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Long blonde hair to a perfect flattop by Caroline leed

I have always had long blond hair up to my shoulders with a fringe that reaches 2 cm above my eyes that I maintain regularly, my hair cut obviously earned me bullying at school where I was often called a girl, I was even threatened several times to cut them with scissors, one day one of the bullies in class even took a clipper. In my family, there are different opinions, my mother likes my hair a lot and helps me to take care of it by cutting the tips and my bangs or by brushing it. My father doesn’t like it and would prefer that I cut it short, but it doesn’t bother him more than that, my aunt insists every year to cut my hair for the summer, but my mother always refuses which leaves her in incomprehension every time. The only person in my family who really hates my hair is my sister, she’s 18 years old and for some reason I’ve always ignored (because my parents aren’t too keen on it) she’s a very authoritative and disciplined woman. For her, a man should and must have short hair, she had a plunging bob with bangs and a shaved neck, she went to the barber to maintain her neck every two weeks and for her bob every two months. One might expect her to have a very short haircut, but her way of thinking about men’s hair length, also applied to women according to her, they should have hair at least chin length, but not shorter. So she hated all those women who have boyish haircuts or military haircuts. To come back to my hair, although she could not say that it did not look clean, because it was always well groomed and maintained, she often said that I looked like a girl and that no one would be interested in a boy with such long hair.
At the beginning of this story I said that I always had long hair, this statement is not totally true, I did not have short hair but extremely short for a year because of my sister.
When I was 13 years old, I had a kind of passion for cross-dressing (which went away with time) and I liked to spend hours in the bathroom doing my hair in a very feminine way using my mother’s curling iron or making braids. At that time, I was accompanied by my friend James who had a huge tuft of brown curly hair on his head. One day, while I was curling my hair, I had a discussion with my friend.
â€" I’m afraid, you know, I’ve been dodging the hairdresser a few times, but I think next time I’ll get it done… he said
â€" Your mother wants you to cut your hair how? I answer by touching my freshly made curls
â€" A crew haircut…
â€" I sympathize with you, it can’t be easy to have a mother who can’t stand hair that’s a little bit longer…
As I was about to curl my last strand of hair when my sister walked into the room, when she saw the curling iron in my hands, she got mad!
"You two stay here, I’ll be right back, you’ll see what it’s like to be a man."
Me and James looked into each other’s eyes, we were very anxious about what was going to happen. My sister returned with a bag from which she took out a whole barber kit, she took a chair and asked James to sit down before putting a barber cape on him.
" I am going to make you haircuts appropriate, band of dirty effeminate boys! Said she by taking out her clippers
â€" Not too short nevertheless… Says timidly James "
She pressed her hand against the head of James to make him lower the head, she put a hoof 2 on the clippers then began to go up to the top of his head, an avalanche of brown curls fell on the ground and a line of hair clipped appeared at the back of the head of James. She continues to

She continues to I repeated the gesture all over James’ head as a few tears were visible on his cheeks, a mountain of hair was on the cape. I was watching this terrified spectacle as a woman with long black hair walked into the bathroom and stood behind me, I had seen her before, she was one of my sister’s friends. She shared with her their love for short haircuts for men. She took a straightening iron from the closet and started straightening my hair.
"You have nice curls, you know, but it’s not appropriate for a boy…"

As she spoke to me, I saw my sister run the clippers over James’ head several times until no hair stuck out.
"What haircut should your brother get? She asked my sister.
â€" As we did to this son of hippie! Said she with an evil smile
â€" Long hair until the bottom of the back with cut of short marines?
â€" Yes, I’m tired of seeing this effeminate blonde head in this house!

At the time, I did not understand what they were talking about, later, I learned that one of the boys in the neighborhood who had long hair had changed overnight to a very short military haircut shaved white on the sides, my sister and her friend had created a group to fight against society that accepted more and more men with long hair.
My sister took off James’ cape and a cascade of hair covered the floor, James now had a buzz cut, he touched his freshly cut hair and looked strangely satisfied. My sister motioned for me to come over, I sat in the chair shaking. My sister asked her friend to take her place.
"Make him one of your famous flattops! My sister said with a smile.
Hearing these words, I froze in place, the shortest haircut I had ever had coming up to just one above my shoulders, she took the cape and put it around my neck, she lifted my hair that had been left under the cape and began to brush it carefully.

"Do you have a favorite in Flattop? she said gently
â€" N-no. I answered stammering
â€" It’s your first time, I see, I would have made you a flattop horseshoe, but it’s a little too radical for a first time, I think."

She gathered my hair to make a ponytail then she took out her scissors while continuing to question me.

"For the sides of the hair would you prefer a straightening or a white shave?
I remained silent, my hands trembled, I was aware that I would not escape.
"Okay, let’s go with the clean shave."

She began to cut my ponytail, after a few seconds I felt a weight come off the back of my head, she dropped my ponytail in front of me. She started to cut my ponytail, after a few seconds I felt a weight coming from the back of my head, she dropped my ponytail in front of me. She put the clippers next to my pillow and turned them on, I felt the clippers lift my hair and throw it to the floor. My hair was starting to cover James’. She continued to do this all around my head while talking to me.

"You know, I love doing flattops when the hair is long like yours, it’s fun to do. Feeling your long hair fall always makes me thrill and then I love the reactions of loved ones when they see the result! Please put your head down!"

I lowered my head which made me notice that a lot of my long locks, it was gathered on the front of the cape like for James. The clippers went up along the neck and the sensation was very pleasant, I felt that my long hair disappeared more and more to leave place to shaved hair very short.

"My sister promised me that I would be the only one allowed to take care of your hair, from the first time I saw it, I thought that it should be a joy to give you a manly and clean cut and I notice that I was right! You take care of your hair very well, it’s a real pleasure to cut it! You can raise your head.

I let her finish shaving my sides, she took a jar with shaving cream and started applying it to my sides.
"You see to get a good clean shave, you have to apply the shaving cream properly!"

Once she was done, she took a razor and shaved to a white my hair in a few minutes the contours of my head had become smooth without any visible hair. Then she wiped it off with a towel and moved on. She took a comb and trimmed the top hair starting with my bangs.

"This is the longest part, you understand? We have to make sure the hair is straight and all at the same length!"
She spent many minutes working on the top of my head with her comb, at the end she put some gel to make it stand straight. She took off the cape, I had gone from a 13 year old boy with long hair to a 13 year old boy with a very short flattop, I ran my hand over the back of my head and felt my skin smooth.

"From now on, you’ll come see me every week to maintain your haircut!"

My sister was happy, she had finally "Eradicated the fake men in this family" my whole family was surprised at my new haircut, I couldn’t tell them the real reason for such a change so I just pretended that I needed a change. I wore this flattop for a year, because my sister and her friend no longer lived in our town, so I didn’t have to maintain my flattop, it took me several years to find my length. My friend James ended up loving short hair and tried to convince me to keep my flattop, but I always refused. He was reluctant to have short hair and wore more and more extreme cuts, one day he even came to class with a flattop horseshoe. I don’t know if my sister and her friend continue to forcefully cut hair, but I know now that it is only her that I allow to have short haircuts.

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