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Dad Comes Home With A Surprise (Part 2) by It’s Me Hi

This story is a direct continuation of part 1
"Dad Comes Home With A Surprise"

Dad Comes Home With A Surprise (Part 2)

I’m Mike and this is my story.

I am on the football team with my best friend James, my Brother Brad, and his Boyfriend Justin. I live with Brad and Justin and Justin’s recently retired from the military dad. His dad is pretty cool tho. Only met him in recent years but we have got a sort of father son bond.

When he met Brad, who is also my twin brother he somehow got him and Justin to Laser there hair off just like his. I would never do that in a million years but they do look quite bad ass. Especially since they started filling up their arms and bodies with tattoos. A real step into their manhood now that we are all coming into our 30s

Brad and Justin have been out of town on some romantic early birthday present for Brad so been hanging at home with Justin’s dad which has been pretty cool. He’s got a rough manly expensive about him but also chill at the same time. And he looks pretty good for a 50 something year old.

My best friend James is actually my secret boyfriend as we are not out of the closet. James is such a cutie. He has a dark blonde mullet but it’s actually a really attractive one not bogan looking like the word mullet portrays in society. He has a poster boy look, that’s maybe 2 inches on top, a clean number 3 on the sides and the back goes about half way down his neck:

I guess we both have kinda retro hairstyles. Mine is a dark brown boyband under cut that reaches my chin. Brads used to be similar but a little shorter and cut into shape. Did look pretty good til Justin’s dad got rid of it. He does joke about us being twins and we should look the same. Also get some friendly jokes that he’s gonna get me when I least expect it so there is no more long bathroom hold ups, hair in the sink or anything like that. But I know it’s just friendly playing around coz he’s like a fun dad to me, since we don’t see our own parents all that much living far away from home.

‘Hey Mike’ I heard Justin’s Dad call out to me from the balcony, ‘Come here a sec’ I followed his voice out to the balcony where he was standing in the sun in his aviator sun glasses and the sun shining on his bald head. He looked pretty attractive for an old guy if I’m honest. He was holding a pack of Marlboro red cigarettes and put one in his mouth and covered it with his hands while lighting it..

‘Come have a smoke with me’ he suggested as I got closer to the balcony where he was standing. ‘Nah thanks I’m alright, I don’t smoke’ I responded ‘nonsense, ya gonna be 30 on the weekend, you’re becoming a man now son’ he handed me the packet and I didn’t wanna feel disrespectful so I guess I’d better try, and keep him happy. ‘Uh ok, guess I can give it a go’ I responded as I accept the cigarette and lighter he was handing to me. I put the cigarette in my mouth and lit it up and breathed down my first drag. ‘Cough* Wow Cough*’ I responded. Not too dramatically to loose any of my masculinity in front of him though. I waited a second and then took another drag with a bit more of expectance. And slowly blew out the smoke with an exhale and looked up at him to notice his quirky proud smile. ‘What do you think?’ He asked me. ‘Yeah it’s not too bad aye’ I responded looking at him in his reflective aviators. I felt a buzz and felt this rush of excitement that I had actually tried it at the same time. ‘Ya almost a man now son’ he said playfully. ‘Haha yea almost’ I responded with a bit of confusion. I dunno what he meant by almost

The smoking breaks continued together throughout the rest of the week on and off while Justin and Brad were away. And it was Friday morning, the day they are due back, and also the morning of our birthday. They come home around 1pm to get ready for the party. So we are just hanging around for the morning.

It was about 8am and we were having a morning smoke, and Justin’s dad seemed in a brighter mood than usual. He seemed excited that the boys were coming home I guess. ‘What time is James coming over today?’ He asked me as he continued to smile. Omg did he know? I am freaking out we can’t let anyone know ‘er… I think he’s coming over in a couple hours, but not sure …why?’ I responded with hesitation. ‘Oh no reason, just wondered what you were getting up to while we wait for the boys to get back’ he responded, little did I know it was all gathering the information for the plan he had in store.

‘Oh I will just give you your birthday gift now’ he gestured putting out his cigarette butt and heading inside. He grabbed a bag out of a cupboard in the living area and handed it to me ‘happy birthday son’ ‘oh thank you sir’ I responded taking the bag from his hand while I was till out side with the cigarette holding between my lips.

I opened the bag to see a pair of my very own aviator sunglasses and a leather jacket topped with a couple of packets of my very own cigarettes. ‘Oh neat, these are awesome, thank you so much’ I thanked him and he smiled again. He was very smiley today, does he have something planned? I guess I will wait and find out. ‘No worries glad ya like it. But don’t put them on yet’ he mentioned. I was a little confused but waited for him to continue. ‘Let me freshen up those side of ya undercut ready for the party tonight. You will look Fresh and sharp for the party’ hesitantly I responded.. ‘er…ok yeah I guess we got some time to kill today, I do need a haircut’

I put out the cigarette butt and headed for the bathroom still holding the bag as he followed close behind. I sat the bag down by the door and sat down on the edge of the bath tub as he got the clippers out the cupboard with no guard on them. I didn’t think anything of it, but I usually only do the back and sides with a number 1 guard. He placed the clippers down after plugging them in, and grabbed a comb. ‘Alright let’s see this mess I have to work with’ he joked as we both chuckled. He started at the left side partying my hair on the side above eyebrow level. I was freaking out a little bit. He pushed enough hair on top out of the way that would still fall down over the shaved area so I didn’t say anything. He then held my hair up out of the way and reached for the clippers. The sound of the vibrating buzz filled the bathroom and grew louder as it came closer to my ear. The clippers cold metal teeth went up the side of my head up to the newly higher side part leaving a trail of white scalp with minimal stubble as the 8-10 inch length falling down my shoulders and into the bath and on the floor.

‘Omg that’s a lot of hair’ I mentioned with concern’ ‘oh just making it a little bit higher to give it some edge for your 30’s. It’s gonna look really good, don’t worry’ he continued removing the hair from the left side as more and more hair rained down my shoulders and onto the floor and all through the bath. He took the comb and done the higher part above eyebrow level and continued to shave the right side with more and more severed hair piling up as it rained down to the bathroom floor. As the remaining hair flopped over the freshly buzzed Sides it felt a lot thinner but still fresh. He grabbed the comb and parted the back dipped down a bit lower the clippers continued up the back of my head til the whole undercut was a sandpaper stubble.

I stood up and looked in the mirror. It looked really good. I liked the thinner more sleek top hanging down over the stubble. I pushed the sides back to reveal the white shaved stubble underneath. I got a bit excited and the rush of the new me. Much like the feeling of manning up when I had my first cigarette. ‘What do ya think? It’s alright?’
‘Yeah it looks awesome, thanks for that’ I responded. ‘I haven’t finished yet, sit back down and I will go over it with a razor for ya’ he said with authority. I haven’t done that before but was keen as I have never had my head shaved with a razor before.

‘Yes sir’ I responded as I sat back down. He grabbed the shaving foam and a razor for the cupboard. He lifted up the left side of the long dark hair and asked me to hold it back out of the way as he applied the shaving foam over the left side. He then turned on the hot water and ran the razor under for a few seconds before going in for the first pass. He started at the bottom of my sideburn and scraped off the foam covered stubble right up to where the disconnected part was. And continued more passes up the left side. Then a sideways pass along the high side part where the hair suddenly gets long. Left behind was nothing but a clean white bald side. He continued around the back with more foam and rinsing the razor when it was clogged with shaving foam and stubble. Finally the right side was repeated just like the left side. He wiped my head with a towel and I let the long hat flop back over the freshly shaved head. The feeling was so liberating. ‘That feels clean and fresh sir, thank you’ I said with apriciation once again. I brushed the hairs off my shoulders and shook my shirt of the still long hairs that were resting there. Probably gonna have to throw the shirt out but it’s not one of the favourites anyway.

I took a look in the mirror and brushed the long hair off the sides with my hair examining it further. Justin’s dad could tell I really enjoyed it. Especially as he saw me rubbing the underneath. ‘You look like you are really enjoying it Mike, what do ya think of the feeling of the skin?’ He asked me continuing to watch me examine myself in the mirror. ‘I really love it sir, I can understand why you boys enjoy being bald’ I responded ‘Grab the bag and try out ya new gift’ he instructed and waited for me to grab the sunnies and jacket and put them on and look in the mirror. ‘I reached each arm into the jacket sleeves and placed the glasses on and took a look in the mirror. ‘Wow Sir, you really envisioned a good look for me. I look great’ ‘Well almost…’ I looked at him with a confused look. ‘The look isn’t complete yet’ he responded. ‘Light up another smoke and see how ya like the new look’ he said suggestively. ‘Oh good thinking’ I responded as he passed one to me with the lighter. I watched myself light up in the mirror and take a drag, then a slow exhale. ‘Omg…’ I responded struggling to find anymore words to express my excitement. ‘Pretty sharp hay?’ He questioned.. ‘Ya not wrong sir, certainly loving the new look, and feeling like I could get use to this’ I continued.

He then stood behind me in the mirror, and raised his hand to the top of my head and used his thumb and pinky fingers on one hand to hook the sides of my hair to push it all back out of my face revealing the bald sides. ‘How bout I take the top off too’ he suggested with an excited but devilish smile looking at me through the reflection of the mirror. At the same time he was asking me he also picked up the clippers with his spare hand ready to take the top off with what could almost have been severed in just a few seconds ‘What? I dunno about that sir’ I responded with the smoke in my mouth and fear in my eyes hidden behind the sunglasses. ‘Nah c’mon, you will look great….’ He mentioned at the same time as flicking the clippers on as the roaring of clippers came to life once again filling the bathroom with the hum of the buzzer again. ‘Ya boyfriend is gonna love your new look when he gets here’ dazed and confused about his comment I didn’t notice the clippers coming toward my forehead and up to the hairline. It took me a second to register what he just said and then I came to the realisation that he knew me and James had been fooling around and became secret boyfriends. Before I could respond to his comment, I heard the sound of the buzzing change to the crunching of the teeth cutting through the 9-10 inches of long mark brown hair on the top of my head. Leaving behind a white strip of skin down the middle of my head. It felt like I was frozen in slow motion as the hair trickled down sliding down the leather jacket and onto the floor. Still holding the cigarette in my lips I let out a muffled ‘holy s**t’ I grabbed the cigarette out of my mouth still in shock. ‘There ya go eh! It’s not so bad’ he mentioned as he continued with shaving the rest of my head with the clippers. I took another few drag of the cigarette and finally responded ‘How did you know James was my boyfriend sir?’ ‘I have known for a while, the same signs Justin had in the early stages I guess’ he said continuing ‘But take a look, you don’t look bad do ya son?’ I looked back at my reflection in the mirror still holding the cigarette shocked at a completely different person staring back at me. There is no hiding this new look I just have to some how accept it.

Justin’s dad then applied shaving cream to my head and rubbed it in. And before starting the scraping he mentioned. ‘Oh check the bag, you didn’t see the card that was in the bottom’. I put the smoke back in my mouth and quickly grabbed the bag and sat on the edge of the bath. He started shaving my head with the razor as I was opening the card. As I opened the card there was a red gift certificate fall out at me. ‘Don’t worry son you’re gonna enjoy keeping your new look, and I will keep your secret’ I read the gift certificate, that read lazer hair removal clinic across the top. Then underneath in smaller text it read 10 session pass and hand written below was an appointment with tomorrows date. I took another drag of the smoke and exhaled as Justin’s dad finished shaving the top of my head and wiped it with a towel. ‘All done son take a look’ ‘thank you sir’ I reluctantly responded. The Lazer hair removal was a gift so I couldn’t refuse his kind gesture as I was raised to be respectful. I looked in the mirror once more at a smoking bald bad ass.
I’m not gonna lie I did get excited a little down stairs "if ya know what mean" ‘it looks great sir, thank you so much. ‘I guess we are all baldies from now on’ he said playfully giving it a friendly soft slap with an open palm on top of my head. It felt so good having someone else touch it.

Just as he finished wiping me with the towel, We heard a knock at the door. Putting the smoke butt in the ashtray on the table on the way through. it with my freshly shaved head, aviator sunglasses and leather jacket. Opening the door as Justin’s dad was also exiting the bathroom. I opened the door it was James. ‘Hey’ I said freaking out about my new look and his reaction. ‘Brad Hey, happy birthday. Wow you look like a total bad boy, ya look great’ James commented not realising it was me. I took off the glasses and smirked ‘Guess again’ I said revealing that and was me and not Brad. (We are twins after all remember) ‘Holy S**t Dude, you look so much like Brad’ James continued ‘I don’t hate it tho, you look so different but really good’ he looked at me like he wanted to kiss me and I leant in to kiss him, but he stepped back a bit noticing Justin’s dad in the room ‘Don’t worry he knows our secret’ I said pulling him back in. James had a concerned look on his face but kissed me anyway.

Justin’s dad called out across the room. ‘Hey James, what do ya think? He looks awesome hay?, He’s become a real man today’ He looked at James and his eyes moved up at James freshly cut mullet with a cheaky smirk ‘Want me to keep your secret too?’ Justin’s dad asked suggestively. James’s face dropped as all the emotion left. James knew exactly what he meant…

James looked at me with concern as if to say ‘Do I have to do this, is our secret really worth it’ James ran his hand over his hair and back through the mullet. ‘I don’t know sir, I like my hair’ James responded. Just then Justin called his dad’s mobile ‘Hey Son’
‘Hey Dad, do you want anything from the store? We are just getting party supplies and will be home in an hour’ Justin informed his dad ‘An Hour? nah I think I’m good. I have something to tell ya when you guys get home’ he responded making eye contact with James ‘Ok cool, see you soon, bye Dad’ Justin said hanging up the phone

James continue to look at Justin’s dad ‘Please sir don’t tell them, we’re not ready to come out’ James pleaded. ‘C’mon Son, it’s just hair..’ he said gesturing James into the bathroom.

James was not keen but reluctantly admitted defeat after a minute and walked to the bathroom. James put his hands at either side of the sing and looked into the mirror looking at his beautiful hair one last time. Running his fingers through his blonde poster boy mullet one last time. ‘Alright let’s get it over with’ he reluctantly once again admired defeat with a sigh. He took his shirt off and sat on the edge of the bath leaning forward resting his arms on his knees with his head bowed forward. ‘You won’t regret it son’ Justin’s dad insured.

He grabbed the clippers that were already ready to go and switched them on again stilll with no guard, the humming of the vibrating motor filling the bathroom once again. Justin’s dad continued towards the back of James head where the mullet flap ran down half of his neck pulling the clippers toward him up the back of James head. Leaving white strips of scalp with lighter stipple than all the other guys had. Being dark blonde hair the stubble wasn’t as prominent. Justin’s dad continue to shave James’s mullet off with blonde hairs piling up on the floor mixing with the dark brown hair that came from Mikes head earlier.

Justin’s dad continue buzzing through the sides of James mullet and finally from the front of his hairline across the top. They continued in silence til all the buzzing was done. James didn’t even get up to look in the mirror. He just waited for the shaving cream to be applied all over his head. Then the razor scraped off the stubble against the grain til there was nothing left but a smooth bald head. Looking amazing with James’s toned tanned shirtless body. ‘Thank you sir’ James said as he got up to see the damage. He didn’t hate what he saw he just woulda preferred keeping his hair. ‘Whata ya thing guys’ Justin’s dad asked questions both the boys about James new look. ‘Still looks hot’ I ensured. ‘Not too bad, I guess I can get used to it’s James replied.

‘Excellent’ responded Justin’s dad. ‘I will book you in for a laser session with Mike tomorrow, it won’t cost you a thing’ Mike’s heart sank and he just wanted to come out to the world so he could keep his hair from being permanently destroyed like all the others. But he was respectful and didn’t want to feel awkward being around everyone else and being the only one to refuse and being labeled a sissy when all the others have no problem giving up their hair. ‘Thank you sir, that’s so kind of you’ ‘No worries at all son’ dad responded again with a smile.

Mike cleaned up the bathroom so James could have a shower. Mike and Justin’s dad were outside having a another smoke as James left the bathroom all clean and looking sharp in a tight black TShirt with his freshly bald head ‘Hey James’ he heard Mike Call out. ‘Come have a smoke with us’ Mike continued. ‘What the hell, the old me is dead anyway’ James thought to himself. James continued to the balcony where he lit up and coughed a little just like Mike’s first time. Three half men stood out on the balcony in the sun having a smoke break as they heard the front door. The boys had returned home

‘Who’s ready to party!!!’ Justin called out as he opened the front door with bags full of party supplies. Brad walked in close behind him as they entered and looked across the room at the balcony. Justin let out a laugh ‘Hahaha Dad got to you guys too’ ‘Wow dude you look like a bad boy version of me’ Brad Mentioned to his brother ‘Yep 30 now so why not?’ Mike responded

‘God Help any of your guests that fall asleep at the party tonight’ Justin’s Dad snickered as he exhaled his cigarette with a snicker…..

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