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A new future by Johno

Josh, the frustrated and angry 17 year-old, showed his resentment with an unruly mess of hair that fell across his eyes—thick scruffy bangs hiding him from the world. His hair long and scruffy.

The loss of his parents, had shattered his once quiet and respectful existence. The tragedy left Josh with no immediate family apart from his older brother, Andy who was five years his senior and at the time away serving as a marine. The only other relative was Eli his uncle who was also in the military and not around much.

One foster home after the next only fueled his rebellion. Andy eventually stepped in, making a hard decision, leaving what he loved to work at a downtown hardware store.

Times were tough as Andy did not earn much at the store. But he was still disciplined and determined. Andy had kept his closely shaved haircut which he was proud of. Meanwhile, Josh refused to cut his own hair or tow the line. The small one bedroom duplex near Josh’s school was old and all they could afford. Andy had to take two buses to get to work, leaving Josh without parental guidance. Josh's emptiness grew, while Andy grappled with his own troubles, trying to keep their fragile world intact.

But when uncle Eli, arrived at Andy's request, Josh's rebellion was threatened. Eli's gaze fell upon the sloppy unkempt clothes and the wild mop of hair that clung to Josh's head defiantly. "Look at yourself, where is the Josh I used to know?" Eli who was in his late 20s, showed his distaste at who Josh had become. His frustration real. "Things have to change."

Weeks passed and Josh ignored Eli's ongoing threats. He preferred the dimly lit pool room he snuck into, where laughter and camaraderie with no judgement, flowed freely. From time to time Josh did odd jobs, packing the shelves and fridges for free booze and the odd joint which was a temporary escape from the loss of his parents, his security and the life he wished he still had. But Eli had other plans for his nephew.

Eli had his own story to tell and had willing chosen the marines as his home after his father passed. His sister was already married and couldn't take him in. He couldn't blame her as he was already stealing cars to make easy money. He rubbed his head feeling the closely sculptured horseshoe and razored scalp, a reminder of who he now was. He was an officer and knew how to make men of boys.

One evening, Eli waited up. As soon as Josh opened the door smelling of cheap liquor, Eli grabbed Josh by the arm, pushing him to the kitchen. Surprised, Josh's defiance wavered, he couldn't escape the stern expressions that promised lengthy lectures.

Eli wasted no time. "Andy our rebel is home bring your Osters." Andy had also waited for Josh, and handed Eli his clippers. Andy used these clippers regularly to keep his head clipper shaved. Eli positioned a chair in front of Josh who looked down and hesitated.

Josh stepped back and turned to run. But in one movement Andy wrapped his arms around Josh's neck and held him in an unrelenting vice. Eli was there as well taking control of the situation.

Eli's grip on Josh was unyielding, and a heavy hand to Josh's back forced him into the seat. "Josh take off your T-shirt".

Eli switched on the clippers. "It's time Josh." Josh losing his bravado pleaded, but Eli worked swiftly, removing Josh's locks.

Pushing Josh's head down Eli was focused. Dark chunks fell onto Josh's bare chest and back, a silent farewell to his once-long mop. The left side of his head taking a beating as his hair was cropped close to the skin. Slowly the back of his head was stripped naked, devoid of any hair. The right side of his head suffering the same fate. Eli meticulously removed any stray hair which he may have missed. Only Josh's hair on top remained.

Josh felt the now warm metal on his scalp. The hum of the clippers resonated, drowning out his protests. Eli closely cropped the hair on top one swipe at a time. Josh could see his hair piling on his lap. The rebellious fringe roughly hacked off leaving Josh with an exposed forehead.

The downpour of dark limp hair falling to the floor seemed to never end. Josh watched it all in slow motion.

As the last tuft of hair fell, Josh reached up to his now shaved head, his fingers touched the #00000 sandpaper on the sides and back. He felt the eighth of an inch closely cropped hair on top. His transformation extreme.

Eli stepped back, admiring his version of a severe recon. "There," he said authoritatively. "Now you look like a young man. Josh this is only the beginning. We have to prepare you for bootcamp."

Josh again ran his hands over his head no longer able to play with his long hair. He looked down at the hair piled around the chair. Strangely he wasn't angry and knew it was necessary. He had really been an ungrateful brat. But the allure of his rebellious life still pulled at him.

Eli looked at Josh and announced. "Your training starts at 5am tomorrow and wear running shoes. Expect a weekly buzzcut". Josh surprised knew it wasn't the time to argue.

At his word Eli took control and forced Josh to comply. The early mornings, the endless running, the exercises and weight training left Josh with little time to even think of the grubby pool room. As promised Eli clipped Josh's head weekly. On one occasion Josh angered Eli and as punishment Josh's recon was removed and his head razored with Frank's cut throat razor. The sensation of the blade scrapping his head and removing the 7 day growth of hair was exillerating.

He had no choice but to focus on his grades and Andy worked with him to make sure he did put in the hours. Josh was surprised to find out that he was intelligent and not the loser he thought he was.

After 10 months Josh turned 18. He was fit, muscular and toned. Josh was also a foot and a half taller. Now the same height as Andy but slightly shorter than Eli. He felt healthy and knew Eli had been instrumental in helping him become what he saw in the bathroom mirror.

He now clipper shaved his own head. Removing the stubble every third day. Eli had also insisted he remove the beard that had started thickening on his jawline. He used the spare cut throat razor Eli kept.

A week after his birthday Josh walked into the recruitment centre and signed up. Shortly after he said goodbye to Andy and Eli and left to start his military service.

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