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My New Girlfriend Part 3 by Scott the Haircut Lover

My New Girlfriend â€" Part 3

Im not sure I how I made it through dinner. Sarah was staring at my newly shaved head the entire meal. Most the meal her foot was planted in my crotch massaging my bulge. Her blonde hair that was cut so short just hours ago turned me on more that I could have ever imagined. When she told me she wanted to be bald to I really didn’t know what to think. This was a whole different level. She looked so hot already. Picturing her with a bald head turned me on and confused me at the same time. The check came and I payed the bill. We got in my car and drove back to my place.
When we got inside out clothes didn’t stay on for very long. She teased me. Rubbing my bald head and other sensitive places. I was ready to explode and she knew it. Then she said….. babe…. I want you to shave my head right now! We went into the bathroom…. I had an electric razor and I used the clipper end to start making her bald. She touched me a lot while I was removing her beautiful hair. Once I got it buzzed down I applied shaving cream. I took my regular razor and slowly and carefully started shaving her bald. The more I shaved her the more beautiful she got to me. It was so weird. When I met her I loved her hair down to her mid back. Then her pixie was amazing. Today she got an extreme pixie and that was even hotter. But now she was going smooth just like me. I took about 30 minutes to remove her blonde hair. I made her super smooth and it shined like mine. She stared at herself in the mirror. She looked so hot. I couldn’t take my hands off her smooth head. Babe you look so good. The love making that night was as intense and you can imagine. I never knew what a hair fetish was before I met her but now I am fully understanding it and I can not get enough.
We were up late into the night. When we woke up the next day it was like reality set in. She woke up first and when I woke up I saw her staring at me. I smiled and kissed her. Then I looked at her bald head and it was like so beautiful. I never thought a woman would look so hot bald. She rubbed my head and I rubbed hers. We loved how it felt. Sarah this is unbelievable. What babe she asked. We are bald I said. Yeah isn’t it amazing she said. Yeah but its so extreme. Who cares what other people think Sarah said. We are free of being judged about anything! I have wanted this for so long and I found you! You gave me what I wanted! Im bald and so happy about it. I smiled at her. I told her that I was amazed at how beautiful she looked bald. My hands could not stop rubbing her smooth head and she clearly loved me doing it. Then she said babe I want to stay this way for a while. At least until thanksgiving. I want to see if I really like it or if its just an obsession that I have finally submitted to. I have wanted to do this since I was 14. Really I said. Why didn’t you before? She replied I was scared about what people would say. But now I have you. You had beautiful long hair when I met you but clearly that was just a choice it wasn’t who you were because now you are bald with me. Am I making any sense babe? I looked her in the eye. Sarah I never cared about my hair before I met you. It was long because…. Well because it was long. I didn’t care about it it was just long. Then you had me cut it short and I felt really good about it. Then you had me shaved it all off. Now I get it. Its just hair its not who we are. Sarah seemed pleased that I understood how we got here. We made love until the afternoon.
I went to work that afternoon and got home about 7. I texted her and told her how much I loved her. She never replied. I figured she was out with friends and while it was the first time since we met she didn’t reply I tried not to over think it. I put a stupid movie on and just enjoyed relaxing for a while. When I rubbed my head I was surprised there was a definite roughness to it. It had only been a day. Wow hair grows fast I thought. A couple of hours later I texted Sarah again and said good night I love you. I woke up the next morning and looked at my phone. No response. I called. It went straight to voice mail. Ok now I was worried. Monday came with no word from Sarah. I went to school. People I knew were shocked at my shaved head. It had been three days so there was a clear shadow of growth, but clearly it had been shaved bald. Some people liked it and I could tell some didn’t. All I could think about is where is Sarah? Then I saw her. I was pretty far away but I knew it was her. A really hot girl wearing a baseball cap. I caught up to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned and looked to the ground as if to be ashamed. What’s going on Sarah? She stuttered…. As if something was seriously wrong…. She finally got the words out…. Can we meet at the barista at 8? I said ok yeah sure no problem.
The rest of the afternoon I was just confused. What had happened? I guess I will find out at 8. I arrived at 7:45 and ordered both of our favorited Coffey drinks. 8 cam and went. I sat there alone until 8:30. Now real concern was setting in. I got up to leave. I was about to throw her drink in the trash when I heard the door open. It was Sarah. She was still wearing the baseball cap. I looked at her and said…. Let me get you a fresh drink this one is melted. She smiled slightly and said thank you. We sat at our favorite table in the back. She drank a little of her drink. I couldn’t take it anymore. Sarah talk to me! Tell me whats going on! She looked up and me and said you know I love you with all my hear right? I nodded. Babe my parents freaked out when I got home. They think you made me shave my head. I told them I wanted it shaved but they just said no he is bad for you! He is some kind of freak! Who would want their girlfriend to be bald. I told them over and over that it was me and not you but they wouldn’t listen. I really didn’t know what to say or how to respond. I mean I was completely happy with my long blonde wavy hair before I met her. I loved the cuts and I loved being bald. But more than anything I loved Sarah! I finally got the words out. So what does this mean? She replied well they forbid me from seeing you anymore. They said if I keep seeing you they will stop paying for my school. I got a little pissed. I mean none of this had anything to do with me when you think about it. I got up and said that’s cool. Thanks for getting me to look like a complete idiot with a bald head. And thanks for not talking to me for three days. You go figure out what is up with your parents and then get back to me because I am not going to sit here and let you blame me for any of this. She just cried. I felt bad for my outburst but I mean none of this had anything to do with me.
I went to a place that I knew would serve me even though I was under age. I drank way too much. Things where about to take a major change in my life…… to be continued …….

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