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The Resort - Going Home by Scott the Haircut Lover

The Resort â€" Going Home

The night was just as amazing as you would figure it was. There were a lot of firsts. Wyatt and I explored things with each other that up until now we had only heard about or seen online. One thing became abundantly clear to me though. I was definitely gay. I had never felt such emotional and physical pleasure with a person before. When we woke up the next morning we were face to face on my bed smiling at each other. I reached out running my fingers through his short hair. "This looks so good on you!" Wyatt smiled running his fingers through mine "Yours does too! And I love the color!" I looked at the clock. "You have your interview in 2 hours. Would you like some breakfast?" He said "That would be amazing." I messaged Jaydon and we had a beautiful breakfast on the deck over the water.
I looked at Wyatt as we ate very nervous to ask my next question but what the heck "Do you want to just have your stuff moved over here for the remainder of the stay?" He looked nervous "Wow that is kind of fast isn’t it? I mean my room is crap compared to yours, but I don’t want to take advantage of you." I blushed "I want you to take advantage of me." We both giggled and agreed that he would move in for the remainder of our time at the resort. I arranged it with Jaydon and as soon as his clothes got there he showered and got ready for his interview. I gave him a good luck kiss and off he went.
Why was I nervous about his interview? He was so perfect! Athletic and beautiful and we had a lot in common actually. I walked the beach with no shirt soaking in the sun and enjoying the perfect day. I got a text from Wyatt saying he was back. I told him where I was on the beach and he agreed to meet me. I ordered a couple of cocktails and waited for him. I watched out and finally saw him strutting down the beach. His sexy chiseled body, perfect short hair, and smiling ear to ear. I was surprised that he hugged me to tightly when he found me. It was my first public display of affection with another guy. I quickly realized that I didn’t mind it at all. We found a couple of chairs on the sand and sat and talked about his interview. He said the money sucked, the benefits were just ok, but that he would get to live here! I smiled and said that is definitely the best perk! And you will have Pierre to keep your hair looking sexy, we both giggled. "When do you have to let them know?" He said "They told me I needed to reply in a couple of days but I was the perfect fit for the position."
We decided not to talk about it for the rest of the day and just enjoy the resort. We spent a lot of time on the beach, in the water and hiking on some of the near by rocks. It was another perfect day in paradise.
I few days later Wyatt and I were growing stronger and stronger together. There was no doubt this was more that just a vacation fling. The time was approaching quickly where he needed to give them an answer and I needed to get back home. Our time together was magical. We took advantage of the spa a couple of more times and even had Pierre tighten up our hair once. It was fun doing it together. Wyatt asked if he should color his but Pierre said he had the perfect blonde hair and to just leave it as it was. Wyatt and I had Jaydon over one evening and talked to him about working there. He said it was the best job he has ever had. Jaydon was a super cool guy! Not only professional but so caring and sincere. I knew if Wyatt stayed they would become great friends.
My last night there we went to the club. I had mixed feelings about the night. My dream vacation was about to come to an end and I was going to have to return to my crappy one bedroom apartment back home. Wyatt had decided to take the job and I was truly happy for him. He asked me to stay! I would have for sure, but what would I do? My degree didn’t have anything to do with hospitality. About 2am we headed out of the club and ended up looking at the full moon on the beach. We held each other and started talking a bout the future. I love rubbing up the back of his short hair. He seemed to love it too as his head would always push back into my fingers. We decided that we were going to try to make a long distance relationship work for a while and go from there. It was a bitter sweet moment!
It had been a year since Wyatt and I had seen each other in person. Pierre had kept his hair looking perfect! Mine was kind of back to my normal boring place. The color was gone and it was pretty much just a medium length cut. Wyatt was excelling at the resort and had gotten 2 promotions and was not in charge of the Staff that over saw the bungalow’s that I stayed in. Obviously this was a very important job. Jaydon had moved on and was no longer at the resort. I had a crappy job! I picked up bartending to make some extra money and I really missed holding Wyatt! Again, I was good with my money and decided it was time to go see him again. I told him that I was coming out and he seemed so excited. Wyatt arranged for me to just stay with him. This would make the trip very affordable.
He met me at the airport. Our embrace was so intense! I loved him holding me. I was shocked at how much he had been working out. His body was bigger and sexier than when I last saw him in person. We got in his car and were off to the resort. He told me he had an appointment for me with Pierre this afternoon. I laughed, "What you don’t like my boring hair?" He smiled and said "You keep telling me you cant find a "Pierre" back home and I know you loved how it looked when you were here." Pierre smiled and hugged me when we arrived at the spa. He shook his head saying "who did this to you!" I laughed and said "Just the local place back home." He quickly caped me up. Wyatt had a meeting and had to go but we agreed to meet up for dinner.
I asked Pierre about Jaydon as he combed out my hair. I loved how it felt when he ran his comb through my hair. He said "Jaydon is a free spirit. We had our fun, and don’t talk anymore but I am sure he is fine." I said "I am sorry I know you two were really close. Pierre started surveying my hair again, he took the clippers and slid them up the side of my head. I returned to the bliss I had felt last year when he took control. He was fading it in, we were having great conversation, and he said "Wyatt really loves you. Do you know that?" I blushed "I hoped so. I am thinking about coming out here and just bartending I need to be with him." Pierre smiled "That would make him very happy!" Pierre didn’t go for the all over color this year. He put in some very sexy blonde highlights. He shaved in a hard part (a first for me) and styled my hair up perfectly. I went back to my room, put on one of the outfits I had last year (still new as I hadn’t worn them since) and met Wyatt for dinner.
Wyatt smiled when he saw me! "Babe you look amazing!" We kissed and sat for a great meal. I told Wyatt about my plan to come there and be a bartender. He looked thrilled! I had nothing back home. Wyatt was my life! There was nothing I wanted more than to be with him. He took the rest of the week off. We made all of the arrangements and had a great time enjoying the island. Three weeks later I was behind the bar! We ended up working at the resort for years. Pierre kept our hair looking perfect! I truly lived in paradise!!!

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