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It is infectious! (Follow up to Hazards by Haircutnerd
Michael woke up withe James head resting on his chest. James soft abundant auburn hair spread out over his left shoulder. When Michael brought his right hand up to his head, yesterday came all to well. The shoot, the bleach, the shave, the shower, … As he caressed the tiny overnight stubble, he saw the irony of the situation that he "the guy with the really great hair" was now totally bald. His common sense told him it would grow back that he might as well make the best out of it. His vanity was completely freaking out, dreading to see his reflection in the day light. His sexuality, however, was totally into it: that macho feeling of shaving all his fussy hair of and being left the velcro stubble was a total turn on.
James woke up to find his boyfriend fondling his bald head and ask if he would do the same for him. Michael reminded him that this look was just temporary, not something he wanted to keep, nor see James loose all his beautiful hair on a whim. "But I like it, I actually always wanted to shave my head and never dared. Shaving you yesterday and seeing how hot you look, made me realise it might be more than a mere fantasy!" James replied. "Think about it again kid, it will take years to grow that back should you realise you made a mistake. Besides you’re a lawyer, so not really appropriate to come in looking like a skinhead. Heck, I’m a model, shaving my head without the Agency’s consent is probably breach of contract, I’ll need your lawyer skills!" Michael explained. With that James jumped out of bed to get ready. "But I work in the legal department at Selfridges, I do not need to look like a barrister, then my long hair would be even more wrong. - case won!" he thought under the shower.
In the meantime Michael went to the kitchen, passing the dreaded mirror along the way. That reflection was not him, yet, he couldn’t believe he was the husky man with dark stubble highlighting his chiseled face. His chest all of a sudden looked huge. Perhaps it was not quite a punishment to be bald, for a while at least. But James should definitely not hack of his gorgeous locks.
That evening Michael came home from the gym to a buzzing sound in the bathroom. He rushed over to find his his boyfriend standing nude in a pile of auburn hair, running a number two clipper attachment over the dense reddish pelt where one his luscious mane was. James smiled at Michael, who after the initial shock had to recognise James looked really masculine, his arms were bigger, he noticed the definition of his calfs, thighs, glutes. The buzz cut set of the patch of reddish hair on his sternum. He looked like a savage Scotsman. Michael leaned in and started to kiss James vehemently, all the while stroking his dense buzz, exploring the touch. Completely rediscovering James that night.
Two days later James was still excited about his new look, actually he had planned to go all the way, but having reddish hair he would probably have no hairline at all being completely shaved. He did pass by a barber shop to have the back and sides lather shaved, so the only his disconnected #2 top would stand out. This time around Michael was not surprised, rather relieved he did not go all cueball. He was amused how his boyfriend who was so fussy about having well kept hair was now as enthusiastically removing hair. After a few weeks Michael’s buzz had grown out to a point where it had absolutely no shape, he new he had to wait until it was at a decent length again. However his hair was annoying him terribly now. So when he and James were at the gym together, he grabbed a pair of clippers and quite publicly took off all his hair again, now he knew it was for good.