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Got a flattop … didn’t see that comin by Benjamin Aldy

Hey yall,

So yeah, I got a flattop. Didn’t expect that at all, but here we are.

I wanna be an engineer someday, so I guess having a clean, sharp look fits. Anyway, my dad says we’re gettin a haircut today, and I thought it was just gonna be a quick trim. But nah, he says you’re gettin a flattop. I didn’t know what to say. I was like, wait, a flattop?? Who even gets those anymore? But I didn’t argue, so we headed on down to Wil-Mar Barbershop in Concord.

I sat down in the chair, feelin nervous but also kinda excited. The barber was real nice though, just did his thing, buzzed the sides real short, and started workin on the top. I couldn’t see what was goin on, so I just tried to relax.

Then he spun me around to the mirror, and I was like, whoa. The sides were super short, and the top was just flat. It looked way cooler than I expected. The barber handed me a tin of wax and a round plastic brush from the wall, told me to use the wax to keep it up, and said I should come back in a couple weeks to get it tightened. Dad said he was proud of me and thanked the barber.

Went home and showed my mom. She just stared at me for a sec, then said, Well, that’s somethin. I like it though. Hope you keep it. That made me feel a little better.

At school, some folks were like, What’s up with your hair? A couple made fun of it, but a few said it looked real sharp. Lily—this girl I talk to—said she liked it and that it reminded her of her dad’s haircut, so that made me feel a little better.

Honestly, I’m really into it now. Never thought I’d like a flattop, but I do. Glad I found this chat board with other folks into the same haircut. Guess I’ll be back at Wil-Mar for a touch-up soon.

Anybody got any tips for keepin a flattop lookin sharp? Let me know!


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