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Catch 22 by A recruit
I was in one of my first year psychology classes at the University of Idaho, far away from my home state of Georgia. I had always admired guys with short hair though I had never really had mine all that short. You know how it is when you live at home, your family doesn’t have a lot of money so your mother always cuts your hair and cuts it how she likes it. For many years I would not only imagine what my hair would look like short, but would imagine what others would look like with short hair. I would sit in the back of the bus and imagine how I would cut each guy’s hair on the bus or sit in the back of a classroom and imagine how the guys in my class would look like with their hair cut very short.
It was in this first psych class that I first learned about fetishes. As I learned about this subject I discovered that I had a full blown fetish about haircuts. Many a night I would think about my hair being cut off by a real barber and not my mom. I’m now miles away from home and yet when I finally went to a real barber I was afraid to cut my hair short. What would people think of me?
I was really enjoying this class, learning as much about myself and the way I am as well as others. I learned a lot about why people behave in certain ways. Despite of what I learned I was still scared to get my haircut the way I dreamed of. I did decide that psychology would be my major so I continued to take classes in this area. Once I declared my major some guys came to my dorm room. I recognized some of them from some of my classes. Neal introduced himself and then the others. They wanted to know if I wanted to join their small unofficial psych fraternity. I told them yes. They told me where we would meet. This was great!
I was extremely intrigued by the classes on hypnosis. At one of our frat meetings we decided to experiment hypnosis on each other. Little did we know how easy it was to put someone in a trance. As other frats would use alcohol and drugs to alter their mental state we would use hypnosis. We were getting bored hypnotizing on an individual basis so Neal suggested he try doing the whole group of us, fifteen total excluding himself. Neal had not given us any reason not to trust him so why not. It was a Friday afternoon that we met over to Jake’s house. He was from the area so he didn’t live in the dorms. Chairs had been arranged in a semi-circle with a single chair in front facing the others. We all took a chair. Neal took the one in front. Neal asked if there were any opposed to being hypnotized and being subject to what ever he asked them to do. A couple of the guys asked what he had in mind. He simply said it would be a surprise. No one objected so the process began.
Soon everyone was in Neal’s control. Neal told everyone that they needed a haircut that afternoon. When the barber asked them how they wanted it cut they would tell would tell him just a trim. When the barber asked if it was short enough they would tell him a bit shorter. This would go on until the barber would ask if they just wanted it shaved off and they would reply yes. Each time the barber cut more off it would be more of a turn-on for them until they developed a full fetish for being shaved bald. From that point on in their life whenever they got turned on they would want their head shaved smooth and one thing that would turn them on would be seeing others shaved bald. Little did they know what impact this little group hypnosis would have on their lives and the catch 22 they were now in.
Neal brought them out of their hypnotic trance. They wanted to know what kind of silly thing Neal had them do. All he told them is that they would have a positive experience in their lives as a result of what he had done. They were curious, but no one other than Neal had witnessed what occurred so they would just need to wait. After some refreshments Neal mentioned that they all needed a haircut. They looked at each other and wondered why he said that. They soon left Jake’s house.
As Sam and I left Jake’s house I had the strange desire to get a haircut even though I had gotten one only a few days ago. I told Sam that I needed to stop by the barber before going back to the dorm. He said he needed a trim also. Once they arrived at the shop, the two chairs were empty so each climbed into them.
The barbers asked them what they wanted. We both said almost in unison, just a trim. The barbers did as they were told. I felt some movement under the cape and moved slightly to adjust myself. The barber asked, "Is this short enough? This was the second hypnotic suggestion. I told him no, " Take it shorter!" This same scenario was taking place with Sam.
Finally after several trims the barber cutting my hair asked in disgust, "Do you just want me to shave it off? I immediately told him to shave me bald. Sam was at the same stage and told the barber to do the same to him. The barbers looked at each other and proceeded to shave us both clean. When they were done there wasn’t a stubble on our heads. We looked in the mirror. We both thought it was awesome. It felt great. We rubbed each other’s head, this only turned us on more. The fetish that I already had was only enhanced. I knew I had the haircut I had dreamed about so many times. For Sam this was a new experience, but one he would learn to enjoy. We still didn’t know why we had done this but I finally did what I always had wanted to do.
This being a small college town there were only a couple of barbershops. Ironically the same thing was happening at the other shop. Before we were done getting our heads shaved, four of the other guys showed up for their haircuts. The others wondered why we had shaved our heads. They then suspected what the hypnotic suggestions were. They were about to leave but once they seen Sam and my heads shaved bald they couldn’t leave the shop. Sam and I sat down to see what would happen. When the barbers asked what they wanted, again they replied just a trim. This process happened only a couple of times when the barbers asked them if the wanted it all shaved off. This time the guys still had quite a bit of hair left on their heads. The barbers took the clippers straight down the middle of their scalps. Within a few minutes their heads were as smooth as ours. Upon seeing their bald heads we asked where the restrooms were. We desperately needed to relieve our built up sexual tension.
This process continued throughout the afternoon and evening until every one of us except Neal was shaved smooth. The next day upon seeing the others bald we immediately got turned on. We went to Wal-marts and bought a supply of shaving cream and razors. We then went back to our dorms and shaved each other’s heads. The fetish only became more engrained in our minds. Unknown to me Neal had a haircut fetish worse than mine. Upon seeing us all shaved bald his fetish took control. He couldn’t stand it any more. He asked me if he bought some clippers if I would shave him bald. We confided in each other about our fetishes so I agreed to follow his desires. Soon Neal was just like us, but not because of hypnosis.
Neal was athletic though not on the school’s soccer team he would often watch practices and attend games whenever they were at home. He looked awesome with his shaved head. Neal had a full beard so when I shaved his head I trimmed his beard into a nice full goatee. His whiskers fully surrounded his mouth with no bare spots. There were a lot of jocks on the soccer team, many of them proud of their long locks and athletic builds. When Neal showed up to watch practice there were those who asked what happened. Neal said he just wanted a change. Ted who was a good friend of Neal’s and who lived in the same dorm as a lot of the guys who now had bald heads took Neal aside and asked why so many had bald heads. Since Ted was a good friend, Neal told him about the group hypnotic trance, but did not go into the "Catch 22" scenario. Ted was skeptical about being hypnotized yet a whole group being hypnotized. Ted said he wanted to see him hypnotize some guys.
Neal told him to get some guys together from the team that wouldn’t mind being hypnotized. Again, they agreed to meet at Jake’s house on Sunday afternoon. Ted would bring the guys over. Ted wasn’t sure what Neal would hypnotize them into doing. He was hoping it would be something to make the team better since he was the captain and the team could use some more wins.
Because of Neal’s fetish for shaved heads he knew he had to use this opportunity to promote his cause. The hypnosis would need to involve haircuts. He had a few days to put his plan together.
Ted told his coaches that Neal was going to try and hypnotize some of the guys and perhaps it would help their games. The coaches were at the point of trying anything. After a poor showing on Friday’s game, the coaches told the team to be over to Jake’s house on Sunday afternoon. They were going to receive some supplementary training.
Neal was at Jake’s waiting for a few guys to show up. He was totally surprised when the whole soccer team showed up including the coaches. He wasn’t sure he could do this many or if all would be subjected to hypnosis. There were those long hair super jocks Neal definitely wanted to see shaved completely bald.
Neal asked Ted what happened and why the whole team was there. Ted told him that he informed the coaches what you were going to do and after the losing game on Friday the coaches decided to see if you could hypnotize the team into playing better games. This definitely changed what he wanted to do or how he wanted to do it. It only made his challenge greater, but his goal was still to promote his cause of shaved bald heads.
Neal explained to the team that he was going to hypnotize those who wanted to hypnotized. Those that did not want to be hypnotized was free to leave. The coaches glared across the room, no one dared to leave.
Neal once again began the process hypnotizing the group. To his amazement everyone including Ted and the coaches were under his control.
Neal told the team that the only way they would become a winning team was for them to all keep their heads totally shaved smooth. They could have beards and mustaches, but again emphasized they had to shave their heads everyday. He told them after their Monday practice that they would find clippers in the locker room. He told them as soon as they seen the clippers they would want their heads shaved smooth. He told them to bring shaving cream and razors. They would shave each other completely smooth once they had been clippered and in the showers.
Neal told them once they did this they would develop the desire to win. He also told them from now one whenever they saw someone with a shaved head they would want be shaved smooth as well. He again said the more they shaved they would develop a fetish to remain shaved smooth. After instilling these suggestive thoughts in their minds he brought them out of the trance. The coaches unaware they were hypnotized asked when he was going to hypnotize the team. Neal laughed and said they should see an improvement in the team in a few days.
The next day, Monday’s practice went pretty much as normal. The coaches doubted Neal helped at all. After practice the team went to the locker room to shower. Upon entering the locker room, the coaches found two sets of clippers plugged in and setting on a couple of stools. The coaches wondered who had put these in there. Soon the hypnotic suggestion took over them as well as for the whole team. There was almost a fight as to who got to shave their heads first. The coaches settled by saying they were going to be first, then Ted the team captain. There was no pattern as to how the clippers were used, all it mattered is that the hair was taken off. Soon the team was in the shower shaving each other smooth.
I couldn’t wait to go to practice the next day to see the results. It has worked there wasn’t any hair left on anybody’s head. The psych frat was no longer alone being the bald men on campus. It looked like shaved heads were becoming the norm. Most of them have no control nor will they have control about being shaved bald. Their fetish will only become stronger each day. As the day started heating up some of the guys removed their shirts including Ted. Now Ted used to have a hairy chest as well as some of the other guys, but all were smooth, no hair to be found. Did I cause this?
After practice I went to the locker room. As the guys removed their clothes to shower I was surprised that none of the team had any hair on their bodies other than some that had beards. Thinking back to the hypnosis I now remember telling them that they would shave each other completely smooth when in the shower and that is what they did and that is what they were doing that day.
Some things just turn out better than you anticipate. As for the team, well they kept winning and soon others were shaving their heads to support the team. After the soccer season some will grow their hair back, but the soccer team and psych frat will be shaved smooth for many years to come because I know Neal has no plans to counsel the hypnotic trances. For me that is fine because my hair or lack of it is exactly how I like it. Come to think of it because the "Catch 22" there are a lot of others now just like me. As for Neal he continues to Bald by Choice.