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Landscaper gets more by Tony

Landscaper gets more

I was working for a large firm of landscape gardeners, enjoying the hard graft and outdoor life with the enjoyment of learning the trade. I was just twenty two and had a reasonable body, very smooth, not at all hairy with a good tan, but thick long dark blond hair about four inches past my shoulders, it wasn't intentional to grow my hair that long, but working six days a week with a seven a.m. start and finishing late, found it hard to get it cut regularly, I didn't shave that much either, maybe twice a week.
I started work on a new job at a big country house with about fifteen acres of ground, it had just been bought by a guy and he seemed to have endless money to spend on altering it. I had been working there for about three weeks and got to know the guy quite well, he was always out in the garden organizing us and giving us extra work to do, my boss was very happy with the way things were shaping up on this particular job. This particular day I was working down in one of the fields away from the house putting in some raised beds for the vegetable garden, working on my own as most of the other guys were building walls and putting in a really large pond, the owner a guy called Anthony was down here too, bringing materials down and keeping me supplied, he was in his fifties, but quite fit and was enjoying retirement, we chatted a lot while I was working, when, he asked me if I wanted some extra work on a Sunday, he said he would pay me in cash if I was interested. I jumped at the offer, I was saving for a car and it was slow progress to be honest and the extra cash would come in handy.
As we broke off for lunch, the other guys went off to town to get food, I always just brought sandwiches with me to save money, I sat by the machine garages eating when Anthony walked down, he said are you not going into town with the others? I said no, I like to save money and to be honest, I like to have a break from them. They are all a bit intense to work with, always taking the piss about my long hair , I know I could do with a haircut, but just don't seem to get the time, it doesn't really bother me having it long, if it's a problem I just tie it back, the other thing is, they found out I am gay and that is something I like to keep to myself, it's not anyone else's business but mine, Anthony listened to what I was saying and said " I agree, it's your business and why should it bother them, you just take no notice "
We carried on working that afternoon and I felt that Anthony was quite a genuine guy, money did not seem to affect the way he was with other people, he treated me as a human being and not a worker. It was Saturday afternoon and I knew the guys would be getting ready to pack up work for the day and all make their way to the pub, I never joined them as I was trying to save for my car, I would just jump on my bike and ride home instead. Anthony said to me, when you finish, just pop up to the house, I will talk to you about tomorrow, I said. Ok, see you up there in a while, I will just put all the tools away and clear up first.
As I walked up to the house, I could smell bar b que, Anthony was standing there cooking, he said, hope you feel hungry, I have put plenty of food on here, I was a bit shocked, I said I thought you just wanted to talk about tomorrow, I did not realise you were cooking for me too? He smiled and said, we have a lot to talk about. He said, while I am cooking, go into the pool house and take a shower, you look hot and sweaty, I have put towels on the side for you, then we can sit and eat. I went and showered and felt great after, I came back and sat at the table while Anthony put all the food in the middle of the table, it was great and I felt very at ease with him.
We talked a lot and had a few beers as well, I asked him if he lived here alone in such a big house, he said, yes, just me. I was very interested to know how he made his money, so as the evening went on and a few more beers inside, I asked him, he said to me, I started life after school as a barber, then I saw an opportunity to make more money, so I saved and bought another barber shop, but my idea was to start a small franchise, then it grew and no I have fifteen shops all making money for me. I was really surprised, I said jokingly, that's cool, maybe I can get you to cut my hair? Anthony said, I would like that, I have a lot of ideas for it, he then just smiled, I felt a little embarrassed, I did not expect him to say yes.
I said, what do you mean? He said, I have a few rules you would need to follow, firstly, I don't mind you having long hair, but, I don't like the centre parting you have, it would need to be changed to a side parting, secondly, I would shave your face totally, I don't like facial hair at all, not even sideburns, the lastly, when you tie your hair back, it needs to be tied up and into a man bun.
I was quite shocked really, I did not know what to say, I didn't have a problem with what he wanted to do, I was just surprised he wanted to take control as if he was in charge of me, to be honest, it felt good, was he gay too? all sorts of things crossed my mind, was that why he was being nice to me? I must admit I had always had a thing for an older guy. I said to him, ok, that's not a problem for me, he stood up and stood behind me, running his fingers through my hair, gently pulling it back as he did so, I could feel myself getting arroused as his fingers were continuing to massage my hair, he said to me, Jake, you have amazing hair and when your ready, I will cut it for you. He said to me, come with me, he started walking into the house and along a corridor, then into a room, as I followed him in I was astounded, it was done out just as a normal barber shop, he looked at me and said, are you ready or do you want to think about it some more? I wanted this to happen, I was hoping more would come of this, but to be honest, anything is better than nothing, I said, you want to do this now? Anthony said, why not, if your happy with my rules, then let's do it. I sat in his barber chair and waited for his reaction, he turned the chair to face into the room and quickly put a cape around me, he tilted the chair back and put a head rest in the back, he gently pushed me back until my neck was resting firmly on the rest, he ran his fingers through my hair pulling it all back off my face and behind my ears, then he slowly lathered up my face, this was the first time in my life I was about to have a shave from a proper barber, he put a new blade in the razor before tilting my head to one side, I felt the razor start to scrape at the top of my ear, he was shaving my sideburns completely which felt strange as I had always let them grow to the bottom of my ear as usual, he worked over my whole face the lathered up again, changing for another new blade, when he had finished, he wiped my face with a damp towel before applying moisturizer, it felt amazing, his fingers so soft and gentle as he massaged my face. Anthony put the chair back upright now and started running the comb through my long hair, as I said, it came about four or five inches past my shoulders, I really needed a good bit cut off, but I was leaving it to him to decide, I could feel he had combed it to one side, then with his scissors I could feel him cutting the length, there was hair on the cape and on the floor, but it didn't look like too much, I must admit I was a little worried about the length he was going to cut it, but I did feel comfortable with him doing it. He said to me he had finished cutting it and turned the chair to face the mirror, it looked awesome, it was still long, but with my clean shaven face and side parting, it was incredible, he removed the cape and I sat there with my long hair still just past my shoulders and looking good against my tanned body. Anthony put his hands on my shoulders and gave them a nice massage, I wanted to touch his body too, but didn't feel that I should, I thanked him for doing this and he said, it's no problem, just follow the rules, shave every day and keep the side parting unless you tie it up, the it needs to be a man bun only.
We sat outside again and he handed me another beer, I felt very at ease talking to him, but could not read the signs really about him telling me how he wanted me to look, but just agreed to do what he wanted. We chatted a lot more during the evening and he opened up a bit to me about his ex, I told him I had not really had a boyfriend before and was quite new to this way of life, he told me he liked my body and we would see how things went over the next few weeks, the one thing he did say was that his ex always shaved his pubic hair off and that he really liked that look, it got me thinking, was he asking me to shave?
I left to go home just before it got dark, I had no lights with me for my bike, I told Anthony I would be here in the morning. When I arrived home I took a better look at my haircut and my newly shaved face, it felt strange with no sideburns and also being so smooth, I had not tried that before, but as he had told me that's what he wanted, I was happy to oblige. The following morning I jumped in the shower and thought about what he said, I decided to shave myself just in case anything happened when I was there, also I shaved my face again to get it smooth, when my hair was almost dry, I combed it as he did with a side parting and left to get to his place by nine as he had suggested.
As I arrived, he was in the kitchen and I could smell bacon cooking, he called me in and stood looking at me, he said that he was pleased I had followed his instructions, he told me to sit while he finished the breakfast, he put a plate for me on the table and we sat eating breakfast. I asked what we were going to be doing today, Anthony said we were setting up the greenhouse, we walked out to the greenhouse and we started work, during the morning it was getting hot, I took my shirt off and carried on moving pots and bringing in more compost, he asked me if I was happy with my haircut, I told him it was great and I liked it, he asked if I ever thought about going shorter, I said, I had not really thought about it really, but maybe I would, he smiled and raised his eyebrows at me, he said, I am glad you shaved this morning, your face is amazing, he ran his fingers through my hair and felt my smooth face too, he said your face is lovely being so smooth, I winked and said, it's not the only part that's smooth, he looked at me and straight away knew what I meant, he stood behind me at the bench and whispered in my ear, he said softly, I like that, maybe later I will get to look, I just nodded and carried on working, it soon got to lunch time and Anthony asked if I wanted lunch, I said, I would have what he was having, so he went off and made some sandwiches, we sat outside eating them and after went back to the greenhouse, I was enjoying working with the plants a lot, I had spent four years now landscaping and had learnt a lot. About four pm, Anthony said, time to pack up, let's go and get showered and have a beer. I followed him up to the pool house and stripped off to shower, to my surprise he stripped off too and jumped in the shower too, I could see he was enjoying looking at my freshly shaved pubic hair and said, Jake, you look amazing, I said thanks, it was your idea that made me try it , I like it also. We got out the shower and dried off before sitting outside having a beer.
We chatted a lot more and I felt totally comfortable with Anthony, although not really sure what his intentions were, until he said, do you like the idea of having a short haircut Jake ? I know earlier you said you might like to try it!, I said to him, is that what you want for me? Is it your intention to cut my hair short now? Anthony said to me, I have always wanted to cut your hair short, I like young guys with short hair better than long, but I wanted to make sure it was your choice not mine. I am going to wait in my barbers room for you to decide, if you come there I will know your decision, if you go off home, then that's fine. With that, Anthony walked off to his barber room and left me sitting there, I ran my fingers through my long hair thinking to myself, do I want it short, I had never worried too much how it was cut, my Mum had always left it to me to decide, I had no Father to tell me what to do either. I wanted something more to happen with Anthony and felt if I gave in to his wishes it would probably happen, I liked being dominated and told what to do, so I stood up and walked to his barber room, just before I entered, I stripped off and walked in naked. Anthony's face was of shear delight, he said straight away, this is what I wanted all along, but did not want to push you into anything you were not happy with, he embraced me and held me in his strong arms kissing me passionately. I sat in his barber chair and said, please do what ever you want, I want you to take control of my appearance. I sat in his barber chair with his cape over me for the second time this weekend and I was rock hard just thinking about what was about to happen.

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