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Summer Vacation by Shant

Bryan and Ryan were twin brothers. They were really handsome looking young men. When they were growing up, unless a person knew them really well, they usually could not tell one from the other. They were practically the same size and the same height and weight. They worked out together all four years of high school and college and were in great shape.

Ryan tended to be the more outgoing of the two. Some people might actually say that he was a little too confident. Bryan, on the other hand, tended to be more reserved.

Growing up they had always been each other’s best friend. They knew they were lucky to have grown up having such a privileged life. Their parents were both partners in different law firms in Chicago and the boys grew up not wanting for anything. They attended private schools all the way through elementary, high school, and college.

Their parents gave them the best of everything, from clothing, to cars, to vacations. Unlike some kids that grew up with wealthy parents, they kept their heads on straight and were down to earth guys. They never flaunted what they had, and they knew how lucky they were.

Both had full heads of thick, sandy blonde hair. They wore their hair almost the same way. Their hair on the sides almost covered their ears and hung a couple inches below their collar. The one way you could tell them apart, was if you remembered Bryan parted his hair on the left, while Ryan parted his hair down the middle.

They both were lucky to have their father’s hair. Their dad was almost 50 and he still had the same full head of hair he had when he was 20. They both knew how much their father loved his hair. He didn’t openly brag about it, but it was obvious to them how vain he secretly was about his hair.

At the beginning of their freshman year of high school, he told them they could grow their hair as long as they wanted, as long as they kept their grades up.

"When I was growing up, my old man would never allow me to grow my hair long. My generation’s parents just had this thing against long hair. They hated seeing long hair on a guy."

"Most of my friends were always arguing with their parents about letting them grow their hair longer. Not my Dad, I never had a choice! Every month he marched me to the barber shop to make certain my hair always looked neatly trimmed. I always wanted to grow my hair long, and didn’t get to do it until I went off to college."

"Times have changed. People don’t judge you anymore if you have long hair. I think if a guy wants to grow his hair long, he should do it. He should get to experience it at least once in his life, especially if he has really great hair."

"It’s the perfect time to do it while you’re young. You both have great looking hair and once you finish college, and get a job, the likelihood of ever growing your hair long again pretty much disappears. Grow it long while you can if that’s what you want to do. Have some fun and show off that fantastic hair you both have. That’s what I wished I could have done!"

Their Dad cut their hair for them all through high school. He always encouraged them to keep growing it longer. He really looked forward to getting his hands in their great manes and usually only trimmed up the ends for them during the school year. They both enjoyed the time they spent with their father on haircut nights.

At the beginning of summer their hair was usually almost down to their shoulders, totally covering their ears. Their father looked forward to cutting their hair then because he really got to cut off a lot more of their pretty locks than he normally did. Immediately after that haircut, they started growing their hair long again. After their first summer haircut, their hair was never again above their ears, until the following summer short haircut.

Occasionally, during haircut nights, there would be some fun teasing going on between the three of them. Sometimes their father would threaten to cut off most of their long hair and tell them he was going to give both of them really short haircuts.

"I think you’ve had all that hair for way too long. It’s time to give you a new looking haircut. Maybe I’ll give you both flattops!" he would say with a smile. "You’ve never had a flattop. You both love that hair of yours way too much to ever get up the nerve to cut it down that short. One day, I’m going to surprise you both and give you both flattops!" They knew he was just kidding because they knew he really liked their long hair.

When the boys began college, one time when they came home for vacation, they decided to have some fun and turn the tables on their father. They knew he would be cutting their hair sometime while they were home.

When it came time for a haircut, instead of immediately sitting down in the chair like usual, Ryan surprised his father and said, "Come on, Dad. You’ve been cutting our hair for over five years now. You always get to have all the fun! Bryan and I are always trimming each other’s hair when we’re away at school. We’ve become pretty good at it."

"We’d like you to sit down in the chair and let us work on your hair. None of our friends have a dad with hair anywhere near as great as yours. You’ve had your hair the same way for several years now. Let us have a go at seeing how different we can get it to look. We think it’s time for you to change the way you wear your hair."

"You boys want to comb my hair? Sure, I’ll let you do that, if that’s what you’d like to do. We’re lucky we all have such great hair. Go ahead and give me a new looking hairstyle. I think it will be fun to see if you can come up with a different look for me."

Once they finished brushing and combing their father’s hair, he said that he really liked it, and thought he would try keeping it this way for awhile. They then surprised him once more, and said, "We think your hair looks great the way we’ve combed it, but it’s a little too long. Seeing that you like how it looks, we’re going to trim your hair just a bit, so that it will look even better."

"Oh, I don’t know boys. What if you really made a mess of it? I can’t go to work looking like I have been butchered! I’m a partner in the law firm after all. Are you really sure you can do a good job? How much of my hair do you want to cut off?"

"Remember Dad, we told you that we trimmed each other’s hair all the time during the school year. You’ve never made a comment about our hair not looking good. We’re not going to take off all that much, probably less than an inch. Come on, and let us have some fun, and let us do it! We’ve wanted to cut your hair forever!"

"Alright, because you’re my sons, I’m going to trust you and let you do it. I’ll be watching in the mirror the whole time to make sure you don’t make any big mistakes." The boys couldn’t believe they had actually talked their father into letting them cut his hair. They really were only fooling around with him, they never believed he would ever let them cut his beautiful mane. This was going to be awesome!

They took turns combing his thick locks and lifting up a section at a time and cutting off slightly under an inch. They had never even combed their father’s hair before, so this was unreal, even if they were only giving him a slight trim. They couldn’t wait to cut his awesome forelock, however, knowing they were going to take off a little more than they had said they would. They knew their Dad wouldn’t stay angry with them and he really did have a lot of hair.

When they finished the haircut, their father said, "You boys did a really great job. Maybe from now on when you come home and I cut your hair, I’ll let you cut mine too. It would save me the $50 that I pay my stylist. If you can do this good a job all the time, it makes no sense not to have you cut it for me." The boys were thrilled.

About a year went by and the boys came home for Thanksgiving vacation. They had decided to have some more fun with their father, and had come up with a plan. Their father cut their hair first. When he finished, he said, "Okay, boys, are you ready to give me a haircut too?"

"We sure are!" they said. They then caped their dad up and proceeded to comb all his long, thick hair so that it was perfectly in place. Their father had an elegant business man’s style haircut that was swept back in full waves of shining sandy blonde hair. As Ryan was combing his dad’s hair, he said, "Dad, we all know that you have really great hair, but don’t you think you’re getting a little too old for this pretty boy hairstyle that you have had for so long?"

"We think it’s time for you to make a change and try something more modern looking. This time we’re going to cut just a little more of your gorgeous hair off than we usually do and make it look more appropriate for a man your age."

Before their Dad could even say a word, Ryan lifted up his father’s forelock and sliced off two inches. "What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy?" their father exclaimed.

"Relax, Dad, it’s really only an inch shorter than how you usually have it cut. It’s not all that big a deal. In just eight weeks it will be just as long as it is right now. It’s only hair, and we both think you’re really going to look a lot better."

Their father was a pretty good sport about it, and after they finished the haircut, he told them that he actually liked it. His hair was now shorter than they had ever seen it and they thought he looked great and a whole lot younger.

The beginning of their senior year, their parents announced what their graduation present was going to be. "Seeing that the two of you will be heading off to graduate school in the fall, we want you to take the entire summer and travel wherever you want to go throughout the country."

"We know how much you’ve always wanted to head out west and hike and camp in the state parks and mountains. We’ll cover all your expenses and you just travel wherever you like. We’re telling you this now so you can have plenty of time during your last semester of school to plan where you want to go."

They couldn’t believe the gift their parents were giving them. They definitely knew they wanted to see the Grand Canyon, the Tetons, the Redwood Forest in California and many of the national parks. They were able to fit all their hiking and camping gear in the car. They really wanted to pitch a tent in some of the mountainous areas and camp for a few days.

It was the middle of their final semester. One night, Bryan said, "Maybe we should trim each other’s hair now and then Dad can trim it just before we leave on our vacation. That way we won’t have to worry about it while we’re traveling, although it’s no big deal to bring along a pair of scissors."

"I have a better idea," Ryan said. "Let’s not cut our hair for the remainder of this semester and while we’re traveling keep letting it grow. Like Dad said, once we enter grad school, and then work, the long hair will have to go. This will be our final chance to see how long we can really grow our hair."

Dad was disappointed when they told him they did not want him to cut their hair before they began their vacation. It was already an inch or two below their ears and he really had been looking forward to cutting it.

"Just think how long our hair will be when we come home. Instead of just giving us a trim, you’ll get to cut off a lot more hair than you usually do. As a special way of thanking you for giving us this great vacation, we have decided when we come back, we want you to give us both flattops! That will make you happy, won’t it? You’ve always said how much you’d like to do that!" Their father couldn’t help but break into a huge smile knowing how much he would look forward getting to give them both flattops.

The day came when they started out on their vacation. Before beginning their trip, they had decided to have a very flexible schedule and just do whatever, and go wherever they wanted, and not feel it necessary to follow a strict schedule.

They really did not want to go to many large cities and liked the idea of staying in small towns and getting to see what the local folks were like. They agreed that other than hotels, they did not want to go to any national chain of restaurants or bars.

They decided to take three weeks and travel the northern states of the country from Chicago to California. Once they reached the coast, they were going to take two weeks to drive up and down the coast of California and go on to Oregon and Washington.

All throughout their trip westward, they never had any problems meeting people. Their parents had always told them to treat a person the way you would want them to treat you. A smile went a long way. When they stayed in small towns, in the evenings they would go out to a local bar and play pool, which was an easy way to meet people. Generally, folks were really friendly and they had a great time meeting all types of different people from all over the country.

When they would go to a bar, it was impossible for people not to notice them because they looked exactly alike and were so good looking. They would be the perfect poster boys if someone wanted a picture of two all American guys who lived on a farm in the wheat fields of Kansas.

After they finished the first two parts of their trip, they headed back east, only this time traveling throughout the southern states. This way they would really be seeing another large part of the country.

One night, they ended up in a small town in eastern Kentucky. They drove around before dark, looking for a bar to go to that evening. They found one that looked like it would be a good place. It was named Southern Comfort, which sounded like it would be a friendly place to go.

Extended on each side of the building there was about a 30 foot long, 8 foot high wooden fence. The fence then went down the back sides about 60 feet, but was chain link instead of wood. The fence then ran along the back and connected both the sides together. This created a fenced in area where there were picnic tables and chairs, along with a couple of fire pits.

Outside the fenced in area, it was entirely all woods, providing complete privacy in every direction. Seeing that it was no longer legal to smoke in a public building in the U.S., guys would head out back to have a smoke and enjoy the pleasant evening.

Later that night they drove back to the bar. To their surprise, outside, there were dozens of motorcycles parked. This was a Biker Bar! That was certainly something they had not expected, and something they had never been in before.

"Do you think we should go in this place?" Bryan asked. "I’m not sure how we’ll be received, seeing that we probably don’t look anything like most of the guys that are in there. I imagine our polo shirts and designer jeans will really stand out."

"Oh, come on," Ryan said. "I think it will be great! It’s definitely a place we have never been before. I think it will be wild to just watch people. I bet most of these guys will be big, muscular men with either beards or long hair, or maybe both. I also bet there’ll be a lot of leather. It’s got to be a super macho bar. Let’s take a walk on the wild side! What’s the worst that can happen? If we feel uncomfortable, we’ll just leave."

They headed into the bar. There was a man at the door and behind him there was a sign that said Members Only. Ryan told the guy that they were just traveling through on their way home and asked if there was any way they could get to come in?

"No problem," the guy said. "All you have to do is pay a $10.00 cover charge. We do that to keep the low lifes from trying to get in. It’s a friendly place and I think you’ll really have a good time," he said with a big smile.

They should have realized when they first saw a Rebel flag hanging on the wall that this was probably not a good place for them to be.

There were definitely a lot of bikers, but they certainly did not look the way they imagined they would look. Instead of hot looking men with muscular bodies, the majority of these guys were a lot older, probably 50 and above, and were really out of shape, with big beer guts hanging over their belts.

Instead of seeing good looking men with neatly trimmed beards or great head’s of hair, they mostly saw guys with unkempt beards or long straggly hair, or men going bald. So much for destroying a fantasy!

They definitely felt a little uncomfortable in their preppy clothes. Usually they enjoyed standing out in a crowd. People always wanted to talk with them because they were twins, but this place just didn’t feel like that.

They went to the bar and got a beer. They then put up quarters on the pool table and waited for their turn to play. When it came time for them to play, a guy cut them off, racked the balls, and basically just ignored them as if they weren’t even there. The guy was a very big man and was a little intimidating, but Ryan walked up to him and politely said, "Excuse me sir, but we’re next in line to play."

The guy said to them, "Boy, didn’t you see the Members Only sign at the door? You can pay a cover charge to get in, but members have first dibs when it comes to the pool table. Once we’ve finished playing, you can then take a turn."

Despite the name of the bar being Southern Comfort, it didn’t seem like a really friendly place. They decided to go outside and finish their drinks and then get out of there. There was no one outside, so they felt everything was okay.

As they were finishing their beers, the door to the bar opened and about eight guys came outside. "I think it’s definitely time for us to get out of here," Bryan said. "I really don’t feel comfortable around these guys."

The group stood at the other end of the fenced in area, paying no attention to Ryan and Bryan. They began to relax a little because they knew they were going to leave in just a few more minutes.

One of the guys in the group then walked over to them. "I’m sorry if that guy was rude to you at the pool table. We have some members that are real assholes. My name is Rod," he said as he extended his hand. "You two obviously must be brothers."

"Yeah, we’re twins," Ryan said. "My name is Ryan, and this is my brother, Bryan."

"Where are you guys from?" Rod asked. "We live in Chicago and are just heading back home," Ryan said.

"We like welcoming new men into our group," Rod said. "We actually have an induction ceremony that makes you a member of the bar for life, and if you ever should be heading back this way, you’ll be welcome to come here as a member." As Rod was talking to them, the rest of his group came over and gathered around them.

"Okay guys, let’s not waste any time and initiate these two fine looking young men into our group." Without another word being said, two guys approached them on each side of the chairs they were sitting in and hoisted them to their feet and took them to the center of the fenced in area.

"You guys really don’t have to do this," Ryan said. "We appreciate it, but we doubt that we’ll ever be back this way again."

"Nonsense," Rod said. "We wouldn’t feel that we had done our duty if we did not welcome you properly."

Suddenly, the guys on each side of them grabbed them by their arms and leaned them up against the chain link fence. They then took out some ropes and tied their arms and legs to the fence so that they could not move.

"What are you guys doing?" Ryan said. "Look, we don’t want any trouble. Just let us go and we’ll be on our way."

"You can’t leave without experiencing what real southern hospitality is all about," Rod said. Ryan and Bryan saw that the door to the bar was opening and a large crowd was coming outside to watch what was going on. There were now about thirty guys gathered around them.

"The first part of our initiation ceremony is getting you to look the part. Timmy, go inside and get two vests that will fit these guys." Rod then stepped in front of Ryan, and another guy, named Jim, stepped in front of Bryan. The brothers were really beginning to get nervous about what these guys might do to them.

At the exact same time, two of the other bikers stepped forward and pulled out a pair of scissors and starting at the bottom of their polo shirts, cut them off all the way to the top. Two other guys then pulled each side of their shirts off. They were now naked from the waist up and still tied to the fence. The twins could see that the crowd gathered around them was enjoying watching what was happening.

Timmy came back and brought the two vests and gave them to Rod and Jim and they put them on the brothers.

"Man, you guys really have great bodies. Look at those muscles you have! You look really hot wearing these vests instead of those preppy shirts." Ryan and Bryan could not believe what was happening. They only wanted it to end and get out of there as fast as they could!

Two more guys then came forward and placed a paper bag at their feet. They had no idea what they were for.

"Now we just have to complete the ceremony and you’ll be officially a member of our group. You’re really good looking men. You’re actually a couple of pretty boys, though, aren’t you? Man, look at all that pretty hair you have!"

"Jim, which one of these guys do you think has the best looking hair?" Rod said. "I think it’s just about even," Jim replied. "It sure is pretty, though."

Both Rod and Jim began to run their hands through their hair. "Your hair really is something. It’s such a great color and looks awesome touching your shoulders. It’s so thick, yet it feels like silk."

As Rod and Jim fondled Ryan and Bryan’s hair, he said, "Yeah, you guys have really pretty hair. I bet you spend a lot of time on those manes of yours, don’t you? Do you comb each other’s hair? I bet you do. It’s obvious that you must really love those beautiful locks of yours. No true biker would ever have girly hair like that."

Rod and Jim continued running their hands through their hair. The twins could tell that these guys really enjoyed playing with their hair, messing it all up, and aggressively running their hands through it over and over again. In a way, it actually felt like they were caressing their hair, starting at the top and running their hands down the sides and back.

"It looks like we’ve really messed up your long, beautiful locks. Let’s pat them down and get your manes to look better." As Rod stroked Ryan’s hair, he suddenly grabbed a huge lock in the back and chopped it off! At the same time, Jim was doing the exact same thing to Bryan! They threw the huge locks down on top of the paper bags.

"What are you doing? Oh, please guys, please don’t cut our hair!" Ryan cried out. "We start school in just a few weeks and we don’t want it to look awful. What have we done to you guys to deserve this?"

"Why, we’re just initiating you into our club. Our members need to look like real men and not some sissy little boys," Rod said. "You boys think you are so hot looking, but we’re going to show you what real men look like."

The twins looked and saw that two lines had formed, one on each side of them. Rod and Jim then turned and handed the scissors to the guy standing first in line. Without saying a word, the guy walked up and grabbed another huge lock of their hair and chopped it off and put it on top of the paper bag.

One by one, each guy came up and chopped off another lock of their hair and put it on top of the bag which was now becoming a large pile of beautiful blonde hair. Most guys never said a word, they just sliced off a chunk of hair and then handed the scissors to the next guy in line.

Some guys did make comments, wanting to humiliate the twins as much as they could...

"Just look at these prissy boys with all that long hair…"
"Man, I’m going to have a blast chopping off a big chunk of your hair…"
"You boys think you are really something with all that hair you have…"
"We’re going to teach you a lesson…"
"You both deserve to be taken down a peg…"
"Let’s see how hot you think you look after we finish with you…"

After everyone in line had chopped off a large lock of their hair, Rod and Jim came forward and lifted up their forelocks. They had not yet been touched, and they sliced them off, right down to the scalp!

Ryan and Bryan wanted to cry. They couldn’t believe what was being done to them, but they were determined they were not going to give these guys the satisfaction of seeing them do that.

After their forelocks had been butchered they figured that finally it was over, but they were wrong. Rod and Jim then pulled out clippers. "You didn’t think we’d leave you looking so ragged did you?" he said with a big smile. "It’ll only take a few more minutes to clean you up."

There was no guard on the clippers. The two men stood directly in front of them, placed one hand at the back of their head to make certain they stood still and started at the center of their forehead and ran the clippers straight down the middle, all the way to the back. They took the hair that the clippers had removed and added it to the pile on the paper bags. Each pile of hair was huge!

"There, now you are officially a member of our group. You look like real studs with your hair buzzed off instead of all those precious locks that you had. Once we untie you, you need to pick up all that pretty hair of yours and put it in the bags. You can take it with you as a souvenir so that you’ll never forget this night."

As soon as they were untied from the fence, they gathered up their hair as fast as they could, put it in the bags, and bolted out of the place. No one tried to stop them. They were all laughing and having too good a time seeing these young guys being humiliated.

The boys got back to their hotel. They were practically hysterical! They took another look in the mirror before heading out. They couldn’t believe what these guys had done to them! They immediately packed up their belongings and left. They wanted to get as many miles away from these guys as fast as they could.

"Just look at us!" Ryan said. "We’re totally bald! Just wait till Dad sees this! He’s really going to flip out!" This was definitely a summer vacation they would remember the rest of their lives.

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