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How Everything Continued (True Story) by Bettertobebald
This story takes place months after my adventure in front of the barbershop.
I still had my long hair, but by now, I was fascinated by bald men. I spent hours watching content on the internet on websites like Crewcut(dot)com and some blogs.
I loved watching transformations from long hair to shiny bald. I even started considering shaving my own head!
But I was known for styling my own hair and even admired for it. Still, I started searching for different ways to go bald and found some random suggestions—like washing your hair with white soap to make it fall out. I tried it, but of course, it didn’t work at all!
At the time, I was active on MaleShortcut and even made some online friends. I was chatting with A. (I’ll keep his name private), who lived in a city near mine and had been fully shaved for some months (his story is for another time).
I told him that I would love to feel how a shaved head feels.
He suggested that I start small, maybe by getting a haircut with shaved parts.
It sounded like a great idea, but what kind of cut could I get without making a drastic change and shocking the people around me?
One night, I decided to find out how I’d look bald.
I slicked my hair back meticulously with some gel I found in the family bathroom, then applied shaving cream all over my head to simulate the look of being shaved.
It looked amazing to me!
I picked up my razor (the one I used for my face) and held it at my hairline, pretending I was about to shave.
I was lucky to have very thick brown hair, with a natural V-shaped hairline.
I couldn’t resist the temptation—I wanted to shave so badly.
I grabbed a hand mirror and looked at the back of my head. I noticed some tiny hairs on my neck and decided they would be the "victims" of my Gillette Fusion.
I slicked my hair up from the nape of my neck and used a tiny comb to trace a line.
I picked up the razor, my hands shaking with excitement, and gently shaved against the grain.
The hairs were too long for the razor and kept getting stuck, so I had to go little by little.
Five minutes later, I was rubbing my shaved neck—it felt a little rough, like sandpaper—so I decided to go over it again.
The shaved area was small, so I couldn’t get a clean razor stroke. Without even thinking, I started extending the shaved area.
Finally, it was completely smooth and very pale compared to the rest of my skin.
I applied some aftershave, and while it burned, I kind of enjoyed the sensation.
That night, I couldn’t stop rubbing my freshly shaved neck.
The next morning, while brushing my teeth, I decided to check my neck in the mirror.
Oh no! I didn’t realize I had shaved much higher than I thought—about 3 cm of hair was gone!
I decided I wouldn’t tie my hair up until it grew back; otherwise, people might notice.
The next week, I found myself in front of the mirror again. My head was fully lathered, and I couldn’t resist shaving my neck again.
But this time, I wanted more. I shaved my V-shaped hairline into a straight line!
I even shaved my sideburns a little higher than usual.
Once again, I spent the entire night rubbing my smooth, shaved skin.
To hide what I’d done, I styled my fringe down and avoided tying my hair back.
The next morning, I shaved my hairline again, just to enjoy the feeling while pretending to fix my fringe during the day.
The day after that, I shaved again but accidentally cut myself! Blood started running down my forehead, and I got really scared. I cleaned it up and let it dry—thankfully, it wasn’t too bad.
But later that day, while talking to a girl from my class, she suddenly stopped and said:
"Wait… you’ve got something on your forehead."
Luckily, at that exact moment, a friend came over to say hi, and I excused myself to the bathroom.
I checked the mirror and saw that the dried blood was still visible! I cleaned it off with water, combed my fringe down, and was safe.
This time, I really let everything grow back… except I kept shaving my sideburns just a little too high.
But I couldn’t stop wanting to feel shaved skin again, so I started thinking more seriously about getting the haircut A. had suggested.
To be continued… (with a real haircut this time!)