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Under Roger’s Wing: Total Submission by BarberedStrong

Jason's summer unfolded with an intensity he could never have anticipated. It started innocently enough, with weekly training sessions at the boxing gym and bi-weekly haircuts that steadily sharpened his appearance. Roger took him under his wing, and Jason, at first nervous and unsure, began to mirror the man’s every move. Every jab, every hook, every calculated breath in the gym was taught with precision. But as the days bled into weeks, Jason found himself not just learning but craving Roger’s guidance in a way he couldn’t quite define.

At the office, Jason’s transformation sparked more than a few murmurs. His co-workers noticed the way his physique was changing—how his once lanky frame was filling out with muscle and his confidence was growing along with it. Even more striking was his increasingly polished look. Every two weeks, Jason accompanied Roger to Bud’s barbershop, and with each visit, his flattop became more pronounced, more severe. The gradual shift from the unkempt, scruffy kid who had walked into the office in June was unmistakable. By July, Jason had adopted the same strict grooming standards Roger upheld, and his wardrobe reflected a more structured, disciplined man—a miniature Roger in almost every sense.

His father, Steve, began to take notice too, though with a growing unease. The closeness between his son and his boss wasn’t just professional anymore; they were inseparable. Jason was spending nearly all his free time with Roger, training in his home gym, working alongside him on office projects, even staying over at his house on weekends. The friendship that had begun with quiet mentoring now seemed like something deeper, something Steve couldn’t quite put his finger on. The rumors at the office only heightened his suspicions. People speculated about the nature of Jason and Roger’s relationship, and though they never said anything directly to Steve, the whispers were hard to ignore.

One evening, after a particularly grueling workout, Jason and Roger sat in the gym, drenched in sweat, the sound of their heavy breathing filling the air. The boxing sessions had grown more competitive, the physical exertion pushing them both to their limits. With each punch, each sparring round, there was a charge between them—a tension that bordered on something more than just athletic competition. The physical contact, the shared exhaustion, it all built to a point where neither could deny what was happening between them.

Jason leaned back against the wall, his shirt soaked through, chest heaving. He glanced over at Roger, who was watching him closely, his expression unreadable. "You’re getting stronger," Roger said, his voice low, almost approving. "You’ve got real potential, Jason."

Jason nodded, feeling a rush of pride. "Thanks. I’ve been pushing myself… I want to be better."

Roger’s gaze lingered on him for a moment, the air between them thick with unspoken words. Finally, Roger broke the silence. "You don’t have to go back to your dad’s place tonight. Stay here. In fact… you could stay here more permanently."

Jason blinked, caught off guard. "What do you mean?"

Roger wiped his face with a towel and leaned forward, his tone serious now. "You’ve been spending more time here than at home, haven’t you? I think you know, just as well as I do, that what we’ve been building here—your training, your growth—goes beyond just boxing or work. You need someone who can guide you, show you the way. And I’m offering that. But it’s not just about the gym, Jason. It’s about everything. If you want this, if you’re ready to take that step, you can move in. Full time."

Jason’s heart pounded in his chest. He had always admired Roger, respected him even, but this offer—this invitation into Roger’s world—felt like something else entirely. It was a promise of more than just mentorship. It was about becoming something else, someone else—someone strong, controlled, disciplined, like Roger. The idea thrilled him, but it also filled him with trepidation. He hadn’t realized just how deep his desire to please Roger went until now.

"I… I don’t know," Jason stammered, his mind spinning. "I mean, I want to, but…"

Roger stood, crossing the distance between them. He placed a firm hand on Jason’s shoulder, his grip steady. "Think about it, kid. You’ve come a long way. But you’re at a crossroads now. You can keep going back to your old life, where you’re always second-guessing yourself, or you can commit. You can be someone who knows what he wants and takes it."

The next few days were a blur for Jason. The offer hung over him, gnawing at his thoughts. He couldn’t deny how much he’d changed over the summer, how much he’d grown under Roger’s guidance. But then there was his father. Steve had noticed the shift, too, and he wasn’t happy about it.

One evening, as Jason was preparing to head to Roger’s for another training session, his father stopped him at the door. "Jason, we need to talk," Steve said, his voice heavy with concern. "I’ve been watching you all summer. You’ve been spending too much time with Roger, and I’m not sure I like what’s happening. He’s not just your boss anymore. You’re turning into him. This isn’t healthy, son."

Jason frowned, his heart sinking. "Dad, you don’t get it. Roger’s helped me. He’s shown me how to be better—how to take control of my life."

Steve shook his head. "No, Jason. He’s controlling you. This isn’t just mentoring anymore. I’m your father, and I’m telling you right now, you need to make a choice. It’s either this strange relationship you’ve got with Roger or your family. I won’t stand by and watch him take you away from us."

Jason’s chest tightened, his mind racing. He didn’t want to lose his father, but the pull toward Roger was too strong. For the first time in his life, he felt like he was becoming someone—someone strong, capable, and focused. He couldn’t turn his back on that now. "Dad… I’m sorry, but I can’t just walk away from this."

Steve’s face hardened. "Then you’re making your choice."

Jason left that night, knowing he had crossed a line he couldn’t come back from. When he arrived at Roger’s house, the older man was waiting, his eyes steady as ever. "You made your decision?"

Jason nodded, the weight of it settling in his chest. "Yeah. I’m in."

Roger’s expression didn’t change, but there was something in his gaze—something like pride. "Good. You won’t regret it."

The weeks that followed solidified the bond between them. Jason moved into Roger’s house, training every day, adopting every habit, every discipline that Roger had instilled in him. He became Roger’s shadow, a mirror of the man who had taken him in. Their connection grew deeper, more intense. And though they never spoke of it openly, there was an unspoken understanding between them—a bond that went beyond mere mentorship.

By the end of the summer, Jason had become a near-clone of Roger. His body had transformed, his mind sharpened, and his appearance was almost identical to the man he now saw as more than just a mentor. But there was one final step.

As they walked into Bud’s barbershop for their bi-weekly trim, Roger made a decision. He looked at Jason, his voice firm. "It’s time, kid. You’re ready."

Jason swallowed, understanding immediately what Roger meant. He wasn’t just getting a trim this time. Roger nodded to Bud, who grinned knowingly. "Let’s make it official," Roger said, his eyes locked on Jason’s.

Jason sat in the chair, his heart pounding, as Bud began shaving the sides of his head down to the skin. The clippers buzzed loudly in his ears as the familiar weight of his flattop fell away, replaced by the sharp lines of the horseshoe cut. When Bud finished, Jason looked in the mirror at the smooth, bare landing strip that now ran down the center of his scalp.

Roger stood behind him, nodding approvingly. "Now you’re one of us."

Jason stared at his reflection, feeling a strange mix of fear and exhilaration. He wasn’t just a kid anymore. He had made his choice. He was Roger’s now, in every sense of the word

Jason’s submission to Roger became complete in every aspect of his life. From the moment he woke up in the morning to the moment he collapsed into bed at night, every detail was under Roger’s control. He no longer made decisions about what to wear—Roger laid out his clothes each morning: military-style workout gear for training, crisp, pressed shirts for office days, and always his signature tight, disciplined haircut. Even his meals were planned by Roger, a strict regimen designed to maintain his growing muscle mass and sharpen his physique. Jason didn’t question it. In fact, he thrived on it.

Their relationship went beyond just physical training or office work. Jason found himself longing for Roger’s approval in everything he did, relishing the structure that Roger imposed on his life. His schedule was meticulously crafted by Roger: early morning workouts, followed by a disciplined workday, and strict meal times. Jason had never felt more at peace. He didn’t have to think or worry about what he should be doing—Roger had already decided. In this total surrender to Roger’s authority, Jason found an unexpected freedom and fulfillment he had never experienced before.

And the more Jason submitted, the happier he became. The power dynamic between them only strengthened their bond, transforming into a full-fledged relationship built on dominance and subordination. Jason craved Roger’s control, needed it, and Roger took pride in molding him into the man he had always envisioned Jason could be. Every two weeks, they returned to Bud’s barbershop for Jason’s now mandatory trim—his horseshoe flattop kept immaculately sharp. Each visit reaffirmed their connection, as Roger would stand over him, watching with satisfaction as Jason’s hair was clipped, shaped, and shaved exactly as he required. Jason couldn’t have been happier, knowing he was exactly where he belonged—subordinate, disciplined, and under Roger’s command, in every way.

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