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Dad Comes Home With A Surprise (part 3) by It’s Me Hi

Dad Comes Home With A Surprise (part 3) Final

The Name’s John, But you may know me as Justin’s Dad, I have retired from the military recently back in the day I had the pretty boy military cuts but the boys in the barracks liked to play pranks and ones day scalped me a few times til I would just shave it bald so they couldn’t use it against me. I certainly got took revenge and got them back ofcourse but as I continued to shave my head it was a lot of upkeep and lazered it off so I didn’t have to continually shave. But all that’s a story for another time. ‘Alright..I’ll be there’ he responded with the concern of not knowing what the future holds for his hair’

As you know I met my son’s boyfriend Brad a few years ago, convinced them to lazer their heads too and I couldn’t be more proud of the men they have become. And I envy their relationship. I love seeing my son so happy. Brad has become like a son to me and recently his twin brother Mike who went under the razor earlier today aswell as his friend James. They look great.

It is the Twins 30th birthday party today which means the football team will be getting rowdy tonight so there will be some hair falling.

It’s about midday and Brad and Justin just got home to their surprise I had Shaved Brad and Justin just before they got back but now it’s time to set up for their party. While they do that I’m gonna head over to the plaza to grab some supplies to make it the most memorable party they have ever had.

‘Hey Justin’ can I grab the keys, I had an idea and gotta go grab some stuff from the plaza for tonight’. I asked. Justin threw me the keys from a few meters away and responded ‘Sure Dad, I coulda grabbed them for you while we were there, that’s why I called’. ‘It’s all good son I will be back before everyone gets here’ I responded as I caught the keys. ‘Alright don’t be long’ Justin replied as I headed for the door. As I was closing the front door I heard one of the boys mention ‘dude our friends are gonna hate us’. So they had some sort of idea of what was in store for the team.

I sat in the car and made a list. Some stuff we might have in the party cupboard already but can never be too safe.

I started the list.

Top of the list was prize and fate cards
- these are just blank cards with their fate written on the cards with a sharpie and put into coloured envelopes while challenging each other in a beer pong tournament.

I comitirued the list…

‘Beer pong cups and ping pong balls’
Scissors, duct tape.

Industrial glue.
This glue will come in handy as if it is put in their hair there is no washing it out. It’s there forever unless they cut it out. So will come in handy

Duct tape.
We may have guys not wish to take part in the challenges, so this will come in handy

2 pairs of Cordless clippers.
This will be easier for anyone who passes out at the party. They won’t be waking up with hair

Razors and shaving cream
Will need plenty of this as a lot of skin will be showing in the house tonight

We will need plenty of strong spirits to get the guys as drunk as possible so their attachment to their hair decreases and drunk courage takes over

Who knows I may be generous and give one of them a nice haircut instead of scalping them but let’s not get our hopes up

Cash prize money
I will get a few $100 notes out to put in the prize envelopes to make it fun. Some will win cash prizes, some will win hair fate cards, and some will win hair fate and cash prizes.

And with this game. The winner of the challenge can either chose to take the envelope or gift it to their challenging partner. Either way who ever opens the envelope deals their fate.

So just a bit of fun and fear at the same time

That’s probably about it for the list so I put it down and drove to the plaza.

As I got there I parked in front of the boys tattoo studio that was on the outside of the plaza and came up with a fantastic idea so I went in their first.

As I walked into the studio I was greeted by the regular guys. ‘Hey John, where are the boys? You finally gonna let us ink you?’ They asked. ‘Nah just booking in a tattoo idea for one of the boys’ ‘fair enough, Blake is just out the back drawing if you wanna head on through’. the guy suggested. ‘Thank’s’. I responded and headed out the back. ‘Hey John, good to see ya man’s Blake greeted me with a cheerful smile looking up from his design. The design was black tribal markings that were consistently 1cm thick that would go off into various curves and each one ended with a sharp point. There were some faded grey tribal lines over the top of it to set a separation of contrast to take out some of the fully black lines and then in all the gaps were a soft grey shadow.

‘Wow Blake, that design is perfect for what I came in for’. I mentioned to him giving him a compliment on his artwork. ‘Oh really? Thanks. It’s yours if you want it. No one has asked for it, just killing time while I’m not busy today’. Brad continued. ‘It’s a head design tho. Just gotta scan it into the computer and put it on a model but if you want I can do it for you today’. ‘Oh nah it’s for one of the boys, but head tattoo aye?, that’s even better than booking them in for a regular tattoo.’ I said as Blake started to scan the drawing in. ‘Can I book it in for one of the boys to get done tomorrow? Not sure which one yet as it’s the Twins birthday and I am organising party surprised for the challenge winners’. ‘Sure give me 10mins and I will print it out on the model for ya’. ‘Thank’s I will go out the front and pay for it while I wait.’ I suggested ‘Sound’s good’s Blake responded sliding his chair over to the computer to enter some information into the tattoo retail system. ‘Is 10am too early for you?’ He asked waiting for a response. ‘Nah that’s great we will be here for Mike’s first Lazer appointment’ I revealed ‘Oh Damn, you got him too?’ He responded with a surprised smile. ‘Yep and his buddy James’ ‘Damn Bro. The whole team is gonna end up bald with you around’. He responded with a soft chuckle ‘yeah they will tonight’ I responded with a proud devilish smirk’
‘You should come tonight, you would look great with a bald head to compliment ya neck and body tattoos if you let me at that black slick back I’ll be sure to throw some prize money in for ya’

Blake responded indecisively ‘I dunno man’ I dunno about being bald up top’. ‘I can do military cuts too, flat tops, high n tights…’ I continued to try encourage him to let me at his black faded slick back. Blake continued at his computer loading the scan into the model and took a brief second to think about it

went out the front to pay ‘hey can I pay for the 10am with Blake he just put on file?’ I asked the guy out the front ‘Sure man, he responded. ‘That’s done’ ‘Thank’s, I’ll be back shortly to collect the design Blake’s loading into the computer just gotta grab a few things’. ‘No worries, see you soon’ he responded.

I left the tattoo shop and walked into the plaza. I had to book in Jame’s Lazer so I went and saw the lady there first. ‘Hey I have Mike booked in for 10am tomorrow but can I book in another 10 session pack for his buddy James please’ ‘no worries at all’. The lady responded. ‘You’re becoming quite the regular’ ‘Yeah I sure am, there’s a whole football team of Boys so I am sure it’s not the last’. The lady chuckled when I said that and responded, ‘well we love having you as a regular’ just as I was paying I noticed the at home lasers on the shelf behind her so I enquired into them ‘what’s the difference between the lasers up behind you?’. I asked. She pointed at one and mentioned, ‘this is the weaker of the 2, but assume you want it for scalp. It will slow down the grow back but this other one is heavy duty so if you use that one even once the hair will grow back patchy after the first use. So if you start ya have to commit to a full professional laser process’ this was music to my ears. ‘I will take a couple of those please’. I asked since I will be destroying some boys hair tonight. ‘No worries at all, I will see you tomorrow for these bookings, but something tells me more boys will be booked in’ ‘’actually you’re right, I will get some 10 pack gift certificates for them to manage the bookings themselves. Hmmm, make it another 6 10 packs for now’ I asked. ‘Gee Whizz, you are a rich man’. she responded with a slight chuckle. I laughed along with her slightly and payed with my credit card and continued further into the plaza to grab the rest of the party supplies and hit up the cash machine, before grabbing the tattoo design and back to the car.

I sat in the car thinking up of the dates and prizes and put them in different coloured envelopes so I could tell the difference between them when handing them out for the challenges. Once I had finished I had drove home to help the guys set up

‘I’m back boys’. I said as I wondered the front door. ‘I ran into Blake at the plaza, he’s heading over shortly’ ‘Oh cool’. Brad mentioned. I put the alcohol in the kitchen and a bag of supplies on a table in a corner of the room with a couple of chairs to set up a barber station. Chucked the clippers and lasers on charge before the guests arrived.
‘Oh my god Dad’ Justin said as he saw what I was doing. ‘This is gonna be a great party hay boys’ but don’t worry, you don’t have any hair to lose’. I said jokingly. I set up the kitchen table with empty beer pong but left the other supplies in the bag on the barber station table. And continued to help the boys set up chips and food on another fold out table against another wall. I went into the kitchen and grabbed out a big soup pot and made the strogest brew of punch with strong spirits and Champaign and orange juice. It was really strong but didn’t taste too bad. I brought it out to the food table and there was more than enough liquor to make more to have the guys drunk and passing out by the end of the night.

An hour had passed and as I was replacing a picture frame near the barber station with a wall hanging mirror there was a knock at the door. Blake had finished up work for the day and made his way over. His slick back had been freshly combed and his sides were skin faded the day before. He looked pretty sharp already but when I give him a haircut he’s gonna look even better

‘Hey guys’. he said as he walked in the door. He looked over at me at the barber station and probably had some slight regret but also a sense of excitement too.
‘Hey Blake, the barber shop is ready. No one is here yet so can just offer you some cash if you want that haircut now, or did you wanna try your fate in the beer pong championships?’ I asked. ‘Nah cut it now I can’t see the fate prizes being to appealing’ he said jokingly. ‘Take a seat in my barbershop’. I said invitingly with a smirk. Blake sat down and took his shirt off revealing a fully inked body going from his neck, both arms and back, he was a work of art to be honest. ‘Oh dude you too?’ One of the boys mentioned. ‘Nah he’s just giving me a haircut’. Blake assured the guys. I handed Blake a couple of $100 notes which he put in his pocket.

I stood behind the chair in front of the table Blake was sitting at and started combing his black slick back. I started with his sides grabbing the clippers with no guard. The sides were still pretty fresh but took the fade up higher from the top of his ear to about eyebrow level. He wasn’t concerned yet because I hadn’t cut the top. I finished the back and sides with the no guard and there was almost no hair left on the sides and back. These clippers cut really close to almost bald just like a beard trimmer. Ii grabbed a comb with the other hand and combed up his front forelock. Reaching about 8 or 9 inches in the front. I moved the comb down to about 2 inches away from his scalp and slid the clippers across the comb. About 7 inches rained down pass his face and onto the white tiles on the floor.

‘Holy crap’. Blake let out as he watched the hair fall to the floor and I continued clipper over comb while more of his slick back rained down his tattooed body and onto the floor piling up a big black pile of hair on the floor. I evened it out til it was a 2 inch flat top and got him to stand up and look in the mirror. ‘Take a look, it’s not done yet but what’s ya think? ‘Wow, that is tight’. he said liking the new look. He sat back down and I took another inch off the top continuing the clipper over comb so it stood up to 1 inch. I carefully ran the clippers over the ends to construct the perfect flat top and showed him in the mirror again. He also liked it. But not done still.

I put the clippers at the top of his left side and cleared off more of the fade til both sides and the back were shaved high and tight. With the 1 inch top. Another outstanding look, i grabbed shaving cream and a new razor and started lathering up the back and sides. I shaved the back and sides against the grain right up to the high bright sides with the 1 inch top and showed him in the mirror again. He loved it. And the skin on the sides with contrast of the black one inch hair on top. ‘What do ya think?’ I asked him admiring my art work I had just crafted on his head.

I clicked the number 1 guard onto the clippers, ‘Sit down again, and I will add the icing on the cake’. I suggested. Blake took a little longer to sit down admiring my work in the mirror as he liked his new look already and had just had 9 inches of hair before I started. But he sat down and let it happen. I grabbed the clippers with the number 1 attachment and put the clippers at his forehead and pushed them through the remaining inch of hair leaving a seethrou black 3mm strip down the middle. I flicked the hair off the clipper off to the floor and took another few passes til he had a number 1 on top with shaved high n tight sides. He stood up to take another look ‘Wow it just keeps looking tighter and better each time’. He commented. I brushed the small hairs off his tattooed shoulders and suggested, ‘it will look pretty sharp if ya take the top off too. I’ll give you another few hundred if I can match the top to the sides. He took a second to think about it in the mirror. Holding his head over the top of his head to cover up the remaining hair. He finally sat back down and agreed. ‘Alright go for it’. He instructed. I took the guard off the clipper and shaved off the remaining 3mm. Lathered him up and used the razor to shave away the last of his hair. Left behind was a nice white head with a tattooed neck and body. He looked really good. ‘Ok check it out son’ I suggested. ‘Howz that’ Blake looked in the mirror and didn’t recognise himself he looked like the ultimate bad boy. He didn’t hate the look just shocked at a different person looking back at him. ‘Wow I actually do look great, thanks John’ ‘the guys at the shop are gonna beg me to tattoo this white head’ he joked. ‘It’s only gonna last a few days before ya geeked with stubble again. Do you wanna lazer it to slow the growth down a bit ya might get a week or 2 extention, and ya hair is black so 1 home laser session isn’t gonna kill it off.’ I suggested sneakily knowing that if he uses the heavy duty lazer that it will in fact make some bald spots that don’t grow back. ‘I really like it so yeah I guess, it will definetly grow back eventually tho right?’ Yeah you need to go to the clinic to completly kill all the hair off to be permanently bald’. I responded. I payed him the money for letting me shave him bald. ‘I need to think about it a bit.’ he mentioned. Sitting back down. Before he could respond I grabbed the laser off the charge and placed it on the top of his head ‘Zap, Zap, Zap’. I started running the lazer over his head before he had a chance to decide ‘Ahhh that certainly feels like it’s ripping my hair out, even tho there isn’t any up there’. ‘Yeah it’s heavy duty so actually kills hairs on the first use with this one.’ ‘What?!…but you said…’ he started before I interrupted him. ‘Sorry Blake, but if I didn’t trick you into it your hair woulda grown back and ya wouldn’t have this sharp new bad boy look, but don’t worry I have a laser certificate for you to get it professionally fixed when it grows back patchy’ I mentioned grabbing it out of the bag. ‘Oh you’re a shifty one John’. Blake continued. ‘Ya got me, you are really good at snaking us guys for our hair. Well played.’ I continued to run the home laser over the rest of his head and responded. ‘Sure am, don’t spoil the surprise with the rest of the guys tonight tho, we wanna keep it fun.’ I finished zapping his head which was a little red. And applied some moisturiser. Blake took one last look in the mirror and rubbed his head ‘Wow, it burns a little but feels really good. Can’t believe I willingly gave you my hair without even really thinking about it. I definitely need this blank canvas inked tho’z. He suggested. ‘You’re all done Blake. Enjoy the party. Blake put his shirt back on and grabbed a beer and joined the boys. ‘Wow Dude John Got you too, Welcome to the Baldy Bro’s Club’ Brad mentioned. Blake just Smiled and continued to rub his smooth layered head.

I cleaned up Blake’s hair off the floor and the party was due to have the guests start arriving at any minute.
… I am ready for my next victim..

The guests started slowly arriving and the early part of the party was underway. I heard a knock at the door over the loud music. So I answered it. It was Coach Cruize. I had become great friends with the boys coach over the years we were like best mates. He is the only one really around my age so we kinda hang out through the whole night the boys have their party’s. His name isn’t actually Cruze, the Boy’s just call him that coz he just looks like Tom Cruise. With his floppy Brown hair and Actor looks. His name coincidentally is actually Thomas.

‘Wow John’ you been busy’ Cruze mentioned as he looked at a few more bald heads filling the room. ‘The guys look great. Stepping into the menthe have become’. ‘Yeah just wait until the beer pong challenges start, ya gonna have the first bald football team in history’. I joked as we started mingling with the party.

The last of the guests arrived and the party was well underway now. We started filling up the beer pong cups with the toxic punch and ready to get started’ I briefed Cruze into what sort of challenges were expected and he was ready to do one of his coach speeches for the party’

Cruze lowered the music ‘Alright Guys, listen up…. First of all Happy birthday to the twins Brad and Mike, which ever one is which’. Cruze Joked about smiles newly bald heads filling. Everyone cheered in apriciation for their birthday. ‘I just wanna say have fun tonight and any challenges you enter you follow through. No backing out like women. You sit your asses on those challenge chairs and accept whatever fate you have coming. And you will enter challenges. You are a team and no one is left behind in a team’ Cruize explained. A few of the guys looked at the bald heads in the room knowing there will definitely be some hair falling. ‘Alright we are gonna get started, these are the rules. You can pick your own partners to compete against, there are date prizes that John has donated to the party tonight. When it is your turn and you are in position at the beer pong table you must chose how to be delivered your fate prize. Before you start you can either chose to accept the envelope or surrender it to your opponent. Not all of them have cash in them but you will miss out if you opt to give it to your opponent. And Yes some have head shaves in them. So whose heads are you gonna fight for to be shaved? Remember there is no backing out. Is everyone clear?.’ The boys cheered and the music was turned back up and the challenges will now begin. A rush of excitement filled my body as we started.

‘Alright Brad is up first’ I grabbed the black envelope with the head tattoo in it and placed it on the table. ‘Who are you chowing to challenge’. I asked knowing it would be Justin. And sure enough it was. ‘Now do you wanna play to win the envelope or play that the loser accepts the fate or prize?’ I asked.
‘We are both bald already, so it’s gotta be cash right?’ We will play for the winner to get the prize’ Brad ensured. Blake looked at me with a smile knowing he would be tattooing one of their heads in the morning. But didn’t reveal any of the surprise.

The game has started. Justin was the first to have a cup out. He took a drink and let out a ‘Awh S**t, that is strong’ the game continued. Both boys wanted to win as bad as each other. They got down to 2 cups each, Justin threw the ball and it hit the rim of Brad’s cup and bounced out. It was a Brad’s turn he got Justin down to 1 cup. The boys continued and Brad had to drink his 2nd to last cup. It’s Brads turn again he threw the ball and it hit the rim again. But as it bounced up it fell back down into Justin’s final cup and Justin had to drink. Everyone let out a cheer as Brad won the first round.

‘Alright done open up and let’s see the prize’. Brad opened up the envelope and saw $200 in there and was pleased with it but also a pice of paper folded in half. He pulled it out and unfolded it to reveal the tribal tattoo design on a head model that Blake prepared earlier. On the bottom it had where I wrote Saturday 10am. ‘Gawah!..’ Brad let out a shocked disappointment noise and revealed the piece of paper to the audience. ‘Congratulations son, you will be hanging out with Blake in the morning.’ I said edging him on!! Everyone cheered again and we were onto the next game

More Challenges went ahead. Money was won, hair was permanently destroyed with the home lasers. People winning money unfortunately got to keep their hair. But we were up to the final round.

Ethan and Kaden were up last. Ethan had long light brown hair to his shoulders and Kaden had dark blonde spikey hair. It was about 3 Inches on top and 2 inches back and sides. He spiked the top and the back and sides out to look like a 2000’s punk rocker. Ethan opted that the loser would take the prize. And they battled it out til one of them won. Ethan had won the challenge both down to one cup and he let out a triumphant cheer knowing that he didn’t have to open the envelope which could have made him lazer off his beatiful long brown hair.

Kaden opened the envelope and read it out loud. ‘Both of you will take a seat in the barber station. Your opponents hair will all be cut off and glued to yours. Your opponent will then be shaved and laserwd and you will be left with all their hair glued to your hair. It is then up to you if you wish to keep it or cut it off’ Kaden read alloud. Ethan’s face expression dropped and was not impressed at all. ‘No way man’. Ethan remarked Kaden sat in one of the chairs waiting for Ethan to accept his fate. But Ethan was not keen. He tried to make a run for the door but was tackled by a few of the team mates. Coach Cruize insisted ‘Get Your Ass on the chair Ethan, you know the rules’. I reached out and grabbed the duct tape ready for Ethan’s forced haircut. I knew one of them would try something like this. Ethan’s chest was pinned to the floor by a few of the team members and I walked over with the tape and scissors and started taping his feet together. The boys got his hands together for taping and continued to hold him on the floor. Cruise grabbed him by his hair and lifted his head up while he continued to struggle. I passed him the scissors and coach grabbed a long piece of hair right in the middle of his front hair line and snipped it off as close to the scalp as he could without cutting his head. ‘Snip’ there was no turning back. I picked him up over my shoulder and placed him on the chair. Coach placed the severed hair on the table stretched out and then continued snipping it all off laying it neatly on the table in a pile.

While he was cutting I grabbed a comb and started making sectional parts on Kayden’s head and applied lines of industrial glue to attach Ethan’s hair to his. Just like girls get extensions I would make rows and apply glue over the long air that was attached rubbing the hairs together close to kaydens scalp til it was all attached. It was quite a mess coz glue drying in ya hair just destroys it belt that was part of the plan. Cruize grabbed the clippers and shaved Ethan’s head before applying shaving cream and another new razor and shaving Ethan completly bald. He seemed to really enjoy himself. He wiped away the remaining cream with a towel and didn’t hesitate to grab the laser and start permantly zapping away at Ethan’s hair starting at the hairline and working his way back across the top til there was nothing but a silky smooth red scalp.

‘There you go son, a deal’s a deal right?.’ Coach Cruze remarked. He looked at me and smiled. Our eyes met and I had a new found respect for him that I couldn’t describe. His eyes, that smile. I’m not into men but if I was Coach Cruize would be the perfect man. Brad and Justin have quite a good relationship which I admire but I shifted my focus back to finishing Karen’s hair which was now mostly dry with hard glue everywhere. It was a pretty funny look but left him to enjoy his new extensions. Everyone laughs and the party continued.

I pulled out some of the strong spirits and had the boys doing shots til they dropped. People were starting to pass out now. There were newly bald heads and some still with hair that wine the challenges but they too started to curl up in corners and pass out. Some of the guys left and went home with their new bald heads. Can’t wait to hear what their girlfriends think one of the guys still with hair was passing out and sat down in the barber station. The rules were if ya sit in the barbers chair ya there for the barber.

I called out to Cruize and pointed to the Nathan who was falling asleep in the barbers chair ‘he Cruze, we have a voulenterr, wanna do the honours?.’ I asked with a smile ‘Absolutely’. Cruize was quite drunk himself but managed to shave and Lazer Nathan’s head. What once was a light brown undercut with a top knot man bun was now a freshly bald lazered head. I put a laser certificate in his pocket and made the suggestion.

‘Whata ya say we shave the rest of the sleepers?.’ I asked looking around the room there was only about 3 of them left who hadn’t been shaved anyway so we grabbed the cordless clippers and stripped them of their hair. Razored them carrying around a bowl of water and you guessed it lazered them too. Justin, Brad, Mike and James had all gone to bed so they didn’t realise the carnage we had caused. Coach Cruize was the only one left with hair. We moved Nathan onto the floor so we could rest on the seats and sat there continuing to chat and finish our drink. We were the last ones standing at the kids party. Not bad for a couple of 50 something year olds

We joked and praised about the whole team was now bald. And how the laser clinic is gonna be busy once the guys notice their hair won’t be growing back. Cruze looked at me and playfully rubbed my bald head ‘You’re the king bald eagles’. He joked which was a play on the football team name ‘the Eagles’ with his hand on my head he started to rub it a bit slower and held his hand on the back of my head while looking into my eyes. I felt an electric pulse run through my body. I had a bit of excitement and fear in my eyes at the same time but rand my fingers through his floppy long brown hair.
My eyes left his to look up at his hair and then down to his lips. He exchanged the same glances. And he leant in closer. I had the sudden urge to kiss him. We weee drunk so any denial we had on our sexuality was masked by the liquid courage. I went for it. I kissed coach Cruize. And he didn’t back away. Our lips locked and there were fireworks. Cruize kissed me back as he continued rubbing my head. As we stopped and let go of the kiss for a second I rand my fingers through his hair again. After a smile post kiss I reminded him ‘You know the rules.’. He rested his soft touch on my head again and let out a soft whisper ‘Yep Shave me.’ We kissed again while his head was still on my head and I felt my bulge grow the electricity had made its way down there and got me very excited. My hand accidentally brushed past his excitement down there too.

I stood up to get into preparation of attacking Cruizes hair and as I was grabbing the clippers, he admitted ‘I’ve wanted this for a long time, to be your victim and well… you…’ this gave me the biggest grin. I think I might explore this newly found romance.

I switched on the clippers with no guard one last time and grabbed Cruzes forelock and put the clippers at the front of his hairline. ‘You ready?’ I asked about too plow through his brown shaggy hair. I was distracted by the bulge in his pants getting harder. ‘Wait..’ he responded damn was he going to back out ‘Hang on a sec.’ He continued then stood up and took off his shirt and pants revealing how happy he actually was through his briefs. ‘Ok Go for it!’ He said excitedly. I placed the clippers back at his hairline and straight down the middle. This was happening. I was so turned on as was he. I never want this moment to end.

I continued to shave off his lovely brown hair as it rained down onto the floor where everyone else’s was. So much hair and Cruze had a lot of it himself. I continued to shave it all off with the clippers till there was nothing left but stubble. I lathered him up and slowly and gently razored the stubble off and wiped the cream off with the towel. He looked amazing. I actually had true gay feelings for him. I wanted to experiment and go all the way already. Looking at him sitting there bald and in his underware running his head. He saw one last lazer certificate sitting on the table that he picked up. ‘Mind if I take this’ he asked with a smile. I smiled back with no hesitation ‘absolutely’z I responded ‘Thank’s ‘.he replied and not a minute after he grabbed one of the lasers and started zapping his own head killing off any future chances of having hair.

I was so turned on as he stood up to Lazer his own head in the mirror. I went up behind him and put my arms around his lower body and kissed the back of his head. He felt my excitement press up against the back of his briefs as he continued to finish his head.

I then admitted to him ‘it’s late, guess you’re coming to bed with me.’ I mentioned with a smile catching his eyes in the mirror. That sexy bald reflection looking back at me. Cruize finished up and turned around he looked so Hot. I can’t believe my eyes. He smiled back at me and followed up with a kiss after setting the laser down on the table.

We didn’t talk any further at that point we just went to the bedroom and we didn’t go to sleep straight away but I will leave it up to your imagination what we did get up to..

The next morning we woke up spooningand could hear the boys cleaning up from the party. We kissed in bed for a bit before getting up.

‘Wow Coach’ I almost didn’t recognise you’. Justin remarked. ‘Dad Got to you too?’ He then saw me follow him out ‘oh Dad really did get to you.’ Justin remarked jokimgly with the biggest grin on his face. Brad asked looking around the room. ‘So does anyone on the team actually have hair now?. Cruise responded. ‘Nah they actually don’t’ I’m gonna rebrand the team the team to "The a Bald Eagles" the other teams will see us and anytime they hear the team name they will fear us. An all bald team taking them down. Anyone would beg to be on the team and probably do anything to be on it. So the next generation will have to be bald to even get on it’ ‘Wow that’s Deep.’ Brad responded and continued to clean.

‘We gotta go to the plaza soon’ Mik and James Go freshen up ya heads for the lazer today. Where’s Blake?’ I asked looking around the room. He’s gone to open up the shop, he left this morning but keen to give me that tattoo’ Brad admitted

Everyone got ready and we got to the plaza in the nick of time. Mike and James went in for their Laser and I went in with Brad to the tattoo studio to see what Blake’s work mates thought of his head. They all smiled as I walked in like they were proud of the prank I pulled on him.

‘You ready Brad’ Blake called out from his work station ‘Yeah I Guess’ Brad responded. He sat down and got his head wiped a few times. The stencil transfer was applied and the needle had started drawing into his skin.
Justin watched and smiled as he saw Brad’s pain fill his face. Hours went by and the tattoo was finished. It looked so good. Painful but good.

‘Once Mike’s sessions are done in a few months I’ll bring him in so he can continue to twin with his brother.’ I said with a cheaky grin

It was a year later and the laser clinic had been as busy as ever. Cruize and I were still together and really happy with our new found love. Everyone did infact fear the bald eagles and the boys had planned on attacking the guys on other teams and taking their hair by inviting them to parties and getting them wasted to stamp the teams mark onto them with shaving their heads

The day had come when Mike had finished his laser sessions and booked in for his tattoo. We went into the shop and Blake’s head which was a blank canvas a year ago had been fully tattooed with roses and skulls and stuff. It looked pretty wild. He was quite heavily tattoed now that his head had been inked

‘Hey guys ya ready?’ Blake asked. Mike reluctantly responded ‘Yeah’. He wanted it but not to go through the pain. James was there with us and they had finally come out after news broke about me and Cruize. Mikes tattoo got finished and they looked like twins again

‘Hey Dad’ Justin spoke out to get my attention. ‘Brad and I are getting married’.Justin admitted ‘that’s great news som, I couldn’t be more proud’
‘Thank’s Dad’ ‘thank you Sir’ Brad and Justin responded

And well that is how the story of the bald Eagles came about. The team are in their 30s and retired now but Cruize is still the Coach ready to recruit the next generation. Being Former bald eagles the inductions happen at the boys parties so the head shaves will continue. Cruize couldn’t be more happier, neither could I. The boys still mentor the juniors as sub coaches but all in all we are all very happy living like grown bald men.

The End

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