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A Little Off the Top by Manicpixie

* This fictional story contains explicit sexual content between two consenting adults (M/F). If that's not your thing, don't read. For anyone else who's wanted to read some hair cutting related romance in a salon setting, I hope you enjoy. *


Kasper’s fingers stroked absently over his goatee as he stared out the front window of the café, nails pinching at the neat, short hairs on his chin. The sun was bright in the haze of noontide, but he could still see her from across the street, cutting another client’s hair in the salon. She was a vision with her rosy lips and shifting red layers, stunning even from a distance, her hair was a kaleidoscope of fall colors that seemed to only catch the warmest of light.

"Thank you." Kasper waved to the cashier behind the front counter on his way out. "It was delicious as usual."

"See you tomorrow!"

The artisanal food here was good, above palatable, and certainly within a doctor’s salary, but it wasn’t his typical style to eat at the same café every day for lunch. He’d eaten here on a whim after a grueling marathon of research when his weary mind took a wrong left walking through his thoughts. And he’d never paid much mind to haircutting beyond the usual people watching, but he’d damn nearly dumped his latte in his lap when he laid eyes on her. Such a striking and adorable figure in her little black apron. His minestrone soup grew cold as he watched her nimble hands at work. It wasn’t surgery or splitting atoms, but her movements had a finesse that had him unconsciously rapt. Coming up on the other side of forty, such a fine young woman was doubtlessly beyond his imaginings, but what harm was there in observing from afar? â€"or so he reasoned.

Outside, Kasper checked his watch. He had a few moments to spare before he had to return to his office. Meetings and more meetings. If only grant proposals wrote themselves.

He crossed the street and tried to look casual as he strolled past the salon. His timing couldn’t have been better. His nimble stylist had just finished this client’s haircut, and was sweeping up the mess of bleached blonde from the linoleum floor. She looked up just as Kasper caught his own reflection in the big glass windows. Her toothy smile was even more radiant up close. She lifted a hand in greeting.

He’d meant only to steal a glance, but he couldn’t help waving back, the crisp breeze whisking the longer tendrils of his bangs into his eyes. He swallowed, brushing the dark and silver strands back behind the tips of his ears.

Was there ever going to be a good day to learn her name? Dare he step inside?

As if the universe was answering him, the shrill call of a phone rang inside. Her deep blue eyes turned to the desk, and before he could dissect their fleeting eye contact and shove his heart back into it’s proper cavity, she was scurrying over to the entryway and grabbing the phone from its stand. Before she could turn back to look out the windows, he had left.

Two different variations of avocados, chicken, bacon, and toast later, Kasper had made his decision. With a gush of enthusiasm from submitting his proposal, today felt like the right day. Confidence swelled in his leanly muscled chest, his navy suit jacket was fresh from the cleaners, he’d remembered his lucky bow tie, and his appointments were finished.

After saying goodbye to the usual cashier working the café’s register, he walked outside. Today was the day, for today his ruby haired muse was alone.

"Sir! Sir, you forgot something!"

Kasper whipped around to the panicked voice behind him. The cafe barista was on his heels, holding his leather briefcase.

"Ahh, good catch," he groaned, tapping his fingers to his temples. "Don’t know what I would have done if I’d left this behind. Thank you."

When he looked up, he swore he could see her giggling from across the street.

He took a deep breath and crossed over to where the salon sat between a coffee shop and a dry cleaner’s. Second thoughts were aggregating in the back of his mind, but the universe saw it fit to give him another push. Just as he was about reculuate the merits of entering salon, the sky opened up and buckets of rain began to pour down. Without thinking, Kasper pushed open the door and was greeted by a gentle chime.


She spoke as though she’d been expecting him. Her blue eyes were friendly, and her garnet hair was half pulled back today, with soft waves falling down her back.

"Hi," he said, breathless for no reason. "It’s raining cats and dogs out there."

She laughed. "Yes, it is! Seems like it came out of nowhere."

Kasper ran his fingers over his goatee, looking for the words. "I don’t know if I need a haircut or not. What do you think?"

She crossed her arms over her chest and stepped closer to him. She looked so thoughtful, her lips pursed as she examined his rain sprinkled hair. "I’ve always liked your hair, but we could do a little off the top."

"You’ve always liked it?" His eyes scanned hers.

She rolled her eyes, but a playful smirk was curling at the corners of her lips. "Yeah, I mean. . . I might have noticed you before. Leather briefcase guy. Silver streaks guy. I guess I’m saying that you’ve got really luscious, healthy hair. But I’d be happy to trim it for you."

His ego inflated slightly at hearing this. To think that someone like her, a beautiful woman like her, would notice him, especially when they had never spoken before. The thought of her standing next to the salon chair, catching glimpses of him as he walked to and from the café was enough to make him feel like a million bucks. The morning jogs certainly hadn’t hurt.

"Alright, miss…" he trailed off hoping she’d fill in the blank.

"Jesse." She leaned closer letting the loose ruby strands dust the light constellation of freckles on her cheek.

"Jesse." He couldn’t take his eyes off her. "You won’t take too much off though?"

Jesse was already pulling out a fresh nylon cape and patting the leather chair for him, indicating he should sit. "What, don’cha trust me?"

Kasper set his briefcase down next to the teal planter, and sat in her chair.

He hadn’t been expecting to get a trim at all today, although he probably was due for one. He didn’t wear it long, not what he considered long, not anything that would make for a decent ponytail, but his soft dark layers tickled his shoulders in a way one might have considered roguish, nothing near how he wore it in his college days. He’d always liked it over his ears. Maintenance trims had their time, and his former hairdresser had moved away to care for his aunt, so….sure maybe his hair did felt slightly wild at the moment.

The weather had somehow taken a turn for the worse outside. Thick sheets of rain pounded against the glass. The sky had darkened, and it felt like they were inside a cozy, shampoo-scented cocoon.

"Do you live close to here?" He asked, peering over the curved rims of his glasses while Jesse drew out a few tools from her set of drawers. The way her jeans fit her like second skin against her glutes, her sleek legs.

"Kind of," she said. "I would have liked to work closer to home, but it’s hard to find good retail space in this town. I had to take what I could get."

"I see. Well, I think you’ve got a great salon, from the looks of it. Plus, you’ve got the best lunch specials across the street."

Jesse laughed. She stood behind him, her knowing eyes finding his gaze in the mirror. "You love that place."

"Ahh, is it that obvious?"

"You’re only there all the time."

He smiled to himself. Jesse didn’t seem to be put off by his not-so-sneaky routine. In fact, she seemed almost amused, flattered even.

The rings of charm bracelets clinked near his ears as Jesse ran her fingers through the curtains of Kasper’s dark brown hair, boldly staring at his reflection. The middle parted in lush symmetrical waves to rest at the edge of his smile. She turned her head to the side as though observing how to best tackle this haircut.

"You really do have great hair. I’ll trim any split ends and leave it looking good."

He watched as Jesse pulled out her silver scissors and got to work. There was the lightest of pink flush to her cheeks, he noticed, and he wondered why?…was she embarrassed? Flustered by him?

After only a minute or so, Jesse began to hum. Probably wasn’t consciously aware she was doing it, and that too he found for lack of a beater term: cute. He was a hummer himself. The corners of her deep blue eyes creased with focus as she skimmed his silver-streaked hair, the scissors slicing through the tips of glossy strands to fall across his neck then the padded ground. He let his eyes close to the gentle scent of cherry blossoms and the gentler caress of her hands over his scalp.

"What do you think?" She prompted him after another few minutes. "I didn’t take too much off, did I?"

She spun the chair around so Kasper could judge his reflection. He reached for glasses, and the blur of grays and blues sharpened into a handsome view. Maybe an inch or two at most was lost, but the way she smoothed his layers, he wasn’t sure his hair had ever looked this good.

"Sensational." He glanced up to her. "Thank you so much. I’m a whole new guy!"

A feather light brush swept any remaining loose hairs from the back of his neck, which had him breaking out in goosebumps. When Jesse went to unfasten the cape, her fingers grazed his skin.
The goosebumps made their way down his back, quivering lower.
He swallowed nervously waiting for her to look away first in the mirror. She didn't say anything further in that moment, neither did he, but the fluttering of her thick eyelashes said enough.

Kasper followed her up to the cash register. He picked up one of her teal business cards and studied the looping text under the pair of delicate shears.

"Jesse Fayden," he breathed. He had learned her first name but not her last, and it was only fair to introduce himself. He bowed his head to her with what he hoped was a charming expression. "I’m Kasper Darling."

Jesse smiled sliding Kasper’s Amex through the machine. "It’s really nice to meet you."

"The pleasure has been mine, really."

"Hey, don’t forget this!" She pointed at his briefcase.

He hung his head. "That’s the second time today! Thank you."

The sky had cleared as Kasper stepped outside into the damp air. Striding down the glistening sidewalk, briefcase firmly in hand, he wondered how he was supposed to get any work done the rest of the day.

A week later, Kasper left work early. He had called in advance to make sure Jesse was available to cut his hair though he had a hunch she would answer. His hair was as fine as she had left it, he didn’t really need a trim yet, no, but he couldn’t wait any longer to see her.

Jesse was the sole occupant of her shop once more, and she turned around when Darling walked in. Her fair face broke into an elated smile. On this occasion a well-loved black leather jacket graced her shoulders. He guessed the graphic t-shirt that hugged her midriff was in support of a rock band of some sort, if the guitars and roses were any indication. The warm waterfall of color swept around her face in that perfect, casual way she wore her hair. Kasper raked his fingers through his own.

"It’s getting out of control," he said gravely as if his hair might bring about the end of the known universe. "What do you recommend?"

Jesse laughed as her leather boots sauntered over to him. She reached up and pushed her hands through his hair, making a humming sound as she did. "This is out of control to you?"

He stifled the moan— barely. His cheeks grew warm so close to hers. She had the faintest of laugh lines. "Yes…? You’re the expert."

Jesse wrapped a cape around him, and if didn’t know better it seemed she was taking her time. Her fingers grazed slowly over his neck combing through the dark strands, except they lingered there now. Her skin dragged across the littlest of hairs, and he could hardly stand how intimate the touch was. Jesse slid her hands through Kasper’s hair, shaking it out.

"I am the expert," she said, reaching into the apron around her waist for her scissors and her spray bottle of water. She spritzed his hair, dragging her comb through it over and over as his eyes followed her, pupils blown wide to take in every detail. Then she withdrew to walk around to the front of the salon chair, her strong jaw clenched in focus as she examined the silver streaks at his temples.

"What is it?" He said quietly, his gaze holding Jesse’s, bracing for a let down.

Had she finally come to her senses?

Faces only inches apart, he could make out a small jagged scar intersecting her upper lip under the light makeup. Another long healed at the smooth cleft of her chin. They only added to her natural beauty.

A thick silence lingered between them before Jesse leaned in and pressed her lips to his. So soft and curiously gentle. He sighed when Jesse pulled away, her eyes were heavy-lidded, and her cheeks had darkened with a deep pink flush.

"Is that typically included in your salon services?" He said blinking slowly at her, still a touch lightheaded.

Jesse straightened her shoulders with a bright laugh, and she was back to business, running her fingers through his hair again. "Nope." She tossed her hair over her shoulder tongue in cheek. "You’re a lucky one."

And Darling did feel lucky. How could he not feel lucky after sharing a kiss with this beautiful woman?

"Not too much, right?"

"Hmmm," he shrugged into a smirk, "you are the expert."

He watched as Jesse snipped at his hair. She was so focused as she worked, slicing deftly and quickly, but not without the utmost care. He listened as she began to hum again. A sweet comfortable alto, that had his insides in knots. Oh, there was something spectacularly special about this woman.

And much as he loved his hair, it was only hair. That would always grow back.


Jesse loved the way Kasper’s hair shaped his face, the sharp point of his widow’s peak. He had a robust hairline that complimented the squareness of his ears. Even his prim little beard. She would have offered to trim it, but ‘you don’t fix what isn’t broken’, or so her daddy used to say. Even if Kasper’s goatee was disconnected, it outlined his lips and chin perfectly. She loved the contrast of dark and light that peppered his beard, and twisted from his temples, the slight curl at the ends. Gray might have been off putting to some, but his hair had a luster akin to fine metalwork. The composition haunted her daydreams.

It almost pained her to cut itâ€"almost.

The small veins of silver added a stately quality to his features, those lightly defined cheekbones, a jawline that held itself, the Roman nose that curved down when he smiled held his profile firmly in her mind. Rich dark hair with the perfect thickness, and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want a fist full of it the moment she spotted him on her midday coffee break, but he was handsome underneath the hair, and not every man could pull off that bookish hipster-y professorial windswept look. Jesse knew hair, and Kasper had a great head of it.

Standing behind her salon chair, she admired the older man’s reflection in her floor length mirror. His light chocolate eyes were glinting with happiness behind those thick circular rims. There was something so infectious about his energy.

"It’s shorter than last time," a good deal shorterâ€"â€""but what do you think?" she asked, knowing full well that he looked good. Damn good. The perfectionist within her only enhanced what was already there. He was marble in her hands.

Kasper tilted his head from side to side pretending to deliberate. Jesse rolled her eyes, but she was smiling.

His dimples gave him away. "Best haircut yet."

She grabbed a small brush and began sweeping it against the back of Kasper’s neck. She loved the soft, fine hair there and the way it trailed off the further down it went. Her fingertips grazed across him, and her mind was already racing with possibilities and ramifications, her pulse thrumming in her ears like a hummingbird on espresso.

She had kissed a client in the middle of the workday. Never in her sober mind would she ever have thought to do that, and never mind the impulsivity, it was unprofessional as hell, but the way his eyes caressed her, the way he sighed and leaned into her hands, the swell of spice in his cologne… all the caffeine must have gone to her head, because that stupid feeling in her gut only intensified, so for once she listened, she leapt. She had kissed the handsome stranger on the other side of the street, and he couldn’t even wait for his next appointment.

What did that mean?

What was next in store for them?—Had she gone too far?

Over the next week, Jesse watched the cafe with the bittersweet tease of anticipation, and almost every day, Kasper appeared for lunch across the street, mug in one hand, briefcase in the other with a different bowtie every of the week. They shared glances. Each one a bolt of lightning to her heart. His taller figure teased her from his usual window spot, absorbed in his work.

She felt such a surge of affection for him as the sun streaked across his hair, when he brushed his parted bangs from his eyes. She’d left those long enough to rest on his ears, taking most of the length from the back in a stylish low taper, one to put those Harvard boys’ to shame. The sight of his exposed neck, the hint of fuzz, made her bite into her bottom lip, and she nearly snipped into her own finger when he’d taken to scrubbing his hands through his hair in a fit of exasperation.

She dared to wonder if he’d let her take it shorter next time, assuming there was a next time. There was so much of him left to uncover.

What was he a doctor of anyway? Literature? Chemistry? Medicine?

One sunny afternoon not long after, he showed up at her meager salon with an iced vanilla americano for her, but he’d politely refused to stay and drink his own. "Sensitive data," he’d said. The energy between them was no less intense, and when he lingered in the doorway, she gave him an open invitation to stop by again, but her next cut and color was pulling in the parking lot.

Jesse was finishing up with the last of her evening cleaning, headed for the off sign and a bottle of Riesling waiting on her kitchen counter when he slipped in for another haircut on Friday.

The second Kasper stepped into her salon, she locked the door behind him. If he noticed, he didn’t say anything.

"How are you?" he greeted her, a little bashful, a little breathless, a little disheveled with his dress shirt partially unbuttoned and the light olive toned skin of his collarbones peeking out at her. He might have been in his early forties, but the boyish charm was undeniable.

"Good. Better now."

His chin dipped. "Me too."

Jesse hesitated, brushing a few untamed locks back behind her ears. Then she quickly switched to a more professional tone. "So. . . you’re here for a haircut?"

"I am indeed." Kasper ran his hand over that fine head of hair, playing along. "If you don’t mind."

Jesse smiled and waved an open palm for him to sit down in the salon chair. Instead of pulling out her scissors and comb as usual, she bent down and kissed him. It wasn’t the gentle, sweet kiss like before. This time the doctor’s hands were pulling Jesse closer, against him, to sit on his lap. She could taste his hunger. Desire and cinnamon. He wanted her just as badly. His tongue darted over her lips and she poked hers past his straight white incisors.

She shivered at the scratch of his well trimmed whiskers dragging across her neck, his lithe hands snaking under her shirt. Skin on flushed skin. A low hum of satisfaction sounded in his chest as Jesse raked her fingers through the length of dark chocolate hair, letting her burgundy nail tips scratch along the ridges of his skull. She tugged. It felt so good sitting astride him, moving her fingers through his thick silky, soft, pullable hair. The sweet, sweet friction left her quivering. She almost forgot herself.

When Jesse finally pulled away from Kasper, she smiled down at him, wet lips parted and chest heaving. "A little off the top then?"

There wasn’t any extra growth since last time, so it was inevitable that he would leave the salon with a shorter look than normal, and if he wasn’t going to oppose…

She got to work, holding several inches on end above his forehead. The shears held, ready to slice cleanly through an inch from the end. If she cut here, he’d still be able to part and style it similarly this way.

"Or more…" he offered, his naked eyes intensely fixed on her.

‘You sure?’ Her face said.

"Surprise me."

She bit into the side of her lip. "K."

Dark crescents sprinkled around them as she stripped the outer layers of his crown inch by delicious inch. She stopped to admire him once she’d halved it. She could have stopped there where his soft bangs curled above his shapely brows, but had offered more, and now the image of a sleeker crop lodged in her mind had her stomach fluttering.

More dark crescents fell.

Jesse then turned her attention to the sides of his head, trimming the silver streaks that she loved so much. She started to hum and then stopped herself.

"Aw, I like it," Kasper said, pinning her with a look of pure sweetness.

"You like my silly humming?"

"I do."

Her silly, nervous habit. She didn’t know why her cheeks were so warm. What good was there in being nervous? He kissed her twice already. Clearly he was being genuine, and how could she take advantage of this flattering golden retriever of a man? Jesse shook the heat from her face to the faint ruffle of his chuckling.

She fell back into the flow of the work she loved, humming along as she worked her magic on him, making sure every snip worked to conform to his naturally handsome shape. Her touch was delicate, simple, as she ran the comb through each gathering of hair, trimming up a few stray ends.

The last part, her favorite part of the process, was to take clippers to the back of Kasper’s neck, where his hair tapered down into a soft peach fuzz. She could have shaved the sides down to a slick and beautifully high skin fade—but not today. She took a finer trimmer, over comb, up and around his ears to blend the dark and light into a gradient of gray.

"There," she said, stepping back to admire her work.

She almost didn’t recognize him. It was definitely shorter now, less the sort of hair that could take a whole hand running through it, but her fingers didn’t mind. A touch of putty added volume and kept a novel, diagonal part in place. What remained of his sleek dark hair suited him just as well.

It was beyond sharp; she could have taken him right there.

Jesse swallowed hard, clenching her abdominal muscles and taking her brush in hand, stood behind Kasper to dust the fine stray hairs from his neck. The tender skin of his nape poked through. She swept the hair away, her fingers following with a tremor that ran through her whole body at the contact.

The brush dropped in her apron pocket and when the cape was shaken, removed, she stepped back behind him, proudly smiling in the mirror.

"How’s that, handsome?"



"Ah? Well that’s all thanks to your expertise." His lips quirked up into an irresistible smile.

Oh that was it.

Jesse lazily dragged her fingers across the back of his neck, running over the fine hairs there. She pushed her hand up and slid her fingers through his cropped hair. His expression in the mirror shifted to something serious.

"What is it?" Hand on his shoulders, she paused.

"Nothing." He cleared his throat. "Just. . . you."

"What about me?"

"You’re gorgeous."

A little gasp escaped her. She was caught off-guard by this compliment, the awe in his voice had a needy feeling rippling through her, some entwining of arousal and affection. Almost compelled to do so, Jesse crawled back onto Kasper’s lap to kiss him again.

His hands found her hips, while she played with his hair, ruffling and stroking it as their kiss deepened. She couldn’t believe that the handsome man she’d been noticing through the shop window for the last couple of months was here in her salon chair, moaning underneath her.

Her lips were swollen and glossy by the time they finally finished their make-out session, and it was embarrassing how slick she was between her legs.

"I should go." He looked remorseful as he spoke, as though he didn’t really want to leave.

But she wasn’t going to stop him. She handed him his briefcase and brushed a lock back off his forehand.

"How much do I owe you?" he asked, fishing out his wallet.
Jesse laughed. "It’s on the house."

Kasper stepped closer to her, his fingers just grazing her waist.
"I’ll be seeing you soon," he said quietly, giving her one last kiss.

"Good. I hope so."

It was only a few days later that Kasper stopped in again, this time with no appointment.

"I was going to call," he said, shrugging off his navy jacket as Jesse greeted him. "But I couldn’t wait. So I’m dropping in. Do you have time?"

Jesse sucked in her lower lip, composing herself. Her very core was teeming with excitement. "For you, I do. Sit down."

His luscious, wavy hair was now so short there was hardly any wave to it at all. But the silver streaks that Jesse loved so much were still there. She grabbed her scissors and began to trim, although there wasn’t much left to trim, but that was their routine, and her fingers were itching for him. His hair felt coarser now, less silky now that the length had been so drastically cut. She nipped at the top, the sides, the blades moving with a spritely, practiced ease.

"It seems like you work a lot," he said, watching intently in the mirror as she switched from scissors to clippers.

She gently pushed his head forward so she could tend to the back of his neck. A little higher this time.

"I guess I do," Jesse said dreamily. "It seems like you do too."

"It helps when you love your job."

Her smile was easy. "Tell me what your days look like."

Kasper launched into an enthusiastic description of his work, from the most recent research findings to the grant he had just found out was approved. The cape billowed while he tried to talk with his animated hands. Particles and formulas went above her head, but she wasn’t about to interrupt him. Numbers sounded silky tumbling from those lips.

Jesse slowly stroked his hair as he spoke, only half pretending, like it was something she needed to do as part of her process. Her fingers retraced the curve of his nape, and a heat rose in her body. She loved that part of him, and she equally loved how he squirmed when she touched him there.

"Cutting edge of physics, you might say. Sorry, I was rambling. Once I start, it’s hard to stop." Kasper finished, abashed.

"Don’t apologize. I’d love to hear more." Jesse removed the cape with a flourish, and he stood to dust himself off. She wasn’t about to have any breakthroughs on special relativity or black holes, but he saw something in her worth returning for. She’d never cut anyone’s hair with such frequency. "It’s nice seeing you get so excited like that."

Her breath was quick, the swell of her chest buoying up and down. The combination of cutting Kasper’s hair, his impassioned deluge about his research…what had started as a simple crush had immolated into a deep desire.

Had she really missed him this much? Did she have it this bad?

Jesse was contemplating how to make her move, if she should make another move, when Kasper’s hand cupped her face, bringing his plump prickly lips to hers. She couldn’t move away even if she wanted to. He held her close to him, moaning gently against their kiss.

"Come on," she said. "Let’s go over here."

Fingers laced, she tugged him over to the sinks where she shampooed client’s’ hair. They’d have more room there.

Jesse laid down with Kasper over top of her. Hastily, she began to undo the remaining buttons of his light blue shirt, and he quickly shrugged it off. A thin sleeveless undershirt confirmed her suspicions, her bookish crush had some muscle under those blazers and bowties. His arms flexed and it was cast aside.

"Mmmm." His chest was smooth and warm and she couldn’t get enough of his skin.

He reached down to help pull Jesse’s simple black t-shirt off over her head, revealing a thin, black bralette underneath.

"You’re incredible," he said with a pause, words as hushed as his touch.

The disbelieving way in which he sounded just from looking at her bra made her flush.

With care he pulled off the bralette and tossed it to the ground. He lowered his face down to her perky breasts and gave each nipple a soft kiss before sliding further down. Soft kisses trailed across her stomach, and when he reached the waistband of Jesse’s jeans, he unbuttoned them deftly.

"You’re shaking." He stopped. "Do you want to st—"

"No! No, I don’t want to stop. Please."

Those dark chocolate eyes widened behind his glasses, and he continued with a new vigor. Jesse watched eagerly as he pulled her jeans off over her legs, and then did the same with her matching thong.

She must have taken his breath away, for he was frozen above her, eyes roaming. "Beautiful, absolutely beautiful."

Jesse was trembling as he gently parted her smooth legs. Thank god she’d shaved this morning. Her pussy was just as smooth and all the more responsive because of it. The rush of it all was making her head spin. She glanced down to watch as he kissed the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, closer and closer. His beard tickled, but each kiss was deliberate and cushioned in soft reverence as he parted her folds. Darling kissed her clit with a feather light pressure before prodding her entrance with his tongue.

"Oh, f***," she muttered, her back arching, reflexively trying to get closer to his mouth.

That brilliant mouth found her clit again and massaged her in firm, agonizingly slow circles. He lapped with each shudder that overtook her. She moved her hand between her legs to press gently on his head, keeping him right where she wanted, digging her hands into the tufts of dark brown and gripping what she could. Waves of pleasure rippled over her, and she couldn’t remember the last time she had felt anything quite this good.

He quickened his pace.

Her hips jerked up and a soft cry broke from her lips as the pleasure surged through her veins. Invisible and paralyzing in its wake.
His tongue coaxed another involuntary spasm. Moaning against her, he seemed to enjoy it just as much as she did. Long fingers swirled a clever rhythm that pulled her under.

"Fuuuuuuck," she hissed to the ceiling, desperate for that primal release. Eyes close, fingers reflexively clenching, she let herself unravel completely, swept away in the intensity of her climax.
When Kasper finally pulled away, he gave Jesse a small smile and licked his lips. His glasses were smudged and his hair stuck up in random spikes from her grip, rapturously wrecked as she was.

"You are phenomenal," he said, shaking his head.

Jesse laughed trying to catch her breath and regain feeling in her limbs. "Holy s**t…that was. . . that was really damn good. You’re too good to me." Her garnet hair was bunched around her face, tangled and twisted up in her sweat. His little severed hairs sprinkled all over her. "Was that my tip—"

A loud trilling tone rang out. "S**t. I’m sorry, but that’s—it’s—" Huffing in frustration as he yanked out his cell phone, his handsome mustache still glistening with her cum.

Jesse sat up on her elbows and watched him pace around her small salon in circles, in just his corduroy pants. She couldn’t help but smile, even though it was clear the phone call was not good news. He just looked so good with his fresh cut and that determined expression.

"So, I hate to do this, I don’t ever do this…but something’s come up." Kasper heaved a big sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I’ve got to go."

The only jewelry he wore was an old leather watch with a golden face, but she had to ask. "You’re not married, are you?"

"No! No. Just to science," he was trying to smile, to salvage, and some part of her found that adorable too, "my work. Can we pick this up again? Soon?"

She slipped back into her panties. "I hope we do."

He stood still, shoulders slack as her hands caressed his scalp indulgently for a moment, fingertips just grazing his newly-trimmed hair. He closed his eyes as if savoring her touch. Kasper opened them to lift her chin for one more tender kiss.

"See you soon," he whispered. "Thank you for the haircut and for. . .well, just, thank you."

Jesse crossed her arms over her bare breasts and laughed. "Kasper Darling, you are too much. Go solve your mysteries of the universe. You know where to find me."

So he did.

Only a few days later, Kasper slipped back through the door of her salon, just as Jesse was dimming the lights and closing the blinds. A wave of relief washed over her. Relief and a hot plume arousal at the sight of him, standing in his work clothes, hands pressed deep in his pockets in that self-assured way of his.

"Sorry, we’re just getting ready to close," she said coyly, taking her time to cross the linoleum floor to where he stood.

"You don’t have time for just one more haircut? Not even for a handsome guy like myself?"

Darling didn’t miss a beat, and Jesse loved the banter, the playful tenor of his voice. She loved that they had this established rapport between them, an understandingâ€"a thing. She had had boyfriends, but nothing like this and never anything near her work. Business and pleasure stayed separate. Had to stay separate. But here he was, and now there was…this.

He must have known on some level what cutting his hair did to her, what his touch did to her.

"Hmmm…" She flicked her low ponytail back and forth, eyes trailing up and down him. "I suppose I can make an exception for you. Come on."

Her heart was pounding in her chest as she escorted him to his chair. This night felt different, like they were on the precipice of something. She couldn’t stop thinking about their last encounter, what she was going to do to him when he returned. What he’d do to her. All the ways she could cut that beautiful hair, uncover more of the man beneath.

He watched her skilled hands curl around a pair of clippers.

"You’re really a good sport about your hair." Her fingers stroked up the back of his neck. He twitched, almost like a reflex. "You wear it just as well."

"Ah…well, experimentation has its merit."

She laughed and ran her hand over the inch of volume left on top. Scissors definitely wouldn’t work as well on this length. "Is this the shortest you’ve worn it?"

Nodding, he handed her his glasses. He didn’t hold any sense of reluctance now. "Sometimes we benefit from a deviation from the norm."

"So you’re okay with these?" she asked, trying not to sound too hopeful, as she held up the clippers. "How short can we go?"

"You tell me. You’re the professional." Kasper’s eyes crinkled at the corners.

Before Jesse turned them on, she crawled up the chair to straddle his lap, her dark blue eyes tempestuous with want.

Air hissed sharply through his craggy bottom teeth.

"Oh, I missed this," he said softly, his pupils supermassive and encompassing as they searched hers.

Jesse tugged at his shirt collar, undid his tie, the buttons under and began to kiss him, letting her body relax against his. His hands slid over her, moving from her hips down to her ass. Writhing and muffled moaning mingled as her tongue slipped between his lips and her nails scraped along the fuzz of his head. He was already stiff beneath her.

With nimble haste she reached down to the fly of his pants. Kasper didn’t object. He leaned back to free his arms from his shirt, and Jesse did the same. There was an urgency tonight, like the singularity of a moment might slip away if they didn’t act right now.

"You have no idea how badly I want you," Kasper said, gaze fixed to her naked body.

"I could say the same," she breathed in response. "But not just yet. . ."

With her hands still grazing his scalp, Jesse angled his face to the side and began to kiss her way down his neck. His pulse raced, his breathing hitching with each brush of contact. Low moans, and short whimpering gasps which grew protracting by the time she reached his cock. And what a f***able cock it was. Not the longest she’d ever seen, but it was substantial, erect in her hand, the pink head full and glistening, far more pleasant smelling than any man’s she’d tasted before. The dark hairs below were coarse, but masculine, and she enjoyed the teasing texture of them trailing up his lower abdomen.

Jesse’s blue eyes flicked upwards to memorize each movement of his face as she began to drag her tongue across each side of his shaft. She circled the tip, sucking as she went, attentive to each novel sound he made as she worked her way down, stretching her lips wide.

"F***, Jesse," he groaned, his words incoherently strained and his eyebrows drawn tightly together. "What… how can you…f***ingâ€"sublime."

The sounds of the street filtered in behind the shelter of her blinds. The grind of tires on asphalt, doors slamming, and people going on with other people. There was a thrill in knowing that here inside her salon, she and Kasper were naked and entwined, while everyone else moved through the world, none the wiser.

When she sat up, he slid his fingers between her legs and discovered that she was already slick and warm. He looked like he was about to speak when Jesse turned the clippers on.

It took patience, easing down slowly onto his cock, hips widening and tilting to accommodate a stable one handed position. She hummed in pleasure with how well he filled her. Throbbing inside of her, he waited for her to move. The clippers buzzed loudly beside his ear.

"Are you ready for your trim?"

He didn’t dare look away from her. "Yes."

She began to run them over his hair. Up his sideburn into the silver of his temples. Another line fell to the floor. Then another beside it, as the little teeth bit rapaciously upward. She cut around the slope of his skull, following the natural curve, one side, then the other. Rocking into him as she did, riding him while she fully exposed his nape. The tiniest of hairs left to brush against her skin, fading the 1# guard into the top of his crown. His breath was hot on her naked chest and gladly erratic in spurts. He was smiling, sharing in her pleasure.

His hair fell around them.

She cut carefully, despite the mounting pressure, the burning urge to strip him completely.

How much must have trusted her to allow for such a thing? She wouldn’t do him a disservice but trimming him poorly.

"You’re so wet," he said with disbelief, staying still for her which was a difficult thing to do. He was simply throbbing. She could feel every quiver that took him. The ricochet of her clench and release. It was evident he wanted to just to take her by the waist.

"You make me wet."

This deserved to be done right. She steeled herself and blended the top into a tight well shaped cut. There was still a hint of length at the peak of his hairline, but it was a drastic change from the wavy, luscious hair he’d arrived with on that first day. She could clearly see the skin along the sleek curves of his skull.

The razor straight hard part was the cherry on top.

When she was done, she tossed the trimmer aside and smoothed her palms across the fuzz of his new haircut. The hair was soft now, with the silver still visible, but only just.

"I love it," she stated boldly, sitting upright as she settled onto him again and her hips twisted fully taking him in.

He groaned loudly, eyes rolling back in a new state of ecstacy, content to let her have her greedy way with him. Her breasts bounced as she moved like a piston on top of his lap, enveloping him deep inside her.

Jesse came first, stuttering, mouth opening and closing with a wordless, pitchless sound. Her orgasm rolled its way over her shoulders and down her spine, and he followed closely behind. She was still reeling when he finished, and she collapsed against him, letting him hold her tightly against his heaving chest.

They laid like that for a moment after, their bodies spent and needy for air. She didn’t want to move from him, but she sat up, and dusted him off so he could have a proper look.

Glasses back in place, his face broke into a huge, enthusiastic grin. "Wow…"

"It really suits you." She stood behind him, reaching up to run her hand across the back of his nearly naked neck, over the soft bristly hair. "The longer hair does too…I don’t think there’s a haircut that wouldn’t suit you."

"You suit me." His voice dipped into a serious tone as he turned to face her. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in. "I don’t want you to just be the beautiful woman who cuts my hair. Let me take you out."

"On a date?" She asked, feeling uncharacteristically giddy.

"On a date."

She tried for a quick kiss, but he wrapped her in his arms.

"I would really love that," she said quietly, tucking herself into him. "I’d still be able to cut your hair, right?"

A bright laugh left his lips. "I wouldn’t want anyone else to do it."

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