4661 Stories - Awaiting Approval:Stories 1; Comments 1.
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The bet by Snagg
â€" I bet you won't manage to shave off his beautiful long curls, said Erik, one of my roommates.
He was talking about Per who recently had moved in our house. Per could be more than just my new roommate if he didn't have long hair. I loved his chest hair and his beard but the hair on his head had to go.
â€" I'll give you a week, Tom, said Erik. After a week I want to see Per bald. Then one who loses the bet is not allowed to shave his head for three months.
â€" That's tough. It would suck to have to grow a mop.
In order to win the bet, it tried to get to know my victim a little better.
â€" Hi Per, I said when I met him in the garden. It's quite hot today. Let's cycle to the lake and have a swim.
â€" No, I just washed my hair.
â€" I understand.
But I didn't understand it at all. What an idiot he was! He didn't want to swim because of his hair? Why did he allow himself to be limited by his stupid hair?
â€" We can shave it off to make it easier for you to swim.
â€" No, thank you, he replied. I'm content with reading a book.
In the evening I made another attempt. All the roommates were sitting out in the garden drinking beer and my goal was to get Per so drunk that he could be shaved without further discussion.
But he didn't want to drink more than one beer because he had an audition the next day.
â€" This audition is important because I haven't worked in the last few months.
â€" What kind of audition is it? I asked.
â€" They're looking for dancers for a rock opera, he said and then he went to bed.
The next morning I remembered that one of my friends was working for some musical production. Maybe it was the same production that Per wanted to be part of?
I called my friend Ulf. And it was a hit! Ulf said he would attend the audition today.
I explained to him that I had one week to make Per bald.
Ulf laughed. As expected, he was very understanding of my intentions. Ulf absolutely does not like long-haired guys.
â€" I'll help you, he promised.
In the afternoon I met Per in the kitchen.
â€" How did the audition go today, I asked.
â€" I definitely don't want that job, he replied.
â€" Why not?
â€" They want me to shave my head.
â€" Okay. And where's the problem?
â€" The problem is I don't want to sacrifice my hair.
â€" It's not a sacrifice, Per. I'm glad that a friend shaved off my hair.
â€" How long was your hair before you got it shaved?
â€" Almost as long as yours.
â€" Why did you have your head shaved?
â€" It wasn't me who made the decision. I was shaved in the middle of the night, while I was sleeping.
â€" While you were sleeping? Without permission? That's abuse!
â€" Take it easy, Per! At first I got a little angry, but then I realized that I loved myself without hair.
â€" It doesn't work for me, Tom. I want to keep my hair.
A day later. Erik and I shaved our heads in the garden when Per came out of the house.
â€" Are you still sure you want to keep your mane, I asked.
â€" Stop talking about my hair.
â€" Hot weather requires hot hairstyles.
â€" Leave me alone. I'm meeting my new agent now. Maybe she has a better job to offer.
He disappeared towards the street.
â€" He won't let you shave off his hair. You're about to lose the bet.
â€" Just wait! His new agent is none other than Lars' cousin Lena.
â€" The tough butch?
â€" Exactly. She's so butch that she definitely doesn't like long-haired dudes.
When Per got home I was still in the garden, shaving Lars' head.
â€" How was the meeting, Lars asked.
â€" It was s**t.
â€" Why that? What did my cousin say?
â€" She said that there aren't many jobs for me.
â€" What? I thought my cousin was urgently looking for dancers.
â€" But only for dancers WITHOUT hair. Why does no one want a long-haired dancer?
â€" The market is as it is, I said.
â€" Well, Per, Lars said, there are exactly two possible solutions. Either you change your profession or you sit down and we shave your head.
Per started to cry.
â€" Don't cry, said Lars. He got up from the chair and took Per in his arms. It's just hair, my friend. You might lose your hair, but not your life.
â€" Why are you all shaved bald? What's so weird about having long hair? I'm the only unshorn guy in this house and maybe the only dancer who still has hair on his head.
â€" Bald-shaven men are incredibly sexy, Lars replied. I've always been fascinated by guys with shaved heads.
â€" And I, for my part, don't want to make my life unnecessarily complicated, said Ben, who had just entered the garden. And now, dear roommates, shave me. It's time again. I can't stand my stubble.
Per entered the house. And Ben's head was shaved.
â€" What is his problem? Ben asked. Per must rid himself of his idiotic hair. He seems very blocked by it.
â€" That's true, I said. But he absolutely doesn't want to be shaved.
â€" I don't understand him, said Ben. Having a shaved head makes life so much easier. Shaved head, sweatpants and an old T-shirt and I'm perfectly styled. I don't waste a lot of time in the bathroom and have more time to jerk off.
The next day I managed to get Per to accompany me to the lake. I was in the water most of the time and he was reading most of the time. But at least we ate lunch together.
â€" You don't like swimming, do you? I asked, biting into my sandwich.
â€" Actually, I love swimming but…
â€" But what?
â€" I'm not like you and the other roommates.
â€" Do you think so?
â€" You seem happier and lighter. And you keep talking about my hair.
â€" Let me remove it and we'll stop talking about it.
â€" It's more difficult than you think.
â€" Why that? Just give me a few minutes and I will unblock you.
â€" Unblock?
â€" Yes, unblock.
â€" Tom?
â€" Yes, that's my name.
â€" Tom, I know you will never be interested in me but maybe you can at least try to help me a little…
â€" Per, I like you very much but…
â€" But you prefer guys with shaved heads.
â€" Is it so obvious?
â€" Yes, it is.
â€" Listen, you're a wonderful guy, but I cannot accept you as you are. I could never accept your hair, I could never accept you completely. Therefore, I try to ignore my feelings.
â€" Remove my hair then.
â€" No.
â€" Why not?
â€" Because you don't want it.
â€" Tom, I hate my hair. I can't stand it anymore.
â€" What?
â€" Since I was a child, everyone loved my curls and all my ex-boyfriends loved them too. I've never dared to shave my hair.
â€" Because you are afraid of the reactions?
â€" Exactly.
â€" But now you're not afraid anymore?
â€" I love that you don't love my hair. That encourages me.
I've rarely been speechless, but now I was.
â€" Shave me, Tom.
â€" I can't do it.
â€" What are you saying? You wanted to shave me all the time.
â€" Erik and I have bet that I won't succeed in shaving your hair.
â€" Hmm.
â€" Are you angry now?
â€" Not really. The bet contains exactly what I want: I want you to shave my hair.
â€" Okay then. But I'll only do it if you really want me to.
â€" Finally shave me, said Per and took a pair of clippers out of his backpack. I'm ready, Tom.
I turned on the clippers. I no longer cared about winning the bet. But it was a great feeling to be allowed to shave him bald and possibly win his heart.
I ran the clippers over his head, from forehead to neck. The first lane had been shaved off and the long strands of hair were falling down. Lane after lane I freed Per from his mane.
â€" I feel lighter, he said. I didn't know how much weight my hair had.
I turned off the clippers.
â€" We're done, baldie, I said. I knew you would look awesome without hair. Finally I get to see your whole beautiful manly face.
Per stroked his head.
â€" It feels fantastic.
â€" I know. Shaving from now on at least once a week and you're also welcome to kiss me now.