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Covid Relief by Varun
It was March 2020. The Indian Government had declared a lockdown and people were heading to their hometown. I and my 2 sisters were headed to my mom's parents house while my dad went to his parents house which was also nearby. It was a small town and we settled in for the lockdown. All was going well a couple of weeks into the lockdown. Schools started to wind up. And the weather got hotter. One day I saw my mom cutting my sisters hair. I went upto her and told her that my hair was big too and I needed a haircut.It indeed was longer than usual and my mom surveyed it and brushed it with her hand. She said let's wait a week - the barbershop may open. A week went past and there was no sign of the barber opening his shop - all the barbers in the town had gone to their villages. My mom had no clue. All she could do was collect my hair and survey how big it had grown. In a few weeks I could compete with my sisters is what they joked.
My mom said that they would try and find a solution but worst come worst she would have to cut it herself but didn't know what to do. She asked my sisters to see if there was a solution anywhere.
One morning after breakfast, my elder sister told my mom - "Mom look at this YouTube video. Maybe helpful". Just then my mom got a call on her WhatsApp - it was her cousin from Noida. I saw both of them greet each other as my mom settled into the sofa. Then I was called downstairs for some work and went.
When I came back 20 minutes later my mom had just finished her call and told me : "I think we have a solution to your problem. Don't worry". Then told my elder sister Jahnvi - "what did you want me to see?". Then Jahnvi handed her laptop to mom. I turned and attended to other things all the while feeling irritated at the hair touching my ears. And the weight on my head. My mom said "That is what Sneha was referring too. Maybe a popular video". Our eldest sister Poorvi then came in and said : "There is time for lunch, let us give it a shot".
My mom agreed and told me "Varun, beta let's give a trial to cutting your hair. There is no barber in town. Everyone is cutting their own hair these days. We'll try to cut your hair to the best of our ability. May come a bit odd but it's only all of us here so don't worry". I had no choice but to agree and headed to the balcony and sat. Poorvi and Jahnvi were in command. One put the sheet on me. The other took a comb and scissors and started to cut from the backside bottom. After some time Jahnvi said : "Our scissors are not like a professional barbers - we need to spend a lot of effort cutting. This way it will take at least half a day". Then Mom said - "hmm. So let's place the order for some electric trimmers as in the video we saw" . Poorvi placed the order. It was to arrive the next day. My mom said "Tomorrow we will address your problem don't worry".
I said OK. I was wondering where the electric trimmer came from and asked for the video. Purvi and Jahnvi said that they'll show it to me tomorrow. And we all got busy with whatever we were doing.
Next day morning 10 AM the doorbell rang and Jahnvi came with a package saying that we got it. Then Poorvi prepared the seat again and asked me to come and sit. I asked - "What about the YouTube video" and she showed me the YouTube video where a woman shaved her son and 2 cousins giving them the "Baji Rao look" saying that was all that she knew.
I asked my mom what cut I was going to get to which she replied "We'll try cutting it short but if something goes wrong, we have to shave your head". I said OK. This time mom took the electric razor and comb and started cutting. Not a lot was falling and again it became evident that it would take a lot of time.She trimmed hair over my ears as well when in a moment she said "This one with the comb is taking long. Let me try without it". She took the clipper, said let me try 0 and in a moment whipped off a bunch of hair from the side. "Now this is better" She said and with 4 more strokes had trimmed the entire sides.Jahnvi said let me do the back - and with around 8 swift strokes had completely whipped off hair from the back. I was already starting to feel light and enjoyed it. Then mom took over and removed hair from the other side. She then bent my chin and took off hair from the top and I had little to no hair now. But now I was not sweaty and felt greatly relieved.
Mom then asked jahnvi and poori to wet my hair and went to the bathroom to get a shaving blade. I asked what is that for? She replied "This will remove the small remnants of hair now and make it smooth and improve your look". So shaving leather was applied and mom expertly ran the shaving blade and removed the foam and with it scraped the smaller hair to reveal completely white head.After one round, she asked Poorvi to do it once more and she dutifully did that. Then she ran her hand over my smooth head to ensure that nothing remained.
She asked Jahnvi and Poorvi to confirm and both ran their hands over my head carefully ensuring that there were no rough spots. Where they were found, the shaving blade was used.
Then mom called up her cousin and thanked her - she asked me to come on the camera and I saw her with her 2 sons who were completely bald like me. Mom said "Sneha, hadn't it been for your advice I wouldn't have used the shaving blade. Now looks very professionally done. Thanks"
Then a photo of me in the middle with my 2 sisters with hair on either side was taken.
Covid lockdown lasted for the whole year, we had online classes and I attended them with a shaven head. It was fun. I loved the surprise and appreciated my mom helping me!