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Cute Indian Boy by Brown
This is a story about an Indian boy named Sanjay he is 18 years old with thick black hair tin which he would style in a pompador. One day his dad walked in the house excited as he announced that he got a job promotion.
Sanjay congratulated his father; however his father informed him that he had made a prayer in a temple in which he asked Lord Shiva that he will sacrifice Sanjay's hair in order to get a job promotion and now it's time to fulfill the end of the bargain.
Sanjay's eyes widened in dismay, "What? No dad I love my hair!"
But Sanjay's dad wasn't hearing it. He promised to buy him buttered chicken as a reward.
Sanjay reluctantly walked to the temple with his dad. He ran his fingers through his pompador one last time before he sat on the floor shirtless infront of the barber.
The barber soaked Sanjay's hair with water before grabbing a sharp razor as he carefully scrapped away Sanjay's glossy healthy hair. Sanjay winced and bit his bottom lip as more hair fell onto the floor revealing his small white head that is white and bare.
The barber gripped Sanjay's bald head and shaved the stubble off his face. The barber even shaved Sanjay's armpits.
Sanjay finally stood up. His pale white head contrasting his brown face. Sanjay's father beamed with pride as he inspected Sanjay's small bald head. Sanjay's head looked so small under his father's hand.
Sanjay pouted as his father assured him that he looked good bald even though that was a lie.
Sanjay prayed in the temple before being lead to the Ganja river in which he jumped inside trying not to gag from all the trash and debris floating in the river.
After Sanjay got out the river he felt releaved that the pilgrimage was finally over only to see his father watching a Hindu priest rubbing cow feces on the head of worshipers as an extra sign of devotion to Lord Shiva.
Sanjay's father lead him to the Hindu priest. Sanjay's protests fell on deaf ears as a steaming pile of cow dung was applied onto his bald head. Sanjay squirmed and whimpered as the cow dung was thoroughly coated onto his scalp, the back of his bald head as well as both sides of his head. Although his face was clean every inch of his white scalp was coated with cow dung as if he was wearing a thick brown swim cap.
Sanjay's father beamed with pride, "what a good boy."
Sanjay pouted, "My bald head reeks."
His father responded, "Ah but the stench of the cows pleases Lord Shiva."
Sanjay walked alongside his father in the streets of India as the cow dung caked his bald head. Sanjay's father bought him a bowl of buttered chicken from a street vendor. This was little comfort for poor Sanjay whos thick pompador was now replaced with a smelly cow dung head.