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My BF and I Part 3 by Scott the Haircut Lover

My BF and I Part 3

Damn!! How did I get so lucky. Just a few months ago I meet this disheveled guy at a party, we find that our personalities click, and we end up becoming boyfriends. On top of that we share and interest in hair! Tyler has stayed bald since the first day he got his head shaved at the barber shop. I don’t think he has gone more than two days without shaving it since that day. The semester was coming to a quick end. I have been speaking to my dad about moving off campus and we had secured a nice place for the spring semester. School was going great. My own hair was on point. I had been getting freshened up every 3-4 weeks and yes my bf was by my side every time I got it cut. Jake was cool. He we going to move in with us to help control costs at the new place in the spring, but Tyler and I would have lots of privacy in our huge master bedroom. Jake had kept his hair short since that day he came with me to the barber shop. He looked really good and was having lots of college fun.
It was Saturday morning. We were at the point where I would sleep in Tyler’s bed with him and Jake could care less. Jake was passed out, Tyler and I were cuddling and talking about the plans for the day. It was time for my last freshen up before the holidays and I wanted to get it done at the barber I had been seeing. We were studying for finals all afternoon. And of course I was going to be shaving Tyler’s head that morning so he looked nice and shiny for the day. After we showered he took his place in the chair. I applied the lather. I was really good at shaving his head now. I never missed a spot! The razor was always fresh. I always shaved it twice, with the grain and then against it. As I shaved his head today Tyler said "So there is something we need to talk about." I stopped shaving for a second and looked at him "Sure babe what is it?" He had a serious look on his face, I began shaving very slowly as he talked and I listened "So I told my parents all about us last week. Our plan to move in together and how in love we are. My dad kinda flipped out. I am thinking I don’t really want to deal with all the drama at home over the holidays so yeah I am not going back home." As I slowly shaved, listening to every word I replied "That’s simple. You’ll come home with me. My family can’t wait to meet you!" Tyler seemed very nervous about this offer. I finished up shaving his head and giving him the nice massage I always gave him when I was done. We headed off the to the barber shop for my trim.
It was crowded at the shop, while I had an appointment my barber was a bit behind. Tyler was sitting next to me in the waiting area when a guy walked in with long shaggy hair. I had my head on Tyler’s shoulder (like I usually did) and the guy glanced over at us with a shy smile. His barber was ready for him and he took a seat. Tyler whispered to me "This could be fun." We both paid attention to what was happening in that chair. While we couldn’t hear what he was telling the barber, the barber gave a quick glance to Tyler after their conversation. Sure enough the guy must have told the barber he wanted his head shaved. The clippers came to life and made quick work of his long shaggy hair. It was so hot to watch as the clippers went up the sides and back of his head leaving no more than a barely visible stubble behind. Then the best part, down the middle, over the top again and again. The guy looked extremely nervous but also seemed to be enjoying the experience. Tyler whispers to me "This is the best part coming up!" The barber wraps his head with a wet warm towel. Then removes it and spreads hot lather all over his head. I watch intently as the stubble was scraped away. Just then, my trance was broken as my barber was standing in front of me asking me if I was ready. Standing up was going to be awkward, but I managed somehow.
Tyler followed me back to my barbers station like he always did. We were actually all becoming friends at this point. My barber had stopped asking me what I wanted and always asked Tyler what haircut I was getting today. This was super exciting to me. Tyler looked at me and to be honest I got a little nervous about what he was going to say. He usually just said same as last time. He asked the barber if a "Blurry Fade" would look good on me. The barber said "Hell yeah!" His hair is really thick so it will be super cute on him. Tyler asked me if I was good with it and I nodded. I actually didn’t know what a blurry fade was. Let me tell you that this haircut took much longer than my usual cut. As I am sure all of you know it wasn’t quite as high as my typical fade and there was some length left in the back. My barber was so precise he went over the fade again and again until he got it perfect. He put the three little lines on my right temple as usual and in the back on the left side added two more small lines. The hard part stayed and was perfect as usual. The top was cut into a bit more of a spiked style which was new for me. Tyler couldn’t take his eyes off me as the cut took shape. He kept commenting on how perfect it looked! The cut took almost and hour and I enjoyed every second of it. When I was released from the chair I gave my barber a hug and thanked him. We headed to the lobby to pay and the receptionist said "Oh that is the best one yet!" I smiled and we headed over to our favorite coffee shop.
Tyler said "Hey there is the guy that got shaved!" The guys head was super shiny and he looked really good with his new smooth head. Tyler was much more bold that I was and walked over to the guy. Tyler introduced himself and found out his name was Kyle. Kyle admitted he had seen Tyler on campus several times and just had to try the shaved look. We sat with Kyle for a while and just talked about hair it was so much fun. There I was with my trendy blurry faded blonde hair and two really handsome bald guys. I only loved one of them though. My boyfriend was so perfect. I was texting with my Mom asking if Tyler coming home with me for the holidays was ok while they talked. Tyler was explaining how easy it was to keep it shaved daily. My Mom was all for Tyler coming home with me. After about an hour we got up to head to the library to study for finals. I grabbed Tyler’s hand and we started out walk back to campus.
"Babe my mom is super excited for you to spend the holidays with us." He smiled "Thanks you so much! I am looking forward to meeting all of them." I kissed his cheek and we got to work on our studies. The holidays were going to be amazing! ………. To be continued

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