up have the barber make his fenders flow into into a nice ducktail in the back. It's such a cool feeling to know the back of your hair is showing off a neat DA. It's the same feeling a cool
macho mullet or ponytail gives a guy. Thanks for writing. by Barbershop Thill on 24 Mar 2025
Regulation by CleanCutTieGuy What a nice story, sometimes a good friend needs to take control and help you back on the right path, short tapercuts and fade's are the best I love a guy that is not scared off walking right into a barbershop sitting down In that nice big comfortable chair telling the barber to cut his hair really short, and are not afraid of saying shorter please? please cut it higher at the back, please shave the sides and back?...I Love boys and men who have very short clean cut haircut's especially when it is shaved to the bone on the sides and back. The best is when they razor shave the sides and back clean with not a hint of hair if I could I would have my back and sides razor shaved weakly but where I live we don't have a barber but a hairdresser/stylist and he is good with short hair and cut's your hair nice and short, he is very good with fade's and tapercuts. I prefer a high fade cut high up the back and sides then when I get home I will shave my sides and back with my scull shaver smooth it yust last a little bit longer. I have a appointment with him on Friday and wanting to cut my hair in a south side fade starting the fade yust above my crown on top and not in the middle like they normally cut it, this is the 1st time i have this cut so i hope i will stick to my plan and notgetcold feet and backout at the end, I am thinking of cutting it whith a no2 blade 6mm leaving my short fringe yust to comb over the buzzed top, about 3 weeks ago I shaved my head leaving yust a bit off hair in the center to comb to the right side it's now about 4/5mm, so the top will be very short by Skin fade on 24 Mar 2025
Is It That Time? by Just_Me This is a long, awesome, well written story! The dialogues are great and engaging. I’m always a little biased as I hope for someone to get a head shave, but the flattop is second best . Seeing ex military guys getting most (or all) of their hair buzzed off always makes a great story. Turning it into a gay sex encounter always makes it better.
Can’t wait to read more of your stories. by Pauldy on 24 Mar 2025
Hola! Quiero compartir aquí una sensación con ustedes. Me encanta cortarme el pelo cuando mejor lo tengo. Me esmero en mucho en mantenerlo hidratado y brilloso, y en el momento que mejor se ve, voy a la peluquería para que me lo corten bien cortito. Incluso antes de salir me lo lavo a la perfección para que se vea mejor que nunca. He llegado a hacerme baños de nutrición minutos antes de cortarmelo todo. Me fascina ver como me cortan todo el pelo que estuve cuidando con tanto esmero. Qué opinan de esto?? by Vival on 24 Mar 2025
Hijo del Cuerpo 1 by BARBERO MILITAR Otra historia que promete. Tiene los ingredientes necesarios para que sea un drama capilar: un muchacho al que le gusta más la música rock que los estudios, con una estética juvenil y rompedora; un padre guardia civil que desea enderezar a su hijo para que el día de mañana sea un hombre de provecho... El enfrentamiento entre el padre y el hijo está garantizado. Estoy convencido de que el tal Salva acabará pelado por voluntad paterna. by Ley&Orden on 23 Mar 2025
Third Headshave Experience in Barbershop by Rohan Thanks for this story. I can relate to many aspects of your experience. While I have seen guys getting straight razor head shaves in barbershops before, vast majority of my head shaves were planned. I searched for traditional barbershops that could do a straight razor head shave. My heart was pounding when I got into the barbershop. Sometimes I got so nervous that I had to walk around the block a few times before I got into the barbershop. Most barbers were surprised when they saw a guy with a full head of black hair asking for a head shave. I remember the joy and excitement of the whole process, including the stare from some people when they saw me with a full head of hair before and shaved bald afterwards.
Now that I shave my head daily and intend on keeping it for life, I do miss this experience from time to time. I am attempted to grow my hair out just for the barbershop experience but it drives me crazy with more than 1 or 2 days of stubble on my head before I grab my shaver to shave my head clean bald. I think I am destined to be bald for life. by KH on 23 Mar 2025