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Gabe, Alex, Patrick, and Brian by AdamDreamcatcher

Gabe and Alex were true to their words. Gabe kept his head shaved, and Alex grew his hair for six months. They both loved their new looks. "As of today, it’s been six months. What are your thoughts? Do we go longer or go back to the way we were before?" asked Alex. Gabe thought for a moment and said, "No. I still like my head bald, and it’s nearly summer. I want to see how it looks with a tan! You can cut your hair again if you want to." Alex was tempted but said, "No, I think I’ll grow it a while more." "Really?" asked Gabe, "I’ll admit, your hair is starting to look good! I didn’t realize that it had such a red tone." "I didn’t either!" laughed Alex, "I’m a ginger and didn’t know it! You know what? Let’s go another six months and see." "Deal!!" replied Gabe, "Patrick should be back by then, too!"

Neither Gabe nor Alex had whispered a word of their plans to Patrick. He was doing well in his job but was looking forward to coming home. They told Patrick about Brian and their adventures. Patrick said he was looking forward to meeting Brian; he thought Brian sounded cool.

Alex, Gabe, and Brian all became good friends. Brian was, of course, looking forward to meeting Patrick, too. Brian decided to keep his hair a short buzzcut rather than shaved. He just thought it looked a little better. His newly found confidence paid off, too. He was receiving many compliments and felt so much better about himself. He kept his woes to himself so the other two weren’t aware of his past turmoil. He felt that it was in the past and that’s where it should stay.

The next six months passed as quickly as a day. Patrick was going to be home in a few days. Gabe was, of course, bald, and his head was well-tanned with a slight glossiness. Some people do not look good bald, but it seemed that Gabe was born to be. It looked that good! Alex’s hair was now over six inches long and a beautiful dark auburn. Alex didn’t get his hair cut except for a few maintenance trims, and his hair seemed to style itself. It had a silky texture and flowed like the wind. Brian’s hair was stunning as a number 3 buzzcut on top and faded on the sides. He used a little gel to keep it sharp-looking.

Patrick was finally on his way home! Alex and Gabe went to meet him at the airport. When Patrick finally got his bags and met the pair outside, he hardly recognized them. One look at Alex and Patrick said, "Dude! Look at you! You look awesome! Oh my God!" then looked at Gabe and said, "You kept it! You kept it shaved! I can’t believe it! It looks phenomenal being tan and all!" Gone was Patrick’s crewcut; he now sported a longish faux hawk with natural blond highlights. It made him look like a model. He was looking more gorgeous than ever!

"We have so much catching up to do! We have so much to tell you and want to hear about your trip! Gabe and I are making dinner tonight in honor of your return, and Brian’s coming over! You’ll like him! He’s fun, sweet, kind, and a great guy!" said Alex. "He sounds like it, and I’m excited to meet him!" answered Patrick. "Well, good! He’s excited to meet you, too!" chimed Gabe. Patrick groaned and laughed. "I hope I can live up to your hype," he said.

That night, before dinner, Gabe, Alex, and Patrick were sitting in the living room talking when Patrick asked, "So, I’m dying to know…What made you keep the looks? You both are so damned handsome! You were before, but now…now I can’t keep my eyes off you!" Alex and Gabe regaled the story to Patrick, and Patrick drank in every word. "So, that night was THAT good, huh?" Patrick asked. Gabe described it as a mind-blowing mental and physical experience, and, in a way, recreating it with Brian was beautiful, warm, and endearing. Patrick put an arm around Gabe, gave him a big side hug, and gave him a peck on the head.

"So, when is Brian going to be here?" As if on cue, there was a quick knock on the door, and in walked Brian. Gabe jumped up and, with glee, said, "Brian, this is Patrick! He’s been my best friend in the world forever! And, Patrick, this is Brian!" "Very nice to finally meet you!" Brian said, reaching out his hand for a handshake. Patrick brushed away Brian’s hand and said, "Nah! Not in this house!" as he hugged Brian. "So, you’re the one the boys have been telling me about?" asked Patrick as he gave Brian the once over. This would have flustered Brian before, but coming from such a handsome man, he felt damned good! The two sat next to each other on the couch, talked, and lightly flirted like they had known each other for years.

Alex and Gabe excused themselves to the kitchen to finish making dinner. Alex whispered to Gabe, "Are you seeing what I’m seeing? I think they have a thing for each other!" Gabe responded, "I know! Isn’t it cute? I think they’re hitting things off! I never, in a million years, would have thought about Patrick as the settling-down type, but, well… look at them! They’re so adorable together!" "Brian looks so happy! Oh s**t, look! They’re feeling each other’s hair!" Alex said. Brian and Patrick were absently reaching up with their hands and running their fingertips across the side of the head and over the ear, using their thumbs to caress the other’s temple gently.

"You’re really handsome," Brian said quietly as he looked into Patrick’s eyes. "You’re even more handsome!" responded Patrick. "Would you like to go out sometime? Maybe get a drink and take a walk?" "Absolutely!" Brian said with a smile, then gave Patrick a wink.

"Gentlemen, dinner is served!" called Alex. "Yes, sir!" Patrick yelled back with a laugh. "So, it looks like you two had quite a bit to talk about?" teased Gabe coyly. Patrick and Gabe looked at each other and chuckled. "As a matter of fact, we did, Nosey!" Patrick laughed. "Brian here has agreed to marry me, and we want to have six…" Brian interjected, "Seven!" "…seven kids, too!" Patrick continued. Brian belly laughed and said, "And, Honey, don’t forget the white picket fence and mortgage!" Patrick and Brian held hands, looked at each other, then, in harmony, said, "Awe…" and then pecked each other on the lips, then turned in unison to look at Gabe. Gabe said, "Very funny! Har. Har." They all laughed at that point. Patrick said, "Actually, we are going to go out sometime. Brian is pretty cool, and I look forward to getting to know him better. I think we have a lot in common." Brian said, "Ditto!"

Over dinner, the quartet talked and laughed about anything that came to mind. They all had the most fantastic time reminiscing about Gabe’s surprise to Alex and Brian’s experiences with them. Gabe confessed that even though he didn’t have a hair fetish himself, it was enjoyable having his head shaved and that he was thrilled that it was. Gabe also said he loved every second while they shaved Brian’s head. He also quipped that he couldn’t seriously see himself growing it back out; it was that great of a feeling. Brian looked at Gabe and said, "Even though you don’t have a hair fetish yourself?" then looked over at Alex and asked, "So, you have a hair fetish?" Alex answered, "Yeah. I’m very much into men’s short hair. I always have been. I like the way it looks and the way it feels. I love watching haircuts, and I love, well, loved, having my hair cut. I can’t fully explain it; it’s just how I am." Brian laughed and said, "No, I get it! I have the same fetish. I’ve never met anyone in person who had one, too!" Brian looked at Patrick and asked, "I hope that doesn’t change anything?" Patrick said, "No, of course not! I’ve known Ales for years now, and I know of his fetishes, and they’ve never bothered me. I don’t know why it would now." Brian was relieved. Patrick and Gabe looked at each other and grinned. Now, they each had a hair-fetisher in their lives.

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