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Donavan's Disaster by BraidedandBround

(Greetings fellow fetishers. I write to warn you that this story contains raunchy, radical, a REAL fantasy! If you like extra long hair, I wrote this for you.)

Donavan smiled at his reflection. He straightened his shirt collar over his blazers collar, ensuring that every detail of his Tartan was meticulously set. The tartan had been bought for this wedding, not his, his sisters. It was set to be a grand affair. Between the brides scottish side and the grooms british, it was set to be a fancy affair of drunken fun. It was no question that Donovan was on the bride's side. His kilt and sporran were a dead giveaway. He liked the feeling and often wore kilts, though none of this high quality wool. Without underwear his family jewels had a draft, and hung freely. Whenever he got comparisons to a skirt he’d go off on them and sing true to his scottish heritage. But the real cherry on top was his hair.

Bright red and long, he almost always had his hair plaited down his back. It had gotten to the point where even braiding his hair would drag an inch or two behind him. When he was at home it was never an issue, in fact at home, he normally had it loose and free. But in more practical settings he would braid his glory. Besides, he could easily wrap it over one shoulder like a scarf so it would go around his shoulder blades and dangle behind to his calves. Both with his floor length braid and constant kilting, Donovan sometimes would get mistaken for a catholic school girl. He tried working out so he could gain muscles, but since most of his growth had been in hair, he remained skinny but well toned. His pale skin, bright green kilt, and lengthy red braid threatened to rival even the bride's beauty, and Donavan knew it.

He smirked as he thought this to himself. Donavan picked his braid up and raised it off of the floor, dangling it in the air in front of him like rope and smiled again. He then tossed his plait behind him where it landed with a satisfying thud. Pulling up his socks, he headed towards the door.
Donovan’s father yelled from downstairs, "Don! We’ve got to be leaving for the venue! Your brother and mother already got there." Donovan grabbed his phone and headed out. His essentials had been put into his furry sporran. He didn’t normally wear one over his kilt, but he was surprised how handy it suddenly was in hiding the erection that had sprouted as he’d admired himself. He bounded down the stairs and his braid snaked behind him, the amount dragging on the floor intensified and his braid was slowly being pulled over six steps at time. Donovan's father saw this, surprised seeing the full length up the stairs as Donavan went down them annoyed him.
He grabbed it like a chain as Donavan reached him, "Don, I’m glad you at least tied back your hair, but do you have to let it drag behind you like that?"
Donavan frowned, "Dad chill, my braid does as my braid do. Now let go of it!" He attempted to pull his braid out of his dad's hands, but his dad just tightened his grip.
"Don, listen, I don’t even know what you just said. But, you better be careful. Your hair has gotten to the point where you look like a fairytale princess. But this isn’t magic son. This is the real world. And I know I’ve kept you home schooled all these years, so being around this many people is exciting. But, I don’t want you getting shocked or overwhelmed." he let go of Donovan’s braid and it thuded to the ground.
Donavan pulled it to his chest and stroked a small section, "Well I’ve got my hair dad, and it’s beautiful like Red Riding Hood's cape, only better! So it will keep me safe. Besides I’m 20 now! Ive been an adult, I’ve broken some hearts, what else is new?" Donavans dad rolled his eyes at his son, being in online college for one year, he’d had multiple relationships and at the same time online, but always being too scared to meet in person, they failed.

Donavan and his father loaded themselves into the Buick and headed to the venue. Donavan’s sister had chosen a beautiful venue, it was a mansion anyone could rent for the night or nights, perfect for retreats, or a scottish styled wedding! Both sides liked to drink, so she had prepared with plenty of booze. The ceremony went swimmingly as she had planned. Their family had come from a rowdy clan and had kept control into the modern world so much so that they always had everything just as they wanted. As the wedding rolled into the party after, the guests had begun to spread out throughout the mansion. Because she had to repeatedly tell Donavan to close his legs, he had decided to explore. Having had some alcohol hadn’t even cared that he was displaying his well endowed member. He had already joked with a few wedding guests about what scottish men wear underneath their kilts.

He had decided to stretch his legs and explore the garden and trees behind the mansion's veranda. He glided effortlessly over the lawn with his red braid snaking behind him, dragging lightly on the ground as it bounced off of his tight calves. He loved the looks he had gotten from the groom's side, as it dragged behind him on the oak floors, or when he tossed it onto the lap of the guest behind him during the ceremony, especially when he’d also gotten so many compliments from the wives and ladies of attendance. Once again he had been grateful for the sporran as he became erect again. The constant touching and attention to his braid had kept him busy for most of the party. Meanwhile, now that he was finally away from most of the party, he breathed a huge sigh of relief. Pulling his braid over his chest he began to stroke his braid, dragging between his legs now.

As he approached what looked like an empty sculpture garden, he squealed as his head whipped to the left. Donavan had stepped on his braid as it wriggled between his thick thighs. Donavan fell flat on his face into the garden. Letting out a yell as he fell, Donavan felt the wind rustling his nether regions, and groaned as his kilt flipped over his back, exposing his bare bum. He wiggled on the ground with his braid strewn about like one glorious piece of flaming garnets. Donavan turned over, covering his butt as a figure clad in brown seemingly poofed into the sculpture garden. The stranger in brown knelt down and extended a hand to Donavan. Donavan recoiled in shock, he had thought he was alone! He began to blush and wondered if this stranger in brown had seen his pale bottom in the moonlight? Though as most people had already begun to get drunk, maybe this stranger would be none the wiser and continue in a drunken stupor. But unfortunately Alex had seen all of it, and they were not even close to being drunk.

Alex stepped forward, "Sorry to frighten you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay! That looked like a nasty fall."
Donavan blushed, nervously rubbing his thumb down the ridges of his braid, stopping at his crotch, and then starting all over again.
Alex looked at the floor length braid, "Wow that is some long hair, is that what you tripped over?"
Donavan pouted, "No, I tripped over a pinecone, I was worried I’d scuff my leather shoes and instead fell on my beautiful face."
Alex rolled their eyes, "Hm, interesting as you seem to have left a mud shoe print on part of your braid, the braid that's covering your shoes. No wonder you tripped, you even dragged the bottom of your braid in mud!"
Donavan was livid and squealed again, "Not my braid, oh no, my beautiful hair! Ugh, how the hell am I supposed to go back to the party like this!?!"
Alex smirked, "Lucky for you I’m from the groom's side and one of the ones sleeping here tonight. Though the wedding couple have a in law unit to the side of the main house for their honeymoon tomfoolery."
Donavan picked up his braid mewling, "My poor ruby hair, I can’t believe I didn’t realize I had walked in mud! I’m so glad I didn’t fall in it!"
Alex quietly wished that had happened, they added, "Well it's good because who would want to get mud on the pretty pretty face? Hey, come up to my room and you can wash off your pretty pretty braid." Donavan completely missed the sarcastic undertone. Instead he had gathered his braid like a child in his arms.
Donavan smiled, "Yes, thank you so much for your help. I’m glad you see the beauty."
Alex began to lead Donavan to their room, "So, Donavan, how long have you been growing that princess hair?"
Donavan sighed looking at his bundled red braid, "I just didn’t get haircuts as a kid and so I never really have had short hair. I mostly live at home, and I have everything I need there. My dad is a big deal and I’m his baby boy!"
Alex led Donavan into the mansion. By the time they had reached Alex’s room, Donavan had let Alex know all about his fiery locks. He had babbled about how secure and safe his rapunzel hair felt. Like a pet or friend always hanging onto him. He had joked about how it always had his back. Little did Donavan know how annoyed Alex was by the impertinent scottish boy. Alex wanted to force Donavan to shave his head. Alex rubbed their own bald head, knowing Alex wanted a collection of godiva hair. It was so wasteful and self centered. Alex wanted to punish Donavan for being so vain and make him a real man. But Alex did agree that Donavan was in fact beautiful. But Alex thought Donavan would look better bald. When they finally got inside the room Alex quickly closed the door. Outside the window and down the halls you could hear people shrieking and drinking. Obviously enjoying the wedding.
Donavan let go of his hair, "So, um, did you see my butt?" Donavan’s muddy floor length braid pooled around his feet, completely covering them.
Alex walked over and grabbed the braid, "Yes, you’ve got a good butt, a good face, a good braid." pulling Donavan closer by the braid they smiled.
Donavan moaned, "I'm good aren’t I?" delighted at the adoration and thinking about himself, Donavans soldier began to stand at attention.
Alex rustled the kilts hem, "And you answered an age old question, what does the scottishman wear under his kilt?"
Donavan smirked, "I wear these all the time, I got treasure that hangs low anyways so it always makes it easier, and cooler!" he slowly thrusted his groin towards Alex.
Alex reached underneath Donavans kilt and grabbed his red rocket, "Wow, you sure are a big boy aren’t you?"
Donavan bit his lip and dripped, "Wait, what about the mud in my hair, please!"
Alex sighed and let go of Donavans braid, "The bathrooms right over there."
Donavan walked where Alex had pointed. His kilt swished around as he sat next to the tub. After he unbraided his hair, he filled the sink with it.
Alex walked in, "Need help? I used to cut hair at school."
Donavan gasped, standing up as his long hair sploshed onto his tartan. Alex walked over and stroked Donavans face and Donavan leaned back as Alex continued washing the past the floor rapunzel hair. They both then dried the hair in four towels and Donavan finally stood at the foot of Alex’s bed. They had watched some tv while they waited for Donovan's hair to dry enough. Donavan took out the towels and his past the floor hair tumbled around him. It covered him like a veil, blanketing his back and creating a root like appearance as it flowed away from his bare feet. He had taken his shoes off to clean the dirt too and they were also drying with the socks. Alex gasped, "In your kilt and with your princess hair like that, you look like a schoolgirl."
Donavan was livid again, "How dare you, I am a man!" He had also been drinking wine while they waited.
Alex watched him stumbling around, continuously struggling to not step on his hair, "Oh yea? You look like a pretty princess to me."
Donavan yelped as he went to step forward and stepped on a shank of his godiva hair. He was shocked, normally he was under control of his hair. But without his usual products to put in, his hair was going to dry naturally! Struggling to toss back the curtain of hair that had begun to cover his entire body, Donavan stepped forward and untangled his ankles. Afterwards he slowly took off his kilt, exposing himself to Alex. Alex bit their lip, Donavan was a beautiful boy. But he could be a strong man. Alex finished undressing and tossed his hair around, covering himself completely and making it impossible to move without stepping his bare toes on his fiery red hair. His erection poked through his hair cutrain however. Being so large it refused to be ignored either, dripping with anticipation. Alex could not resist any longer and grabbed chunks of Donovan's floor length mane. Alex lifted and dived for Donavans protruding trunk and began sucking like a baby. Covering them both with the red wall of hair, they began to tumble about, sucking and kissing. Using the hair as an instrument and novelty, they continuously rolled around the bed. Satisfying each other in many ways, they wrapped themselves in the impressive mane and used it to shoved and fill each other, with plenty of cumditioner, they both earned their climaxes and collapsed into each other panting.

Sticky and ensnared, Donavan and Alex writhed together as they both struggled to unravel the red hair that had wrapped around them like loose yarn. His long red hair was braided, but now Donovan's voluptuous red curls had bound them and his erect member into a puzzle. Later and finally free, Alex got up to wash off the sweat, but turned as Donavan squealed. Donavan was on his knees, still on the bed. His six pack flexed as he arched, his long hair was also wrapped in the rented mansions wire bed frame! Kicking his bare feet he started to panic. His cucumber getting tossed against his naked body as he realized he was stuck. How could he have been so careless? He still had climaxed but normally he knew where every piece of his hair was. Like an extension of himself he even thought that his braid was one of the reasons he had had perfect balance.
Alex swooped over with a pair of scissors, seemingly materializing in their hands, "Here, I can cut rapunzel free!"
Donavan pissed himself yelling, "NO!" dousing the bed and Alex. This of course did stop Alex in their tracks.
They both stared at each other before Alex said, "Well, now, maybe you can just call room service while I wash off. I’ll need bedding that isn’t soiled."

Donavan had never felt so embarrassed. He normally was like a greek god and instead had trapped himself and drunkenly relieved himself in shock. He was finally able to unbind his hair and get off the bed. Dressing himself back into his Tartan, he started looking for his hair tie, but he couldn’t find it. Alex came back in a towel covering their body, causing Donavan to blush, he had never seen someone else naked, and began to feel his soldier calling to arms.
Donavan tossed his now clean hair behind himself, "Hey, did you see my hair tie?"
Alex smiled coyly, "Oh, I had to break it during our passionate love making, I had to use something as a cock ring and it was all I could find! I couldn’t keep your hair tight enough when I tried using it."
Donavan blushed, "Oh, then I have to go out like this!" He suddenly felt so exposed, with his hair completely covering his backside, like a red cousin IT, his hair dragged behind him almost like a coronation robe. Feeling it against his calves as it flowed to the ground he started to walk in a circle, pulling his bangs over the left side of his face.
Alex dressed, "It looks like you will have to go out there in your pretty skirt and be a pretty princess. Or I could just cut it all off and spare you the attention from all those drunk Brits."
Donavan awkwardly started to get aroused, receding into his loose hair. As it flowed around him like a willow tree that dragged on the floor, he looked with his only exposed eye. Nearly moaning at the thought of the attention he began fluffing up his red hair. Now almost completely dry it had volume and began to curl nearly out of control. Still dragging behind him, it was almost not now that his hair was not braided.
Donavan, "Oh no, let me just drink and then I can walk to my car. I leave my hair like this for weeks on end when I don’t have to leave the house. Thank goodness for Costco Conditioner!" And so they had another bottle of Champagne and Donavan felt the rosy rush of alcohol. He had forgotten how many people were at the party and wasn’t used to drinking. Not having been surprised well, he was in for a load of trouble. He had a semi permanent erection now that he was drunk, and stumbled, having to constantly wrestle his hair behind him as it flowed this way and that. He finally bounded forward, bouncing his hair off of the back of his calves so the tips just barely dragged behind him. Luckily by the time they had gone downstairs only a small amount of dust had collected on his tips. Entering the main room Donavan was at full mast. Guests throughout the party were shocked, they had seen the lengthy braid whipping around all night, but they hadn’t expected to see it unleashed like a lion's mane. At first most would look away, but then one of the drunken uncles on the grooms side yelled,
"Aye baby, show me yer tits princess!" completely exposed and on display with his hair flowing this way and that, Donavan stammered.
Seizing the opportunity Alex leapt forward and lifted Donavan’s kilt, displaying his family jewels.
People gasped, men were angry, recognizing him from earlier, one of the men stepped forward, and then fell down. Laughing some poured beer onto the fallen wedding attendee.
A female guest stepped forward, hiccuping, "We only want real men representing Great Britain, he can’t run around the states like a damn princess!"
Everyone continued to drink and bumble around. As more guests collapsed in alcoholic induced slumber, Alex brought Donavan to a private room. Turning on the lights Donavan saw the groom and groomsmen jeering and drinking.

The groom turned, "PRINCESS!" The men erupted forward and each began grabbing handfuls of the floor length red curls. Pulling Donavan forward, they began to fondle him, rubbing his butt, and removing the kilt all together. Donavan had a raging erection with the attention. He couldn’t believe how many people were wanting to ravage his gorgeous body. Finally the group of drunk englishmen led him to the center of the room. Letting go of his now knotted and tousled hair, the men stood in a circle around the erect and nude Donavan.
Donavan slowly rubbed his erection now that his naked pale body was again hidden behind his floor length hair. He didn’t see where the guys had tied his hair in bows and knots as they had stripped him and fondled his nipples. It felt like a head massage and Donavan felt like a cat getting his tail pet.
The groom stepped forward, "When my new wife said you were going to come to the wedding, I knew tonight was perfect! I’ve wanted your hair ever since I started dating your sister. It’s been the faucet of your personality. On every trip, extra seat for the hair. You needed it held constantly when your hands were full! God, you even used it to fap, I saw you on the Tahiti trip!"
Donavan kept touching his body, exposing only one eye and a sliver of nipple through his cousin it like hair.
He moaned, "If you want my hair you can have it to play with, I’m never one to stop someone from having the pleasure of using my gorgeous hair." He flexed behind his hair. Moaning again as he pinched his nipples and curled his toes underneath the flaming red hair that flowed to the floor and pooled around him like a small moat. He wasn’t paying enough attention to see the Groom step forward, sway, and grab a lock of Donavans hair. Pulling part of his nape, the lock was held up in the air before it was swiftly cut off. Hearing the scissors open and close Donavan gasped. The Groom dropped it in front of Donavan and said, "Now I can have all of it." Donavan came all over the inside of his hair curtain gasping. He couldn't even see where the lock had been cut off but still couldn’t believe he saw it fall in front of him. Still dripping, Donavan turned to step forward as the men and Alex rushed forward. As Donavan started to run away they each grabbed shanks and strands of his floor length red hair. Getting small sections as they followed him he moaned trying to get away as they cut the hair that dragged behind him on the floor. Soon the longest pieces were ones that stopped at his ankles, but most of it was higher than his ass. Soon the ankle length hair was cut and Donavan collapsed onto the Mansion floor. He continued to erupt with jizz, though now that his flowing hair flowed no more. He dribbled all over the linoleum. The groom finally approached him with Osters and began to finish shearing the sheep.
The groom smiled as more of Donavan’s scalp showed, "There, now that 20 years of long hair was reduced in less than 2 minutes. My task is complete." And with that he finished shaving off the short strands of red curly hair that Donavan still had. He stood up and the room began emptying. Donavan blubbered dripping cum and rubbing his bare nude body. In shock he also rubbed his stubbly head and moaned, erupting again.
He blubbered again, "My hair, my beautiful long rapunzel hair!" And with that the room was emptied. Leaving Donavan drained and satisfied, but with a new identity crisis.

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