4332 Stories - Awaiting Approval:Stories 1; Comments 1.
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Making myself MPB by Ken

I'd always liked the look of men who had gone bald on top. I wished I could lose my hair, but I don't know one man in my family who lost his hair, so I decided to take matters into my hands, or tweezers, if you will.

My hair was always medium length and I'd been getting it cut by the same girl for years. We'd gotten to know each other pretty well through talk at the barber chair over the years. I'd thought about getting it cut that way but to go bald all of a sudden wouldn't fly. Not at all. So, I got myself a really good pair of tweezers and decided I'd do it myself. My goal was one year, be bald on top by tweezing out a small bit each and every day.

I started at my hair line the first day and just tweezed out a few spots at the top. The next day, I started on a spot on the back of my head. I figured it would go faster if I tweezed in two different spots. I did this for three weeks and could actually see a small bald spot start to form at the back of my head. The real test would be if the lady who cut my hair would notice. I went in for a trip and she didn't say anything. I didn't bring it up, I wanted to see if she'd notice it.

I kept tweezing the front hairline and the back, but I also started small spots here and there through out my head. I spent only about 5 minutes a days on it at first, but had to increase the time as I had to retweeze hair that had grown back. After four more weeks of tweezing, I went in for another hair cut. She noticed the bald spot, but how could she miss it. It was not about the size of a half dollar, maybe an inch and a half across. She also noticed my now noticeable receding hairline in the front. I told her I really hadn't notice it but now that she mentioned it, I could see the difference.

My family hadn't said anything to me, if they noticed, so I thought it was time to step up the pace a bit. I started tweezing twice as much every day, still tweezing the hair that was starting to grow back. I waited almost six weeks for my regular hair cut. Now it was noticable. The bald spot over two inches in diameter and you could really start to see my forehead as a result of the tweezing.

"You really seem to be losing your hair," she said.

"I know. I'm not worried," I said, "I don't think anyone in my family has lost their hair, so it's no big deal."

She cut and styled my hair and suggested I grow it out some to compensate for the thinning. I suggested going a little shorter than usual, not much, just a bit. She did and it really made my receding hairline more obvious. I was encouraged and more determined than ever to keep going.

I kept up the pace, but on one day a week, I'd do a full half hour of tweezing. By my next haircut, the bald spot in the back was almost 3 inches in diameter and my hairline had receded up to the top of my head. To anyone who looked at me, I was clearly losing my hair. I had to spend more and more time tweezing the hair that kept growing back in. Now I had a receding hairline that looked like it was going to meet the bald spot in the back. When I went in she looked quite shocked. She suggested I see a doctor as it's not very common to lose your hair this quickly. I asked her what a doctor would do and we both agreed there wasn't much. I had about 3 inches of growth between my hairline and my growing bald spot.

My family started to notice and I got comments. They were surprised I was losing my hair. I played like it was no big deal. With the pace I was going, I figured I'd be bald in 6 or 7 months, not a year. I kept at it and started to spend more and more time tweezing it. I'd spend about a 30 to 45 minutes a morning tweezing hair that started to grow back. After work, I'd tweeze the hairline and bald spot of 20 minutes. I waited another 6 weeks for my regular haircut.

By then, the bald spot was done. About 4 inches in diameter and I had only 2 inches between my hairline and the bald spot.

"Boy, you're really thinning up her," she said.

"I know. Any thoughts about what I should for a hair cut?"

"No. What do you think?" she asked me.

"Well, let's go shorter than usual. I don't want a combover."

"That's good, they look awful. But I'm afraid if you go shorter it'll be more obvious that you're losing your hair."

"I'm not sure how it could be less obvious," I said.

So she went shorter, a bit more shorter than before. Probably the shortest I'd had my hair cut in a long time. When she spun my around to see the mirror, it was quite the difference. I figured in maybe two months, my receding hairline and my bald spot would finally meet.

So I got a dipilitory thing that women used to remove hair by pulling it out and I started using that on the bald spots rather than tweezing them. This left more time for plucking. I was determined the two bald parts would meet by my next hair cut. I stepped up my tweezing and finally broke through in four weeks. I started plucking the hairs to take it down the the fringe that I so wanted. When I went in for my hair but 6 weeks later, my hair was longer but I was now bald on top. Not completely, but clearly it looked like I was just going to have a fringe.

"Wow," she said. "You're really losing your hair."

"I know. Any suggestions?"

"We'll just have to take it short."

"How short do you think?"

"I'm not sure. What do you think?"

"Well, why not just cut it about 3/4 of an inch all around."

"That's easy enough, I guess." She put an attachment on her clippers and began running them over my head. She did it several times to makes sure she didn't leave any long strands. "You know, this is what you usually call brush cut, but this is what I usually do for guys who just have fringe left."

"I guess there's not much of an option at this point. I mean, how do you style a fringe?"

When she spun me around to the mirror it was quite the difference. I was 28 years old, but I was bald on top. Not all the way yet, but getting there. "I'll have to get more regular hair cut, I guess."

"I think so. A long fringe of hair never looks good."

So I steped up my tweezing to get to the fringe. I went back in two weeks and she didn't notice much of a difference. She did the 3/4 inch buzz and then she noticed how much more I'd lost. After that, I tripled my efforts. It hadn't even been 6 months since I started and I was way ahead of schedule. I waited 3 weeks this time for my hair cut and I had my fringe. But I couldn't stop. If you looked at me from the side, you could now see the baldness on top. I wanted more bald, less fringe. The dipilitory thing was working great at keeping the hairs that were growing pulled out. I started to use it to work on making the bald spot bigger. I decided I wanted the fringe to be about 2 to 2 1/2 inches at the most. I had achieved my goal of being bald on top but wanted more.

I held off of getting a hair cut for almost 7 weeks. I kept working on the fringe making it smaller and smaller. Finally, I had what I wanted. I was completely bald on top with just a 2 inch fringe around the sides. I worked at the part in the front, as many of the images of mbp had the hair on the sides go back some. When I went in for my hair cut, she was quite surprised at my hair line.

"It's been a while. I thought you shaved your head and wouldn't be back."

"No way. Not going to shave it."

"You really lost your hair quick there."

"It's just hair. I think that we should go shorter, though, what do you think?"

"You're probably right."

"I think maybe a half inch."

"I think so. I just use the comb and clippers. There's a way to cut the hair like this." She set about with the comb and clippers trimming my fringe. There was quite a bit of hair to cut off. She also trimmed the top of the fringe so it wouldn't be such a difference from my bald spot to my hair. When she was done she spun me around. It was a shock, to be sure. I looked like I was in my late 40s or early 50s.

"What do you think?" she asked.

"You know what? I like. I think I like being bald with a fringe."

"Well, I must admit, you do look good with it."

I walked out of the shop with my freshly trimmed fringe. I'd go every two weeks for a trim and kept using the epilory or dipilory tool to keep it bald. That was 4 years ago. I don't have to use it anymore, as the hair isn't growing back any more. It's shiny bald on top and I still have the fringe. Wouldn't trade it for any other hair style in the world.

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