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Curl by Butchme

My hair was dark brown and thick. It was the longest it had ever been at shoulder length. I was in the seventh grade and knew I was pushing it with the hair length. My dad didn't like long hair on guys.

Dad came home one afternoon early one day and surprised me. We were going to the barbershop, I was to get a haircut. The alarm bells went off but I had no idea how I'd end up. That would be almost bald.

When we got there nobody was there. I knew I had no choice in this matter so I hoped for the best. That was not to be. I got in the chair and was caped up. I must admit being at someone's mercy, not knowing what haircut I would be getting kind of turned me on.

My dad said give him a butch with a longer bump. Make it short. I like it cut that way. Grease the bump and make it stand up. That way he'll have some to comb.

He said he was leaving but he'd be back. I hadn't had a butch since fourth grade. Why now? I knew I had no choice.

The clippers were fired up and quickly mowed off the hair on the left side. It was amazing how much hair was being clipper shaved off. Then off came the back, all the way up to the crown. The right side was then attacked. This was turning me on. I was really being butched short.

The hair in front was butchwaxed and combed down, close. Then the hair left on top was scissored before being butched off. I now had the butch.

He then cut half the hair on the left side of my forehead off, all the way up to the crown. Then he used the clippers to cut the hair left at the top, pushing them back to even it out. The hair that was remaining he cut off at a slight angle.

Then he did something I wasn't expecting. He took a medium hot curling iron and wrapped my remaining hair tightly around it. He turned it till it rested tight on my head. He left it there a long time. I could feel the heat and thought it may start to smoke.

He loosened it up and pulled it out. Then he put more butchwax on it and combed the curl up. He combed a little wave on top. Then he sprayed it with hairspray that had a lot of lacquer in it. He used a lot. This made the longer bump shine. I was horny.

He turned me around in the chair to face the mirror. I looked like a little boy with a "Princeton" haircut.

My dad was back by then. He and the barber really liked it. I was thinking about school.

On the way home dad said I'd be waxing this up every morning. He said he had some butchwax. We'd buy some hairspray to keep it standing up stiff and shining. I would be keeping this haircut indefinitely. He liked it. Little did I know I'd have it till high school.

When I got home my mother was giving my sister a "Tonette" permanent. She looked at my wavy, shiny bump and had an idea. She pulled out a chair and told me to sit down. I thought, "What the hell, how could this get worse?" It could.

She had me go to the sink and wash everything out of my long bump. Then she rolled a long rod on the bump, making it tight on the head. She took curling solution and applied it liberally on the hair. She said she would leave it on twice as long as she wanted a stiff curl. It seemed to take forever but she finally told me to wash it out. I did. I sat down and she applied a lot of neutralizer on the longer bump. We waited the proper time and I washed that out. Off came the rod. It was really curly. We let it air dry. Then we waxed it up and put a little wave at the top. A little spray and it was done. A short butch with a longer, curly bump. The bump would stay stiffly curled because of the permanent wave.

At school a few people called me Butch or Curly. I could handle it. I got used to the butch with the ridiculous looking curly bump. I still look like a little boy. I go through the process daily. Wax, standup, make wave, spray. Mom bought me some special shine spray I use sometimes.

The stiff curl stays in for now. I'll get another butch and he can trim and curl the bump. I'll get it permed as needed. I hate it but it does turn me on. I look like a geek.

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