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Outdoor cut with a twist by Tony5624

Outdoor cut with a twist

Best read "Outdoor cut " first ,before you read this one

This involves a lot of gay scenarios, please don't read if you think it will offend.

James was subjected to a lot more haircut fun sessions ,his hair now very short and his body always shaved totally smooth, that's the way I insisted on him looking, he loved our very sexy and dominating scenarios , he always said after, thank you Sir, you really know how to keep me under your control, it was a different thing for Andy, he had now found a regular boyfriend, although he still came to my barber shop for a short haircut, he admitted he had let his body hair grow back as his boyfriend preferred a more natural look, he often said to me he often has fantasies about the first time I tied him and shaved his body smooth all over.

James arrived at my flat a couple of hours after work this particular evening, we had dinner and decided to go to the local gay bar after. I had endured a busy frustrating day, it was back to school in a few days, I had all the kids in dragged by their parents for the usual back to school haircuts, so needed a good drink and a bit of fun tonight.
I knew there was something on James's mind, he was a little quiet and I got the impression he wanted to talk about something more important.

We left the bar and walked back to my flat, he said, just before we arrived there, can I ask a favour of you, I said, yes of course you can, We have been together long enough for you to understand me by now, you know I always listen to you and try to give you advice, but when it comes to sex and fun, you know how controlling and dominant I am. He said, it's about one of the guys I was at college with, I didn't know him that well as he was in the year below me, but he always moved in different circles to me, he was heavily into skate boards and spent most of his time at the park, well I saw him lunch time today, I was just ordering a sandwich at the cafe when he was in the queue behind me, I sat at one of the tables to eat when he came over and asked if he could join me. It turns out he was gay and I didn't even know. Anyway we chatted a lot during lunch and he told me he remembers me from college very well, he said, one day you were there with your very long hair, then I was so shocked to see you with a very short schoolboy haircut, what happened?
I explained everything to him, he was so turned on by the whole thing, he asked if we could meet after work so he could find out more, I agreed and it was then I remember how he always wore camouflage trousers and t shirts or jackets in the colder weather and always a baseball cap to match, his long floppy hair always hanging over his eyes and very messy, he was forever running his fingers through it pulling it back off his face and now not much had changed. When I told him about meeting with you at the reserve and how you dominated me in every way that day and made me sit there while you cut my hair short, his eyes seemed to light up, he told me how he loved that sort of thing, but had never found anyone that was controlling and dominant, he said he had always been into army stuff and always watched things about induction processes into the military, especially the haircuts, but had never had anyone to do this with him, so basically he asked if you would do it ? He told me his meets with men were very few and far between, and how lucky I was to have found someone so understanding and willing to take control.

I thought for a minute and then asked a few simple questions, James gave me his honest answer to all, I said, are you comfortable with me having that type of meeting, knowing what happens? He said, yes, I trust you totally and know we have something very special, in that case, the answer is yes, but knowing now he is into anything military, it will be different to what we had, I have some different ideas to fulfill with this, one thing is, I want his body shaved smooth all over before we meet, you say he has a bit of facial hair too? James said, yes he has, it's not a thick heavy beard, but just soft boyish facial hair, bit like most skater boys have really.

I said, when does he want this to happen because you know tomorrow is Wednesday and I usually spend the afternoon at the reserve, do you think he could make it tomorrow? James said, probably, I know he is off work for two weeks now and he is not going away, shall I ring him now? I said, yes, but tell him exactly how to find the place I go to.
It was all arranged and I was to meet Alex at one pm, our night was really hot, we both needed some very hot sex, we both knew that tomorrow was going to be fun and very hot, albeit just a one off, so it had to be thought about in great detail. James and I enjoyed a very hot night and he stayed over.

Early the next morning James went off and I got ready for work, it was a really busy morning with loads of back to school haircuts, I closed at lunchtime and packed my bag with everything I needed including a pair of cuffs just for a real exciting haircut. I walked all the way to the reserve feeling so hot and horny, everything going through my mind about how this haircut was going to pan out. I reached the final path to the lake, the grass was so tall it was extremely dense and very secluded, I had a very strange feeling about this one, my excitement had kicked in already and my hard cock raging inside my shorts, I knew this was going to be such horny fun, I had already decided on the haircut he was going to get.

Finally I reached the lakeside and there sitting on the log was a young skater boy in camouflage shorts and t shirt, his long floppy hair down over his shoulders and hanging over his face, I noticed straight away his facial hair, not heavy, but noticeable, his very dark shiny hair glistening in the bright sunshine, looking very nervous sitting there in anticipation, his floppy hair, straight as a dye, his hand running through it trying to pull it back from his bearded face, I said, are you ready for a total transformation? He nodded warily, best get stripped off then boy, I said , I wanted to let him know I was in total charge of the situation today and he needed to be very obedient ,he stood up and removed his t shirt , as he did, his hair fell across his face and then he bent down to slip his shorts off to reveal a completely smooth body, not a hair in sight, he had obeyed my orders to shave totally, standing there, his cock already hard and noticeably wet, he was as much turned on for this as I was.
I said, sit, I opened my rucksack and placed it on the flat part of the tree trunk before stripping off myself. I stood immediately behind him, running my fingers through his silky soft hair, I reached into my bag and took out the cuffs, pulling his arms behind his back I placed the cuffs around his wrists, securing them tightly, now he was under my complete control, I had decided today he was going to receive a military style flattop. He had no idea of that yet, but first I needed to shave his entire face.
I started by taking my spray bottle and wetting down his long hair, combing it all back and behind his ears, with a small pair of detail clippers, I pushed his head back holding his hair to keep his head still, then started removing the facial hair, it was not a thick heavy beard, just soft facial hair, the clippers made short work of it and before long his face was clean, not even any sideburns left. I took a small plastic bowl from my bag and mixed some shaving cream with a proper shaving brush, I soaped up his face, I took my straight razor and shaved his entire face smooth, he resembled a young teenage boy now showing off his very baby face.

Now for the military style flattop, his hair still damp from the spray bottle, I stood behind him with comb and large scissors, I started at the forehead lifting up his eight inch long fringe and started slicing through it and taking the whole length to about an inch long, there was a huge amount of long floppy hair now on the ground, I worked my way systematically to the crown taking it down to less than an inch long for the entire top of his head, I replaced the scissors and comb with clippers and a flattop comb now and started to get the top to a uniform flat cut right across the top, his hair standing up perfectly, as I thought it would, being quite thick and straight is a real advantage when cutting a flattop. Eventually I was satisfied with the top, now I took a pair of balding clippers from my bag, pushing his head forward, I lifted his long hair up from the base of his neck, this was about eight inches long too, I placed the clippers on his neck and slowly pushed them up through the long floppy hair removing it right to the skin, the first path left a very white skin showing, I continued until the whole of the back was shaved right up to his crown, the pile of hair was now growing at the base of the tree he was sat on, could see just how hard he was, this was turning him on immensely, I now pushed his head to the side and did the same, the white skin up to his temples was so noticeable until both sides were shaved too, I replaced the clippers with smaller scissors now and blended the remainder in, his military flattop was almost complete, I brushed away any loose hair now and with my shaving brush, lathered up the back and sides before shaving with my straight razor.

Wow ! This was an awesome cut and looked incredibly hot on him, I too, was so hard now at the sight of this good looking army boy, rI emoted the cape and looked at him sitting there, I added a little soft wax to the top and combed through the perfect flattop. His haircut now finished, it was time for him to show his appreciation, I stood in front of him and made him get on his knees, my hand on the back of his bare shaved neck, he needed no guidance of what to do next, after we had both enjoyed some very hot fun, I released him from the cuffs and let him see his new haircut, as he looked in the small mirror I had, his mouth dropped open and he could not believe his eyes, he said, oh my God, that is a proper military haircut, that's the shortest hair I have ever had Sir.

I packed everything up and we returned back to the road where he went one way and I retuned to my flat, I had told him if he wanted to keep this haircut he would need to come to my barber shop every two weeks.

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