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The New Andrew by Adam Dremcatcher

Andrew stared deeply into Mike’s eyes. Mike’s total weight was now on Andrew as Mike started to push a little deeper and pick up a little speed. Andrew used his left hand to grab Mike by the head and pull him in for a kiss. Andrew excitedly felt the stubble on the back of Mike’s head. Mike seemed to get more excited about it, too. Andrew felt Mike growing larger.

Just this morning, Mike's long, dark red hair reached down to his shoulder blades. Mike had been growing it out for nearly three years. It was a full, thick, luscious mane. Andrew loved being able to run his fingers through it. Mike never wore it in a man-bun or a ponytail (he hated even the sight of those); it was always very well kept. He rarely even used products aside from good shampoo and conditioner.

Mike was having a cup of coffee when Andrew got out of the shower. Andrew asked Mike what he’d like to do today, and Mike answered, "I think I’ll get a haircut to get rid of the split ends today." This wasn’t unusual for Mike to say. He regularly got trims. It’s what kept his hair looking so good. Andrew said, "That’s fine. While you’re doing that, I will go grocery shopping and meet you back in a few hours. Oh, and don’t forget we’re going to the movies tonight." Mike said, "Yep! I’ve been looking forward to it!"

Mike got to the salon and walked up; there was a sign on the door. The sign read, "Closed Indefinitely. We apologize for any inconvenience." "Well, that sucks!" thought Mike, "I hope everything is alright." Mike had already made up his mind that he was going to get his hair cut, and when Mike made up his mind, there was no changing it. Anyway, there was a new upscale barbershop just a few miles away that he had been seeing advertised. The videos on their website showed all manner of men’s haircuts from clients—undercuts, layered cuts, various buzzcuts, hair designs, colors, etc. All the models that were used looked phenomenal with their cut.

Mike drove to the barbershop, which was much larger than he imagined. When he walked in, the receptionist welcomed him and asked if he had an appointment. There were 12 chairs, and in each one, somebody was getting a haircut. "No, I’m sorry, I don’t," Mike said. "That’s perfectly fine! We do walk-ins. The wait is going to be about 45 minutes, though. Would you like me to put you on the list?" asked the receptionist. "Yeah, sure! That would be great! The name’s Mike." Mike answered. "Well, Mike, I have you down. I’m Joshua, in case you need anything. Would you like cold water, a soda, or a beer while you wait?" asked Joshua. "Sure! I’ll take a beer!"

Mike had a seat in the waiting area. This place looked nice! There were comfortable couches, TVs, darts, a pool table, current magazines, etc. The barbers were all dressed to the nines and so professional. Joshua brought Mike his beer and a glass. "So, this is your first time here, isn’t it?" asked Joshua. Mike said, "Yeah, I’ve been going to a salon, but I thought I’d try this place. I’m happy to see that it’s so popular." "Well, we’ve been open for about three months now. The owner recruited the most talented barbers from all over the state, which seems to be paying off. I’m sure you’ll love whichever style they choose!" said Joshua. "That’s awesome," said Mike absentmindedly. "Wait! What? The style THEY choose?" "That’s right, the barbers here choose a style for you. They will, of course, consult with you to get to know your ‘vibe,’ and then they will expertly curate a cut for you. We haven’t had a dissatisfied customer yet. Just sit back and relax; they will work their magic on you, too."

Mike was now nervous. He was intrigued but nervous. "My hair!" he thought. "I have it just the way I like it; what if they screw it up?" "Nah, I’ll just tell them what I want, and that’ll be that. My hair is my ‘vibe.’" Mike sipped his beer and watched the barbers at work.

"Mike?" called the barber. Mike stood up and walked over to where the barber was standing. "Mike? Hi, I’m Paul. Come on over and have a seat." Mike sat down, and Paul started his consultation. The two talked about what Mike liked and didn’t like about his hair. Paul ran his fingers around Mike’s scalp to and through his hair, lifting it and letting it fall into place. Finally, Paul said, "So, Mike, I know you like your long hair. It looks and feels great but doesn’t suit your personality or features. You’re tall, strong, muscular, and have broad shoulders. You like the simple things in life. You don’t want things complicated. You even go by Mike and not Michael. I know just the right look for you!! Just sit back and relax, and I’ll make this happen! Would you like another beer?" "Um, sure!" Mike said, then asked, "So, what will you do with my hair?" "Don’t worry. You’re going to love it!" Paul said, handing Mike another beer and turning him from the mirror.

Paul wet Mike’s hair and expertly parted it into sections. As Paul took his time to ensure each section was perfect, he held the hair into place with clips. Paul stepped in front of Mike and took another look before starting. Paul gave Mike a bid grin, patted Mike on the shoulder, and said, "Here we go!" Mike was so nervous, but he knew he was in good hands. He decided that whatever happens, happens. He thought of Andrew and chuckled to himself. If this went badly, Andrew would surely rib him relentlessly.

SNAP was the next sound Mike heard. It was the sound of hair clippers being turned on. Before Mike could protest, a large mound of hair rolled down his shoulder, onto his lap, and onto the floor. Paul worked his way around Mike’s head several times, trimming and snipping that dark red hair. Mike felt Paul undo a clip, then heard the clippers raking over a comb, followed by another landslide of hair. Those strands must have been 8 inches long or longer. Around and around, Paul went, silently, deliberately. After what felt like an eternity, Paul said, "There! Another masterpiece!" and then spun Mike towards the mirror. Mike was in disbelief. His long hair was gone, replaced with a high-and-tight cut with military precision. The sides were faded from nothing on the bottom to less than a ¼ inch near the crown. The top was long enough to comb over yet spikey enough to give it some dimension. Mike never paid much attention to his features, but now, he could see the angles of his face, and his amber eyes were much more noticeable. He was slowly feeling the breeze from the air conditioner on the back of his head. Mike just sat agog at his new look. Paul asked, "So? What do you think?" "I’m…it’s…I mean…it’s wonderful! I love it!" stammered Mike. "I never, ever thought of having my hair this short. Now, I can’t believe I’ve ever had it long. I hope Andrew likes it." "I’m sure he will. He’ll love it!" Paul chuckled as he removed the cape from around Mike.

"Holy s**t!!" exclaimed Andrew as Mike walked through the door. "I hardly recognized you! Let me see your hair". Andrew examined Mike’s hair from every angle, then reached up and tousled the top. "I love it! I 100% love it!"

"Come with me…" said Andrew. "I need the new you right now!"

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