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Bumping into my former Headmaster by Snipped Sam
Growing up in a small English town back in the1970`s my choice of places to get my haircut was only one, Mr Barrett the Gents Hairdressers ,a man in his late 50`s who had reluctantly allowed teenagers to get away with growing their hair over their ears and collar.
I sat there waiting my turn one day, when in breezed Mr Davis, my headmaster from my junior School, he looked at me, `don't I know you? `
`Yes sir, Simon Richardson Sir`
`That's right, you look so different with your hair so long, `
I had always respected Mr Davis, he was a very strict man but I still felt in awe of him.
`You would not have had hair that length if I was still your Headmaster, young Simon`
`I know sir`
It was now my turn to have the walk to the chair
`Would you like to go first sir? `
`That's very polite of you Simon, but you are next`
I made my way to the chair, and was soon prepared for haircutting
`My usual trim Mr Barrett, please`
`I think we can do better than that Simon` came the voice from the chair that Mr Davis sat on`
`Sir` I replied
`Perhaps on this occasion I might take my instructions from Mr Davis, Simon`
`o.k. I replied
`Was that a yes, Simon? ` Mr Davis said, rising to his feet
`Yes, Sir `
He approached the chair and pointed to the back on my head, we will have the back cut well above his collar, and very short above his ears, let's do away with this nonsense he said lifting the hair that covered my ears. As Mr Davis returned to his seat Mr Barrett had already started snipping away.
They chatted, whilst I was snipped, i knew that Mr Davis was watching very closely, so
I obediently kept my head very still. I was there to have my haircut; I was of no other importance. After an awful lot of cutting, my hair was now extremely short all over, what had been my hair was either in the lap of the cape or on the floor. The thinning shears hacked away to thin out what had earlier been thick blond hair.
After a vigorous brush down Mr Barrett turned to Mr Davis
`How lenient shall I be with the clippers Mr Davis? `
`No leniency for Simon, Mr Barratt, very, very stern in your clipping if you please`
Mr Barrett, placed his hand on the top of my head and bent it forward, from the corner of
My eye i saw him take the clippers, the first thing he did was place them at the back of my head,
And moved them downwards, stripping my hair above the hair line, he then took the comb and started
Lifting my hair and clipping, it went on for an eternity, then above my ears, and then came some bare blade clipping up the back and inch and a half or so above my ears.
After the clipping came the razor on the back of my head and then above my ears, he actually shaved half an inch above my ears, I had hoped to at least of been allowed little sideboards, not on this occasion. after a rough brushing down, he combed what hair I had been allowed to keep into place, and then sprayed it with Cossack hairspray, and then a heavy dusting of powder, I certainly smelt like a barbers shop,
Once of the chair, as I wiped my neck with the tissue he gave me I felt the bareness on my neck. As Mr Davis passed me on his way to the barber's chair he said `well done Simon'. I paid Mr Barratt for my haircut, and went to put my jacket "take a seat Simon” Mr Davis instructed me from the barber's chair. ”Once Mr Barratt has taken care of my haircut, we are going to go to my office to have a little chat about the importance of maintaining a smart appearance "
Reluctantly I sat down and waited for Mr Davis to have his haircut which seemed to take forever. Once we were outside the barbers he told me not to look so worried, the haircut had been taken care of, it just called for a good slippering to remind me the importance of not having long and untidy hair, which he would take care of.
The End