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Dr. Lee and the Three Bears by burrlypup

(Disclaimer: This story is really, really gay themed. I promise I’ll write a dozen wholesome straight themed ones to balance it out.)

Part 1: Dr. Lee

Monday classes are notoriously awful, and today we had our first exam of advanced physics. I’m a semester away from graduating and have gotten used to terrible Mondays. One of the only silver linings would be my professor, Dr. Lee. He’s thirty, wears glasses, brown eyes and wears his dark brown hair in an impeccably groomed side part. He started the semester with a fresh cut – I could tell because his nape was freshly tapered, with a slight whitewall around the ears and back of his head.

I audibly gasped when I saw him today. His hair that was perfect the previous Friday was now butchered! The back was shorn high – up to his crown – with what looked like a #1 guard. His white scalp could easily be seen underneath the unevenly clipped pelt, but that wasn’t the worst part. The sides of his haircut were buzzed at a different level and there was no blending between the sides and the longer hair top. Then I noticed his beautiful quiff was gone - a good five inches had been hacked off and the only thing left was an inch long tuft that was glopped in gel to keep it in place.
After 45 minutes, the timer rang and Dr. Lee told us to drop our pencils and hand in our exams. We shuffled by his desk to submit our exams and I was about to leave when I realized I forgot my water bottle at my desk. As I went to retrieve it, the last of my classmates exited and it was just me and Dr. Lee.

"How do you feel this first exam?" Dr. Lee asked as I made my way for the door, stopping me in my tracks.

"I studied hard, finished it in ten minutes." I told him.

"I noticed. How would you feel about joining my research team? I could request a stipend for your time." Dr. Lee offered, moving in a bit closer so were face to face.

"I’m interested. Very interested." I replied, noticing the distance between us was shrinking to the closeness of peers. I felt his hand grip my shoulder, followed by a pat on the back. I noted the absence of a wedding band as his left hand rested on his briefcase.

"Come with me to my office and we can continue our chat." Dr. Lee told me, releasing his arm and walking ahead of me. I got a close up view of his massacred hair, noticing a patch had been clipper shaved in the back. It intrigued me how he could go from a gorgeous haircut one week to a complete hack job. He closed his door after we entered his office. After an hour of talking about physics and my goals after college, we built up a rapport and began talking like old friends.

"So how bad is it?" Dr. Lee asked.

"How bad is what?" I asked, unsure of his context. Dr. Lee tousled what was left of his hair on top and smiled.

"It’s different." I responded, "what happened?"

"My regular hairstylist was booked and I really needed a trim, so I went to the barber college thinking I could get a trim and support a local student." He explained.

"So you’ve been rocking this cut all weekend?" I asked. Dr. Lee nodded yes.

"I’ve got some clippers if you want to take it all off." I blurted out, thinking it might be inappropriate to make such an offer. I buzzed my hair down with a #1 guard once a week and Dr. Lee’s eyes darted to my freshly buzzed head, then stroked his chin as he pondered.

"That sounds great." He replied.

"Are you sure? I only know one cut," I asked, as I emphasized that fact by rubbing my velvety blond pelt.

"Looks better than what I’m ‘rocking’ now," Dr. Lee said and winked at me. "I’ve always wanted to shave my head and now I don’t have much to lose, do I?"

"I suppose not. It sucks, your hair was really awesome." I blurted out again. Man, I really need to develop a better filter. Dr. Lee’s smile dropped, then he smirked. "I can stop by after my noon class, 3pm. Or we could do it in the gym so your office doesn’t get hair all over it." I offered as an option.

"Great idea! Let’s meet up in the Aquatic Center lockers then." Dr. Lee finalized, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as he led me to the door, taking the liberty of rubbing my head as we parted. I inhaled deeply as I walked down the hall. I didn’t know what was happening, the next few hours were like a daze and I felt a fever come over me. All I could think about was Dr. Lee and our newfound familiarity. I thought, ‘Maybe he was lonely?’ or maybe he’s just affable. I had seen him laughing with students many times and even heard stories about him attending college parties.
After grabbing my clippers, I headed to meet Dr. Lee in the locker area.

It was the first time I saw him shirtless. Or even out of a suit, for that matter. Dr. Lee was very lean and toned up, with a nice hairy chest and thick legs.

"Are you ready?" I asked him as I approached.

"Yeah, let’s do this!" Dr. Lee said, very enthusiastically. He sat down on a bench and wrapped a white towel over his shoulders. I pulled my cordless clippers out of my bag and told him his options.

"How short do you want it? I can try to leave the top a bit longer, or cut it all down to a #1."

"I want to go full, Mr. Clean bald. Nothing but skin. I ran over and bought some shaving supplies for the occasion." Dr. Lee said as he shook a can of shave gel and some disposable razors.

"Going balls deep, I like your style." I said jokingly. Dr. Lee chuckled. I clicked on the clippers and ran them down the middle of his butchered hair, clearing it down to stubble.

"You sure are red in the face." I said, seeing how far I could push our conversation as I continued clearing the remaining hair from his head. He grinned back at me.

"You seem excited down below." He responded, grabbing my erection through my gym shorts. I moaned and gasped for breath at the sensation of him gripping me. A boundary had been crossed and now nothing was off limits. As he took me into his mouth, I buzzed the rest of his head, carefully listening to hear if anyone entered. I clicked off the clippers and was about to set them down, when Dr. Lee took them from my hands and clicked them back on. Without a word, he began stripping off my blond stubble with the bare clippers as I took his place on the bench. I felt up his boxer briefs, pulling them down and then we heard some dudes enter the locker room, their voices booming as they drew closer.

We quickly got into the showers and closed the curtain. We kissed as the hot shower stream soaked our bodies, and we stroked one another. After a few minutes when the dudes left, I ran back out and grabbed the razors and shaving gel. I squirted some into my hands and lathered it up all over Dr. Lee’s scalp with him on his knees in front of me. He took me in his mouth again and I almost came. I started to shave his head, front to back. I was almost finished shaving his head when I couldn’t bear it any longer. I started to shoot and soon his smooth head was covered in my spunk. I leaned back against the shower wall and pulled him up into the shower stream with me. I rubbed his bald head checking for rough spots, then pushed him forward followed by another layer of shaving gel. I continued to feel for rough spots, would shave one direction, feel for another, then take another stroke with the razor. Dr. Lee seemed to enjoy the attention to detail. About twenty minutes later, his head was completely smooth and he stood up.

"It feels amazing," Dr. Lee said as he explored his freshly shaved scalp with his fingers and palms of his hands.

"Wow, it’s so slippery!" he said, picking up the shave gel, "Your turn!" he continued as he shot some shave gel onto my stubbly head and foamed it up. Instead of getting on my knees, Dr. Lee turned me to face the wall and pressed himself against me. He rubbed his cock between my butt cheeks and slowly inserted himself. I nearly lost consciousness from the sensation, then realized he was thrusting and shaving my head simultaneously, pausing for brief moments to rinse the razor. I muffled my moans by biting my wrist, the pleasure was so intense. I felt Dr. Lee rubbing my head looking for patches of stubble, but he had shaved me slick bald already. His hands rubbing my scalp added to the pleasure and soon I was shooting my load again, and so was he. When his spasms ceased, he pulled out and turned me around to face him. We kissed and rubbed our bodies together – paying attention to our new shiny heads.

We walked out of the showers casually, grinning ear to ear. We dressed quickly and left, hand in hand when no one was watching, but kept a respectable distance in the presence of others.

Part 2: The Three Bears

"See you in class, Dr. Lee," I winked at him as I left his office. He smiled back and waved. It was then that I realized that in our haste, I forgot my clippers at the gym. As I opened the locker room door, I heard the familiar hum of clippers. When I reached the sinks, there were three burly, hairy football jocks all very muscular and in various stages of having their heads shaved: one with half his head buzzed, removing a dark mop of wavy dark hair, another who was checking out his buzzed head in the mirror, and another with half of his head already shaved.

"I guess you guys found my clippers," I spoke, breaking the ice.

"What do you mean? I thought our coach left these here, he’s been after us to get haircuts for months so we thought this was him – he even left razors and shaving foam." At that moment, I looked at the floor and it was covered in their hair, some of which looked rather long. There was a pile of red curls, dark wavy hair that was increasing as the dude continued to buzz his head, and the remains of what was a blond manbun.

"Right, I must have left mine in my locker. Sorry." I said.

"Well hey, since you’re here you mind helping us get our domes shiny like yours?" Said the fellow with half his head shaved, with signs of razor burn from him shaving the same spot repeatedly. I took the razor from him, and began clearing the red stubble from the other side of his scalp, and gingerly shaved the other side smooth to avoid further razor burn. Then I slapped some hand sanitizer on his scalp and he howled!The next guy, former owner of the blond manbun, wet his head under the sink and lathered up his head.

"Shave it," he told me, pointing at his dome and grinning. His stubble came off so easily and soon his scalp was gleaming beneath the fluorescent lighting. He joined the former redhead in rubbing their smooth domes and cleaning up their hair. I was tired, but had one last head to shave. The dark haired, sexy Greek guy with thick eyebrows and a prominent nose. He smiled at me but was shy and quiet otherwise. He had the thickest hair of any of the three and my best effort with the razor still left him with a dark shadow on his scalp, the disposable razors were no match for his thick hair. He seemed a bit let down, as he looked over at his buds who were gleefully rubbing their smooth heads. Then I remembered I had one of those fancy 5-blade razors in my locker.

I left a wet, hot towel on his head when I left to retrieved it, and after a thick coating of shave gel, I pulled the razor back and it shaved a smooth strip down the middle of his forehead like magic. No drag, just a clean shave against the grain. His name was Gregor and his intense blue eyes looked up into mine as I razored his scalp. It took twice as long as the other two, but I got his head just as shiny and smooth. He purred as he felt the skin of my palms on his bare scalp.

"Thanks," he said, not breaking eye contact as the other two dudes rushed in and felt up his head, shocking him by splashing his scalp with hand sanitizer. He winced but maintained his composure.

"That actually feels really good," he commented. "Sorry to keep asking you for favors, would you mind taking a picture and sending it to me? I forgot my phone," the hot Greek guy asked me. I pulled out my phone and snapped a few shots of the three, head on, then the tops of their bare heads, and then a few of just Gregor and a few different angles of his bald head. I got his number and texted him the photos, then packed up my clippers, waved goodnight to the ‘three bald bears’ and went back to my dorm to sleep off the adrenaline and hormones.

The next morning, 6am, I woke up laughing. My head felt so different against my pillow. I noticed my phone was blinking, so I checked it – 4 new texts.

‘Thanks for the ‘haircut’, I think I’ll be needing another by mid-week. At my place.’ – Dr. Lee

‘PS. Call me Bryce." – Dr. Lee (now Bryce)

‘Thanks again, I'm really liking the new look.’ – Gregor

I smiled and put the phone back down, as I was making my breakfast, I heard it vibrate. 1 new text.

'Yeah, he's really cute - when he was shaving my head I had a woody the whole time.' - Gregor

I texted him back, 'I know, and same here. Let's do lunch.'

'oh dear' - Gregor

'Yeah, Let's do that.' - Gregor

To be continued?

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