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No One Wanted a Haircut by Shant

Terry, Larry, and George were brothers. They were all really good looking guys. One thing they especially had in common was that they all had really fantastic hair. All three of them had long, thick hair which they greased up and brushed back. Their hair, however, looked entirely different from each other, but they all looked striking.

Terry’s hair was really blonde and was perfectly straight. His hair on top was over six inches long and the sides were about four. He always had his hair greased up and wore it all slicked back.

He’d get on the school bus in the morning and every hair was perfectly in place. Greased up, it really shined and looked like his hair was pure gold. It really was beautiful. On the way back home from school, however, his hair was always a total mess, falling all over the place.

Larry’s hair was dark brown and curly. He also brushed the sides back in waves and let the curls on top fall wherever they did. His hair was shorter on the sides than Terry’s, but it was about the same length on top. It did not look as long because his hair on top was a pile of massive curls. At the end of the day, his hair looked just like it did when he got on the bus in the morning.

George was the youngest brother. His hair was probably the most striking. It was almost platinum in color. It was the whitest blonde color you could imagine. You rarely saw anyone with hair the color his was. It really was amazing.

The sides had a slight wave to them and the top was a little wavy too, but it was not curly like Larry’s. The length on the sides was somewhere in between his two brothers. He slicked his hair back like Terry did and the ends on top slightly curled and stood about four inches high.

The brothers had reputations as being really tough guys. They were always getting in fights with other guys. They were what we would call rednecks. None of them graduated from high school. Most guys knew to keep their distance from them and not cross their paths if they didn’t want any trouble.

Their dad was a pretty tough guy, too, and most people in town knew to keep their distance from him. There was no mother, she had left a long time ago, so it was just the father and his three sons. Their father was the town drunk and was always getting in fights with someone. He could never keep a job and he probably would end up drinking himself to death.

One day, their father decided that his sons were getting a little too big for their britches and needed to be taught a lesson. He had always cut their hair and was constantly after them to get it cut, but they just ignored him. He was so sick of all their long, greasy hair and he knew exactly what he was going to do about it.

He couldn’t wait to sit them down and get his hands in their pretty locks and cut their hair how he wanted. He figured that would definitely put them in their place and he was really stoked to do it.

He decided he was going to give the boys really short haircuts and he knew exactly the haircut he had in mind. All three of them were going to get flattops. They had not had short haircuts like that since grade school and he thought that would definitely make an impression on them to clean up their act.

One evening after dinner, the brothers were watching tv and their father was in his bedroom. Eventually he came out and the boys saw that he had his barber kit in his hands. They immediately tensed up. They could see that he was pretty drunk and they knew what was coming.

"Okay boys, it’s haircut night!" Mr. Shattraw said with a big smile on his face. "I was looking at the three of you during dinner and I could not believe how long I had let your hair get. It’s been way too long since I last cut it."

They really dreaded knowing what was probably going to happen. They knew that the drunker their father was, the shorter their haircuts would be. They liked the way their hair looked now and didn’t want to get it cut, but knew they had no choice when their father said it was time for them to get a hair cut. They were usually able to get him to put it off, but once he made up his mind, there was no way out of it.

"Terry, your hair is always falling all over the place. It’s always in your eyes. I don’t see how you can see anything with all that hair in your face."

"Larry, those curls of yours have gotten so long that it looks like you have ringlets. You look like a clown with all your long, pretty curls standing up all over your head."

"George, your hair looks the best of the three of you, but you have way too much of it." Their father couldn’t wait to sit them down and cut their hair, especially because it was so long and he was going to really surprise them and not tell them that he was giving them flattops.

"Please, Dad," Terry said. "Can’t we leave our hair like this for just the next two weeks until school ends? It would be great if you would let us do that and then we’ll let you cut it."

"Definitely not!" he said. "You guys look like hoodlums with all that long greasy hair you have. You need shorter haircuts for the summer and I’m not going to put them off any longer."

Their father had a sadistic side to him and when drinking it made him even more nasty than he usually was. He couldn’t wait to get his hands in their awesome manes and do what he was going to do. The longer their hair was, the more he wanted to cut it. The more hair he could cut off, the greater time he had. He had never cut so much of their hair off at one time before and he knew that this was really going to be a blast.

"Come on in the kitchen, Terry, and I’ll cut your hair first." Mr. Shattraw placed a chair in the center of the kitchen floor and proceeded to cape Terry up. Just looking at all his long beautiful hair got him really excited about what he was going to do.

The boys never got to look in a mirror while their dad cut their hair so they never knew how he was cutting it. Mr. Shattraw combed all Terry’s pretty blonde hair on the sides all back and then combed the top all up and straight back too.

"Your hair has really gotten long. I wonder just how long it is?" Terry’s father said. He pulled out a tape measure which he kept in his barber kit. He combed up the front of Terry’s hair and it was almost seven inches long.

"I can’t believe I have let your hair get this long. You really have a massive head of hair here. It definitely needs to be cut. It’s so thick that when I finish, it’s going to be a great looking haircut." Terry just sat there, dreading what was going to happen, and wondering just how his hair was going to look.

His father really enjoyed combing all his long, thick hair all straight back. His son really did have an amazing head of hair. He lifted up his forelock and took his scissors and sliced off about five inches, making certain that it all fell behind Terry so he could not see how much hair was coming off.

Cutting that first slice of hair off really got Mr. Shattraw stoked. He continued to work at the front, lifting up huge locks one at a time and taking off a little more than five inches as he worked his way to the back. He had not let a lock of Terry’s hair fall into his lap so he still had no idea how much hair his father was cutting off.

He then started working on the sides, combing them out and taking off almost three inches. There was so much beautiful hair on the floor behind Terry. He smiled to himself and thought he couldn’t wait until he was finished and his son saw how much of his hair had been cut off.

Once he finished taking the bulk of Terry’s hair down, Terry thought that the haircut was almost over. Boy, was he ever wrong! His dad then reached over for the clippers.

When Terry saw him do that he really was afraid of what his father was going to do to him. Most of the time their father used the clippers to just give them a slight taper along the sides and back, but Terry felt pretty sure that was not what he was going to do this time.

Mr. Shattraw put a #2 guard on the clippers, placed his hand on the top of Terry’s head, tipped it forward and starting at the back, ran the clippers almost all the way up to the crown. He continued to run the clippers all up the sides and back. Terry was practically in shock, but knew not to say anything because it would only make matters worse.

His father then combed all his hair that was still on the sides up and back into the top. He took a brush and vigorously brushed Terry’s remaining hair on top to stand up as high as it could.

He then took his wide tooth comb and lifted up the front of Terry’s hair which was now about two inches long and buzzed off another inch. His hair that had started out being seven inches long was now just a little over an inch. Talk about looking different, Terry was not going to recognize himself!

Mr. Shattraw continued to lift up each lock on top and buzzed it down like the front, actually cutting it a little shorter as he worked his way back. He was having such a fantastic time getting rid of his son’s long hair and he still had two more haircuts to give!

He then took his clippers and wide tooth comb and buzzed the sides near the top down another inch, making the sides all perfectly square and blending them into the top. Terry by now knew that he was getting a really short haircut, but he had no idea what it was going to look like.

Once Mr. Shattraw finished the haircut, he got out his mirror so Terry could see how he now looked. "So what do you think?" his father said. "I think it really looks great. You look like a real man now. You needed to get rid of all that long hair. It will be perfect for the summer."

Terry was stunned! He had never expected his father to give him a flattop. He then saw almost all of his beautiful hair on the floor. He couldn’t believe all that hair had been on his head. It would take forever to grow it back out.

It was unreal how different he now looked and he knew that he just had to accept it. The last thing he wanted to do was make his father angry and have him cut even more of his hair off.

"Be a good boy and sweep up all that hair of yours and then go on upstairs from the kitchen," his dad said. "I don’t want to ruin the surprise for your brothers when I cut their hair. They are going to end up with haircuts just like yours!"

Mr. Shattraw made himself another drink while Terry swept up all his hair. When he finished and went upstairs, his dad said, "Okay, Larry! Get your butt in here so I can cut that hair of yours!"

Larry came in and sat down in the chair and his father caped him up. Larry wondered where Terry was. He would have liked to have seen how his haircut turned out so that he would have an idea of what he was in for. He knew that it probably wasn’t going to be good.

Larry’s hair was shorter on the sides than Terry’s. It was somewhere between two to three inches long which he brushed up and back. The top however was just as long as Terry’s, but did not look it because it was an explosion of massive curls.

Larry did not grease his hair as much as his brothers did, but used just enough product to make his dark brown hair really shine. His shiny curls were beautiful.

Mr. Shattraw was looking forward to cutting Larry’s hair the most. He knew that of his three sons, Larry was the most vain about his hair, which made Mr. Shattraw even more excited at the thought of cutting almost all of it off.

He started out by running his hands over and over again through Larry’s curls, seeing how high he could get his hair to stand up. His boys were so lucky to all have such fantastic hair.

Because Larry’s hair was so curly on top, he knew that he was going to have to cut his hair even shorter in order to get it to stand up straight and be flat. He couldn’t wait to do it.

Because Larry was so in love with his hair, his father had an added surprise for him. Before he finished his flattop, he was going to shoe him. He was going to take the clippers and expose his scalp on top! "That’ll fix him," his father thought to himself.

He decided to start right out with the clippers. When Larry saw him pick up the clippers, he immediately froze. His father usually used them at the very end of their haircuts and had never started out by using them first. "Oh, man," he thought. "Dad is really going to give me a short haircut!"

His father put the #1 guard on the clippers and started at his sideburn and ran them about two inches above his ears. So much thick, pretty hair was coming off. He made no attempt to not let Larry see his hair being buzzed off because he knew how much Larry would hate seeing it happen. He was going to enjoy watching him and seeing him realize that he was getting the shortest haircut he had in years.

After he finished buzzing the sides and back, he then squared up the remaining hair on the sides. He then brushed Larry’s hair on top all straight back. He took his comb and lifted up his six inch locks and buzzed them down to just an inch. It was such a rush seeing all his pretty curls falling onto his shoulders and then into his lap.

Larry just sat there. He couldn’t believe that so much of his hair was being cut off. His eyes were practically bulging. Just like Terry, he knew not to say anything and possibly make things even worse.

When he thought the haircut was over, Mr. Shattraw took the guard off the clippers and shoed him just like he had planned. He really got charged up doing this because he knew Larry was going to hate the haircut even more. Skin was now showing on the top of his head, but Larry wasn’t aware of it yet, but he soon would! Mr. Shattraw felt that Larry had always been too vain about his hair and this was hopefully going to teach him a lesson.

When he finished the haircut, he gave Larry the mirror so he could see how he looked. He was stunned by what his father had done to him. He looked like a marine. He absolutely hated it!

His father had him sweep up all his hair because he did not want George to see it, and made himself another drink. Larry then went up the back stairs from the kitchen to his room to find Terry and see what their father had done to him.

George then came into the kitchen and sat down in the chair. His father started combing his hair and said, "I don’t know how you ended up with the color hair you have but it really is awesome looking. You definitely stand out in a crowd. Not many guys have hair the color that you have."

Maybe because George was the youngest, his father wasn’t as rough on him as he was his two brothers. He was actually his favorite son, probably because he had not yet started arguing with him and always talking back and giving him a hard time, like the other two boys did.

As he was combing George’s hair he decided that because his hair was so platinum blonde that it was almost white, he would leave it a little longer. He was still going to give him a flattop, but if he cut his hair as short as his brothers, he would look practically bald.

All three boys had great hair, but George’s hair was definitely the best of the three. Mr. Shattraw’s hair was coal black and he always kept it short. He often thought how unusual it was that the four of them all had such different color hair. He sometimes wondered if his wife had been fooling around and maybe one or more of the boys really weren’t his sons. That might explain all the different colors.

He started out using scissors and took a couple inches off the top and sides. He really enjoyed combing George’s hair and cutting it shorter. Because he was only taking off two inches, he let the hair fall all around George’s shoulders so that he could see how much hair was coming off. This was not intended as a punishment haircut like Larry’s and he wanted George to feel relaxed because he could see that not all that much hair was coming off.

George thought to himself that maybe this wasn’t going to be too bad after all. Little did he know that the scissors were just the beginning of the haircut. When it was time for the clippers, his father put the #2 guard on them and ran them up the sides and back, leaving it long enough at the top of the sides so he could square them up.

Mr. Shattraw then brushed all George’s pretty hair on top straight back. He then took his wide tooth comb and placed it about an inch and a half in the front and buzzed off all the hair above the comb. George actually jumped a little when he realized what his dad was doing. "Don’t worry, son. You are going to look great," he said.

Mr. Shattraw then worked his way to the back, buzzing it down a little shorter as he reached the crown. He left the front just long enough so that George could brush it up and back. The hair behind the front however was shorter and stood up perfectly straight and flat on his head.

Again, George really wasn’t sure what kind of haircut he was getting. When his father finished the haircut, he handed him the mirror. Like his brothers, he was shocked by how short his father had actually cut his hair, but to his surprise, he actually liked how it looked. He swept up his hair and added it to his brothers locks that were in a plastic bag. Man, he couldn't believe how much beautiful hair there was in that bag. It was amazing when you saw all their pretty locks mixed together. The pile was huge.

They got on the bus the next morning sporting their new flattops. Most guys would get picked on a little because almost all their hair had been cut off, but no one would dare say anything to these guys and risk confronting them.

No one said a word, and then from out of nowhere, this guy, Clark, started laughing. He was so full of himself that he never feared anything would ever happen to him. "What the hell happened to all your hair?" he said. "You guys really got scalped! You really had nice hair, not as nice as mine is, but it looked good. Why would you ever get such a dorky looking haircut? You really look like nerds now!"

These three guys did not take it well being ridiculed in front of everyone on the bus and were really angry. They didn’t say a word, but immediately started planning they were going to pay Clark back for embarrassing them.

Clark continued to make fun of them for a few more days. "Man," he said. "There’s no way I would ever get my hair cut to look as awful as your hair does now. My barber tells me that I have one of the best head’s of hair that he gets to cut."

"I never let anyone but him cut my hair for me. I told him once that I wanted a really short haircut and he refused to do it. He said that my hair was way too beautiful to ever cut it really short," Clark bragged.

When Clark said that, the brothers immediately knew what they were going to do to get back at him. They were really not close friends with Clark. It pissed them off that he had continued to make so much fun of their flattops. They agreed they needed to figure out how they were going to get Clark to get a flattop just like theirs. They didn’t care if he wanted one or not.

School was ending in less than two weeks. The guys made up their minds that before it ended Clark was going to receive a payback from them. They were going to have a little fun with him and somehow get his hair cut just like theirs.

Everyone knew that Clark was really vain about his hair. The brothers already knew that the last thing on earth he would ever want was to have his pretty hair cut short and especially cut into a flattop. They knew it would be a blast seeing all his awesome locks come off, especially after he had been making so much fun of their haircuts. Payback’s a bitch!

They knew they were leaving this two bit town right after school ended so they didn’t worry at all about what they were going to do to Clark. They figured they would probably never even see him again.

Clark’s hair was a sandy blonde color with blonder highlights running all through it. He really did have a great head of hair. He wore the sides brushed back above his ears and swept the top up and back to the left. His hair had such great body that he combed the front out over his forehead, and then back, and his forelock would stay suspended in midair over his forehead and stay like that all day.

One night the guys were sitting on the steps of the town hall. The town was very small, with only 400 people. Everyone knew everyone. Clark walked by, and Larry said, "Hey Clark! Come on over and hang out with us for awhile."

Clark had known these guys since grade school. He did not consider them to be good friends, but he knew them well enough to stop and hang out with them for awhile.

The brothers had brought a bottle of bourbon with them which they had taken from their father’s liquor cabinet. They passed the bottle around to Clark. Clark was not much of a drinker, but he wanted them to think he was cool so he drank along with them. It didn’t take all that much bourbon before he was slurring his words.

They talked for quite a long time. The brothers kept passing the bottle, making sure that Clark was getting more than they did. After awhile he was pretty tipsy. The guys figured now was the time to make their move. "It’s still an early night," Larry said. "Why don’t you come on back to the house and we’ll play cards for awhile?"

Clark was having trouble just walking a straight line. "Sure, that sounds good," he said. "There’s no way I can go home in the shape I’m in. I’ll come over to your place and sober up some before I head home."

They got back to the house and started playing cards and they kept on drinking. Their father didn’t care if the boys drank at home and he usually joined them. Clark was having a difficult time staying awake.

The brothers knew it wouldn’t be long before he passed out and then the fun was going to begin. Sure enough, in just a short while, Clark was slumped over in the chair at the table and was dead to the world.

Their father was really plastered, just like almost every other night. "Hey, Dad," Terry said. "It looks like Clark can’t hold his liquor very well. He came home with us because he wanted to ask you if you would cut his hair for him?"

"He said that he thought our flattops looked really great and he decided that he wanted to get one too. He’s never had a flattop and he thought you did such a fantastic job cutting our hair that he was hoping you would give him a flattop just like ours. Would you want to cut his hair for him?"

Their father broke out into a huge smile when they told him that Clark wanted him to give him a flattop. He had always considered Clark to be a pretty boy and he knew he would love cutting off most of his precious hair.

"Sure, I’ll be glad to cut it for him," he said. "He can just stay right there in that chair and I can cut it and not disturb him. He’s got really pretty hair and it will be great getting to cut it, especially if it’s the first flattop he’s ever had. It will be awesome to see how different he’s going to look."

"Okay, Dad," Terry said. "Get your barber tools and give him a flattop just like ours. He’s so wasted that we’ll take him home after and he won’t even realize that it had happened."

The brothers had already figured out what they would say to Clark the next time they saw him. They would simply say that while they were playing cards, they were kidding around with him, and Terry said, "Since school is going to be out for the summer in just a couple weeks, we think it's the perfect time for you to go ahead and get a flattop just like ours. We'd like to see how different you would look." They were just teasing him a little about his hair, because they knew that he would never get a flattop.

We could then say, "You surprised us when we were talking earlier and you said that you actually thought our hair looked great cut in a flattop. You even said that maybe one day you would get one yourself. You said you wondered how you would look with such a different haircut. We knew you were only joking, considering you had made so much fun of our haircuts."

"You said you were sorry you had done that, and then you really bIew us away when you said that you would get a flattop right now if you could. You asked us if we thought our dad would be willing to cut your hair for you and give you a flattop just like ours."

"It will be the word of the three of us against his, and he’s definitely not going to be saying that he was drunk, because he would then really get into trouble."

Their father went and got his barber kit. He was really psyched knowing that he was about to have such a fantastic time. Whenever he saw Clark, he always thought to himself how beautiful his hair was and how much he would enjoy cutting it, and now here he was, getting ready to cut almost all of his awesome hair off! He couldn’t believe that this was really going to happen, and he couldn’t be any more stoked.

He caped Clark up and he never even moved. It was obvious by now that Clark was not going to wake up for a long time. Mr. Shattraw got out his comb and began combing Clark’s hair. The kid really did have beautiful hair. It was so thick and so full and the color was really awesome. He was really enjoying getting to play with his hair and combed it several different ways. It was going to be mind blowing cutting most of it off.

The brothers sat back and enjoyed watching their father comb Clark’s pretty hair. Secretly, they were a little jealous of Clark’s hair. They knew they had good looking hair, but they had always known that Clark’s hair was even nicer than theirs, and they really wanted to get even with him for making so much fun of their flattops.

They couldn’t wait to see their father cut his long forelock off. There was going to be at least three inches falling into his lap. It was going to be wild seeing Clark sitting there helpless, not knowing what was happening to him. They definitely decided to take pictures all during the haircut.

Their father was so wasted that it never occurred to him that his sons were playing a prank on Clark and were not telling him the truth. He really thought Clark wanted a flattop and was glad to give him one. Actually, he was more than glad, he couldn’t wait to do it. It was going to be awesome!

After he finished combing Clark’s hair perfectly into place, he reached for his scissors. He lifted up Clark’s forelock which was over five inches long. "Are you boys ready to see Clark lose most of his pretty hair?" he asked his sons.

"Oh, yeah, Dad. Go ahead and do it! It’s going to be awesome seeing so much of his pretty hair being cut off. He loves his hair so much. We were amazed when he said that he would actually like to get a flattop, and we decided to bring him home immediately before he changed his mind. We figured that you’d really like to cut his hair for him!"

Mr. Shattraw took his scissors and chopped off over three inches of Clark’s fantastic looking forelock. Clark never even moved. He had no idea what was going on.

He continued to lift up each beautiful lock on top and took off three inches. As he worked his way to the back, he took off a little more. He was having a really great time. It was fantastic cutting off so much of this kid’s pretty hair, especially knowing how much he loved it.

After he finished taking all the top down, he took his comb and combed the sides straight out and cut over two inches off. He worked his way all the way around the sides and back.The guys had never seen Clark with short hair before. They loved seeing him lose almost all of his precious locks.

Mr. Shattraw then got out his clippers. If Clark was ever going to wake up, it would be now. He turned the clippers on and placed them near Clark’s ear and he didn’t react at all. He had probably never been this drunk in his life. This might even be the first time that he had ever been drunk. Nothing was going to wake him up.

Mr. Shattraw placed the clippers at the back of Clark’s neck. Using a #2 guard, he ran them almost all the way up to the crown. Mounds of Clark’s pretty hair were falling all around him. He was covered in his wonderful hair!

The brothers were having a hard time keeping themselves composed. It was mind blowing seeing so much of Clark’s hair coming off. They knew they couldn’t make any noise though, and risk waking him up, but it was difficult containing themselves while watching Clark lose almost all his hair that he was so vain about.

There was still no reaction from Clark, so Mr. Shattraw just continued with the haircut. Again, he thought that Clark really wanted a flattop, so he didn’t think he was doing anything wrong, but he was really too drunk to think much about it. The thought never occurred to him that his boys had lied to him.

When he finished the haircut, there was so much long, beautiful hair everywhere. Clark’s hair on top stood up tall and was flat as a board. It was so wild having never seen him look like this before. His flattop looked great, but the brothers knew he was going to hate it. They thought he might even have a stroke when he woke up and realized what had happened.

Clark’s house was less than a mile from the Shattraw’s house. Terry took the keys to the car and Larry and George picked him up and put him in the back seat. It only took a couple minutes to get him home.

It was really late and there were no lights on at Clark’s house. They gently lifted him out of the car and sat him in a chair on the side porch. They really wished they could be here when he woke up and he saw that most of his hair that he loved so much was gone.

Now he was going to know what it felt like having people make fun of him. He now looked just as dorky as he thought the three brothers did. They couldn’t wait to see him when they next got on the bus!

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