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Alex, Gabe, and Brian by AdamDreamcatcher

Gabe, with his newly shaved head, was a sight to behold. He looked more masculine and seemed to have a new swagger. It wasn’t that Gabe was cocky; it was that he was getting looks from so many people. Guys would come up and rub his head, and he was loving it. Gabe had decided to keep the bald head for at least six months within a week. He loved how it felt, and his partner, Alex, loved it. Alex had never asked him to shave his head, mainly because Gabe had such lovely hair that he loved playing with and watching in motion.

Patrick was transferred out of state for his job about a year two weeks later. It was an opportunity of a lifetime, so he gladly accepted. Gabe and Alex were very happy for him. Although it wasn’t permanent, the pair would sorely miss him. Gabe and Alex took Patrick to the airport, and Patrick told them both that he would let them know when he got there and that he looked forward to seeing them when he got back. With that, Patrick rubbed Gabe’s head and headed into the terminal.

On their way home, Gabe and Alex decided to go out for a few drinks. They lived less than a few blocks from the bar, so they parked at home and walked there. The place was hopping! They both got a cocktail and found a place to sit. People that they knew didn’t recognize Gabe at first. Guys would approach Alex and ask, "So, who’s your new friend? Oh s**t! Gabe! Oh my God! It looks great!!" Everybody wanted to touch it. Gabe and Alex would laugh. Gabe would say he just wanted to try something new instead of going into much detail.

There was a guy there who caught both of their eyes. He was a little older and had beautiful, light brown hair, like Gabe’s. It was lighter, but it was styled much the same way. It moved as he walked and in the breeze. Gabe and Patrick both commented that he was handsome. Alex quipped, "He looks like he would be fun!" Gabe agreed. The guy kept looking over at the two as well. He seemed as interested as he looked interesting.

Alex waved the new guy over. The guy walked over and said, "Hi! What’s up?" Alex replied, "You looked like you were looking for a seat, and we have an extra seat, so... I’m Alex, and this is my boyfriend, Gabe." The guy responded, "I’m Brian, pleased to meet you! Thank you for the seat."

The trio hit it off. They were trying to talk over the music and the other bar patrons. It was getting difficult to understand each other. None of them wanted to stop talking, so Gabe said, "We don’t live far from here; why don’t you come over for a while, Brian?" Brian nodded, so they headed out. In the quiet of the outside, their ears were still ringing. There was quite a chill in the air, and Gabe said, "I still have to get used to this!" Alex laughed, and Brian asked, "What do you have to get used to?" Gabe told Brian that he had recently shaved his head for the first time and wasn’t used to the cold yet. Brian asked, "Really? You should keep it! It looks phenomenal!" then he reached over, playfully grabbed Gabe’s head, and rubbed it. Alex couldn’t do anything but laugh. "That’s my little cue ball!"

Alex, Gabe, and Brian continued their conversation at the house, getting to know one another. Brian grabbed another beer, sat down, and said, "I can’t help but be a little jealous." Alex looked at him and asked, "About what?" Brian answered, "I’ve always wanted to have short hair. Or shaved, or I don’t know…" Gabe stated, "But your hair is so nice! Why would you want it any different?" Brian looked at a picture hanging on the wall of Alex and Gabe. And asked, "Why did you?" Gabe, with surprise in his voice, said, "Touché!"

Alex giggled and asked Brian, "Why don’t you go short? I’m sure that you would look amazing!" Brian laughed and told him he had gone short several times but rarely got any positive comments, so he decided to grow it out. Alex said, "That’s bulls**t! You would look great with short hair! Screw everyone that says anything different! And if YOU don’t like it, you know it will grow back! Just look at that mane!" Brian countered, "And I’m sure you would look great with long hair!" Alex was caught by surprise with that. He never really thought about it before. Gabe interjected, "I’ve always thought so! It looks excellent short, but I’ve never seen it longer than maybe two inches. I would love to see it almost shoulder length." Brian said, "See?" Alex felt oddly defensive. Not in a bad way, but more in an "interested" way. He never had long hair. His fetish was always for short hair. And Gabe had never said anything like that before. He never seemed to care what another guy’s hair was like. Alex was so confused.

Alex tried to shift the conversation away from himself. He told Brian, "I think you should shave! You have the head shape for it and said you always wanted it!" Brian returned, "Fine! I’ll shave it now if you promise to grow your hair!" Gabe smiled and said, "We have all the stuff! Alex, do you agree?" Alex jokingly said, "Yes, of course, we have everything!" Gabe gave Alex a look and said, "Smartass! Do you agree to grow your hair out if Brian shaves his head? And you know I’ll hold you to it if you agree! I’ve already decided to keep mine shaved for at least six months, so you’ll be growing yours for at least that long." Alex took a drink of his beer and said, "Fine. Let’s do this." Brian said, "Well, s**t! I’m going to need another beer."

Brian stripped down and sat in the same chair Alex had been sitting in when he watched Gabe with Patrick. Alex instantly got hard. Brian looked over and said, "If you don’t get your clothes off now, you’re going to rip your zipper out!" Then Brian winked at Alex, reached over, and gave him a little rub on the crotch. Gabe laughed and said, "You two are NOT going to be naked without ME!"

Alex bent in, kissed Brian and Gabe, then asked, "You don’t mind if I watch, do you? I’m big into watching." Brian said he didn’t mind if Alex didn’t mind if he kissed Gabe. Alex said, "Absolutely! If Gabe is fine with it, so am I". Gabe grabbed Brian by a big handful of hair, pulled his head back, and passionately kissed him. "Does that answer your question?" asked Gabe. Brian said, "Let’s make this happen!" Alex said, "And more!" Alex reclined back on the bed and got into position to enjoy the show.

Brian was in ecstasy as Gabe cut his hair. He got hard as a rock, reached around, grabbed Gabe the best he could, and squeezed his leg. Gabe would clip, then kiss Brian. After 15 minutes or so, Brian was clipper-shaven entirely. Gabe applied some of the same shaving lotion that Patrick had used on him, then grabbed the Head Blade and scraped Brian clean. Alex was right! Brian looked amazing. Anyone who thought differently was insane or jealous.

Brian stood up, still hard, and brushed his hair off. He told Gabe, "Thank you! That was amazing!" Gabe said, "You’re crazy if you think you’re done!" Then Gabe pulled Brian in close and started kissing him. Gabe led Brian onto the bed next to Alex and whispered, "Now, let me feel how thankful you are!"

Alex was so excited to see two bald men having fun! He reached over and touched each of their heads, then gazed in amazement as they moved, staring into each other’s eyes until all three finished in orgasmic ecstasy. Now, it was Alex’s turn to fulfill his promise.

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