The Road Trip & The Barbershop Showdown by ShaggyDS I agree with Pauldy... the shorter the cut the better it looks and a total headshave is fantastic but it's a high maintenance haircut to keep it looking great you need toe shave your head daily to keep that nice smooth feel I had lots off shaved head haircut's in the past, and a friend that shaved his head every saterday and then left it for the weak I use to shave my head morning's and evening' with the other hair cuts I also love them although my hair cut is a high and tight skin fade with a razor shave high sides and back with a litle hair to comb on top... love it please do more like this one
Pp by Skin fade on 08 Feb 2025
Punishment Head Shave for Son by Alois A these rotten kids know is a whipping and a head shaving by Bob Brown on 08 Feb 2025
The Long-Haired Customer by Deke Cutter Thank you Deke for writing and sharing a piece of your actual life! Real sweet, and enjoyed the bit of fiction in the middle. Took me down Memory lane about should I or should I not get my summer cut before schools out. I didn’t always control my appointments till a bit older and so it change year to year if I came in the last week of school with a summer buzz cut or not. by Armando94 on 08 Feb 2025
La barbería de Clemente 14 by BARBERO MILITAR Sencillamente se nos describe en este relato una situación de pánico total. Los piojos se ceban en todas las partes del cuerpo, no solo en la cabeza. Las medidas que se deberán tomar serán drásticas, no caben medias tintas. El chaval protagonista cada vez estará más acongojado porque se barrunta lo que se le viene encima. Clemente, el barbero sádico, estará disfrutando como nunca; en esa situación no parará de darle trabajo a sus maquinillas y el cajón se llenará de billetes. Estará maquinando la forma de que los jóvenes estudiantes acudan con regularidad a su barbería, para evitar que se infecten con los piojos. Es un hombre calculador que sabe manejar a los padres de los chicos. by Ley&Orden on 07 Feb 2025
Dan’s Ideas by Keaxton Alot of room for improvement but your writing has potential by Short_shorter_shaved on 07 Feb 2025
A New Career by Armando94 Thanks to all for your positive feedback and continue support of this series! Still more to come, got me thinking maybe Henry won’t hate this new look so much after all…we shall see. To answer the question in the comments: Father Theo does not fall foul to recent rhetoric of the priesthood, nor is he forsaking his vows for someone that is just a new friend. Henry isn’t necessarily a parishioner, at least not yet. Like all these characters, they have a way of turning up later on… by Armando94 on 07 Feb 2025
The Long-Haired Customer by Deke Cutter I loved getting a Princeton cut! Short and sweet! The only comment that I got was, "Wow, that is short!" Thanks for the memories, Deke. by Gator on 07 Feb 2025
Geek discovers summer relief by Jim Rogers Your stories ofmom's being firm and getting their boys heads shaved especially in summerare very useful. I used them to give my boys a message of what's coming soon. They resisted last year and I had to settle for short hair. Not this time by Vidya on 07 Feb 2025
The Long-Haired Customer by Deke Cutter Oh the battles we went through as young boys and our hair. The hair gets cut too short and we shed tears. Then we get to late teens, early 20’s and realise it was all for nothing. Conformity was still somewhat strong but the temptation to go shorter wasn’t an issue anymore. For years I got teased about my big, funny shaped ears. Come college, I went shorter and no one commented negatively. In fact, I found myself with a haircut comparable to the guys in ROTC. I knew then, I’d never go back. I always said once my hair started coming off, it would all eventually go away. That has certainly been the truth!
Love these look back down memory lane type stories of guys afraid of short haircuts. Fortunately, I don’t think the short hair stigma exists anymore. I only regret that as a boy, I didn’t ask for a buzz cut. The idea of hair so short that there’s nothing to comb, I think I would have been hooked early on. My only other regret is not shaving my head earlier on.
If you are young and wanting to try a buzz cut or even a shaved head, JUST DO IT! You won’t regret it. by Pauldy on 07 Feb 2025