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Rapunzel goes bald by George Wheeler II
Rapunzel goes bald
By George Wheeler II
I grew up in an extremely wealthy family. My father owned several companies, and I never needed anything. My parents were very liberal and let me make my own choices and live the way I wanted to.
I always had long hair as far back as I can remember. My mother adored my long hair and took care of it ever since I was a small child. She groomed it, brushed every morning and night, made several girly styles on my hair, and did my yearly trimming as well.
I had thick, straight, blond hair and looked like a little doll from an early age. Partly because of my long blond hair, partly because my mother also likes to dress me as a girl. She always wanted me to have a little sister but never managed to get pregnant again. So, she lived out her dreams on me. Being her son as well as her daughter.
My father wasn’t too happy about it. But he was away most of the time and since it made my mother happy, he didn’t want to intervene.
When I was around 10 years old my hair reached my ankles. With my dresses and pigtails, I looked all like a little doll. I found it a vit embarrassing but since it kept my mother happy, I decided to go along hoping that as I grew older it would change naturally.
But it didn’t. At sixteen my hair reached the seven feet mark and dragged behind me like a wedding veil. It was in perfect condition. No dead and unhealthy ends. No tangles. Always brushed smoothly. I looked like a bride from behind and my mother loved it.
My father at that time seemed to have got enough of my exceptionally long hair and girly outfit. So, to keep him calm my mother always braided my hair and put it up in a giant bun and made me wear boys clothing when he was around.
In my country military service is obligatory at the age of eighteen. Apart from being extremely wealthy my father was also a prominent and influential member of the local community and, lastly, my mother made strong appeals to him to use his influence to have me excluded from doing military service.
My father hesitated. Partly because he didn’t want to take advantage of his influential position in a private matter partly because he saw it as a way to loosen my mother’s unhealthy close bond to me and her obsession with my hair and clothing. Doing military service could help make me more independent and mature away from my mother. But he couldn’t bring it upon himself to make the decision and break her heart so we agreed that when the drafting took place after my eighteen birthdays, I should show up at the drafting office and after that my father would try to get me exempted from doing military service.
When the day arose, I took a bath and washed my now eight feet long blonde mane. I was completely covered in my blond coat of hair as I started to blow-dry it. It took more than an hour to dry my mane and all the time it grew ever larger and more voluminous. I checked it regularly in the floor to ceiling mirrors and liked so much what I saw that I had to jerk off twice admiring my crowning glory.
I dressed in blue jeans and sneakers and a white shirt and jacket. All of my eight feet of giant golden silky hair floated all around me and dragged behind me when I moved. It was not very practical. So, I had mummy braid my extremely long hair into two single braids each thick as boat robes and arrange them in a giant bun on top of my head.
To avoid unnecessary attention, I placed a huge cap on top of my head.
Mummy drove me to the drafting office. I must admit I had a sick feeling in my stomach and my heart was beating like a drum as we stopped in front of the office. It was decorated with a huge flag and in the windows were photos of weaponry and soldiers â€" every single one of them with ultra short haircuts like flattops or horseshoes, HnT or buzzcuts and quite a few with no hair at all shining bald. It sent shivers down my spine, and I asked mummy if this was really a good idea and if she were sure my father could deliver on his promise. My mother insisted that my father would fix everything, and we went inside. There were a number of guys before me, and we took a seat in the waiting area. As I looked at the draft officers and the MP’s posted in the room I felt like vomiting and whispered to mummy that I wanted to go home. But my mother ignored me and soon after my name was called.
I sat down before a drafting officer. A man in his mid-forties, very tall and big, shining bald and a bushy moustache. He looked all but friendly. My heart sank.
He questioned me about my personal data and took a small IQ test on me. Then he passed me on to the doctor who would give me a medical examination. We went into a separate room.
"Please undress young man" the doctor in a military uniform told me in a commanding voice. Shyly I undressed and stood naked before him. "Cap too" he commanded. "I’d rather not sir. It’s quite a mess to get my hair back in order if I take it off."
In less than a second the doctor had torn the cape off me. And my two carefully arranged giant blond braid rushed down before us and hit the floor where they lay to rest.
"WHAT THE H… IS THAT!" the doctor almost shouted. He grabbed both my braids and pulled them extremely hard. "Are your serious recruit! Look at those disgusting things!" He twisted my long thick blond braids around his hands and arms. "Do you think this is a doll house recruit. A f…… beauty parlor. THIS IS THE ARMY missy. And in the army, we neither like nor allow long hair."
My eyes were full of tears. Partly due to the fact that my braids were held so tight that they hurt a lot, partly because I’d never been spoken to like this before.
"OMG is sissy boy crying"! The mean doctor mobbed me. Then he called the MP’s. He let go of my floor long thick blond braids and as they entered the room, they looked in horror and disgust at me.
"Look at that hair monster. Isn’t that only plain awful? Have you ever seen a more sickening sight than this gentleman" he said.
"Since this little sissy princess apparently passed all the tests and my medical examination, I suggest you take her to a suitable place to clean her up before she joins the army. Make a real man of that horrendous hair monster and make it quick"!
I was totally paralyzed as the two big strong MPs ordered me to put on my clothes and grabbed me under each of my arms and almost lifted me off the ground and carried me out of the room into the reception area where my mother was waiting for me.
When she saw me formally hanging between the two giant MP’s and my floor long braids dragging behind me, she let out a scream: "What are you doing to my son! Let go of him immediately." She tried to loosen the firm grip of the MP’s but to no avail. She was no match for them. "I won’t allow this. Where are you taking him? I’ll call my husband and you’ll be in big trouble if you don’t let him loose immediately" she cried.
The MP’s ignored her completely and passed her without a word or even looking at her. She followed them to the door and into the street.
"Mummy mummy" I cried. "Mummy save me please. I don’t want to join the army mummy. Call dad now pleaseeee."
I tried to resist the firm grip of the MPs, but they had such a strong hold on me that they didn’t give in an inch.
They took me to a black van and opened the side door and pushed me into one of the seats. Quickly they handcuffed me to steel rings and closed the door.
I could hear my mother’s voice: "Baby don’t worry. Mummy’s going to save you like I always do. Don’t worry I will call dad, and it will all be cleared up as one big misunderstanding. Stay calm mummy’s little boy."
That was the last I heard before the van drove away and I was sitting there handcuffed in the dark since there were no windows.
I felt panic rising and had a tough time breathing. I felt like vomiting and my hands hurt from the tight handcuffs. I felt small, helpless, and miserable. I wished mummy and daddy had been here to save me and comfort me.
After having driven for I don’t know how long the van suddenly stopped and the door was opened. I was blinded by the sudden light of day and had to close my eyes. I felt my hands coming loose from the metal rings and I was pulled out of the car.
The MPs again grabbed me under my arms and started to walk towards a barracks. I noticed there were other barracks around it. It seemed that we were on a military base. My eyes eventually adapted to the light, and I opened my eyes fully only to see a huge sign over the entrance of the barracks: "BARBER" it read!
Reading the sign I almost fainted and if the two strong MPs hadn’t held me up, I might as well have fallen on the ground. I tried to block the move towards the barber shop with my feet but to no avail. They just lifted me higher up and moved forward.
I started to cry and beg them to stop. But they completely ignored me.
When we reached the barber shop, they held on to me, opened the door, and pushed me inside.
I looked around in horror. The room was filled with traditional red padded barber chairs. I counted more than ten chairs! Behind the chairs was a long desk from which hung wired big powerful electric clippers and nothing else! No scissors, no thinning shears, no combs, or hairbrushes. No hairpins. Just huge clippers hanging in a row.
Since we arrived during lunch hours the shop was empty except for one barber. A giant six ½ feet tall, everything muscles, dressed in a white barber tunic and black trousers and perfectly polished black shining shoes. His bald head shone. A serious no nonsense military barber!
The MP’s pushed me towards the barber chair where he was standing. "Mr. Barber sir. Sorry to disturb you during lunch hours but we will bring you a special recruit who needs urgent attention.
They held me tight under my arms before the barber. He looked with every sign of contempt. Then he moved close to me and grabbed my floor long thick blond braids. He pulled them so hard I started to cry again.
"In all my years as barber in this place I’ve never seen a more disgusting sight than this" he said. "You certainly did right to bring this recruit to me immediately. You can put her in the chair and tie him down with the straps. I got the feeling that Rapunzel could be a little troublemaker, and we don’t want a hair rebel in my chair do we."
The MP’s pushed me into the big red padded barber chair and tied me with the straps that were attached to the chair for use in case unruly recruits resisted getting their hair cut.
"Now their missy. That was much better." The barber pulled my seven feet long braids and held them high in the air. "Braids are for little girls not a young man serving his country. When you leave my chair there will be no more gender confusion."
He let go of my extremely long thick braids that swung down behind me and the back of the barber chair unto the floor.
The barber asked the MPs to each pull my braids to the side so he could cape me. They both grabbed one of my long braids and held them straight out from my head. The barber took a huge black and white pinned cape, unfolded it, and swung it around me from behind. The cape was so big it covered me completely down to my feet resting on the metal footrest.
The MP’s let go of my seven feet long braids and the swung behind the chair and unto the floor again. I was sobbing being tied down in a barber chair and caught in a giant cape feeling like a helpless prisoner.
"Thank you, gentlemen," the barber said to the MP’s. You’re welcome to leave now or stay and watch this special event.
The MPs went to the waiting area, found their mobiles, and started to record the scene.
"Now pretty boy. Let’s make a real man out of you instead of all this girly long braid s**t. Normally I would just buzz off those ridiculous braids with my Oster76 Classic but since you’re a special case with hair longer than I’ve ever had the pleas of cutting off in my chair and because it’s lunch hour and we’re not in a hurry I think I will make an exemption and do things a little slower to make the most fun of it as possible. To me of course. To you it will probably feel even more painful to lose your sissy Rapunzel mop."
The barber grabbed one of my thick blond braids. "Now let’s see what’s hidden in these absurd braids." He started to unbraid my beautiful long blond hair and as he worked his way up the braid an increasingly wonderful wavy freshly washed perfectly conditioned blond silk was unraveled. And the true volume of my mane now became visible. Tons of blond wavy silk loosened up and filled more and more.
As the barber unbraided the final part of my huge braid half of my impressive mane hung loose filling the whole of the back of the barber chair and hiding everything on its way to the floor where it piled up.
"OMG" the barber complained. "This is so disgusting. How on earth could your father let this hair nightmare go on."
He grabbed the second giant braid and started to loosen it up as well. More and more wonderful thick blond perfectly groomed hair came loose and added to the already impressive volume of hair. And as he unbraided the final part of the braid everything in front of him was thick wavy blond hair.
The barber looked at a wall or a blanket or curtain of the most beautiful long thick blond straight hair he had ever seen â€" if only it had been on the head of a girl. But the sight of a guy having hair to the floor and beyond and so extremely voluminous and well-conditioned made him sick.
Nevertheless, he reached for the drawer where he knew there would be a hairbrush. Never that it had been used before. His clients took a seat, were caped, clippers turned on and ran over their heads and in less than a minute they would leave his chair bald.
But he wanted to make this haircut as painful as possible to the recruit as an added punishment for allowing his hair grow to this grotesque length and volume and ignored regular visits to the barber.
So, he took the brush and started to brush the giant carpet of thick beautiful wavy blond hair in front of him. He had difficulties brushing it all the way to the end, so he pumped up the barber chair to its max. height. And although some of the hair blanket still lay on the floor it was easier now to brush it fully through.
When the barber started to brush my adorable beloved long mane, I really started to cry. My head moved backwards with each stroke from the top of my head to the ends and I could feel how extremely long my mane was. The thought of losing all these wonderful precious wavy locks made me shiver and tremble.
"Real men don’t cry because of a haircut sissy boy. And even less so for a more than long overdue haircut. You will feel so relieved and free when you walk out of my barber shop in a while. No more ridiculous long hair to stumble over and drag behind you like a wedding veil. You’re not a sissy princess now, are you? Or Rapunzel? You’re a young man due to serve your country. And in order to do so you must have a haircut."
When the barber finally stopped brushing my mighty magnificent mane, he paused to look at the result. He swung the chair around, so the hair wall faced towards the waiting area and the two MP’s.
"Gentlemen, did you ever see anything more repulsive and offending than this disgusting floor long hair blanket on a recruit. Record it thoroughly and let it be a warning to any future recruits even pondering growing their hair to unacceptable lengths."
The MPs took their time to film my floor with a long wavy blond curtain and all the while I just sad crying in the chair. It was so humiliating being treated like this and my mane exposed and mocked.
The barber finally turned the chair away from the waiting area, so he had all of my gorgeous long blond hair right before him.
"Well missy we’ve had our fun with that horrible mop. Hope you enjoyed it as well. Time to kiss your pretty long girlie locks goodbye and welcome a handsome real man recruit.
The barber reached for the wired clippers behind him and grabbed a horribly big and powerful pair of clippers.
"A carpet of hair like yours takes a special pair of clippers to manage. My special favorite and faithful friend over the years is the Oster76 Classic. Its engine is more powerful than any other pair of clippers I know of."
The barber then turned on the clippers. The whole room immediately resonated with the most horrible metallic sound I’d ever heard. It sent shivers down my spine, and I got goosebumps all over my body. The overwhelming metallic noise seemed to have a paralyzing effect on me.
I could hear the terrible sound closing in on me and felt like passing out. Then I felt ice cold metal against my forehead, and I woke up with a shock.
Ever so slowly I felt the metal teeth of the clippers move upwards on my forehead and closing in on my hairline. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing my beloved seven feet of perfectly groomed and conditioned thick straight long blond hair. I loved my own long hair so much and couldn’t imagine living without it.
Then the ice-cold metal teeth reached my hairline. "So, sissy pretty princess boy. It’s time for you to part from your far too long Rapunzel mane and greet your new real man look." The barber started to move the clippers upwards into my hairline and my precious hair.
The screeching sound as the powerful clippers slowly plowed through my dense mane of blond heavy locks would stay with me forever after. It was like the sound of a thousand chair saws. And the barber kept moving the clippers upwards towards the crown of my head.
I couldn’t see what was going on, but I suddenly felt my beloved hair starting to part from my scalp and leave my head and race to the floor. I felt ever so sick in my stomach.
The barber now had reached the top of my head and continued to move the clippers down my neck. I froze as I felt the horrible metal teeth on the bare skin of my neck. It was unbelievably painful.
The barber then moved the clippers to my forehead again and started all over plowing through my precious floor long hair. I cried uncontrollably now. I couldn’t stand losing all my pride and glory. And all the while tons of golden silky long tresses fell down around me and onto the floor.
The barber worked the clipper methodically over my head, around years and up and down my back. The horrendous metal teeth were all over my naked vulnerable soft skin.
I could feel that the weight of my magnificent mane was no longer there. And I felt awfully cold and naked around my head.
Finally, the barber turned off the clippers. In the room reigned complete silence apart from my sobbing.
"That’s much better young man. Now you look like a real man that your parents can be proud of. The army can now make a real man out of you."
I sat paralyzed in the chair as he swung it around so the MPs could record my looks before and after the balding clippers visited my head. They laughed and applauded the splendid work of the barber. For the first time I got a glimpse of myself in the barber mirror. I couldn’t recognize the person in the mirror. His head looked completely different from mine. So thin and small. Vulnerable with his bald head and bare white skull. I never saw anyone look more horrible in my life. And the person was me. My brain refused to accept that fact. It was too shocking.
When the barber turned the chair again and released me from the straps I always stumbled out of the chair. And I nearly fainted when I for the first time saw what was on the floor.The barber floor was totally covered in my cut seven feet long soft blond silky hair. It lay all around the barber chair like a thick, soft carpet. I cried my eyes out at the sight.
"Hush hush boy. Remember it’s only hair. And you had far too much of it for a real man. Now you can meet the world with a fresh and respectable look and not a Rapunzel with floor long braids."
I stumbled towards the door eager to get as far away from this horrible place as soon as possible.
Outside I saw my parents come running towards me. When my mother saw me, she fainted. My father helped her to her feet and told me: "Son I’m sorry. It took some time to get the exemption papers done but I’ve got them here. You will not have to do military service. Isn’t that great news." He simply ignored that I had lost my crowning glory!
I just stared at my father. Then embraced my mother and cried: "My hair mummy. They took my precious hair from me. Ohhh mommy look what they’ve done to my lovely long, beautiful hair." My mother and I stayed embracing each other and crying with my father as a passive spectator.
"Don’t worry dear" my mommy finally whispered in my ear. "We will start growing your adorable hair back again already today and NO ONE will ever touch your hair again except for mommy." It felt a bit comforting to hear this and I squeezed mommy tightly and put my bald head to rest on her shoulder.