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The Helms Celebrate 20-30-40 by Manny

This is a sequel to:
Like Father, Like Son
Mr. Helm’s Promotion

The story is very long. If all you want is the haircut, skip from chapter 1 to chapter 7.


The Helm family was very excited to be celebrating a set of milestone birthdays. Mr. Helm was turning 40 and his oldest son Blake was turning 20. Added to the mix was Mr. Helm’s youngest brother, Larry, who was turning 30.

Larry was flying in from California for the event - a camping trip to the same place where I had first become close to the Helm family several years back. Mr. and Mrs. Helm would be using their new trailer tent for the first time. Blake and his brother Derek would be squeezed into a small pup tent, while Larry and I would share a separate, slightly larger one.

I felt a bit nervous about being paired up with someone I didn’t know, but I didn’t want to make a fuss. Mr. Helm explained that it would be the last time Blake and Derek would be camping together before the 20-year-old went off to the Navy Academy. I would miss Blake.

"Why don’t you come to the house around 9?" Mr. Helm said to me. "We can tidy up our butch cuts and then head to the airport to pick up Larry."

Saturday haircuts in the garage had become a routine for Mr. Helm and me. He had purchased a set of clippers and we kept each other clipped to a tidy #2 length regularly.

I especially liked to take the clippers to Mr. Helm - having him seated on the stool and buzzing him down like I was his dad. He would bow his head submissively and sit very quietly while I clipped him tight.

Then it was his turn to take the clippers to my fuzzy pelt.

"Superior male bonding!" he would always exclaim as the clippers sailed down the top of his head.

I loved the feel of the clippers all over my head, as well as the closeness I felt to Mr. Helm when he cut my hair.

"You’ll like my brother, Larry," Mr. Helm said as he buzzed my head that morning. "We’re very similar in looks and personality. Except Larry is a bit more daring and provocative than me. More outgoing. He likes to tease people and play with their emotions. I just wish he’d settled down and get married. He’s like a big kid. And that hair! Last time I saw him, it was half way down his back!"

"I won’t get you two mixed up, if it’s still that long," I laughed. "Does he like your butch cut?"

"He’s never seen it," Mr. Helm replied. "Last time we were together, I was in full executive coif mode with that big quiff and ostentatious helmet hair. So glad I’m working out of the warehouse now and can sport an amateur butch. It makes me look and feel like one of the guys."

"I sort of miss that nice silken hair you used to sport and those huge sideburns too," I said wistfully.

"Well, then, you’ll be pleased to share the tent with Larry. He has absolutely amazing hair. So thick and shiny and with a nice wave. It’s usually braided, but when he lets it flow loose down his back, it attracts a LOT of attention. Complete strangers walk up to him and compliment his hair. You’ll see it for yourself, soon enough," Mr. Helm promised. "That is, if he hasn’t had it all chopped off. Which I doubt."

Chapter 2 â€" THE CHALLENGE

It wasn’t hard to recognize Larry Helm as he emerged from the baggage claim area with a small suitcase. His hair, was in fact, gorgeous, streaming almost to his waist - a thick, shimmering curtain of hair.

"This is Kyle," Mr. Helm told his brother, "our neighbor and your tent partner for the camping trip."

Larry looked at me in a sort of enigmatic way. I immediately thought of Mr. Helm’s comment that his brother liked to tease people and play with their emotions.

Larry was exceptionally handsome. Apart from his stunning mane, his huge green eyes and dazzling teeth gave him an almost ‘pretty’ appearance. But there was also a manliness to his build and physique.

"What’s with the baldy cuts on you two?" Larry asked, playfully stroking his older brother’s stubble. "Just like the ones dad gave us as kids. Remember?"

"Dad would be absolutely shocked to see you looking like a beauty queen with that mane flowing down to your waist!" Mr. Helm teased. "You know, I have a set of clippers myself. Kyle and I buzzed each other just this morning before heading here to pick you up. Nothing beats an amateur butch administered in the garage."

"How old are you, Kyle?" Larry asked.

"I turned 18 this summer," I replied.

"And you’re still sporting a little boy baldy cut," Larry laughed.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Don’t mind him," Mr. Helm chimed in. "Larry can be a real ass."

"Have you given up that pipe yet?" Larry asked his brother. "Smoking causes lung cancer, you know."

"I’ll give it up if you get a proper haircut," Mr. Helm quickly retorted.

"Deal!" replied Larry, unexpectedly.

"But, I don’t mean having the tips trimmed," Mr. Helm clarified.

"Nope. I’m ready for the big chop!" Larry confirmed. "But are you ready to give up your little moment of leisure at the end of a long day when you light up that pipe and puff out those sweet-smelling rings of smoke?"

"See what I meant, Kyle, about Larry? He likes to tease," Mr. Helm said grimacing. He loved his pipe.

"I would like to see him in the barber’s chair," I said, imaging his thick long flow streaming down, behind the large Koken chair at the shop in the Lowe’s plaza. The old geezer barber in his white tunic studying the locks as he primed his shears, eager to start whacking them off.

"There will be a lot of shocked and disappointed people back in California if I arrive home with a short back and sides. Imagine me with a very barbered look!" Larry quipped.

"I’ll have the barber give you a flattop!" Mr. Helm exclaimed. "That is, if you’re man enough to live up to the challenge you made me. I’m giving up the pipe. Cold turkey."

"I’m not having my hair cut until I see you really mean business, bro. We’ll see if you can make it through the camping trip without your beloved pipe. Kyle, you help me keep tabs on him just in case he tries to sneak off into the woods to smoke," Larry warned.

My mind drifted to the barber shop scene with the old codger lopping off the Larry’s luscious locks. Mounds of thick tresses collecting at the barbers feet while the scissors hacked away. Mr. Helm and me in the waiting area watching and laughing as the flow fell. And then, Larry’s head being forced down and the clippers tapering him tight up the back.

Chapter 3 - LARRY’S TAUNT

We pulled into the drive and Mr. Helm began immediately to hook up the trailer.

Larry and I wandered into the garage. The clippers were still on the workbench and our barber stool was nearby.

"So this is where you do it?" Larry asked.

"Do it?!" I stammered, embarrassed by his choice of words. My mind had subconsciously imagined a compromising situation with Mr. Helm!

Larry smirked. He picked up the clippers and snapped them on. He smiled as he felt the power and observed the eagerness of the metal teeth, hungry for hair.

"I suppose you would love to use this machine to shave me bald," Larry teased.

He flaunted his cloak-like locks.

"We’re going to be in a small tent together, Kyle," Larry said with a twinkle in his eye. "We might get to know each other very well. My own dear Delilah shearing off my identity, leaving me helpless and bald while I sleep."

I felt my pecker growing. OMG! I turned away quickly.

"Maybe we should help Mr. Helm with the trailer," I stammered, feeling ashamed.

The next thing I knew, Larry had climbed up on the stool.

"I’m ready, Kyle!" he cooed. "Come and cut it!"

He pawed at his locks possessively. Then he tossed his head back so that his mane was on full display. It shimmered in the sunlight that was streaming into the garage. I knew he was teasing me. I headed straight out to help Mr. Helm.

"I was thinking, Mr. Helm. Maybe I shouldn’t go," I stammered. "It’s a family thing and I’m not part…."

"Yes you are!" Mr. Helm insisted. "And, besides, Larry might feel rejected. I can tell he likes you. He always teases the people he likes. Telling you the butch cut was for little boys…. I’m taking him to my work site. He’ll see the most rugged, manly hunks sporting butch cuts!"

"Do you really think he’ll have his hair cut short if you stop smoking your pipe?" I asked.

"He’s always after me about that. Our father died of lung cancer. I really shouldn’t smoke," Mr. Helm murmured. "So, yes. I think he’s serious."

Mr. Helm paused. His eyes twinkled. Then, he added, "And I want to see him in the barber’s chair, caped up tight and head bowed low!"

"So do I!" I exclaimed.

"All that hair, falling to the barber’s feet! I can’t believe how long it is," Mr. Helm said in a tone of excitement.

"I know!" I chimed in. "It’ll be a show to remember!"

Mr. Helm and I shared a private pleasure, secretly grinning at each other.

Mrs. Helm carried out a few boxes of food into the garage and greeted her brother-in-law.

"Larry! You made it!" she chirped. "At least one of the Helms hasn’t given up on beautiful, long hair!"

"I might be leaving it behind," Larry replied. "If your dear husband gives up his beloved pipe, I’m going to have all of this chopped off before I leave."

"Not another buzzcut in the garage!" Mrs. Helm said disdainfully, turning toward the stool and clippers.

"Nope! We’ll stop at that barber shop on the way back from the camping site, by Lowe’s," Mr. Helm said. "Larry will stand out in California with a tight flattop!"

Larry swallowed hard and again clutched his pretty tresses possessively, turning his uneasiness into a joke.

"A flattop! Well, I would endorse that if it leads to the end of my husband’s tobacco habit," Mrs. Helm said curtly.


We had a grand time on our first day, hiking and swimming.

When Larry dove under the water and came out with his hair slicked back, I could see how he would look with a shorn head. Sleek and handsome.

He saw me staring at him and plunged toward me, forcedly pulling me under the cold water. He easily held me down. I struggled to free myself until I grabbed him by the hair. We tussled in the water, but he could not overcome his disadvantage of all that hair. I held him captive by his locks.

"I give up!" he finally yelped as I yanked his hair hard.

Then, I released my grip on his tresses.

"I can’t wait to see you sitting in the barber chair," I whispered, panting from the wrestling match.

In the tent that evening, Larry asked me to brush out my hair and braid it. The pure mountain stream water had made his locks squeaky clean and given them a wonderful luster.

I eagerly took the brush and began the enjoyable task of grooming Larry’s locks. I pulled the brush through over thirty inches of hair. His whole back was covered by a curtain of thick, gleaming, wavy hair. I took my time and was very hands-on during the process. My heart beat wildly as I fondled his hair and he purred with delight.

"You have so much hair, and it’s so heavy. And so beautiful. Won’t you miss it?" I asked.

"That feels great," Larry groaned softly. "Maybe you should come back to California with me, Kyle. I could use a personal hair stylist. I love having my hair fashioned into a nice big bun in back."

I hoped no one was listening in on our chatter.

"Braid it," he said as he handed me a scrunchy.

I pulled the locks into a massive tail. I savored the silken feel in my hands. Then, I began braiding his tresses into a thick plait. Such a magnificent collection of hair!

"If this is all cut off, you won’t need a personal attendant to brush and braid it each evening," I said softly.

"But you could be my personal barber," he said as he turned to face me. "You have experience with the clippers, buzzing my brother. It’s been years since someone’s taken the clippers to me. When I was on that stool in your garage, watching you, I felt a strong desire…."

We were so close. My lips were so ready.

Larry switched off the lamp. He began unbuttoning my shirt.

"My Delilah," he whispered in my ear. "Will I wake up with a shaven head?"

I grasped what I thought was his massive braid and began fondling it.


The smell of bacon sizzling woke me.

I looked around. Larry wasn’t in the tent. I quickly sat up.

Mr. Helm and he were having a cup of coffee. Mrs. Helm was getting ready to make pancakes.

"Go wake up those two sleepyheads!" Mr. Helm told me.

I scampered over to the other pup tent to rouse Derek and Blake.

"Breakfast time!" I announced.

"Did everyone sleep well?" Mrs. Helm asked.

"I couldn’t fall to sleep," Mr. Helm replied.

"Tobacco withdrawal?" Larry laughed.

"I hope you’re still laughing when the barber swivels the chair around and you see yourself sporting a precision flattop, landing strip and shiny shaven sides," Mr. Helm remarked.

"You mean I can’t watch my transformation?" Larry asked.

"Nope! It’ll be the big reveal," I commented joyfully as I flashed my fingers in a scissors-snipping motion.

"I can’t wait to get my real induction cut," Blake said as he flicked his moptop about. His mass of hair was disheveled and a mess.

Derek began humming Anchors Aweigh.

"It was three years ago that I went bald for the first time, after a camping trip. Remember?" Blake asked.

Who could forget his beautiful shoulder-length hair falling in the wake of the barber’s clippers?

"This year it will be Uncle Larry’s turn," I laughed.

"He has a lot more to lose," Derek noted.

"Kyle arranged this braid last night. It’s very tight and well done," Larry noted, holding his plait out for the family to admire.

I blushed with embarrassment.

"Maybe you should go to barber college," Mr. Helm suggested.

"I’d thought of that," I blurted out.

Everyone stared at me.

"Why not?" asked Mrs. Helm to relieve my embarrassment. "If he’s good at it and enjoys it?"

"Kyle wants to visit me in California," Larry suddenly said.

I looked at him in a moment of surprise, even shock.

"I’ll check to see if there are barber colleges near my place," Larry added, then winked at me.

I thought of the previous evening and what had happened after the lights were out.

"I was going to offer Kyle a job in the warehouse," Mr. Helm said. "He’d fit right in with the guys and their baldy cuts."

"My father wants me to major in finance," I whimpered.

Then, I perked up, "He says I should consider UCLA."


Despite all the family fun we had during the day, I couldn’t wait for evening, when we would turn into our tents.

Apparently, Larry felt the same way.

He undressed me slowly and tenderly. I was like putty in his strong arms as he enjoyed the pitch darkness of the wilderness.

I explored the silken tresses. I made him recline his head so that it was resting in my lap.

"My Delilah knows my secret," he murmured.

"Your hair, your pride," I answered him softly, caressing his beautiful locks.

"Scrape me clean," he murmured back. "Leave me nothing but tender, virgin scalp."

He turned and pulled his hair back.

"And this is how I will thank you," he said before his lips began to please me.

I had to keep as quiet as I could, despite the intense pleasure.

It was our final day of the camp-out. Larry and I decided to "explore" on our own. He led me into a remote pocket wilderness area. Just then, we saw Mr. Helm lighting his pipe with a guilty look on his face.

I almost gasped aloud, but Larry motioned me to remain silent. We watched Mr. Helm enjoy his pipe in solitude.

This meant Larry would not be getting his hair cut, I immediately thought! I was crestfallen.

Once we were out of hearing range, I whispered, "I so much wanted to see you in the barber’s chair…."

"I know you did, Kyle," Larry said, tenderly stroking my cheek.

Then his eyes perked up.

"There’s no reason we need to tell my brother we saw him smoking," Larry said, grinning.

"What? And you still getting a flattop?!" I exclaimed.

"Ever since he uttered the word ‘flattop’ I have been fantasizing about my transformation. I want to see all my hair at the barber’s feet when I emerge from the chair shorn," Larry said.

Then, he added, "And when you come out to California, I want to experience the lather and razor scraping everything clean."

"A chromedome?" I beamed.

"Yes, for both of us," Larry said, stimulating my tidy pelt with his palm.

I could not help but look at Larry’s long tail, dangling from his nape. To have it cut off. To have him shaved bald. I wanted it more than anything.

"Deal!" I exclaimed. "Both of us shaved clean in LA!"

We were almost ready to fall into a romantic kiss when we heard Mr. Helm approaching through the brush.

"Hello, fellows," he said, a bit nervously.

"Kyle and I were just talking about the barber shop. I guess we’ll be stopping there on the way home," Larry said.

I playfully grabbed his tail and took my fingers to the base, pretending they were scissors.

Mr. Helm had a guilty look on his face. He was struggling with his conscience.

Finally, he pulled his pipe and pouch of tobacco out of the knapsack he was carrying.

"Your hair is saved, Larry," he said in a regretful tone.

"Thanks for not lying to me, bro. Kyle and I saw you smoking it," Larry said, shaking his head. "You need to give up tobacco! I want you around for a long time. I love you!"

Mr. Helm’s eyes teared up. Then he wiped them nervously.

"An old habit is a hard thing to kick," Mr. Helm murmured.

"I still want you to take me to the barber shop," Larry said. "On the way home. Will you? Kyle here is anxious to see me in the big chair…. And my flattop will be my vote of confidence in you, that you will yet kick the nicotine habit."

Mr. Helm smiled. "I will. I won’t stop trying."

Mrs. Helm had the big cake ready for the 20-30-40 milestone birthdays when we got back to the trailer.

"It’s a big day for the family," she said. "And, I hope you have 40 more birthdays to celebrate, Sweetie!"

She poured champagne.

"Here’s to the birthday boys!" she announced.

We drank a round.

Then Larry asked to make a toast. "Here’s to Blake’s career in the navy!"

Blake’s turn came, "Here’s to those who pledged to stop smoking!"

Derek chimed in, "Here’s to the best family one can have."

Mr. Helm complained, "Hey, that’s what I was going to propose!"

Then, I said, "Here’s to first-time flattops!"

Everyone whooped it up, Larry included.


"Okay, let’s get packed up. Next stop, the barber shop!" Larry exclaimed.

Larry was quick about getting things into the vehicle. As he worked, his thick tail swung around like that of a horse. How would he feel once it had been cut off? Liberated? Joyful? Relieved? Regretful? Mournful? Energized? Vulnerable?

Once everything was ready, Mr. Helm put his arm around Larry and said loudly, "It’s time to get you to the barber shop!"

Then, he whispered, "And thanks for your confidence in me and concern for me."

The spirits were high as we headed back into town. Mrs. Helm asked to be let off at Lowe’s to shop while the men all trucked into the barber shop to watch Larry’s transformation.

The barber was a little taken aback when five of us streamed in through the door.

"Relax," Larry said. "It’s just my hair that’ll be on the chopping block. The rest are my entourage."

He swung his tail around.

"Well, there’s plenty of it," the barber laughed. "Go on, that seat has your name on it."

"Larry’s the name. Longhair Larry. But you’re going to re-baptize me. Lightheaded Larry!" the young man chuckled as he climbed up onto the fancy metal footrest. "Cut me free from this whopping tail. I want a flattop."

The barber surveyed the long rope of hair that hung down the back of the chair as he cast the big white cape into place.

"A flattop, eh?" the barber chuckled.

"Yep, but would you mind terribly if I asked for a favor?" Larry said. "One of the group that’s there in the waiting area is an aspiring barber. Could I ask that he do the honors with the tail?"

"Of course! This is a historic moment. Who is the lucky one who wants to follow in my footsteps?" the kindly barber asked.

I put up my hand gingerly.

"Ah, hah! You know what. Let’s do this right. I’ve got an extra tunic in back. You go ahead and undo the braid while I get it. You can scissors off that flow," the barber instructed.

My hands were trembling as I took off the scrunchies and began deconstructing that tight shaft of intertwined locks. The braid had added to the waviness of Larry’s locks. I brushed through the long, glistening locks.


The barber came back with the spare tunic and helped me into it.

"There! You’re looking like a seasoned pro," the barber commented. "You know, the state is permitting apprenticeships now instead of expensive barber colleges. I’m looking to retire in a year or two. If you’re good, I might take you on as an apprentice. You can learn and help around. You know, collecting the fees, sweeping up the cuttings…"

"Adding photos to a website?" I added. "I’m Kyle, by the way."

Just then, another client came into the shop. A distinguished-looking middle-aged man with nice chestnut-colored hair and fiery auburn highlights. It was combed to the side in a full, longish business cut. He was in a suit and tie, like he’d just come from the office.

"It looks like a full house here. I’ll come back another day. I’m in a bit of a hurry," the man said apologetically.

"Oh, these fellows aren’t here for haircuts. They’re here for the show," the barber replied, pointing at Mr. Helm, Derek and Blake. "They want to see princess in the chair there get a flattop! I’ve got my apprentice working on taking off the length and prepping. Hop into that first chair by the window, Mr. Scollcroft. I’ll take care of you immediately."

"Well, that’s fortunate. This forelock has been on my nerves," the businessman said, mopping back his heavy fringe. "Once it gets to a certain length, there’s no keeping it back without a heavy blast of hair spray."

"I know exactly what you’re talking about," Mr. Helm piped in from the waiting area. "Best thing I ever did was ditch the business coif for a super short crop. No fuss, no bother. A quick swipe of the towel after showering, and I’m ready to go."

"So princess is getting a flattop," the man chuckled, glancing at the beautiful flow of Larry’s hair streaming down the back of the barber chair. The locks dangled and danced in the glow of the neon lighting.

Mr. Scollcroft took a seat and squirmed a bit before asking, "How would that work for me?"

The barber cast the cape around Mr. Scollcroft and fastened it tightly. "What? A flattop?" he asked, amused.

Mr. Scollcroft nodded yes.

"I never thought I’d hear that question from you!" the barber exclaimed.

"Are you ready, Uncle Larry?" I asked, as I took the barber shears from the counter.

"I can’t believe people are calling me princess!" Larry said in a fake huff. "Chop away, Kyle! Make a man out of me!"

I brought the shears to his jaw and took my care in delivering the first cut.


Three feet of his beautiful hair fell to the cape. My eyes lit up with glee.


More long clumps fell, this time to my feet. I looked down and saw a lovely pile of glimmering hair atop my shoes.

Then I kept chopping toward the nape. It felt heavenly.


The sound of slicing through thick, dry hair and the noise of the blades clamping shut was like music.

Larry’s long neck emerged into sight as the tresses tumbled to the floor.

"So, a trim or a flattop, sir? What will it be?" the barber asked with an eager tone.

I glanced over and saw that the barber had seized Mr. Scollcroft’s forelock and was threatening it with the clippers, right near the hairline.

"A quick zip with the clippers and you’ll be a new man!" he urged, intensifying the pressure.

"I’m tempted," Mr. Scollcroft teased and gulped a bit.

"You won’t regret it," piped up Mr. Helm, who was busy watching both caped men.

Do it!" Mr. Scollcroft ordered.

ZIP! The metal teeth of the clippers clacked quickly over the plastic teeth of the comb.

Off came his forelock! In a mass, it fell, almost intact, to the cape. A good five inches lay atop the expanse of white cotton. All that remained in front was a truncated tuft.

"OMG!" he gasped. "This is going to be radical!"

I was mesmerized, watching the barber begin to transform the nervous businessman’s look. How fun being a real barber must be, I thought.

I returned to my own pleasurable task, snipping away at the lengthy tresses. I finished giving Larry a chin-length bob. It was a sassy, feminine crop and he flicked his head about in a pert manner.

"I feel pretty!" exclaimed Larry in a theatrically sissy way, reaching his hand out from under the cape and arranging his bob.

"Kyle, since we’re both giving first time flattops to our clients, I’m going to call out the instructions and you follow along on princess while I take Mr. Scollcroft down," the barber said. "See the balding clippers there, that black set of Osters hanging closest to you? Take it, nudge princess’ head forward like I’m doing to Mr. Scollcroft, and run the machine tight up the back from nape to crown."

"Hey, wait a second!" Mr. Scollcroft gasped.

But the barber plowed the machine straight up the back of the businessman’s head, peeling off a layer of soft, shiny padding. The helmet hair was being stripped away!

"Did you say balding clippers?" Mr. Scollcroft stammered in disbelief.

I had no trouble with the clippers, thanks to all my experience with Mr. Helm in the garage.

"Excellent!" the barber called to me, seeing how neatly Larry’s head had been shorn in back.

"Now, strip everything off the sides. If you have a question, ask! Once it’s on the cape, there’s no correcting what you’ve done," he chuckled.

"I’m loving this!" Larry said softly to me. He looked at me in the most tender, caring way.

"I hope you love the new flattop too. I’m scared s**tless," I replied.

"Even if it looks awful, I’ll love it," he quipped.

"You had such amazing hair," I commented, looking at the floor by my feet.

"I still have amazing hair, it’s just incredibly short now," Larry laughed.

Meanwhile, Mr. Scollcroft could not hide his cold feet.

"I don’t know what ever possessed me. Imagine, a flattop," he croaked with a dry, unenthusiastic tone.

"Change is good," the barber chirped cheerfully.

Mr. Scollcroft surveyed the wreckage in his lap. "How long will it take for this to grown back?" he sulked.

"The top now is very tricky. Maybe you ought to leave that to me. I don’t want princess in tears at the end of this," the barber called over to me, purposely not responding to Mr. Scollcroft.

"No," insisted Larry. "I want Kyle to see what he can do. What’s the worst thing that can happen?"

"You ending up with a bald head," the barber laughed.

"Sounds like a good idea to me. A hairless wonder!" Larry replied.

"Okay, Kyle. Take off the overgrowth. Cut everything on top to about an inch," the barber instructed.

"Like this," he said, beginning to take down Mr. Scollcroft’s plush chestnut-colored top.

The businesscut on top quickly gave way to a short brush. Mr. Scollcroft looked on with a numb expression.

"Leave it as long as you can," Mr. Scollcroft finally said, futilely, trying to reassert some control. Every cut lock on his cape had the effect of a knife wound.

Larry’s hair was so thick, it had no problem standing up straight once I’d clipped it down to a certain length.

"I’m impressed," the barber called over, as Larry’s flattop began taking shape.

"So am I," added Larry.

"Sir, I am very interested in the apprenticeship you mentioned," I said, responding to the praise.

"Do you want it plush on top or a landing strip, Mr. Scollcroft?" The question was rhetorical. The barber smirked as the nervous man forbade a landing strip.

"I’m a businessman, not an airport," he said disdainfully.

The barber took great care in crafting a wonderfully short flattop on Mr. Scollcroft.

"With that tough look, no employees of yours will dare to slack off, sir," Mr. Helm commented.

Mr. Scollcroft smiled a bit. He liked the praise Mr. Helm offered.

"So, you think it’s a good look for me?" he asked, eliciting more praise.

"You had very nice hair, of course, when you came in. But, this new look gives you an air of authority and purpose," Mr. Helm offered.

Mr. Scollcroft smiled broadly and nodded in agreement.

"Careful!" the barber warned. "Keep your head still. Oh, my, now I’m going to have to take this down shorter."

Mr. Scollcroft gulped. It was already so short!

Both haircuts ended in silence.

Around Larry’s chair was a vast carpeting of cut clumps of hair.

I finished off the top by beveling the sides a bit.

Mr. Scollcroft was released from his torment and couldn’t stop exploring his ultra-short haircut.

He paid quickly and scampered out after he and Mr. Helm exchanged business cards.

The barber did a final tidying up on Larry, and he too was released from the chair.

There were congratulations all around for my skill. Even Mrs. Helm couldn’t stop babbling about how even and perfect the top had been cut.

"You had nice hair, Larry, but that girly length was a little too much," Mrs. Helm summed up her feelings. "And the flattop looks good on you. Honey, maybe that’s something you should try. I think Kyle is ready to expand his repertoire beyond butch cuts."

Blake piped in. "Give me a flattop once we get home. It’ll be good practice for you. I mean, all my hair is going to be shaved off, to the bone, the day I arrive at the academy."

I looked at his thick mop of hair. It would be another treat!

Larry said quietly to me in the car, "I know things are falling into place for you here, but do come out to California for a visit. There are some places I’d like to take you and some things, I’d like to do to….and I mean, with you."

I smiled, imaging twin chromedomes….

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