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"One of Those Faces" - Part 4 by myboyfriendisbald

I won’t lie, it did make me sad to shave Grant’s head pretty much bald. For one, I’d just given him a very flattering haircut less than a week prior. And for two, I was growing attached to his silken locks. Whatever wall had been keeping my feelings for him locked away had been knocked down, and now I was fully head over heels for him. I knew he’d still be hot bald, but I really wanted to tangle my fingers in his lush mane.

As the clippers peeled the last of his hair from his scalp, I gently caressed his naked head, and a shudder ran through his body.
"That is such an odd feeling," he mused, "But also weirdly arousing?"
"I can’t believe your hair used to almost touch your butt," I laugh, "It’s a shame really, I liked your last haircut."
"I did too," Grant sighed, "Never thought I would like having short hair, but it felt really good."
"Well, let’s get you fitted for a wig. If I do my job right not even Jess will realize anything ever happened here. It’ll be our secret, ok?"
Grant nodded, and I rubbed his head again, "I will say, in the meantime I will enjoy how soft your head is."
Grant snorted, "We gonna keep us a secret too?"
"Depends, are we going to admit it wasn’t a fake relationship after all?"
"I will if you will," he locked eyes with me, "I don’t want you to feel like rebound though, ok? Because you’re not. I felt a connection with you from the first day we met. I came off as an a$$, I’m sorry about that, I was just going through a lot at the time."
"It’s ok," I assured him, "I know, it was all new. I get it."
"What will we do about the press?"
"They already don’t like me for ‘stealing you’ from Clarissa, so that won’t change. I guess the only thing that will probably have to change is that I’ll have to start doing your hair at home. Well, once it grows back anyway. That way I won’t get accused of not keeping my work and personal life separate."
"Sounds fine to me," he said with a smile.

It took me about two hours to cut and style a wig to look like his ear length hairstyle. Once I was finished it was so spot on to his natural hair, that when I sent Jess a selfie of us, she was none the wiser to what lurked underneath!

About two months later Grant and I were going steady. Everyone was still in the dark about his shaved head, even though now it was sporting a good amount of blond fluff. He got home from being in the studio one night and plopped on the couch (we’d moved into his apartment together a month into dating), "So, I have exciting news."
"Do tell," I said, sitting next to him.
He was working his wig off and once it was removed I nuzzled his head with my nose.
"I got offered a role in an upcoming movie. And guess what my role would be?"
"Hmm, a fry cook?"
He rolled his eyes, "A marine."
"Oh," I smirked, "Well, I guess we’ll need to clean up your haircut then."
"I guess so," he said, kissing me tenderly.
"I’ll probably have to bald the sides," I say, then, waggling an eyebrow, "You’re gonna lose a lot of hair," I tease.
"Jess will have a cow," he laughs, "She’s gonna think you shaved off four inches, not a fourth of an inch."
"Guess the short-short hair won’t be just our secret anymore," I muse.
"Guess not," Grant sighs, "Kind of a relief, truthfully."
"Mm," I murmur, "Way less effort just not having hair, instead of having to wear a wig every day and fake it."

The next day I gave Grant a nice crisp high and tight and we sent Jess a pic with the caption "think Grant will land the role?"
Jess sent back the wide eye emoji and "you guys are psychotic" followed by "looks hot tho!"
Which, I had to agree, it did look hot!

Grant did land the role, and his fans were so into his new look, especially with his uniform on. Eventually he let his hair grow back down over his ears, but we did just find out they might be making a sequel to the movie he was in, so he might be sporting a high and tight again soon!

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