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Ultimatum from dad by Hazzy

I have always had a haircut fetish as long as I can remember. I just loved and admired looking at bald and shaved headed men, online and peering through barber windows when ever possible.

Growing up, my dad used to cut my own hair rather on the short side, especially during my school days and into my early teens. He normally cut it with clippers with a number 3 all over my head. It was no fancy cut, but deep down i enjoyed having short hair the same as dad. During the summer months i often asked for my buzz to be on the shorter side but dad never buzzed me shorter than a number 2 guard.

This was the shortest haircut I was ever given. But for me even though I enjoyed having a buzz and short cropped hair nothing compared to seeing a man on the street or in a barber window with a nice close shaven scalp.

growing older, I regretted never having a proper shaven scalp, however at the same time I would feel hesitant and worried about others reactions to getting it all shaved off.

Dad also changed his approach, he offered me less haircuts and expected that I would try different hairstyles and get a chance to grow as an individual. To him, buzz cuts were over, as i was no longer a little boy. This distanced our relationship as in a way I resented the fact he could pick up clippers himself and buzz his head but not give me the same haircut. He ofter cut his hair without me around and then ask why i didn't want a nice young trendy hairstyle.

At times I was rather persistent on asking dad for a haircut. I'd keep asking until I pushed his buttons too far.
"sod it , fine i'll let you get it cut shorter . And he very rarely gave me a number 1, which I loved or he'd go the other way and refuse to cut my hair at all. He’d tell me, " if you want it cut go to a fcuking barber!"

I rarely went to barbers, however on the odd occasions I enjoyed the smell and masculinity. However with barber visits I never had the confidence to come back with a fully shaved head.
The shortest I'd dare would be either a crew cut or number 1 buzz. The buzzing of my hair always felt great. Id be on a high, I run my hands over my freshly cropped hair again and again but that glee ogtern turned to disappointment as soon as I saw another man with a shaven head shorter than myself.

After a few years of growing up without dad cutting my hair and only starting to use the same barber i turned 24 years old. There was still one massive regret. I always wished my dad would shave all my hair off.

One evening I sat in the local pub with dad for a good few beers. We chatted about football and our work. I made sure not to mention his freshly shaven hair.

However unintentionally I kept looking at a guy sat a few tables away with a lovely stubbled shaved head. A few beers later I then notised it was Garry. He was coming towards me. He was an old friend from school. We struck up a brief conversation about his college and my work life and then he left.

I told dad that I was thinking off getting the same haircut as him I just couldn't resist bringing up the hair topic to him. and by this point I had about 6 pints with dad having more than me.

Walking back home rather drunk dad said it was my choice and that he couldn't care less about my hair or how short id get it cut.

Dad asked why I wanted my head shaved so short. And why I never grew my hair out into a nice modern style.
my answer was simple. I said most of my friends have had a dad who cut their hair really short even without a guard at somepoint in their lives and that I always thought that you would let me have it too. I really like the look but you never let me go short enough. I tried to explain diplomatically to him.

He said fine and said well he didn't want to be one of those dads who made you have short hair that it's very extreme and more common for older balding men to have.

Once we reached back home, we kept chatting about it. It felt good to get it off my chest into dads ears.

Dad standing rather drunk gave me a hard deathly look and he asked how? "Do you really want me to shave you bald!?"

In my head I wanted to scream yes. My guts Were saying no. I had to be quick with a response, as he caught me off guard with that question.

I told him, not bald,but buzzed without a guard on the clipper, so my hair would be reduced to stubble.

Again there was a long awkward pause. Dad turned to me and gave me the ultimate ultimatum I couldn't refuse;

As he turned and said, I'll cut it!
Shaved bald or not at all, he smirked at me. Your choice.
He kept saying it, shaved bald or not at all , come on! I know you want it done which was the truth I did, however I pretended to plead with him to cut it to stubble.

Dad never gave in, come on , shaved bald or not at all? . after him saying five times I said OK dad shave it all off!

Dad had a massive grin. I knew you wanted a bald head. You can't resist a haircut.
He pulled out the kitchen table and he smiled as he opend the kitchen cupboard and brought out the hair clippers.

I stood slightly shaken as I removed my top. He plugged the clipper in and turned them on. Boy, did the clippers roar as they came to life.

Secretly i was overjoyed that dad was going to shave my head. Yet slightly apprehensive on what others would say or think of the dramatic change of look.
It felt comfortable, I could feel my dads breath on my shoulders as he took no mercy as he started up the back of my scalp.
Mounds of thick hair fell from my scalp as he ploughed the clippers all the way up past my crown. Even dad said that's alot of hair to remove. Dad kept going over my head he then turned and faced me I looked up to him. Thank you for doing this dad. He didn't say a word to me, he just kept a tight grip of me and the clippers that were reducing my ugly thick brown hair to a clean stubble.

After dad finished buzzing me with the clippers he forcefully draged me into the bathroom. He shouted to get on my knees and grabbed the back of my head so it was fully over the bathtub. He took the shower head down and showered hot water over my freshly shaven subbbled head.

He told me not to move as he took a shaving razor and gel out the cabinet.
Dad foamed my head for a good few minutes. After a while he ran the razor into the shower water and started to shave at the front of my head.

Dad had me pinned down on the floor and head over the tub i couldn't move an inch as he took swipes across my head with the razor. It felt like nothing I have felt before but it was an exceptional experience and felt wonderful. I felt comfort that it was dad who was doing it to me. I enjoyed accepting my dads offer. Dad continued to shave my head with the razor until my scalp was shaved clean and smooth. Dad had a firm grip and made sure all my hair and stubble was removed. I had a grey tinge to my scalp where the hair follicles were Under my scalp and my scalp was jusy a little paler than my face which looks more drastic.

I looked in the mirror. Dad said I looked better than he expected. Dad ran his hands over my scalp several times insuring no baby hairs remained. He placed oil on my scalp to give it a shine. I loved the feel of my head and it felt great when dad rubbed it. He asked if i was finally happy now with a full baldie look. I nodded to him and thanked dad again.

I will always remember the first time I was transformed into a full baldy by my dad. I'm very grateful I got my wish. To this day I often grow my hair for 2 to 3 weeks max, just so I get to enjoy another full head shave experience.

Recently I've been toying with the idea of also shaving my eyebrows off as well. Will my dad also be the one to remove them for me?

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