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The Unplanned Makeover by Michael John (anonymous)

Greg had always been proud of his hair, or at least what was left of it. Despite the thinning patches and the ever-receding hairline, he clung to his short, neatly trimmed style. His wife, Claire, however, had a different vision. For years, she had been trying to convince Greg to embrace the inevitable and shave his head. "It’ll look great on you," she’d say. "You’ll look younger and more distinguished." But Greg, embarrassed by the idea of such a drastic change, always refused.

Claire’s suggestions began subtly. She’d leave articles about celebrities who had confidently gone bald on his nightstand. When those didn’t work, she tried a more direct approach, bringing it up during dinner conversations. "Greg, it’s just hair. It’ll grow back if you don’t like it," she’d reason, but Greg would just shake his head and change the subject.

One warm summer night, Claire lay awake, thinking about the upcoming charity gala they were hosting. She knew it was the perfect opportunity for Greg to debut a bold new look. An idea began to form in her mind, one that she knew was risky but might just work. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Greg was a heavy sleeper, a trait that Claire was thankful for as she quietly slipped out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. She returned with a pair of clippers, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Standing over Greg, she hesitated for a moment. "This is for his own good," she whispered to herself before gently placing the clippers on his head and shaving a single, bold line down the middle.

Greg stirred slightly but didn’t wake up. Claire quickly put the clippers away and slipped back into bed, a mix of guilt and anticipation churning in her stomach. The next morning, the sun streamed through the curtains, waking Greg. He stretched and rubbed his eyes, feeling an odd draft on his scalp. Confused, he stumbled to the bathroom and caught sight of his reflection.

"What the…?" he muttered, his eyes widening in shock at the sight of the single shaved strip down his head. Claire walked in, feigning surprise. "Oh my! What happened here?" she exclaimed, though the twinkle in her eye betrayed her.

Greg turned to her, half-amused and half-annoyed. "Claire, did you do this?"

"Well, maybe I did," she admitted with a grin. "But now you don’t have much of a choice, do you?"

Greg sighed, shaking his head. "I guess not. You always get your way, don’t you?"

Later that morning, Greg drove to his usual barbershop, a place he had frequented for years. As he parked and walked toward the entrance, he felt a mixture of dread and embarrassment. The small bell above the door chimed as he walked in, and the familiar faces of the barbers and regular customers turned to greet him. Their friendly smiles quickly turned into looks of astonishment and amusement.

"Greg! What happened to you?" one of the barbers, Tom, called out, struggling to keep a straight face.

Greg forced a smile, rubbing the strip of bare skin down the center of his head. "Well, Claire finally got tired of my hair and took matters into her own hands last night," he explained, trying to laugh it off. The barbershop erupted in laughter, and Greg felt his face flush with embarrassment.

Tom motioned for Greg to sit in the chair. "Alright, let’s finish what she started," he said, still chuckling. As Greg took his seat, he could feel all eyes on him, the customers and barbers eagerly watching.

"So, she just did this while you were asleep?" another customer asked, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Yeah, I was completely out of it," Greg replied, feeling a strange mix of humiliation and resignation. "I woke up to this lovely new look."

Tom draped the cape over Greg and started the clippers. The buzzing sound filled the room, and Greg felt the vibrations as the clippers moved over his scalp, removing the remaining hair. The crowd watched with amusement, some even taking out their phones to snap pictures and record videos.

"Hey, Greg, think you’ll let Claire do your hair from now on?" one of the barbers joked, eliciting more laughter.

Greg managed a smile. "I think she’s proven she’s got the skills," he quipped, trying to join in on the humor despite his embarrassment.

As Tom finished the job, he lathered Greg’s scalp with warm shaving cream and expertly shaved it smooth. The coolness of the blade against his skin was oddly soothing. When Tom applied the aftershave, the sting was a reminder of the drastic change he had just undergone.

"All done," Tom said, holding up a mirror for Greg to see the final result. Greg stared at his reflection, a completely bald head staring back at him. Surprisingly, he didn’t hate it.

The barbershop gave a round of applause, and Greg stood up, feeling a strange sense of relief. The humiliation of the morning had given way to a newfound confidence. He thanked Tom and the others, leaving the barbershop with his head held high, literally and figuratively.

That evening at the charity gala, Greg’s new look was a hit. Friends and colleagues complimented him, and Claire beamed with pride. Greg realized that sometimes, change was good, even if it took a little push—or a sneaky late-night shave—to make it happen.

From that day on, Greg embraced his bald head, and every time he ran his hand over his smooth scalp, he couldn’t help but smile, knowing it was all thanks to Claire’s loving nudge in the right direction.

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