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Dad Comes Home With A Surprise by It’s Me Hi

Dad Comes Home With A Surprise

I’m Justin, 23 years old, just out of college. And this is where my story

Being gay with a homophobic father is never easy. But he raised me to be a quite a masculine man, and he’s in the military so only really home for a few months at a time. He encouraged me to be a football jock, and all those many things you see a football jock being. I guess he loves me and is pretty easy on me for a military man.

We have a good bond but I always do what I can to make him proud of me. Back in my teenage years when he was around, He would never let me have hair. Every weekend he would shave me down to a 1mm buzz. I don’t think there was ever a week that the buzz didn’t get a refresh. But I never wanted to disappoint him so just went with

He hasn’t been home in 2 years and took the opportunity to see what having a style cut had been like. It’s just your generic colleague ball player cut. Brunette, 3 inch top, 1 inch back and sides. I really love it.
Well I did, Dad is coming home for the holidays this year so I have to shave it off before he gets here.

I met my Boyfriend Brad on the collage football team, and he has never seen me with a shave head before. I dunno how he is gonna feel about it. He is such a beautiful guy. Also quite a masculine guy. Also brunette, his hair is like a model from a teenage girls magazine in the 90s. It looks great even tho it’s an old retro look. His hair is that 90s boyband undercut nice smooth looking undercut like every curtains pop singer had back in the 90s. It sounds cheesy but it is very well kept. It comes down just past the top of his ears and dips a bit lower in the back. And he keeps the undercut to a well kept zero buzz. He looks fantastic in his baseball cap

I have explained everything about my dad to him and broke the news that he was coming home for the holidays. He was a little on edge coz he would meet him for the first time. But then I told him the dreaded news. ‘So would you still love me if I shaved my head?’ I asked Brad. He looked up at me through those sexy curtains with a confused look on his face. ‘What…why woud you ask me such a random question like that ya weirdo?’ ‘Well with Dad coming home next week it is kind of expected so gotta do it before he gets home’ he too a second to respond but came around pretty fast. ‘Well I don’t think it would look too bad’. ‘So you’re still gonna love me then? Why don’t you do it with me?’ I asked jokingly. Brad responded with a raised eyebrow and a funny screwed up look on his face ‘yeah nah man ya on ya own with that one..’ then I responded with a slight smile but also slight disappoint ‘oh well worth a shot!’

It came to the morning dad was arriving and Brad got up before me. He is so beautiful. All tanned and shirtless with his toned body and broad shoulders topped off with his dark brown curtains falling either side of his eyes. He pulled his jeans on over his tight white briefs then came back with his toothbrush in his mouth. ‘C’mon, are you gonna get up, we gotta go if you wanna get into the barber before we pick your dad up’ Brad said still with the tooth brush hanging out his mouth. He went back to the ensuite sink to finish brushing his teeth then put on a singlet that showed off those amazing muscles grabbed his cap off the door handle then pushed his hair back and held it in place with his baseball cap. God he is so dam Hot. How did I get so lucky.

‘Alright, I guess it is happening’ I hesitantly responded. I got up and quickly got ready and looked in the mirror one last time. ‘Well it was good while it lasted’ I said to myself before leaving the bathroom and grabbed the car keys and closed the door behind me.
We pulled up to the barber with the red and white pole out the front. It’s a really good barbershop and the staff there are great. ‘Well this it , I’m gonna miss your hair Justin’ Brad jokingly remarked trying to edge me on. ‘Oh shut up or I will shave yours in ya sleep’ I jokingly responded with a chuckle.

I walked into the barbershop greeted with that clean and fresh look and smell of a classic high quality barbershop. It’s such a pleasant environment. As it was early I didn’t have to wait. I was greeted by one of my regular barbers that I see every few weeks. ‘Hey man, good morning take a seat’ the barber kindly greeted. He taped up my neck, put on the nylon cape and started pumping up the chair. Brad took off his hat and sat in the waiting area behind me to get a good view of the damage about to be done. ‘So the usual?’ The barber asked looking at me through the mirror. My heart sank in disappointment as I found the courage to respond. ‘Nah man, shave it all off’.

The barber looked at me with a shock, ‘you sure bro?’ ‘Yea, No guard just all off’. The barbers shocked looked continued, ‘so bald?’ I looked back at him with my last chance to back out ‘yep’ ‘alright man let’s go’ he responded with a smile excited to give me a transformation.

He picked up his high quality clippers and sprayed them with disinfectant spray, adjusted the cord to a comfortable position out of his way and turned them on. The vibrating buzz filled the barbershop and I looked at Brads reflection in the mirror. He too had an excited smile on his face. The buzzing got louder as the clipper moved closer to my head about to shred me of my beauty. I don’t know why it was so hard I used to buzz it all the time.

The bare metal blade reached the front of my hairline and the sound changed to the cutting of the 3 inch dark top. As the barber pushed the clippers down the middle to the crown it left behind a white strip with a slight dark shadow . Omg this is actually happening I thought to myself with every nerve in my body freaking out. The 3 inches of dark hair came falling down around me and with each swipe more and more dark brown hair would rain down my face and onto the cape til there was nothing left but a shadow.

I looked at my reflection and didn’t hate what I saw it was just a bit of getting use to again. I looked through the mirror at Brad watching me. He had a big smile on his face and you could see in his brightly opened eyes he was enjoying watching me suffer but at the same time he seemed to like it.

The barber put down the clippers and grabbed the shaving cream and brush and fumbled around putting a new blade on the razor. I watched him with those nerves screaming at me. I have never been bald before this is going to be interesting.

The barber sprayed my head with the water bottle and lathered the shaving cream all over my head. My head was covered in the white preening foam and it smelt amazing. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea after all. He put the razer at the front of my hairline and started scraping off the remaining shadow. Wiping the cream off the bald with each pass. Leaving behind rows of smooth bare hairless skin. He continued til there was no hair left and wiped the remains off with a damp towel. He sprayed some after shave over it which stung like crazy for a second but looking back in the mirror at my reflection. I looked so clean. ‘Wow’ I said actually enjoying the new look. ‘That is bald’ I continued with a big smile on my face as I put my hand up to feel the silky smooth bald White dome where my dark hair used to be. The barber uncapped me and I stood up. ‘Next’ the barber remarked looking at Brad with his curtains jokingly with a smile. ‘No Way Man’ Brad responded ‘But Justin Does Look Hot Bald’ He continued.

We payed and left and headed back to the car. Brad playfully rubbed my head on the way back. He actually really seem to love it. ‘At least you still have your gorgeous hair’ I mentioned as we continued to the car, ‘dunno if Dad is gonna like it tho’ Brad put his hat back on as we got to the car and we drove to pick up my dad.
We got to the destination and got out the car where dad was standing. A bald man in his 50s in his camo army pants and army green shirt. He is quite an attractive man. Just looks like a bald soldier really. We greeted him and he had the biggest smile on his face. He has never seen me completly bald but you could tell he was proud. ‘Hey Dad’ I said with a smile as I hugged him tight . ‘I missed you’ I admitted as I let go of the hug. ‘I missed you too son’ he looked at Brad and held out his hand ready to shake his hand’ ‘who’s your friend’ he asked waiting for Brad to shake his had. Brad shook his hand with a smile ‘He sir, great to meet you, I’m Brad’.

Now is as good as time as any to drop the bombshell so I reluctantly found the courage to come out. ‘Dad, Brad is my boyfriend, I hope you don’t mind, but we are pretty serious. We met on the football team 2 years ago’ I said waiting for the disgust. Dad responded ‘Great to meet you too Brad’ he smiled back at me. ‘I am glad you are happy son’ dad continued. I think he was just happy that I didn’t have a feminine boyfriend. Parents seem to know when their kids are gay anyway so was probably waiting for the day I would finally be able to share the news with him. He seemed pleased that my life is getting on track.

We went back home and dad dropped his bag in the guest room. ‘This new place is great son, he admitted while looking around dad took his hat off and put it back on the door handle and dad noticed his hair but didn’t say anything. Brad got the suspicion he didn’t really like it. But they seemed to get along quite well.
Dad broke the news to us that he is getting older and going to be spending less time away. ‘I have some good news Justin, now that I am a bit older they are giving me longer and more frequent home visits, so we will all get to spend more time together’ I had a bit of shock because the first thing that came to mind is that I’m gonna be bald for a long time. ‘That’s awesome Dad’ I responded with acceptance that I probably won’t be getting to grow my hair back much when he’s away.

A few days went by and I started to have some stubble growing through but dad’s wasn’t growing. He didn’t have any genetics that would make him be bald so I realised he had been lazering it.
‘Shall we go get food from the plaza’ I suggested to Brad and Dad. ‘Sounds good’ Dad mentioned. ‘Ya need the barber again already’ he jokingly remarked with a smile. As I just have it in me to make him proud so I guess I’m freshening up the shave

In the car on the way Dad mentioned that he has a 7 month break he will be sticking around for a while. So guess so will being bald. We got to the plaza and the barber is on the outside so ofcourse we went there first. We walked in and sat in the waiting area Brad left his hat in the car this time but I thought nothing of it.

‘Next’ My barber called for me to take a seat. ‘You’re back’ he remarked, ‘yeah need a freshen up’ I responded. This time was easier he went straight for the shaving cream and razor and was finished in half the time. He uncapped me
and in that moment dad playfully ruffled Brads hair with his hand
‘Go take a seat Brad, welcome to the family, this haircuts on me’

‘Omg Nooo’ I thought to myself. I love Brads hair. I exchanged looks with Brad and we knew how dissapointed we both were. But he also knew how respectful of my dad I was and that he wanted to be accepted as my boyfriend, especially with dad going to be around a lot. Brad tried to kindly decline ‘thank you sir, but you don’t have to do that’ Brad was praying he would accept the decline. ‘Rubish’ dad responded. ‘I want to do a kind gesture, it’s not worries at all. The army pays me loads of money. It’s how I gave Justin the money for the house’

Brad kids felt guilty he was living rent free and all thanks to dad, but reluctantly got up ‘Thank you sir, I appreciate that’ Brad sat down in the chair and got all caped up. And the barber asked ‘ So The same then? He mentioned as a joke with a smirk’ yep sounds good’ Dad mentioned from the waiting area.

As the clippers come to life ya could pretty much see brads heart pounding through the cape. We were both so upset that his hair was about to be gone. ‘Alright here we go’ the barber mentioned as he brought the clippers to life and pushed the curtains back with a comb and placed the clippers at the front of his hairline. And just like that the clippers ate through his hair straight down the middle. 7 or 8 inches of dark brown 90s undercut raining down the cape onto the floor. With each pass the pile grew bigger and bigger on the floor til Brad was left with nothing but a dark shadow buzzcut.

Dad had a proud grin on his face but Brad and I were dying on the inside. I mean he looks hot still but like a completely different person. As the buzzing was finished the barber lathered up Brads head with the shaving cream and scraped the remaining stubble off with the razor. I was kinda getting a bit excited that my boyfriend was being scalped but will always miss his hair ofcourse. The shaving was completed and the barber finished him up with a wet towel and after shave. Brad held in the pain from the sting to show Dad that he was man enough to handle it but he looked quite uncomfortable for a couple of seconds. Brad took one last look in the mirror before we left ‘wow I actually quite like it, it’s very different but looks bad ass’ ‘thank you so much sir’ Brad greatful y said to dad. This gave dad an idea, I didn’t know what it was but his smile was telling me he was up to something.

‘ Glad ya like it son’ dad responded and we left the barber and further into the plaza.‘I have a surprise for you guys’ we looked at each other in confusion but followed dad to whatever the surprise was. We went to a boutique store which seemed pretty calm and not busy at all. Wasn’t really sure why we were here but continued in. As dad admitted ‘this is the same store chain as the plaza over where the barracks are’ still confused we followed dad to the bench at the front of the store. We were greeted by a nice lady ‘hey guys what can I do for you’ dad responded ‘hey there. Can I book the boys in for a 10 session Lazer hair removal’ the lady knew exactly what was being lazered by looking at 3 bald men standing in front of her ‘sure thing. The sessions are monthly and we have a couple of openings right now if you would like to start them off today’ dad replied without hesitation ‘that’s great we will take them’ he payed for the sessions and the lady responded. ‘Take a seat I will get that sorted for you’

Brad and I were both freaking out. But obviously couldn’t say anything or Dad would catch on. So we just sat down in silence. About 5 minutes went by that felt like 5 hours. ‘Ok come on through’ the lady mentioned. ‘This is Sarah and Jessica, they will be assisting you today’ ‘thank you’ we reluctantly responded and went through to accept our fate

‘Hi boys take a seat right here and here and we will get started’ how romantic we get to have our hair killed off at the same time. The ladies see grids on our heads with a white marker and the lazering machine’s were ready to start. They rubbed some numbing gel on our heads and gave us the safety glasses ‘ok you will feel a slight sting but will only be for about 10 minutes’ one of them mentioned but we both heard. ‘Ok ready, 321 ZAP’ as the ladies started the pain was like being hit in the head with a rubberband. Bareable but 10 minutes of it was not a very pleasant experience. They continued til we were both fully lazered for the first session.

‘Ok guys we are done, how do ya feel?’ One said with a smile. ‘Wow that was an experience’ Brad remarked trying to hold in the emotion of his hair being permanently removed ‘wasn’t too bad I guess’ I responded. ‘Thank you’ we both mentioned and walked back out to the front counter and met with the same lady ‘wow you guys are brave, so let’s book in your sessions now and the dates are flexible so you can just call up if you need to change them’ ‘thank you’ we responded as we finished up and left to finally go get food ‘you guys look great ya gonna love not having to continually shave your heads all the time. It’s been great for me, I only just finished all my sessions and wish I did it at your age’

We continued on to get food that day. And we continued on with our sessions since we couldn’t get out of it with dad being around for 7 months. With 3 seassions left when he went back to the barracks we couldn’t stop the sessions as the hair was already mostly dead by that point. So we finished up and didn’t have to quickly shave our heads when picking dad up each time he came back

Another year had past and the football team were accepting and really liked the bald masculine gay couple on their team. It was time for dad to come stay again. This time he came to one of the games after picking him up before going back to the house.

‘Dad, this is Brad’s twin brother Mike, he’s been staying with us in the spare room’ dad was greeted with a guy that looks basically exactly like Brad only his curtains reached down almost to his chin. ‘Nice to meet you son’ dad responded with a smile and a twinkle in his eye as he looked at Mikes shy dark hair that flowed down either side of his face

We all know what Dad had in store for Mike but we didn’t mention anything…

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