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My New GF. A New Me (Conclusion) by Scott the Haircut lover
My New Girlfriend â€" A New Me (Conclusion)
I sat at the bar with my bald head. Drinking my sorrows away as I had just been blamed for something I had nothing to do with. Even worse it was never my idea. How did I get in this mess! Sarah was texting me like crazy. I ignored every one of them as I just didn’t want the drama. I came to this town with a full head of beautiful wavy blonde hair and now I am sitting at this bar feeling sorry for myself with a bald head. I hate drama! How did I let myself get into this situation? I wont lie the whole haircut situation really turned me on. I actually didn’t mind my bald head. I definitely couldn’t stop rubbing it. I was sitting there thinking about how perfect this hot girl I met is. How great our intimacy is. Then I would come to my senses thinking she let her parents think I was the one who made her shave her head. The opposite is the case here! Was she hot bald… Hell yeah! But she was hot with hair down to the middle of her back too! Yeah I am rambling because that is what was going on in my head! I was literally spinning.
I had been at the bar for for about 2 hours. I am pretty sure they were about to cut me off. All of the sudden this guy sits next to me. He was really good looking and I was pretty sure he sat there on purpose. I looked at him. He smiled. I smiled back. "I am Dustin" and I said "I am Jayden" He said "you go to college here?" I smiled and said "Yeah I do" it had to be obvious I had sever drinks at this point. Dustin said "That is some look you have there! Not many of us college kids shave their head bald" Great I thought! "Yeah it’s a long story" I said. He giggled and said "what some kind of fraternity initiation?" Getting a bit annoyed "no I’m not in a fraternity" Then Dustin says "Well you look amazing! And it’s a very bold look." I smile and said "Thank you" Now I already said this guy was really good looking but for some reason I started to take notice. He had a fresh under cut shaved with a #1 (amazing I had learned all the barber shop lingo in the last two months). His top slightly converted his shaved sides and back yes it was cut perfectly! His eyes were ice blue, his smile was so symmetrical and perfect, he ever had cute ears like they didn’t stick out, they weren’t too big or too small. I worked up the nerve, with a bit of help from my the several drinks I have had, "what are you interested in my bald head?" He laughed "Im not, I am interested in you" Goodness gracious! I thought to myself. As a reminder in my first story I hinted at be experimental in high school so the thought of hooking up with a guy didn’t repulse me at all, in fact it was turning me on. In my drunkenness I said "wanna touch it?" Dustin laughed again "what your head or your ****?" Taken aback by his forwardness and not knowing where all of this was going I said "Let’s stick with my head for now" Dustin reached out and ever so softly rubbed my head. He smiled "that feels so cool!" I looked at him and my body tingled as he rubbed my head "Yeah kinda didn’t plan this, just happened." He kept rubbing it and all I could think about was Sarah, but his hand felt amazing. "Bf make you shave it?" I really didn’t know how to react to that. I wasn’t gay, then again I was letting a guy rub my head and I wasn’t stoping him and there was a definite reaction down below. "It was actually a GF." He immediately removed his hand from my head and said "Oh my bad." I looked into his eyes "We broke up and your hand felt really good!" There was an awkward silence. I was definitely drunk but I knew what I was doing.
Next thing I knew we were at his place that was just a couple of blocks away. Making out and I was running my hands through his long sexy hair. His kisses felt so good. I had been with a guy in High school but this was totally different. In the middle of making out he stopped and looked at me "Where did you get your head shaved?" I told him the barber shop name and he knew it well. He said "We are going there tomorrow morning!" I laughed and said "I was just there yesterday." He had a serious look on his face "It’s not for you." I kissed him deeply. And replied "OH!! Really? You sure?" Dustin looked at me "you look so hot! I have always wanted to do it but I never had the balls. When you showed me your hair was a long as mine a few weeks ago and told me all about how you ended up bald it was the hottest thing I have ever heard. I can not wait to get in the chair and tell him SHAVE IT LIKE HIS!!" Well the rest of the night was out of this world. The next morning started with another round of intimacy. Then we showered and I washed his long hair. Dustin said "That will feel completely different the next time we shower" How did I get here? I met a really hot girl with a hair fetish and then a really hot guy with a hair fetish and everyone is going bald. It seemed odd but I was thoroughly enjoying it. We got dressed in shorts and t shirts and headed off the the barber shop. The barber looked at me surprised that I was back two days later. I did have a little stubble and then he saw Dustin walk in behind me. The barber said "Where is Sarah?" I looked at him "that is over. This is Dustin he is here for a change." I watched as Dustin sat in the chair. I should have wore shorts that weren’t so tight. Why was this turning me on so much! I really cant explain it. Anyway, The barber caped Dusting up and asked "so what kind of change are we doing today son?" Dustin didn’t hesitate "I WANT IT SHAVED LIKE HIS!" The barber looked at me and smiled. He picked up his clippers and put them on Dustins right side burn. I started to have flash backs to when it was me in the chair the first time. But I didn’t go bald all at once! Dustin was smiling at me. The barber slid the clippers up the side of Dustin’s head. The hair fell right in his lap. He worked around to the back making quick work of Dustins long hair. Then came the best part. He lifted up Dustins bangs and put the clippers in the middle of Dustins forehead. He slid straight back. Over and over taking him down to a clipper shave. The barber spread lather all over Dustin’s head. He started scraping away the stubble. Dustin looked so hot! Completely smooth! Shiny head! I was jealous. When Dustin hopped out of the chair I hopped in and said "Freshen me up!" Dusting sat and watched and the micro stubble on my head was shaved smooth. We both left with a shiny dome. Straight home and back to bed!
A week later I was working at the barista when Sarah walked in with a baseball cap on. I had just shaved my head smooth that morning so it was shining nicely. Sarah said hello, you look so cute, I said hi and thank you and got her her drink. I went over to her table a few minutes later and made sure she was doing ok. She took her cap off. Her hair had started to grow back. She said I heard you have a bf. I blushed and said yeah I do. He is amazing and to be honest I have never been happier. We have zero drama in our lives. Just then Dustin walked in with his shiny head and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Dustin this is Sarah. She is the reason we are bald! …………. The end