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Jason's Father came home by Jason

Jason's Father came home

Jason's father divorced his mother a year ago. He hasn't seen him since. The last he heard, his father was working
on a fishing boat somewhere out east. It wasn't as if Jason missed him. He was always aloof and demanding. Jason tried
to please him, but always seem to disappoint or be ignored. Jason was very happy when his mom met Jerry and started to see him. Jerry would
take Jason camping and showed real interest in being part of his life. Jerry was a cool guy and someone Jason looked up to. Jerry
wanted to marry his mom, but she for some reason couldn't commit to it. She feared getting into another relationship after the hell
Peter put her through. Peter was never physically abusive, but did make his opinions known in no uncertain terms. He thought she was
being too free with 'his' money, especially when it came to concerns that didn't concern him. He also thought she pampered Jason too much.
It really pissed him off when the judge ordered that he pay child support. Peter thought getting a divorce would free him for once and for
all from having to deal with the unfair burden he felt put upon, but the opposite happened. The support order meant he'd be paying out until I turn 18.
That really seemed to piss him off the most.

"Why should I pay for that little sh#t?" Peter said on the final day after the divorce was final. "He never does what I say. He doesn't carry his load.
And just look at how sloppy you've allowed him to get. The good money - my money - you spend on him goes for torn jeans and useless things that the damn kid
loses interest in a day later. I told him to get a job to start pulling his weight and what did he do? Nothing. Sat on his a$$
watching f###ng cartoons. A man his age. Well, he better start acting like a man and get with the program before the program leaves
him behind. The little sh#t probably couldn't get a job anyway. Just look at him. With that f####ng long a$$ hair and fuzz on his face. What
kind of man does he want to be? A stoner and loser? I wouldn't hire him either. I've told him time and time again to get a f###g haircut. Well,I'm done trying.
You deal with him. You'll take my money, but I'm done. And don't come crying to me if you need anything. You won't like my reply."

Jason remembers seeing him storm off in a huff and mumbling under his breath "damn b###h and hippy."

Jason had come to enjoy life without his father around. Jerry was becoming the 'dad' he had wished Peter had been. But now, Peter was out of his
life for good.

Monday came and Jason burst into the door exclaiming "I got it! I got it!"

Jerry was in the living room and said "Got what sport?"

"I got a job with Miss Logan. I was looking at the new computers and saw Miss Logan putting up a help wanted sign. I asked if they're expanding or what.
She said Tom was leaving. He took a promotion to district sales manager at another store, so they needed to fill his spot. Tom is cool, and I'll miss him.
Anyway, I told her that it won't be the same without Tom. She said the way he and I connected had impressed her. We'd often talk about this computer or that, or some
consumer electronics that just came out. Sometimes we'd chat with others and they'd get interested in the item too. So, then she said I should apply.
We talked and it sounded interesting. And I would get a store discount. So I filled out an application and she looked it over. She told me to hold on and
went in the back. I really didn't think she was serious, but then I saw her and Tom come out together and approach. Tom shook my hand and said 'Welcome aboard.'
I couldn't believe it, but Miss Logan confirmed it. She asked when I could start. I told her whenever she needs me. So, I start Friday. Man, this is so awesome dude.
I can't wait."

"That's fantastic Jason. Your mother will be so proud." Jerry said. "Her son selling computers."

"Where is mom by the way. I can't wait to tell her." Jason was beaming.

"Jason, I have some pretty important thing to tell you. Your mother got a call from her brother in the UK about her mother. Seems there was an accident and your mom
had to take an emergency flight out earlier. She asked me to watch out for you while she was away." Jerry said.

"Grand ma?" Jason said shocked. "How long?"

"We don't know Jason." Jerry said. "But don't worry. She said she'd call as soon as she can."

"Can I go be with her?" Jason asked

"No, She said they're is some issue with your passport. Besides, you have a new job now hey" Jerry tried to lift his spirits.

Jason retired to his room for the evening. A lot on his mind. His grandmother. His new job. His mom.

The next morning the phone rang. Jerry pick up. It was Jason's mother. "Jason, your mother's on the phone."

"Hey mom?" Jason said. "Jerry told me ..." she cut him off.

"I'm so sorry I had to rush off without seeing you before I left. Are you and Jerry OK?" she asked.

"Yea, we're fine. How are you?"

"OK. Your grandmother is doing OK. She was very lucky. But she's going to need me to be here a little while. Are you sure you're OK? I would love so much
for you to come to be with us, but like I say, grandma is doing fine. Jerry says you have a new job. How great is that huh?"

"I love you mom."

"I know son. You'll be fine with Jerry. There's one other thing I wanted to tell you. I had to let your dad know that I will be out of the country for a bit. I am
required to let him know. He might stop by today to check on you."

"Check on me? What does he care about me?"

"Jason, your father does love you, though he just doesn't show it well. I'm sorry about that. But he is your father."

"Well fu ... uuudge him." Jason blurted.

DING DONG - the doorbell rang.

Jerry went to the door as Jason and his mom continued to speak.


Jerry opened the door to find Peter standing there.

"Peter?" Jerry said.

"Where is he?" Peter barked.

"Um. He's on the phone with his ...". Before he could complete his sentence, Peter barged in.

Jason got site of Peter walking towards him. "Mom, he's here now." Jason said into the phone.

"Is that your mother?" Peter demanded.

"Yea." Jason replied.

"Give me the damn phone." Peter said.

Peter grabbed the receiver.

"I'm here. Jason's fine. We are fine. Let us know if you need anything" Peter said and hung up.

"I wasn't done speaking to my mom" Jason said.

"Oh, you were finished." Peter said.

"We were fine until you showed up" Jason said.

"We? Who's WE?" Peter said.

"Jerry. Me and Mom" Jason replied.

"Yea, that brings up a point." Peter began looking over to Jerry. "Why the F##K are you here Jer?"

Peter would call Jerry 'Jer' just to annoy him.

"I was asked to look after Jason" Jerry said.

"Oh I see, well then that makes all the difference. NOT. I'm Jason's father. Your Janet's current lover. That has no bearing on who takes care of my son. I think
Jason and I have things under control so you can leave." Peter demanded.

"Look Peter, Janet asked ME to look after Jason." Jerry pushed back.

"Oh did she. Well, I don't see Janet here, do you? Janet's across the ocean. She's not in the bedroom if I'm not mistaken, and according to law, Jason is my responsibility
while she is away. Got that?" Peter said.

"I don't want any trouble Peter."

"Good, now get the F### out of my house."

"Your house?"

"My house. I'm the deed holder. I pay the moorage. I pay the upkeep of Jason, so yea, MY HOUSE! Unless you want to go against the law and our divorce agreement."

"Look Peter, Janet said ..."

"I don't care what Mrs. Jacobs said. What matters at this point is what Mr. Peter Jacobs says. Now get the F### out of my house before I have you arrested for trespass
and beat the sh#t out of you."

"Ok ok. Jason, don't worry. I'll be back." Jerry said backing out of the front door.

"Don't hurry back Jer" Peter said.

"Now that Jer is out of the way, it's time we had a little chat." Peter said looking at Jason in the eye. "Let's get this straight. This IS my house and
while I'm here, my rules. First thing, you're going to find a job. I won't have you just sitting around doing nothing."

"It so happens I have a job. In fact, I just got hired today." Jason said.

"Well, that shocks me. You were able to get a job. Where? The Guitar Emporium? Bongs R Us? Do tell, where?"

"Miss Logan hired me at "The Electronic Wizard". I'll be taking over for Tom."

"Tom Richards?"

"Yea, Tom."

"At 'The Electroinc Wizard'? In sales?"

"Yea, in sales." Jason replied proudly.

"I would never have thought you'd opt to work is sales. At 'The Electronic Wizard' no less. WOW. That's shocking"

"Why is that so shocking. I'm capable and know as much as Tom about computers."

Peter chuckled. "I'm just surprised you're willing to change your 'style' for a job, that's all."

"What do you mean?" Jason said.

"You have noticed how Tom and the rest of the employees at 'The Electronic Wizard' look, haven't you?"

Jason appeared dumb founded.

"What does Tom wear to work Jason?" Peter chuckled.

Jason had to think. He hadn't really ever considered the question.

"Jason, they all wear suits and ties." Peter filled in the blanks.

Suddenly a light bulb popped on in Jason's mind.

"And you know what else?" Peter was enjoying this. "They all have professional conservative haircuts." Peter laughed. "Here I've been trying
to get you to clean up your appearance, and now you have to do it because the job requires it. I can't wait to see you in suit and tie sporting
a regular businessman haircut. I don't know when the last time I saw that you had ears."

"What?" said Jason.

"Yes, you'll have to get a regular men's haircut finally. Hair off those ears, off the collar, and parted on the side. Yup. You're going to be a salesman
Jason, so you have to look like one. You mean they didn't tell you?"

"No. They said nothing of the sort."

"Well, they really shouldn't have too tell you, should they? Just look around the place. Everyone in a suit and tie. Very professional looking. And most of them with
the same regular businessman haircut - except those who have no hair or wear a military crewcut. Ever see someone with hair like yours working
at any of their stores? Ever see someone not wearing a suit and tie? Nope. Jason will soon look like salesman."

Suddenly, Jason had a worried look on his face.

"Ah, come on Jason. You're not going to chicken out and ruin the best opportunity someone like Tom and Miss Logan are offering you, are you?" Peter said.
"Well, we don't have much time to prepare do we?" You start Friday and we have to pick out some dress clothes for you and get that haircut."

Jason looked bewildered.

It had been centuries since Jason had gone with his dad to look at 'dress clothes'. The last time was maybe when he was 5 and they had to go to a funeral.
In some ways, Jason felt it was going to be his funeral he would be going to this time. He seemed very down. The clothes style change
was one thing, but he couldn't now get out of his mind the image of men after men is suits all wearing the same cookie-cutter short hair
style of a typical professional salesman or executive.

"Here we are Jason" said a disembodied voice. Jason snapped back into the moment and found himself with his father about to enter
'Hathaway & Sons Men's Shoppe'. Peter told the salesman who, by the way, was is suit & tie, and sporting the smoothest modern day
side parted pomp ever, that they were there to pick out some dress clothes for Jason. The salesman, who was in his late-20s, had hair that glistened as if
it was freshly wet, and every hair was meticulously in place with fine smooth comb lines. His suit was neatly pressed. The tie was perfect. It lay snug up to the collar.
A perfect dimple. You could tell he had spent time on this appearance and was proud about it.

Peter winked to Jason and said "See what you have to look forward too?"

The salesman helped pick out several shirts, ties, a pair of shoes, and a couple suits. Peter paid and the two left the shop.

"Let's drop this off at the car" Peter said. After doing so, Peter said "This way Jason" has he motioned ahead down the street.

Jason followed Peter down a number of shops until they came to one that had a spinning cylindrical Red, white and blue sign. On top, was a white ball
that read "Look Better. Feel Better". Peter opened the door and led Jason in. The smell of aftershave, witch hazel and hair tonic filled the room. Across
the entrance was a row of 6 barbers working on customers in their chairs. Peter and Jason took a seat in the waiting area. THey were the only ones waiting.

Within a few minutes, the sound of "NEXT!" was shouted. Peter looked up and a 40-something man was waving to him to come to the chair. The man had a tall pomp swept up
and sides slicked back.

Peter looked over to Jason and said "Your up Jason."

Jason looked hesitant, at first but got up and headed to the chair. Peter got up as well and followed.

"What can I do for you gentlemen today?" the barber said.

"My son Jason here starts a new job Friday. He needs a Regular Businessman Haircut suitable for a salesman." Peter replied.

"Very good. Have a seat Jason" said the barber.

Peter returned to the waiting area. He had a perfect view of the chair in which Jason was being wrapped with a cape.

Without further discussion, the barber set to work. Peter could see the barber comb out Jason's hair that had reached his shoulder. THe barber grabbed one of the clippers
from the row of clippers that hung from the counter behind the chair, flipped them on, and very matter of factly, began to lift sections of Jason's hair with a comb and run the
clippers across the comb severing the hair off that extended beyond them. Huge amounts of hair tumbled down onto the cape. The barber repeated this up the back,
and then up the sides. The hair that once hid Jason's ears was laying on the cape. The hair in back that once flowed over his collar was gone revealing stubble at the edge
of the collar and gradually being left longer up the back of the head. The barber fine tuned the haircut with scissors, being very meticulous about the outline
around the ears and down behind them. Next, the barber sectioned the hair on the left side, putting in part. He ten trimmed the bangs short, but not too short so they'd
make a flip as they were combed over to the side. After tidying up any hairs out of place, the barber grabbed a bottle from the counter and began shaking it over
Jason's head. Streams of drops fell from the bottle and onto his hair. The barber massaged the liquid into his hair. He then grabbed a scoop of clear greasy
stuff from a jar, rubbed his hands together, and then rubbed the shiny stuff into his hair. Taking a comb, he again sectioned the hair at the side. This time
taking even more care and time, he sectioned the hair resulting in a very straight and distinctive part on the left side. He flipped the hair up in front, and smoothly
combed the hair on the sides back above the ears. Jason's hair looked very wet and shiny with every hair in place. Fine comb lines were very distinct throughout the haircut.
His hair looked like it had been molded in place.

The barber applied shaving cream around his ears and neck, and shaved around the ears and down the neck. A final inspection of by the barber with the comb, the haircut
was done. The barber dusted Jason off and removed the cape. Mounds of hair fell to the floor.

Peter paid, the two left the shop.

  • Comments
    Why does Peter need to disturb a well developing boy ?
    This story requires at least a part 2
    Moreover it is very well written
    by thadeusz on 08 Jul 2021
    Loved this story, especially all the detail about the slicking at the end. Thanks. Is there another part coming? I'd love to hear about the reactions to the new look. I have to say, I was expecting an ending where he turned up to work and was told that his long hair would have been fine!
    by f35h on 16 Jun 2021
    This boy needs a proper shearing a hnt or a horseshoe
    by Anon on 15 Jun 2021

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