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Heat of the Moment: Part 2 by The Baldest of Them All

Author’s Note: Due to a bit of demand and what we’ll call "personal interest," I’ve decided to continue Clayton’s story. If you haven’t already, please read the original "Heat of the Moment" first. That story says Part 1 and Part 2, but please regard it as one whole Part 1. This story is the real Part 2.

This part still reads a bit like cheap and somewhat experimental homoerotica, but I’ve added some dialogue this time around, though with the same sort of plot as something you’d find on the Hub. I got a little too into it, so I hope you don’t mind all the detail and the plentiful "f***s" thrown around. It’s *much* longer than the previous part. Again, it’s also somewhat experimental in that I tried to push the hotness of it to its very limits. Nothing excessive, but it's not like any story I've seen on this site. Some of you might find it hot, some might find it a bit… weird, but some of you might find that weirdness hot. I do hope you enjoy my debauchery!

i passed out like 40 times but ur story is done :3

Part 2.1 — A Red-Hot New Flame

It had been about a year since that hot night—the last night Clayton would ever have a hair on his handsome head.

After a long day of work, Clayton took off his hard hat. His tanned shaved head was glistening with sweat. He ran his calloused fingers against his perfectly round dome, still half-expecting to run them through thick, sweat-dampened waves, only to be met with a baldness that was slick, yet sticky to the touch. Of course, it didn’t look like it anymore, but Clayton had had hair for thirty-odd years of his life. He’d only been bald for one. This was all muscle memory with a big emphasis on muscle. A summer breeze blew through the town, giving his head the relief it needed. Even a year later, his head was still as sensitive as it had been the first time he shaved it. If it wasn’t for the man who stood at only an arm’s length away from him, the hairless hunk would’ve been inclined to pull his half-hard cock out right then and there.

"Hey bud." Clayton wiped the bald head sweat from his burly right hand on his jeans before extending it to the man. "I don’t think I’ve had a chance to properly introduce myself yet. I’m Clayton," he smiled, "You’re one of the new guys, right?" The two men shook hands firmly.

"Yep. I’m Blaze," the man nodded. "I’ve seen you around, but I’m glad we could have a proper introduction. Pleased to meet you Clayton."

"Blaze, huh? That because of the hair?" Clayton asked with a hearty chuckle.

"You do realize you’re not the first one to try that one with me, right?" Blaze grinned, running his hands through the magnificent auburn mane that reached his shoulders before tying it back into the manbun it had been in before. It was remarkable red hair for a manly man of his caliber, but a shame how much it distracted from such a handsome face. The strong jaw and chin adorned with a well-groomed red beard, the chiseled cheekbones, and the hazel-green eyes that had a sort of untameable wildness to them deserved to be shown off without distraction. Especially with his well-muscled physique that made itself known through a tight white t-shirt, he looked like some sort of god. He was one of the hottest men Clayton had ever laid his blue eyes on. He was the embodiment of fire itself. The things he’d do if he had his way with him…

"Hey, you’ve got a great head of hair. Can’t say the same for myself." Clayton chuckled and pulled a handkerchief from his left back pocket, wiping his head dry. The bald beefcake unbuttoned his navy-blue work shirt that struggled to contain his muscles halfway down, revealing massive pecs that, in deliberate contrast to his smooth, shaven head, were covered in a pelt of dark, manly fur. He couldn’t help but notice the redheaded man’s intent gaze fixated on his by-choice baldness, the piercing green eyes that wanted to undress him further. Rubbing his dome, the smooth-headed stud was putting on quite a show for Blaze. Clayton could tell he was thirsty for more, eyeing the bulge in his jeans that throbbed larger and larger.

‘He *really* seems to like what he sees. Let’s make this a bit more interesting,’ Clayton thought. He smiled slyly. They’d only just met, but damn. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say Blaze had a thing for bald men. A man after his own heart. Maybe he could have his way with him after all.

"Well, I’m ready to get out of here," Clayton started. "Figured I’d head home. Gonna be a bit lonely though." He paused, gauging his coworker’s response. "Got any plans tonight?" The fiery redheaded man’s eyes were set ablaze.

"I was thinking of going home and calling it a day too, but I don’t know…" Blaze restrained himself as to not come off so manwhoreishly, but his excitement was hard to hide.

"If you’re up for it, why don’t you come on over to my place? You look like someone who could use a bit of R and R tonight. I think I have something for that. Something for the two of us." Clayton rubbed Blaze’s big bicep, following its bulging vein. The man was tense. It had been a hot week of hard, body-breaking work after all. Clayton knew exactly what the man needed. The redhead’s breaths faltered at Clayton’s touch. "I’d love to get to know you better." He worked his way down Blaze’s forearm which was covered in hair as red as the hair on his head and penetrated him with steely-blue eyes. Blaze was so f***ing hard. "What do you say?"

"How could I say no? You *really* make me want to come, Clayton," Blaze responded a little too excitedly, regretting his Freudian choice of words. "Come over, I mean." He reeked of desperation. There was a tenseness that hung heavily in the air before the corners of Clayton’s fine lips formed a smile.

"I’d thought as much," Clayton grinned. "See you in a bit." He gave his number to Blaze and plugged his address into the map app on his phone.

‘Either he’s just *really* friendly, or he’s definitely into me.’ Blaze’s thoughts raced with excitement as he walked to his car. In all his thirty-something years, he’d spent a good part of that thirsting for bald men. He wasn’t sure when his fixation started, or even why for that matter, but all he knew is whenever he was in the presence of hot, shaven-headed men, he’d get a raging hard-on that could only be relieved by jacking himself off the first chance he got.

He could hardly believe that at that moment, the man of his every desire was right there, beckoning him to come and spend the evening with him. Clayton was the personification of perfection, blue-eyed with a chiseled jaw and cheekbones for days, that cleft chin of his, and a physique that even a Greek god could envy. To top it all off, the man was completely bald by choice. His head was tanned, a sign that he’d been bald for a while, and yet there was a dense, dark shadow of the hair that had been there before. No matter how many times a dark-haired man took a razor to his head, the shadow was something he just couldn’t ever get rid of. The brand of baldness was the difference between a man who shaved his head because he had to out of obligation, and a man who shaved his head because he wanted to out of choice. The fact that Clayton was a man of the latter who deliberately made the choice to shave his head and keep it that way absolutely set Blaze off.

The prospect of having a chance to be with this shaven-headed hunk that night was something he just couldn’t resist. Who knew what the evening had for the two of them? Little did he know, Clayton was determined to get the red-haired Samson as bald as he’d been by the end of this evening. Blaze was the one playing with fire now.

Part 2.2 — It’s Getting Hot in Here (Take Off All Your Clothes)

Blaze pulled up into the alleyway and spotted Clayton’s pickup parked outside a small and weathered, but well-maintained house, the garage door fully open. Blaze parked his car next to Clayton’s and shut off the engine before stepping out, met by the heat of the afternoon sun.

"Hey bud, good to see you," Clayton greeted, emerging from the garage. He pulled Blaze in for a sort of bearish half-hug. "I’m glad you could make it."

"Yeah, of course man. Thanks for having me over." Blaze returned the hug which came unexpectedly, feeling Clayton’s muscular body pressed against his own. Clayton put an assertive hand on his shoulder and eagerly led him back to the garage. It was as hot inside as it was outside.

"I’m just gonna go grab some stuff for us. Be back in a sec. Make yourself at home." He rubbed Blaze’s shoulder and breezed past him, disappearing into the house. Blaze took a seat on the old black leather couch, eyes scanning the garage. In front of him was a TV stand and to his left was a bench with a barbell that must have been at least 300 pounds of pure steel racked overhead. Lining the walls were racks of dumbbells and an Everlast bag in the corner.

‘Well damn, I’d better not piss him off,’ Blaze thought to himself, chuckling. The man was an absolute beast. Looked the part, definitely played the part too. To his right was a stainless steel wash basin. On its own, it was hardly anything of interest, but it was what was on top of the basin that fascinated the looker’s eye—a Mach 3 razor, a can of Gillette shaving cream with a bit of cream dripping down the side, a hand mirror, and a towel that hung off the edge of the basin.

The redhead’s imagination ran wildly with vivid thoughts of the bald man shaving his head even balder, probably right after an intense workout. How good each stroke of the razor must feel for him—how hard he has to get shaving his head. F***. With that, sweat dripping down his forehead, he did some stroking of his own, playing with his cock. The things he’d do for the chance to watch Clayton shave…

Never having shaved his head himself, Blaze could only imagine what it would be like to go completely bald one day and the sorts of sensations that go with it. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to—he so badly wanted to, but whenever he had the clippers to his forehead, he just couldn’t bring himself to destroy the beautiful red hair he’d spent so long growing out. It was something he never acted on and something he never shared with anyone in his life. His long, red-haired prison was his very antithesis.

His fantasy ended when he heard the muscleman’s heavy footsteps approaching. He struggled to get his erection back in his jeans. Clayton emerged through the doorframe with a nondescript black case in hand, the redhead’s eyes fixated on the thing. He set the case down onto the metal barstool next to the basin.

"Hope you didn’t have too much fun while I was gone," Clayton winked. "By the way, I just got home myself and haven’t had a chance to change yet. Been dying to. You don’t mind if I do it here in front of you, do you?" It was a rhetorical question, clearly, with his hands already getting to work on the buttons of his shirt.

As Clayton undressed, Blaze couldn’t help but play with himself through his jeans as the handsome, bald-headed beefcake stripped out of his workwear right in front of him. Clayton unbuttoned his tight navy-blue work shirt and peeled it off, bulging pecs and six-pack abs finally able to breathe. Since shaving his head, the stud had bulked up considerably, now 30 pounds of uncompromised muscle heavier. He’d already been quite big before, but at 250 pounds and with a shaved head, the massive 6’1" man treaded a dangerous boundary between being a hot hunk and a hulking, muscular meathead. It was a boundary Clayton liked to play with, seeing how far he could push himself before he’d go over the edge.

As Clayton undid his work boots, the offensively manly scent of the man who’d been on his feet all day hung in the air around them. Blaze was intoxicated by his scent. He watched with a raging hard-on as the bald man massaged his big feet through his black crew socks before peeling them off.

Clayton started to undo his bootcut jeans, struggling to get them off of his big ass and muscular legs. Now having conquered his jeans, the black millimeters-thick fabric of his briefs was the only thing keeping his manhood restrained—not that it did it very well though. His heavy cock and balls looked like they’d bust out at any moment.

"I think it’s a little too hot to have *anything* on. It’d probably be best for you to do the same, don’t you think?" He winked. "And I wasn’t asking."

They’d only just met. To be this brazen, the balls on this man were massive, literally and figuratively. Blaze liked his forwardness though. The man knew what he wanted.

The redhead eagerly complied.

At about 30 pounds of muscle leaner, the redheaded hunk wasn’t as hulkish as the meathead, but his own physique was still a sight to see nevertheless. The broad-shouldered man slipped off his white t-shirt, revealing his own set of muscles that rippled with every movement. The redhead was jacked to hell. As with his forearms, the rest of his body was well-endowed with a burly reddish coat of fur that rivaled Clayton’s own—and even Clayton couldn’t help but look impressed.

The two musclemen sat side by side on the couch now, shirtless.

Part 2.3 — A Heated Exchange

Clad in nothing but their underwear, it was undeniable that there was as much tension in the air between the two men as there was heat emanating from their bodies. Rather than the elephant, it was the two big musclebears in the room. There was absolutely nothing *just* friendly about this. They’d done surprisingly well at restraining themselves from straight-up f***ing thus far, but damn was this unsustainable. The two men were so close that they could feel one another’s heat and catch a whiff of the salty air that surrounded them. Blaze’s excitement was very obvious through his boxer briefs, and the bald beefcake next to him also made little effort to hide his raging hard-on. Underwear was the only thing keeping the stallions bridled up. There was little in the way of boundaries now. That all went away the moment they stripped to their underwear.

"So tell me Blaze, what’s a man like you doing with all that hair?" Clayton asked too forwardly.

"What?" The question caught the redhead off guard. He knew the man was forward, but he hadn’t expected *that*. He f***ing knew. Of course he knew. It takes one to know one.

"For a man with all that hair, you seem a little too interested in a man like me… I’ve seen you looking."

"I… well…" Blaze stammered. ‘No boundaries,’ he reminded himself. He took a deep breath. "Well honestly, I don’t know. I’ve been so into bald men my entire life. I don’t know when it started or why, but whenever I’m around them, I just get so hard and so…"

"Horny? Like you have to jack off?" Clayton finished the thought perfectly. "I’m the same way. What do you think I do whenever I shave my head?" That was it. These two men were made for one another.

"F*** man, that’s so hot." Blaze was rubbing his cock through his boxer briefs now. The thought of the bald beefcake jacking himself off shaving his head got the redhead off so hard. "Tell me, how long have you been shaving your head?" Blaze asked out of genuine curiosity, but also out of sensual intrigue. He’d never had the chance to talk about headshaving with anyone in his life, so finally being able to—especially with a man who actually did it himself out of choice—had him turned way the f*** on as adrenaline pumped throughout his body. He could tell that even just talking about shaving had Clayton turned on too.

"It’s only been about a year, but it feels like I’ve been doing this my whole life."

"So you’ve been keeping it like this for a whole year?"

"Yup, everyday. I’ve gotta shave two, even three times a day if I wanna keep my head smooth, though. My hair grows like a damn weed. No man in my family’s ever gone bald if you can believe that. Pretty sure I’m the first one, even if it is by choice," Clayton chuckled, rubbing his head. He’d shaved his head earlier in the day on his break with a foil shaver and even earlier in the morning with a razor before he’d left for work. A barely-there, but dense microstubble now covered the once-smooth surface. To the naked eye, the stubble was practically imperceptible. Yet to the touch, it was all the difference between perfect smoothness and rugged sandpaper. After keeping himself completely bald for about a year, Clayton hated having hair now and even this stubble irritated him to no end.

His commitment to baldness edged on obsession.

"So now I’m curious, what did your hair look like before you shaved your head?" Blaze asked. Clayton pulled up a shirtless photo of himself on his phone from a little over a year ago on a fishing trip, before he’d gone totally bald, when he still had wavy dark-brown hair that nearly reached the top of his collar. Being bald for a whole year, he’d almost forgotten what he’d looked like with hair. How he ever tolerated it with its unbelievable thickness for over 30 years of his life, he’d never know. "Damn, it takes some massive balls to go from having all that hair to being as bald as you are," the redhead stated, rubbing his own massive set of balls that were desperate for relief. "Why did you shave it all off to begin with?"

"It was hot as hell last year. You remember. Being as hairy as I am, I bet you can imagine how that all went down," Clayton chuckled. "I needed relief from the heat. It was just me, my clippers, and a razor and, well, before I knew it, my hair was on the floor and I was totally bald." He smiled, rubbing his head. "Once I went bald, I knew that was it. I could never go back to having hair. You could say I’m a committed man now. I love being bald. I love how it looks, how it feels… *especially* how it feels." The shaven-headed hunk started to play with himself. "I’m a *very* easy man to please these days."

"How easy to please?" Blaze looked at the bald man suggestively.

"Come here… let me show you." He approached the stainless steel wash basin, beckoning Blaze. Eagerly, the redhead followed the bald muscleman to the basin.

Clayton took the can of shaving cream and started to lather his head, revealing his hairy pits. His scalp was now completely covered in white.

"See, the thing about shaving your head is that it doesn’t really matter if it’s your first time doing it or your thousandth time. I still get as hard as I did the first night I did it." He took the first stroke of the razor with the grain, working from the top of his crown down to where the strong V of his hairline used to be. Without hesitation, Clayton pulled his briefs off, all 12 inches of his erect cock no longer straining against the confinement.

The very act of shaving was a deeply intimate ritual for Clayton as his clothes and what little of his hair all came off. The bald man was at his most vulnerable in moments like these, and yet, he gave the red-haired man the privilege of witnessing it all. He’d only just met him hours ago, but somehow, the trust ran deeply between the two men. They were free to be who they truly were around one another. Briefless now too, Blaze started to jack off as the hunk, completely in the nude with massive muscles rippling with every movement, shaved his head.

"F***…" Clayton exhaled with hot and heavy breaths. One hand expertly stroked the razor against his head while the other stroked his cock. "My head is *really* sensitive…" Indeed, Blaze watched on with a sensual fascination as the man’s cock throbbed more violently with each stroke of the razor, dripping with precum. The expression etched onto his handsome face was one of straight-up arousal. Drops of sweat dripped from his head, to his forehead, down to his furrowed brow. As the bald muscleman scraped, more and more of his dome was revealed until finally, he’d cleaned it of all the shaving cream.

Clayton covered his scalp in white again and took the razor to it a second time, this time starting from the V up to his crown. Despite his own inexperience, Blaze knew from the hundreds of headshaving videos he’d watched that an against-the-grain shave would leave the man perfectly smooth. The redhead was more turned on than he’d ever been in his whole life as the muscleman guided the razor over the terrain with long, assertive strokes. Stroke after stroke, Clayton looked closer and closer to cumming. Scowling and drenched in sweat, the bald muscleman was fighting his own sex demons. It took every bit of restraint in his body to not cum right then and there. He couldn’t. Not yet. Finally, he washed his head in the basin and toweled it off, putting the towel around his neck.

"How does it feel? To be as bald as you are?" the redhead asked. He gazed intently at the perfectly shaven head which glistened under the harsh fluorescent lighting.

"Why don’t you feel it for yourself?" Clayton bent his head down. "Go on, give it a rub." The bald muscleman shivered at the firm caress of the rugged, red-haired man’s calloused fingers against his dome.

"Mmm… f***."

Blaze could hardly keep his hands off the smooth surface, the skin that felt hot and so slick, but sticky to the touch. He rubbed his hand against the perfectly round dome, admiring the smoothness of the man’s meticulous razorwork, and ran an exploratory finger along the memento of his hairline. The two men could do this for hours.

For years, Blaze fantasized about finding a man who was into headshaving as much as he was, and after years of repression and settling for men with hair, he’d practically dismissed his escapade as straight-up unattainable. And yet, here he was now, giving the very man of his fantasies the rubdown of his life. This beautiful, bald-by-choice, blue-collar beefcake who was so into being bald that he’d keep it shaved for the rest of his life. He was more than he could ask for. More than he could handle.

"You like how that feels?"

"God yes." Blaze shifted his attention from Clayton’s dome and with a hand firmly on his stubbly, square jaw, tilted the bald man’s head up. He pressed his lips against Clayton’s and the shaven-headed hunk reciprocated. As they made out, Blaze ran his hand down the bald man’s crown, to his occipital area, to the nape of his neck, and back up.

"So then tell me again, what’s a man like you doing with all that hair?" Clayton asked, pulling away and gazing at him with intense, steely-blue eyes.

"I… I don’t know. All my life, I’ve always wanted to be bald, but I don’t know if I’ve ever had it in me to actually go through with it. But now…" Blaze looked like a deer in headlights as the muscular bald man stood behind him and undid his manbun. The bigger man’s erect cock rubbed against the redhead’s ass as he embraced him with his well-muscled arms.

"You *really* want it, don’t you?" Clayton suggested alluringly into his ear. He ran his fingers through the man’s auburn mane and massaged his scalp through the thickness of hair.

"I always have, but… f***, Clayton. It’s different with you. You make me want to do all the things I’ve been too afraid to do before."

"If I really make you feel that way, then I wanna try something." Clayton opened the case which sat on the metal barstool. Inside the case were black, cordless Oster Classic 76 clippers. Monstrous-looking things, the clippers had a set of vicious, metallic teeth that, from what Blaze had seen from some of the headshaving videos he’d jacked off to, could leave even the hairiest of men practically bald. Not even a millimeter of stubble. Clayton took them out of the case, brandishing them. He turned them on, an aggressive hum reverberating through the room, before turning them back off and putting them back into the case. Blaze shivered out of both fear and arousal as he anticipated the sort of damage the clipper-armed man could do to his hair at this very moment. Years and years of growth, obliterated in mere milliseconds.

"If you don’t wanna go through with this, I can respect that. It’s your hair. I’m not gonna force you to do something you don’t wanna do. It wouldn’t be right." The bald man pressed his nose against the redhead’s scalp tenderly, getting a whiff of his manly scent and whatever was left of the tea tree oil he’d put into his hair this morning. "Hair or no hair, I like you, Blaze. You’re one of the hottest men I’ve ever met and I really would like to get to know you better." He left a path of sloppy kisses from the man’s scalp all the way down to his bare shoulders, caressing his beard. "I’ll give you time to think about it. But before I do," he said, getting down to his knees at the redheaded Samson’s bare feet, "I have a feeling this’ll help you come to a decision. I’m *very* convincing."

"F***!" the red-haired man howled at the unexpected new sensation of Clayton’s bald head rubbing against his cock and balls, running up and down the vascular ten-inch manhood. In all of Blaze’s fantasies involving bald men, even the most depraved ones, a hot, shaven-headed hunk pleasuring him with his smooth dome somehow wasn’t something he’d ever even considered. Now, the man of his every desire was giving him the best head of his life. Literally.

"It feels good between the thighs too, doesn’t it?" Clayton looked up devilishly, the redhead’s uncut cock in his hand. "I’ll please you like no man’s ever pleased you before."

"Oh… fff***… Clayton…" Blaze’s hips thrusted as Clayton brought his attention back to his throbbing cock, jacking the man off before rubbing his dome against the enraged head of his manhood. With all the viscous precum that dripped onto Clayton’s bald head, there was no denying that Blaze got off hard to the unusual, but hot sensation. Clayton had to be careful too, or else be’d be the one cumming with how sensitive his head was. The bald man reached up toward the redhead’s well-muscled torso, running his hands through the pelt of reddish, manly fur as the heavy balls rested on top of his crown. A calloused hand of the redhead’s gripped the back of his head, caressing his occipital area before forcefully beckoning him to go even deeper. As he rubbed his dome against the redhead’s taint, a familiar hum filled the room. For a moment, the hum became more intense as if in a struggle. He felt something silkily fall onto the back of his head. The bald pleasurer looked up.

"Blaze…" Even the bald man was stunned by the redhead’s impulsivity.

The redhead stood still, buzzing clippers in hand. His clammy hands shook uncontrollably as the adrenaline pumped throughout his body, his heart raging and his breaths uneven. The newly buzzed center of his scalp was glistening with sweat underneath the auburn microstubble. He brought his free hand up to his desecrated head, caressing the rugged red sandpaper. Turned on by the new sensation, precum dripped from his cock to the hair at his bare feet.

All his life, Blaze could only fantasize of how it would be to be bald. How it would feel to be liberated from the prison that was his red hair. Now, that fantasy of his wasn’t a fantasy anymore. Within moments, it was going to become his new reality. He ran his hand through the remnants of his red tresses. From that moment on, Blaze knew that his days of hair were over. There was no going back now.

"I… I want this, Clayton. No, I *need* this." He paused. "I need you."

"You just couldn’t resist, could you? I told you, I’m a *very* convincing man," Clayton said, smiling as he wrapped his arms around Blaze in an embrace and rubbed the Samson’s shorn area. The redhead hadn’t even been shaved smooth bald yet and already, he found himself sensitive to his manly touch. Clayton was right.

"I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I’ve wanted you. I want to be with you. I want to be *like* you." Blaze gazed longingly into Clayton’s intensely blue eyes with his own hazel-green eyes. There was a hunger to them. That same untameable wildness. "Tonight, do whatever you want to me to give me that. I’m all yours."

"You’re so f***ing hot, you know that?" Clayton asked, pressing his fine lips against Blaze’s as the two musclemen made out passionately. "I think I love you." The bald man was taken aback by the four-letter word that slipped out of his own mouth. Lust, definitely. But love? To say he loved a man he’d only just met hours ago felt crazy, like it could only end badly for the both of them. But he really did love him, and the more he thought about it, the less crazy the idea felt to him. He couldn’t imagine a life without him now.

"I think I love you too," Blaze reciprocated as he pulled away gently. His heart fluttered at the bald man’s proclamation. At his own proclamation. And it all felt so, so right. "Now shut the f*** up and shave me."

Part 2.4 — Bald and Bearded for His Pleasure

The bald beefcake grabbed the soon-to-be-ex-redhead by the shoulders and assertively sat him down onto the barstool, his big muscular ass slamming against the metal forcefully. Clayton stood behind the massacred-haired man and massaged his broad shoulders. Blaze seemed a bit tense, not out of hesitance, but rather, out of everything that lead to this very moment. This was something he’d wanted his entire life. As he sat there now, the hardest he’d ever been—to where it hurt—and about to be shaved by the hot bald muscleman straight out of his fantasies, he shifted in his seat out of impatience, and yet wanted the heat of this moment to never end. Clayton took the Osters from his hand. The only sounds that filled the silence now were the aggressive hum of the clippers, the men’s hot and heavy breaths, and the rhythmic *fap fap fap* of the two men’s cocks as they masturbated together.

Blaze closed his eyes as Clayton brought the clippers to his forehead. For years, the redhead had struggled to find the determination to actually go through with shaving his head, and now, this was finally it. Firmly gripping the red-haired man’s head, the shaven-headed hunk mercilessly and without hesitation started to ravage the remnants of his hair with the Osters, bringing the clippers from his hairline to the top of his crown. The now half-buzzed redhead watched with a sensual fascination as silk came falling onto his shoulders to the floor. Some fell to his lap, hanging off his hard cock and entangling his fingers as he jacked off. After all these years of growing his hair out, he’d forgotten what it felt like to have a set of clippers to his head, but hell, even this wasn’t like anything he’d felt before. This was different. Raw. The violence of these vibrations was going to send him over the edge.

"Mmm… f***… I think I’m going to cum," Blaze exhaled, stroking an enraged cockhead that dripped with precum.

"Don’t. I’m gonna be the one to make you do that," Clayton teased, licking Blaze’s newly exposed left ear. The shaver’s vascular manhood rubbed against the small of his back as their muscular bodies pressed against one another. He could now feel the beastly bald man’s hot breath on the back of his neck as he sheared away the last of the hair that hung desperately from the back of his head before it succumbed to the clippers and fell to the floor at Clayton’s manly feet. As the pile of hair on the floor grew larger and larger, his scalp became more and more sensitive—nearly as sensitive as Clayton’s. It took every last bit of fight in him to not jack off and cum right then and there. His balls were desperate for relief. With a finality, Clayton flicked the clippers off. The aggressive hum was pacified and the room was once again filled with nothing but the sounds of the men’s heavy breaths. He reached over to put the clippers back into the case, nearly dropping them in his own frenzied state.

Blaze could hardly keep his hands off of his stubbly head. Intoxicated by the sensation of sandpaper and the feeling of freedom, he started laughing.

"It’s a crazy feeling, isn’t it?" Clayton asked, putting his hands on the sides of Blaze’s neck and shoulders and sweeping the last of the fallen red hairs off of him. "The buzz before the first shave is one of the hottest feelings a man can ever experience in his life. The shave’s even hotter."

"Clayton… I don’t know how much more my body can take," Blaze growled, the hunger in his scowling hazel-green eyes growing even hungrier, "but I’m still so goddamn turned on. You’ll help me with this feeling, won’t you?"

"I did say I’d make you cum, didn’t I?" Clayton smiled suggestively, caressing Blaze’s beard and buzzed head. "I’m always a man of my word." He kissed the top of the newly shorn Samson’s crown, reveling in the roughness against his lips and the slight taste of salt and tea tree oil that lingered. He brought his lips to Blaze’s, penetrating him with his tongue. As the musclemen made out passionately, exploring one another’s baldness, the balder of the two coaxed the other over to the old black leather couch and thrusted him down forcefully.

"What are you going to do to me, Clayton?" Blaze asked with a lustfulness in his voice, his cock throbbing with excitement and anticipation of the bald muscleman’s depravity.

"I’m gonna please you the way only a bald man could. The right way. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be thinking about this night for months," the bald muscleman threatened before getting down to his knees at Blaze’s feet and bringing the top of his dome to the tip of the redhead’s cock.

"Ohhh…" Blaze howled at the smoothness of Clayton’s bald head on his manhood, his fists clenched and muscular thighs quivering from the sensation. As the bald man rubbed up against Blaze and lubed his head with the hot precum dripping from his cock, the buzzed man could only caress his own stubble and imagine what it would be like to finally have that same smooth baldness for himself. The notion that he was less than a millimeter of microstubble away from that left him absolutely razorthirsty.

"Spread yourself for me," Clayton commanded. Desperate to do anything to satisfy his thirst, Blaze willingly obeyed. He got onto his back with his buzzed head against the armrest and feet in the air, his sweaty skin sticking to the leather. With firm hands, he parted his muscular asscheeks and offered himself to the shaven-headed god before him. Clayton licked the man from his taint, to his balls, and up his ten inches, and teased his tight asshole with a devilish tongue.

"God… that feels so good," Blaze struggled between uneven breaths as Clayton savored his manly taste.

"You haven’t felt anything yet," Clayton tormented before ravaging the man’s hairy ass with his smooth-shaven head. The bald man was absolutely merciless.

"Oh yeah… Clayton… Ohhh… F*** yeah…" Between Clayton’s handjobs, headjobs, sucking, and headf***ing, it wasn’t long before his cock, balls, and ass had finally had enough of the pleasurer’s torture.

"F***!" Blaze yelled out, completely unrestrained now. The buzzed man’s vascularity throbbed violently as his viscous virility shot out all at once. Clayton manhandled the monstrous cock and directed it towards his own tanned bald head, turning it white. His scalp was completely covered in the shorn Samson’s masculinity now. White-hot load dripped down the muscleman’s head thickly—some down his forehead, some around his ears where his sideburns used to be, and some down the back of his head to his neck. He brought his hands to his dome and ran his fingers against it, through the cum. He took his now cum-covered fingers into his mouth one by one and savored the taste.

Blaze looked on at Clayton enviously. This was the hardest the buzzed man had ever cum in his life, but he’d used up every drop on that big bald head of his. Almost. He coerced his cock again, extorting the last drops of his virility before putting them onto his own impatient lips. He needed more.

"I know you’re so *f***ing* thirsty…" Clayton tempted. "I bet you’ve always wanted this. Come and try it for yourself," He tilted his head down and moved closer to the horny man. Now, the glistening, cum-covered head was so close to the man’s face that he could feel its heat and get a whiff of its manly scent.

Succumbed to temptation and reduced to the basest of his base instincts, the buzzed man brought his lips to the god’s perfectly smooth shaved head, kissing and caressing it between his calloused hands before worshipping it with his tongue.

"Mmm…" Clayton growled, shivering from the sensation of Blaze licking his bald head and his hot breath and beard against the sensitive skin. He jacked himself off in the process. "You like… mmphm… that Blaze?" Clayton asked, struggling to pull himself together. It took a moment for the buzzed man to respond, too hard at work cleaning the area around his right ear of the mess he’d made before teasing that ear with his tongue and licking where his sideburn used to be.

"You taste so f***ing good," Blaze gasped through heavy breaths. The taste of the muscleman’s bald head lingered strongly on his lips and tongue—a sensual union of the shaving cream Clayton had used to shave himself, the saltiness of the two men’s sweat, the salty-sweetness of his own cum, and Clayton’s own distinctively manly taste which overpowered it all. It was absolutely addictive. With what little of the cum was left, Blaze explored Clayton’s reexposed shadow with his tongue, following the strong V of his hairline before moving up to his crown and giving his glistening head one more kiss.

Blaze tilted Clayton’s head back up and the two men made out passionately, sharing the taste of baldness with one another. The barely-there redhead gazed at the shaven-headed hunk as he wiped the cum from his red beard. There was a look of volatility in the man’s steely blue eyes. He was scowling and his head was dripping with drops of sweat. The redhead ravaging the most sensitive part of his body with his tongue left the bald man on the razor’s edge, ready to erupt at any moment.

"You need a break, dickhead?" Blaze teased. He cupped Clayton’s massive balls and played with his hard, throbbing cock, trying to see how far he could push the man.

"F*** no," Clayton asserted. He pulled away from him and approached the wash basin, grabbing the Mach 3 and can of shaving cream. "I’m finishing you off, right here and right now." It wasn’t a threat. It was a promise.

"Finally," Blaze said, smiling hungrily. He kissed Clayton passionately before getting on his knees at the muscleman’s feet. Blaze wrapped himself around the beefcake’s muscular legs, running his hands through his hairiness, and jacked off his precum-dripping cock. He heard a familiar *pshhh* pierce the tenseness. A clean, but distinctively manly scent unionized with the salty, sex-scented air surrounding them. Blaze took the 12 inches of the stallion into his mouth and the stallion bucked in response, striking a shaving-cream-covered hand against the redhead’s buzzed head more forcefully than he’d intended. The sudden new sensation of a cool thickness on his never-shaven head sent a rush through Blaze’s body.

As Blaze sucked and jacked him off, Clayton massaged Blaze firmly, and within moments, his head and the last of the reddish microstubble were completely covered in white. The shaving cream followed the contours of the ex-redhead’s hairline tightly, accentuating the masculinity of the man’s strong U etched at the very top of his forehead. Clayton gripped the back of his head firmly, fingering the occipital area. Without warning, he brought the razor to the top of Blaze’s head, onto his crown, and pulled it down to the base of the U, revealing the first of the smooth skin that had never seen the light of day—skin so sensitive that even the slightest sensations set the man off.

"Mmphm… fff***!" Blaze exhaled, muzzled by the muscleman’s massive balls, and quivered with excitement.

"You like how that feels?" Clayton teased, continuing to meticulously shave Blaze’s head with deliberate strokes of the razor. He had to be careful not to make him cum again. Not yet. Not while the night was still so young.

"F***… I’m so sensitive," Blaze took the man out of his mouth for a moment and breathed heavily, trying to pull himself together. "Is this really how it feels to shave your head? To be bald?"

"Feels good, doesn’t it?" Clayton bent down and brought his tongue over the center of the ex-redhead’s newly half-denuded head, licking the sensitive, slightly razor-reddened skin. He rubbed his stubbly face against it. "You’d best get used to this feeling, cause it’ll feel like this for the rest of your damn life." Blaze shivered from the sensations. A hand of the bald muscleman’s forcefully beckoned him back to his cock, commanding him to suck.

God, he wished he knew how to quit him.

As Clayton and Blaze exchanged strokes—a stroke of the cock for a stroke of the razor—Blaze was becoming balder and balder by the moment and the two burly men were closer and closer to cumming until finally, the rasps of the razor ceased. With a sensual intrigue, the ex-redhead brought a curious hand up to his head to explore the newly exposed terrain, but the muscleman grabbed the hand out of reflex and rigidly restrained him.

"Not yet Blaze," he said, gently letting go of the man. Clayton ran his own hands over the deceitfully bald head which was as smooth as his as he moved over the direction of hair growth, but harbored a rugged roughness as he moved against it. "That damn hair of yours really puts up a fight. My Mach doesn’t give in so easy though."

The shaver lathered the shavee’s head a second time with the same distinctive U as before, this time pulling the razor from the base of the U to the top of his crown. As Blaze sat at Clayton’s feet on his knees, head down and jacking himself off from the satisfaction of having his head scraped, the shaven-headed hunk took his hard 12-inch cock and heavy balls and rubbed his manhood over the Samson’s now perfectly smooth, sensitive center. Clayton smiled, satisfied from the sensation of smoothness, and teased the area with his tongue before continuing. Within moments, the bald muscleman expertly shaved away the remnants of the ex-redhead’s stubborn microstubble, and he was left with nothing but untanned skin as a memento of where his former 16 inches used to sit.

"Now there’s a smooth shave," Clayton said, finishing Blaze off with a kiss.

With a finality, he handed the mirror to the ex-redhead.

Blaze gazed at the sweaty, brutally handsome, red-bearded bald man in the mirror in disbelief. He half-expected to suddenly jolt awake out of this dream in the middle of the night drenched in sweat with a raging hard-on, his boxer briefs covered in cum, and his hair intact.

But this wasn’t a dream.

When he got up this morning, Blaze hadn’t expected to be bald by the end of the day. For the past ten years of his life, he’d been compelled to live a lie, somehow Stockholm-syndromed by the hair he harbored a deep-rooted hatred for. Now unbound from all 16 inches of his bondage, he was finally himself. His *real* self.

He brought his hands to his head and savored the smoothness.

"You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted from a man," Blaze started, appreciating the man who shaved him through a kiss. He embraced Clayton with his muscular arms, caressing his baldness. "Now, I’ll give *you* something," he suggested into his ear. Commanded only by their uninhibited arousal for one another, the two bald musclemen moved to the old black leather couch. The ex-redhead got onto his knees excitedly and reciprocated what the shaven-headed hunk had given to him earlier, running his tongue up his cock and balls before bringing his newly bald head to his manhood.

"Mmm…" Clayton growled as the ex-redhead rubbed himself against the enraged head of his hardness.

"F*** yeah… rub it in there good," the blue-eyed bald man said, biting his lip as he helped the ex-redhead lube his own untanned, smooth-shaven head with the hot precum. Blaze assaulted Clayton’s tight asshole with his baldness, and within moments, had him cumming.

"Mmphm… fff***!" Clayton yelled out, gripping Blaze’s bald head between his calloused hands. He shot his white-hot manly load all over Blaze’s untanned baldness, turning it even whiter. There seemed to be no end to the virile man as more and more of his masculinity fell onto Blaze and dripped down his dome—some to his red beard. Finally, the unbridled stallion ceased, bringing his lips over the cum-covered ex-redhead to sate his thirst. Blaze shivered from the sensual satisfaction of finally his own sensitive skin be savagely ravaged by the man’s tongue.

The two bald men shared the abundance of the shaven-headed god’s man-ambrosia, reveling in its salty-sweetness as they made out passionately, passing the manly taste between one another.

In the end, Clayton left the newly bald man’s head completely cleaned of his cum and glistening, but reddened and raw from the way his lips and tongue tortured it.

Clayton and Blaze—hot, sweaty, out of breath, and completely bald—pressed their muscular bodies together and embraced one another with well-muscled arms.

"God, I’m a f***ing mess," Blaze remarked, feeling the stickiness of his otherwise smooth bald head.

"You and me both. What do you say we go wash off?" Clayton suggested, getting behind the ex-redhead and provoking his tight ass with his own throbbing, still-hard cock.

"I’d like that," Blaze replied eagerly. "With everything I want to try with you, I don’t think we’ll have any time for that tonight."

After their shower and all the sensations that came with it, Clayton and his ex-redhead f*** buddy f***ed for hours and hours through the night. They’d had more sex than they’d ever thought humanly possible in one evening and tried *a lot* of things with their bald, smooth-shaven heads. By the end of the night, at a healthy three in the morning, the two musclemen passed out in one another’s arms, cocks completely out and caressing their baldness.

Indeed, this had been a night for the two of them to remember, but it wouldn’t be the last. There’d be many, *many* more like it to cum… I mean to come.

The end?

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