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Forced by Dave

I have always had long hair. I don’t know why I didn’t get it cut short, but I had grown up with it long and got so used to it that I couldn’t get my hair cut short if I wanted. My hair is quite thick, strawberry blonde, and with some curl. The only cutting that has been done in the past has been just the ends trimmed, keeping it just below the shoulder blades.

A new barber opened up his shop in town and my friends told me he was quite good and besides he didn’t charge as much as the salons. In fact with the opening of the new barbershop, we men now had a choice between either the salon or driving a great distance for a real barbershop. After breakfast, I decided to try the new barber out. It had been about 2 months since the last trim. I figured that the middle of the week, he may not be so busy.

When I arrived, I saw the barber sitting in the chair reading Camping & Hiking Magazine. That told me something about the man right off the bat. I also noticed that he had a very nice shiny head. When I saw the bald head, I said to myself, "I sure wished I had the guts to get a haircut like that. I had thought about going that route a number of times, but the thought never went any further than thinking about it.

Brian got up and shook my hand and introduced himself. He said, "Have a seat. I hope I am able to do what is necessary for your business in the future." Brian was about 25 years old. You could tell he was into bodybuilding. He put the cape on me and began combing my hair. Then he asked me how I wanted it cut. I said, "Just a trim. No more than an inch off!" He looked at me and said, "Now why would a man want all of this hair? Let me take a lot of this fluff off and you will look much better and it will be more comfortable. I said, "NO! I want just a trim."

Brian asked me if I had thought about getting it cut short and I told him I had many times, but never acted on it. He asked me if I liked his style and I said, "It looks fantastic. I could never ask for a cut like that even thought I have thought about it many times." - That brought a smile to Brian ’s face. He picked up a big pair of clippers and turn them on. Before I knew what happened, he clamped his left arm around my head and held me so I couldn’t move. I said, "Hey! What are you doing? Let me go." Brian said, "You are going to lose this and finally looked like a man!" As he said, "going to lose this" he ran the clippers over the top of my head. Before I could object, he made several more passes and then he let me go. I couldn’t believe what he did. I was turned to the mirror and looked. Most of the hair on top of my head was gone. I couldn’t do anything about it at this point. I looked at Brian and said, "I told you I wanted a trim." What made you think I wanted it cut like this?" Brian looked at me and said, "I am just doing what you have wanted to do for a long time but didn’t have the guts to commit yourself. I told him I was very unhappy the way he went about it. I didn’t have any choice but to let him finish it. When he finished, I had just a short buzz cut. I must admit I looked good with it cut short. He did an outline shave. I went to pay Brian and he said, "That one is on me!" If you like it, come back in about 10 days and keep it looking good.

I left most upset with Brian. As I walked along, I noticed how comfortable I was without all of that hair. I indeed began to enjoy the short cut. When I got home, I took a shower and noticed that I didn’t need much shampoo and the hair was dry with one swipe of the towel. While sitting outside and thinking about what happened that morning at Brian’s shop, I smiled. Yes indeed. Brian had done me a huge favor.

The following morning I found myself grabbing the comb and brush and then remembered that I had very little hair left. Then I thought of my friend Bert. He had been trying to get me to get a short haircut. He even went so far as to say if I got my head shaved, he would too. He had a full head of hair, but kept it cut in a short businessman’s cut. Bert had gone on a 3-week vacation, so he wouldn’t know about my losing my hair until he returned. I found myself outside most of the daylight hours enjoying the new cut. The more I thought about it, I realized I really wanted the short cut and was determined to go back to Brian and have him keep it short for me. After several days, I noticed the white skin on the scalp was beginning to tan. I tan easily and quickly so before the week was out, I had a good tan on the scalp.

Six days after Brian relived me of the mop, I found myself walking to his shop. Again, Brian had just opened and was sitting in the chair reading the newspaper. When he saw me, he got up and offered me the seat. As he caped me, he said, "I have been thinking about you and I want to apologize for my action. I hope you forgive me." I looked up at him and said, "No apology needed - you did me a big favor. To show you how much of a favor, I want you to shave my head." Brian smiled and looked at me. He picked up the clippers and within 4 minutes, the remainder of my hair was gone except for the stubs. He lathered me up and before long, I was sporting a perfectly shaved head. When Brian turned me to face the mirror, I couldn’t believe what I saw. The skin was perfectly tanned and shone. I told Brian, "I love it! It looks great! Thanks!"

As I was getting my money out to pay him, Brian said, "No Charge!" I told him I wouldn’t hear of it. I told him I got the first one free and I insisted on paying from now on. I gave him a big tip also. I told him I would be back next week for the next shave. I also told him about my friend Bert and our bet. I told Brian, that I would be bringing in a new customer when he returns from vacation. Brian said, "I can take care of it for him."

Two weeks later and three head shaves, Bert returned from vacation. He had gone camping in the wilderness so when he stopped by, not only did he look like he hadn’t heard of a razor, he had let his hair go for some time before taking the vacation and it truly needed attention. Of course his mouth dropped open when he saw my shiny, tanned dome. I told him the story of my first encounter with Brian and I told Bert that Brian was a super barber.

After about an hour of catching up, Bert wanted to go and visit Brian. As we were nearing Brian’s shop, I reminded Bert of our agreement. Bert looked like he had forgotten about it, but didn’t seem disturbed. When we arrived, I introduced Bert to Brian and Brian took a seat while Brian shaved my noggin. When it was Bert’s turn, he had Brian shave off the 3 week old beard and I was surprised that he had Brian shave off the mustache that Brian had been growing for about 5 years. I asked him why and he said, "I am tired of it and besides it will take less time when it comes to shaving." I looked as if I didn’t understand then Bert smiled and said, "it takes a lot of time to shave around a mustache and keep it trimmed, besides I will need the time I save by not having a mustache for shaving my head." Then Bert smiled.

Brian grinned and asked Bert how he wanted his hair cut. Bert smiled and said, "Like my buddy here, Dave." It wasn’t long before Bert was shining just like Brian and me. It wasn’t long before we three were chumming around a lot. We all liked the out of doors and went on a lot of weekend camping trips. Word got out that Brian was a no-nonsense barber and before long he had a strong following and a great many new customers ended up with a Baldy!

It has been some 18 years now that I had gone bald and never once regretted it. It still feels great, looks great, and I still enjoy going in once a week to have Brian do his magic. Oh! Yes! Soon after I went bald, I got married and now have two boys. The oldest is almost 17. One day when I was going in to have Brian give me his special, Corey wanted to go with me. He was into the bodybuilding scene and had let his hair grow until it now touched his shoulder. I was surprised when he sat down in Brian’s chair and said, "Like Dad’s!" I must say I was really proud of him and he looked super with the bald head. My younger son, Rory, now 13, wants to get his head shaved. I told him it was up to him. One day I came home from work and in walked Rory and wanted to know if I would go with him to Brian’ s. I did need a shave myself so off we went. I got my head shaved and then it was Rory’s turn. He proudly announced to Brian, "I want it just like Dad ’s." Now all three of us are sporting the shaved head. Both of my young men look smashing with the shiny dome. A lot of their friends have gone to Brian for their first head shave. What can I say - lately everyone seems to want the bald look. I have to agree, it looks great.

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