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Graduated 2 by Scott the Haircut Lover

We Graduated â€" 2

Soon after our haircuts and our night together Jacob asked me to be his boyfriend. I gladly said yes. Jacob was so much fun! Our friends were really happy for us. Some joked "what took so long". My mom was happy for me, my dad was struggling with the idea of having a gay son. We got two trims during the summer and kept the same style. It was the week before we were headed off to college. I couldn’t believe how fast time was flying by. Jacob and I were going shopping for stuff for out dorm room. He picked me up. After a long hello kiss we were on our way.

We were buying clothes, Knick knacks, and what not. Jacob and I always held hands when we were out shopping. Cuddled a lot. I love stroking the back of his neck and up into his hair. We got some lunch and talked about how epic our dorm room was going to be. Jacob said "Your hair looks really nice today." I blushed "yours always looks so good babe." Jacob said "I am thinking about doing something different before we head off to school. You ok with that?" Flattered he was asking me "sounds fun. What did you have in mind?" He showed me a picture of his idea. I looked at him, then back at the picture, then back at him. "Babe you would look so hot with that color." It was a shorter cut. Skin faded up the sides and cropped on top with blunt straight across bangs. The guys hair in the picture was colored white! He told me he saw it online and thought it was cool and was asking me if he could pull it off. "Babe, first off you can pull anything off! Second, I love the adventure of trying new things with our hair. Third, I have and idea…. You pick what you’d like to see on me, tell the barber, and I will be surprised." He hugged me and said "I like that idea."

Two days later Jacob picked me up at 10am. We were off for our "off to college haircuts". He looked nervous. "Ive never colored my hair before this is going to be weird." I looked and him, squeezed his hand "You will look amazing babe and I can’t wait to see what you picked out for me. Can I get a hint at least?" He smiled and shook his head "Nope!" I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I am super excited babe this is going to be fun!" We arrived at the salon. This was a trendy place. Our stylists were both male, in their 20’s. They were definitely gay as well. The both took really good care of themselves and of course they both had very sexy haircuts. Taylor would be my stylist and Chris was going to be taking care of Jacob. I was lead back to Taylor’s station and then Taylor went over and I could see the three of them talking and looking at Jacob’s phone. As Taylor came back to where I was sitting I could see Chris combing out Jacob’s hair and getting him ready for his new look. Taylor put a cape around me and said "Are you ready for this? Your boyfriend picked out something very exciting for you!" My hair was already pretty short, but it was at a point where it needed to be cut. I had a feeling that there was going to be a lot coming off.

Taylor said "I have to ask, you are Ok with this right? You want me to do the cut that Jacob picked out for you." I smiled "Thank you for asking Taylor, and yes I trust his taste very much! I am excited to see what he has in store for me." Taylor spun the chair so that I could not see myself in any mirror, but this time I had a full view of Jacob. Chris was already shaving away the sides. I could see bare skin more than half way up Jacob’s head. Taylor started to comb out my hair. His touch was incredible. He began with clippers on my right side burn. I could feel the cold steel on my skin and knew this was going to be a drastic change for me. Even when I used to give myself buzzcuts I never went below a #2. Taylor was methodical in his strokes with the clippers. I felt him shaving me down to the skin on both sides of my head. I looked over and saw that Jacob’s hair had been cut just the way he showed me in the picture two days before. I could see Chris mixing the bleach and soon my sexy boy friend was not going to be a brunette any longer. Taylor had moved to the top of my head. At one point I thought he was going to just buzz down the top, but he stopped after buzzing off the right side of my bangs. It felt weird and I was unsure of what he was doing. He kept working as I sat in the chair with a raging hard on from all of the excitement and attention I was getting. I looked over and Chris was applying the bleach to Jacob’s hair. I could only imagine what was going on under his cape but I knew that we would explore that when we got home.

Jacob was out of site as Chris had taken him back to the washing station. Taylor was putting the finishing touches on the top of my head. He mixed up some color and started to take strands of my hair and paint the mixture into my head strand by strand. I couldn’t believe what a perfectionist he was. My hair was already sandy blonde but I felt like it was going to be much lighter when Taylor finished the job. After a bit he let it set and when it was ready he took me back for a wash and condition. His hands were magical as he washed my hair. He put a towel over it, and took me back to his chair. I had know idea what I looked like at this point. When I sat down I saw my boyfriend for the first time with his new color. His dark brown hair was now white! He looked so hot I could not believe my eyes. Taylor took his edging clippers and started outlining his work and finishing it off. He took some product and shaped my hair exactly how he wanted it. I was nervously excited! The time had come for me to see my new look!

Taylor slowly spun the chair to the mirror. I was shocked! The cut was so perfect. Its so hard to describe but ill do my best. The sides were bald with a perfect fade. The fade on the right side when into a buzzed top, but not all of the top was buzzed. He had buzzed about two inches on the right side and then shaved in a part and comes the hair over from there. The left side hung over the faded shaved sides about and inch or so. He had put very light blonde highlights through the top of my head which really stood out. All I can say is that it was totally different. It was perfect and I loved how it looked. Jacob walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him in the mirror with a huge smile. "We look so hot babe!" He smiled "you look hot!" He leaned down and kissed my cheek. I was in heaven.

We left the shop and went straight to his house. The whole drive there I was rubbing his shaved neck. The feeling was so amazing. He reached over and rubbed mine as well and we just smiled on the ride to his house. No one was home. We went straight up to his room. I stared at his white hair. He looked so different but so beautiful. He said "Shawn this is so amazing. You look so hot. I love that we are so confident in who we are now that we can do these types of things. I love that you let me pick your cut and it came out even better than I imagined." We started making out and exploring each others bodies. Slowly our clothes came off and the love we made was so passionate that I wished it never ended. In a few days we would be on our own and living in a dorm together. These types of night would happen anytime we wanted them to. When Jacob finished in me we kissed for what seemed like hours. I couldn’t wait to get to our new home on campus…… to be continued

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