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New Flat. New Experience. by JamesWoods

With a final huff, Ryan put down the last box into his new flat. It had taken a few hours to unload all of his stuff from the van, but he could finally rest a little in his new home. Ryan was 26 years old, average height and had quite broad shoulders. He was born in England and his new flat that he had recently bought was located just outside of London.

Ryan slumped down on his sofa that was currently placed in the middle of his living room, let out a deep sigh while running his hand through his wavy brown hair. His hand came away covered in sweat that his hair was saturated with, it was just his luck that he’d pick the hottest day of the year to move on.

What made the move more frustrating was the state he found the flat in when he first arrived to it in the morning. He had been told that the flat would have been cleared of all the previous owner’s stuff before the move was completed but when Ryan had arrived he found a stack of boxes that had been dumped in the cupboard.

As he sat there he thought about the fact he hadn’t cut his hair for almost 6 months now and had grown so much that it was almost grazing his shoulders. Due to the extra length and the sweat, his hair now had a gentle wave to it which he absolutely hated. It’s one of the main reasons that he normally kept his hair fairly short but recently life had dictated that getting a haircut wasn’t a major priority.

After resting for a few moments, he decided that he needed to get up and make a start on tidying the flat up after the mess he had left it in with his own boxes that he had brought in. The first few boxes went by quickly as they were mostly books and clothes, and slowly, over the next few hours, he kept working at putting all his stuff away.

Finally, his flat was starting to take shape and looking like the home he had always wanted, but then he remembered the boxes that had been left by the previous occupant, it was getting late but wanted to get them cleared before he called it a night. Majority of the boxes were filled with junk that the person clearly didn’t want anymore and had been left to Ryan to clear out.

However in the last box, right at the bottom was a small wooden box, with curiosity he lifted it out to see what they held. Inside he found a pair of clippers with an assortment of attachments, they appeared to be virtually brand new and very high quality. Ryan took them out of the box to examine them closer and the first thing he noticed was the weight the clippers had which was from there metal body, they were clearly more expensive than most of the clippers that were sold in shops.

Out of curiosity he flipped the power switch and was surprised when a loud click followed by a low hum that filled his living room, what was even more odd was the clippers had a small LCD screen to show how much battery the clippers had and right now they showed to be fully charged.

Ryan switched the clippers off, bringing silence back to the room again and placed the clippers back in the box that he had took them from. Placing the wooden box on the kitchen side for now, he decided to have something quick to eat and have an early night as he felt shattered.

It was now the early hours of the morning and Ryan was still tossing in bed, struggling to fall asleep. He felt is hair plastered to his face and neck due to the sweat that was pouring from him even though he laid in bed wearing just his boxers. His mind was also restless, thinking about useless things like why those clippers still had a full charge.

After what felt like hours he sat up in bed and glanced at his phone, it was 2:41am, he thought it should be closer to 6am with how long he’d been tossing and turning in bed. He decided to get up to see if that would ease his mind before trying to sleep again, he went to the toilet and as he was washing his hands he splashed some water on his face to cool it down a bit. He glanced at himself in the mirror and noticed how dishevelled his hair looked.

He then went to the kitchen to have a glass of water and as he was filling his glass he caught sight of the wooden box on the side. It was still opened which presented the clippers and its attachments to him in all their glory.

Without further thought he dumped the half-filled glass next to the sink, grabbed the wooden box and went back into the bathroom. He set the box down on the closed toilet lid, took the clippers out carefully and grabbed one of the smaller guards that was in the box.

Ryan didn’t bother looking at what size guard it was, as at this point he simply didn’t care, it would either be very short, or he’d go shorter with the next size down. He snapped the guard into place and made certain it was secure, flicked the clippers into life with the loud pop followed by the gentle buzz and placed them at the centre of his forehead.

He felt the vibrations reverberate through his head which along with his pounding heart was a sensation he had never previously experienced when having a haircut. He allowed the clippers to sit there as he had a final thought about what he was currently doing, maybe this was a crazy moment in a sleep deprived state that he would seriously regret the next morning. But he looked at himself in the mirror and with a steely look in his eyes he drove the clippers into his hairline.

The sound of the clippers changed to a slightly more aggressive tone as the blades of the clippers began to devour his floppy, sweat-soaked hair. What was left behind in their wake was short bristles that stood to attention, revealing the pale scalp that had been hidden beneath for so long.

He had just completed the first pass down the centre of his head and the stark difference between the buzzed strip and the long flowing hair either side made him smile. He brought his hand to the clippered patch on his head with his free hand and ran his index finger down it from forehead to crown. Straight away he noticed the resistance the minute hair was giving his finger and the second thing he noticed was the sensation on his scalp, with his hair this short now his scalp was able to feel so much more than before.

After Ryan stroked the velvety hair for a few more moments he brought his hand away reluctantly as he now felt a fire inside him to carry on shaving his mop off, he knew he wouldn’t be satisfied until all his hair was left scattered on the floor of his bathroom. So he brought the clippers to his forehead again, just to the right of the centre and pushed them back and watched the cascade of wavy brown locks tumble from his head to finally land on the bathroom tiles.

He carried on this process until the right half of his crown and been buzzed to an even pelt, he then moved on to the right side of his head, continuing to shear that portion of hair down. As he was shaving that side, the hair that was being shaved off tumbled onto his shoulder before finally resting on the floor, he was surprised at the weight those severed locks had as they fell, which also made him realise how much lighter his head was beginning to feel now.

After buzzing the right side of his head he repeated the process on the left side so now when he looked in the mirror straight on he looked like he had an ordinary buzz cut, until he turned his head slightly to see the wavy long locks that were still attached to the back of his head. As he didn’t have a second mirror he had to do this by touch and feel alone, as he began his first pass up the back of his head.

The feeling of the clippers on the back of his head along with the sensation of the hair falling down his back made him feel goosebumps on his arms and a large smile spread across his face. He carried on shaving the back of his head, which took much longer than the rest of his head had taken, until finally all that was left was an even velvet pelt of hair.

Turning the clippers off he placed them carefully in the wooden box and began to explore his head with his hands, rubbing every single spot on his head, going with and against the grain just to experience the difference. While doing so he hadn’t noticed the bulge that had begun to grow in his boxers and was at first surprised and a little shocked as to why this had caused him to get so excited.

But nevertheless Ryan refused to allow that to dampen the nights events, as he continued to rub his buzz cut while looking at it in the mirror. After a little while longer of enjoying the feeling he looked down and saw the devastation around him, the scattered mess of his hair that only a short while earlier had been on his head, this caused an involuntary chuckle to escape his lips as even now he could not imagine having hair that long on his head again.

He brushed the hair to the side with his foot for now as he couldn’t be bothered with cleaning it up right now as firstly he wanted to jump in the shower quickly to get any loose hair off his body before going to bed. Once the shower had warmed up enough he jumped in and was hit with another new feeling, the sensation of the water pouring over his head felt almost sensual. He stood the for a minute just allowing the warm water to wash over his scalp until finally he knew he had to get out.

He grabbed the towel next to the shower and began to dry off, he then rubbed the towel across his hair a couple times and was surprised to see that it was pretty much dry, this buzz cut was definitely going to save him a lot of time when getting ready. After drying off completely he decided it was time to finally try and sleep and this time round he had no issue drifting off to sleep almost instantly.

Waking up the next morning, Ryan felt very well rested to the point he wondered if last night had even happened, it was when he brought his hand to the top of his head and felt the short bristles against his palm. The feeling brought a smile straight to his face and once again felt a bulge appear in his boxers, it was then he thought maybe he was developing a hair fetish, he couldn’t remember ever having feelings like the ones he had last night whilst shaving his hair off but maybe was something he’d need to look into.

After getting out of bed he made his way to the bathroom with a dustpan and brush and cleared up the mess of his hair that he had left behind last night and as he dumped the pile of hair in the bin he was fairly certain that he’d never have hair that long again, not that he wouldn’t want to grow it out again and shave it off to have that experience again but because he didn’t think he’d be able to not buzz his hair off every couple weeks.

It was from that moment that Ryan got into a routine of buzzing his hair down to a #2 every couple weeks. This carried on for almost a year until a mishap with the clippers happened and the guard came loose, before he could stop the motion, he’d created a three-inch bald strip on his head. With no other options, that he liked at least, he ran the bare blades all over his head leaving nothing but sandpaper behind and not being fully satisfied with the look he grabbed his razor and shaving foam to finish the look off.

Over the next few years he alternated between looks depending on the season and over time his family and friends got used to the buzz cuts and the odd smooth head. It was now almost five years since that first fateful night in his flat that he was packing up the last of his items into the box ready for moving the next day.

The sale had gone through very smoothly with the estate agent finding a buyer for his flat faster than he could have imagined, which made things so much easier. He glanced at his watch and saw that it was almost 2pm and realised he’d need to leave the flat soon as the buyer was coming by with one of the estate agents to measure up the flat for their furniture.

Ryan had gone out but didn’t have anything to do so had arrived back to his place a little early and decided to wait in the car as he didn’t want to make the buyer feel like he was taking too long. After scrolling through social media on his phone for a while, he looked up and saw the estate agent come out first followed by a younger lad who looked to be in his early to mid-20’s. What struck Ryan the most was the similarity this guy’s hair had to his own when he first moved in, and it was at that moment he had a brainwave.

Ryan entered his bathroom later that evening with the wooden box in hand, knowing this would be the last time he did this, in this flat at least. He took the same pair of clippers out that he had meticulously maintained over the last five years and attached his trusty #2 guard on. With all the stress the move had put on him he had lapsed in the maintenance of his buzz cut and now easily had over an inch of hair on his head, but not for long he thought as he turned the clippers on and drove them into his hair.

After finishing his buzz cut and tidying the cut hair up from his bathroom, he stuck the clippers on charge so the battery would be back to 100%. Once fully charged he put the clippers back in the wooden box and put them in the same cupboard he had found them in on his very first day. He had contemplated writing a note to put with the wooden box but decided against it as he didn’t want to pressure the guy into doing something he didn’t want to.

His hope was that he might find a similar joy he had found over the years but only time would tell on that one. Ryan thought about coming by in a few weeks’ time but thought that might be a little creepy, so decided to leave it up to fate again, maybe one day they would cross paths on the street, all Ryan could say for sure was that once he was settled in his new place he’d be straight down the shop looking for a decent hair clipper set.

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