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Growing up and needing a shave by Tony5624

Growing up and needing a shave

As a young boy in Pakistan, I grew up in a very strict family, we were all taken to our Uncle's barber shop and given the same haircut each time, it wasn't very short, but a conservative neat haircut, it was something we all endured, I had five brothers and I was about the middle one, so I had two older and two younger brothers also two sisters, both younger.
I had always taken notice of the haircuts we received, I don't know why, but it always interested me. At thirteen I noticed that I was developing facial hair more and more, I hated it, but knew we were forbidden to shave and we were expected to have the traditional moustache like every other Pakistani man. My sideburns started growing down my face and got prolific as the months went on, I really wanted to shave, but knew my Father would be angry if I did.

This particular day, we were all sent to our Uncle's barber shop for our usual medium length haircuts, I made sure I went last and asked my Uncle if I could help to sweep up if he would permit, he said, yes of course, he said to my brothers he had a job for me to do and they should go home and tell our Father that I was helping him. My Uncle was a kind man and sadly had no children of his own, I knew I could talk to him openly about things, I said that I was unhappy about my facial hair and that I wanted to shave, he told me that it was tradition to have the moustache and sideburns were usually left to grow about three quarters of the way down our face nearly to the bottom of our ears, he showed me many photos he had of different styles and all had this. He said, I would eventually get used to this and with that his clippers cut my sideburns square near to the bottom of my ear.

By the time I was eighteen, my moustache had grown properly and my hair was still cut to a medium length just over my ears, I hated it so much, but had to live with it, I decided it was time to leave home and fend for myself and make my way in the world
I persuaded my Father to let me go to London where my uncle ran a restaurant, he made arrangements for me and I started my new life. My uncle was very strict and I had to work long hours, eventually I had saved enough money to be able to go alone and find a job elsewhere, this was my chance of freedom.

I found a room in a shared house in a different part of London, I felt like a ton weight had been lifted from me, I could now live a new life and do what I wanted. After settling in to my new room, my first wish was to have my hair as I wanted, for the first time in my life, it was now my choice, I went out to the local shop and bought some shaving cream, some razors and some hair cream, I returned to my room very excited and strangely enough very turned on by this, I stripped off and washed my hair, I combed it all back off my face and behind my ears, I wet my face and applied some shaving cream, I was very nervous, but very hard, it felt so good, I took a razor and started shaving the side of my face, I looked in the mirror and saw my sideburn gone from the top of my ear down, it looked and felt so good, next my other sideburn and then the part I wanted most, to rid myself of that awful moustache, it was turning me on so much, seeing my beautiful smooth clean shaven face for the first time in my life, I was so happy, I was fortunate that my body was quite smooth too, I hated body hair, which led me to my next encounter, I decided to shave my pubic hair too, it took ages to do, but so worth it, after being smooth I could not help but to relieve myself, I felt a totally new person.

My next task in hand was to change my hairstyle, to finally change the centre parting in my hair which I had grown up with to a side parting, I used some hair cream to do this and comb my long fringe back off my clean shaven face, it looked awesome, the new look for me.
Finally, I got dressed and went to find a barber shop, I stumbled across a little barber shop in a back street, very old fashioned but, to my surprise, empty, I walked straight in and the barber, an older gentleman guided me to the chair that was facing into the shop, I sat down and the barber put the cape around me asking what I would like, I didn't really know what to ask for, so just said, same style just much shorter thank you.
The barber said to me, ah, ok sir, a nice short back and sides then , I just said, yes please sir. He picked up a pair of clippers and pushed my head forward, I felt the cold metal vibrating on my neck, a feeling very new to me, but it felt so exhilarating, I immediately started to feel hard and turned on, the clippers moved up my neck and eventually he moved to the side, the same feeling as he pushed the clippers against my scalp by my ear and firmly pushed them upwards, this was such a great feeling, this is what I had been missing out on all these years, at twenty years old, I now felt I was about to live my new life, the barber cut the top of my hair with scissors then a strange feeling he wet my neck and sides with a brush and cream, he carefully replaced a blade in his straight razor and shaved the area around my ears and my neck, it felt amazing, he applied a little more cream and combed my hair, he released the chair and faced the mirror, wow, was that really me, finally with a short haircut and clean shaven, it looked awesome, but I was very hard, I got up hoping it didn't show, paid the barber and left.
More to come

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