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New house new barber part 6 by Tony5624

New house new barber part 6

I was quite surprised that Brian got his hair cut into a flattop, but understand more now than I did originally about him, he knew that both Chris and I were gay, but said to me that he would keep it to himself. I liked Brian as a friend and he was the first guy that I got to know here, but even if he was gay, there was no chemistry between us, but I did have a slight suspicion that he liked Chris more than he was letting on, the only problem there was, Chris was going back home soon, although Brian knew that he was now single. I on the other hand had met Abdul and I really liked him a lot, he was such a nice genuine gentle guy, he was respectful and was here to stay, he liked the UK and his parents in Nepal were very happy that he had settled in at his Uncles restaurant. We were seeing a lot of each other and neither of us could find anything that was not right with our relationship, he religiously went every two weeks to George for his flattop haircut, I always looked forward to the day he was due to go and went with him, I really loved watching him getting skin shaved, knowing that I would be the first to run my fingers up his very soft smooth neck after his haircut.
Abdul was very attentive towards me too, he loved it when we both shaved each other, we both loved the feeling of being totally smooth, also being quite dark skinned with black hair he looked awesome too.

I was still very much into the hair fetish I had, it was nice to have a guy so understanding about it like Abdul was, I had also confided in George as I had no Father figure to be able to talk to, he now knew I was gay and had no problem with it, I told him I would like to train as a barber, he was delighted with that, he said, Brian had no interest in it at all and if I was interested, he would let me take over the business when he felt it was time to retire.
I spent a lot of time learning and was cutting hair in no time at all, George said to me, because I had an interest in it, it was quicker to learn and he was pleased with my progress. I t wasn't too long before I had the confidence to start cutting Abdul's hair, that seemed to be every week now and always ended with us shaving each other after, he even helped me by getting his work colleagues to have their hair cut by me too, without the extra activities obviously.

Chris had also had some changes in his life too, he had asked my Mum if he could stay here permanently and that he would look for work here if she said yes. He found a job here and ended up in a relationship with Brian, I had now left school and was working full time as a barber with George. My relationship with Abdul was going really well. Abdul had a cousin who came to the UK too and was one of the young guys who had come here with long hair, his Uncle insisted on short hair to be able to work in the restaurant , I was given the job of cutting his hair, it wasn't as long as Abdul's hair was, but it was long enough to tie in a small ponytail, when loose the top and bangs were about eight inches long, his hair is straight and thick the same as Abdul's, I was asked to cut a similar length to Abdul's which was a great turn on for me, the other thing is he does have a beard, which I have been asked to shave off.
The transformation was great, he did look awesome without the beard too and the nice short cut, another customer which will be every four weeks for me, he did keep himself clean shaven too.

The relationship between Abdul and I was going really well, we continued to enjoy hot and horny fun, at least once a week we showered together and shaved each other's bodies, it was something we both liked, we were both into smooth shaven bodies and I continued to get turned on by a really nice shaved neck, we still both have a skinned flattop and will probably keep that for the foreseeable.
This is definitely the final part for this series.

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