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Freedom- Part 2 by Stu

Following on from my first story here many months ago...

I rushed back to my flat with a spring in my step. I was still in shock that I'd had had the courage to get my thick mop shaved off, and still in awe at how the stubble all over my head felt now. Every window I passed I had to stop to admire and massage my newly made skinhead. Gone was the bumbling, scruffy student, in his place stood a confident lad sporting the best haircut of his life.

It was only when I unlocked the door to my flat I became nervous. I was fully expecting this new style to be peer pressured away from me, with constant laughter at my expense until my hair got back to a normal length. I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen, where the stunning Lizzie was doing some washing up. She glanced up at me, did a double take and gasped. 'What happened to you??' She asked, jaw open, whilst putting her dirty dishes down. 'I had a trim', I smirked back. 'But why?', she questioned as she walked towards me. 'Well, I just wanted a change and thought... Why not?'.

At this point Lizzie was inches from me, and without warning got up on tip toes, pushed her body firmly into mine and began to rub my stubbly head. She smelt so wonderful. I could hardly contain my excitement, and she whispered to me 'hair is so overrated on guys, buzz cuts are so sexy, the shorter the better'. Well that was my mind made up, there was no way I'd let my hair be growing back. And more importantly, I was certain now that she liked me back. I slid my hand on top of her's, took a deep breath and blurted out 'Lizzie, I need to tell you tha'-

At that moment, another flatmate Lewis walked in, and me and Lizzie quickly pulled out hands away and took a step back. "Wooaahhh, nice haircut mate. Really suits you" he loudly said. I laughed and thanked him, but felt the atmosphere had gone a bit weird with a third person in the room. At the moment, Lizzie walked towards the door, but as she passed me, whispered 'my room, this afternoon'. I struggled not to do a celebratory fist pump. I followed Lizzie's lead and headed back to my room, I was absolutely ecstatic.

Seconds felt like hours as I laid on my bed,I just wanted to be with Lizzie. My bristly head had a velcro effect on the pillow. It was so good. My pure bliss was interrupted by a knock on the door. Was it Lizzie? No. The sight of Lewis, wearing a thick coat greeted me. "Hi mate, can I ask you a favour" he said, nervously. "Yeah of course, what is it?" I replied, still rubbing my stubble. "It's about your hair actually, I really like it and was wondering if you could show me where you had it done and what you asked for". I was a bit shocked. I thought Lewis' thick blonde hair was his pride and joy. "Yeah, no problem mate, when do you want to go?" I asked. "Well, now if you don't mind". I didn't. The impulsiveness was exciting, I leapt up and led the way.

Usually I wore a beanie around town, but not today. I wanted to show off my new hair do. I could feel eyes looking at my shorn head, but I felt so confident I didn't mind. We were nearly outside the shop, I looked Lewis in the eye and asked "you sure you want to do this?" He nodded, and we stepped inside.

The barber sat alone in the shop reading a magazine. As we walked in, she nodded to Lewis, then caught sight of me and looked a bit confused. "Not much I can do with that hair fella" she said to me, smirking. I laughed politely as Lewis got in the chair. I took a seat behind him and noticed all of my hair was still around the chair, which made me feel sick inside as I rubbed my hand over my shorn head, still coming to terms with it.

"So what will it be?" The barber asked the caped up Lewis. I butted in; "number one all over". The barber raised an eyebrow as she had with me an hour earlier, and looked at Lewis. He gulped, looked her in the eye, and said "make me look like him". The barber meekly nodded, picked up her clippers and the tiny plastic guard and leant in.

The mechanical buzz filled the shop again. Lewis winced as she placed the clippers at the base of his sideburn and drove them upwards, sending blonde hair flying. She carried on around the back and sides, as I remembered how incredible the clipping felt and the excitement came over me. The barber stepped to the right of Lewis' head to finish off the sides of his head, revealing to me the shaved section. Whilst my dark hair left a shadow, Lewis was so blonde that he appeared totally bald. She moved onto the top, and the clippers forced their way through his luscious locks. I watched as thick clumps of his hair dropped onto mine. Unfortunately the barber was blocking my view, and when she finally stepped to one side, the transformation was almost complete. Gone was the surfer style hair, in it's place was the brutal, yet brilliant, buzzcut. The barber just finished off the edges and the buzzing finally stopped. She unclipped his cape, and like she did with me earlier, sent mountains of hair raining down to the floor. "Brilliant" said Lewis as he smiled, got up and paid. I nodded to the barber as we both walked out of the shop.

"Wow". Was all Lewis could say as we walked down the road, both his hands rubbing his scalp. Instinctively I joined in. "Looks good mate" I grinned. "I'm keeping mine, will you?" I asked. "We'll see" smiled Lewis...

6 months later

I was sat in my flat's kitchen with my best friend and the love of my life. "Hmmm, I had a 0 last time but I like having a little bit of hair. Let's go for a half" I announced. I had a short covering of hair- probably the equivalent of a number 5 all over, but I needed it off. Everyone I knew- even my parents- loved that original haircut back in October, so I bought some clippers and carried on with that style. "Good choice" smiled Lizzie, adjusting the clippers and flicking them into life. She had actually turned out to be a brilliant hairdresser. I felt the cool air as she shaved away the sides of my hair, and felt tiny mounds build up on my arms and lap. These monthly haircuts she gave me never captured the thrill of the first one, but they still filled me with excitement nonetheless. My favourite part was shaving the top; she knew this and made sure to take her time, hacking away at my hair, making sure it fell in my eye line. As she finished, I glanced down at the small pile of hair around my feet, smiled at Lizzie and got up. Surprisingly, Lewis sat down in my place. "Number one all over please Liz". He had been growing his hair out, and had had only one buzz cut since the original in the Fall. "If you're sure she" she said, flicking the clippers on and leaning in. It was majestic. Watching his long locks tumble to the ground and onto mine again. Every stroke gave him more stubble, as I watched blonde piles fall onto his bulging lap. His magnificent quiff fell to the ground as the clippers carried on their beautiful destruction. Eventually Lizzie finished, and we both admired his stubbly head. He stood up and sent the blonde hair flying. We both stepped forward. I pulled him forward by the head and he did the same. We rubbed each other's shaved heads as we had done all those months ago, before I looked him in the eye and passionately kissed my boyfriend of 4 months. Uni had given me freedom, and I loved it.

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