4714 Stories - Awaiting Approval:Stories 0; Comments 2.
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NEXT David soon by Barbershop memmories

So there i was, sitting there in Fletchers barbershop.
My Dad and Davids mam were chatting away quietly about this and that, and David, who was sat right next to me, had picked a comic up from a coffee table in front of us, and was reading it.

I, on the other hand, was watching the boy in the chair intensely, but at the same time, trying not to look too bothered as his haircut progressed.
The back and sides were now cut severely short, just like Fletcher had cut mine on my visits to him when i was younger, he hasn't gone soft at all, he's still a butcher, i thought to myself.
The loud buzzing stopped.
Looking at the boys farther,
Is that ok for you? Fletcher said.
Can you take it a little higher please, i want it short he answered.
Fletcher adjusted a small lever on the clippers, pushing it right back with his thumb.
CLACK, the clippers hummed, then with a screw driver, he turned a screw on the side of them, the humming got much louder almost rattling.
He bent the boys head right down with a much firmer grip, then starting at the base of his neck, he ran the clippers slowly up the back of his head, pressing them much harder than before, causing a loud rasping sound.
I sat there wathching in amazement.
The poor boy squirmed a little.

Keep still now,, Fletcher said quietly as he tightened his grip on the boys head keeping it steady.
Do as your told Peter, his father said
There was now a white band the width of the clippers all the way up the back of his head.
Fletcher continued in the same manner.

When the back and sides of his head were done they looked like bare skin, the bristles were so short.
Is that short enough for you?
Oh yes definnately, his father answered.

The boy in the chair lifted his arm from under the cape and ran the palm of his hand up the back and sides of his head feeling the bristles.

I hadn't realized that David had stopped reading his comic and was also watching the boy, as well as me, he leaned over and whispered in my ear.

I love that bristly feeling and the sound it makes when i've just had my haircut, it's great,
yeah i know, i replied instantly without thinking,,, err erm, well i used too, when i was younger, not now! I said quickly,,,.
I was feeling quite embarrased and could feel myself going a bit red.

It was something i had always kept very much to myself.
It was my secret.
How d'ya want the top, Fletcher asked the boys dad.
Take plenty off the top, and thinned out with a side parting please.
Dave looked at me and gave a little grin, thats exactly what my Mum'll tell him to do, i smiled back at him,
don't you mind?
No, like i said, i like everything about getting my haircut.
Everthing like what i said to him.
The cape being fastened and the tissue being tucked in,
The jolty feeling when the chair gets pumped up,
The noise the clippers make and feel of them when they start cutting, espcially on the back when my heads being held down.
My favorite bit of all is when he sharpens the razor on the leather belt and soaps and shaves round the edges at the end.
He never did that the last time i was here so i'm going to ask for it today.


I couldn't beleive what he had just told me.
It was everything i loved and thought about myself but something i would never have dared to mention to anyone else, ever.

He didn't even seem bothered or embarrased in the least by what he had just said.

Fletcher was starting to cut the top of the boys hair and we both watched as he picked up a pair of thinning scissors, rapidly lifting his hair with a comb and thinning out all the hair on the top of his head.
Thats the only bit i don't like said jack.
What bit.
When the comb bangs on the top of your head, oh yeah, i remember that too i said in agreement.
With the top now sufficienly thinned out he combed the boys hair foreward then lifted a section with the comb gripping it between two of his fingers close to his head and snipped off all the hair that stuck out obove them, he did this repeatedly all over the top then combed it into a parting then ran the clippers over a comb to finish the sides.

That ok for you Fletcher asked his Dad,
Anything on it?,
Brylcreem answered his Dad.

Fletcher took the top off a red pot and scooped a dollop of white cream out then vigorously rubbed it into the boys hair then combed it into a very crisp side parting, then he picked up a mirror that hung below the counter and showed the boy the back and sides with it.

What do you say Peter, his Dad asked.
Thankyou. The boy answered, while looking at the barber in the mirror.
Fletcher removed the tissue and cape and lowered the chair, as the boy got out of the chair Fletcher gave him the tissue.

He stood there, his head bowed, repeatedly rubbing the back and sides of his head with the palm of his hand and feeling the tiny bristles with his fingers while his Dad was at the till paying Fletcher.


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