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Geek discovers summer relief by Jim Rogers

I was a geek during my childhood. Loved doing Math with another nerd girl by name Polly. Polly had long black hair and I had golden hair. Once during the start of summer I came back after a game of football. Sweating and red faced. Polly was there and it was our Math problem solving time. As we were solving problems, my mom came by and said "We need to help you get relief from this heat so you can focus better". I was engrossed in the problem and did not pay much heed to it. Polly looked at me and my mom and asked if we were planning to go out. My mom said "No not today. Let me book an appointment with Stacy".
The next day morning, after breakfast she said "Cmon Jim hop on the car- I told ya yesterday". I remembered yesterday's conversation but had ignored Stacy and thought we were off to the mall. My brother who was 2 years older than me came down from the stairs and joined us as we bundled into the car.
After a 15 minute drive, we arrived near the mall and followed mom as she stepped into a salon. It was Stacy's and it rung a bell then. A middle aged woman greeted us and said "For the summer I guess?". She was Stacy. And my mom nodded her head "Yep - both of them". Stacy said " Yesterday we had 5 - all to the skin" . Mom said "I usually buzz them but to the skin would be better". Then in a commanding voice said :"Jim you go first". I sat on the chair not knowing what to expect.
Stacy put the sheet on me and asked "Is this your first time?" I said no. She laughed and said with a smile - "I know you get a haircut silly. Is it the first time you're going to take all of it off? Was my question.". My voice choked and I didn't know what to say. The thought of long haired Polly laughing at me terrified me. I said "Please short will be enough". She said "Well you know we all listen to your mom. It's her word that's final".
"But since this is your first time - just sit back and relax. We'll be done soon. It's good for the summer". She then lifted my long locks from the side and said -" look at the sweat under this. We'll get this cleared and you'll be fine and happy" She then used the scissors to chop off a small part of my long hair from the front, sides and back. That kinda felt nice. She then started the electric trimmer and before I could digest what was happening ran it at the back of my head bending it a bit with 4 strokes. As the long hair tumbled, it felt good and was a relief. So she was right after all. She asked why I was terrified and I told her about Polly and she said "Naah. She'll probably like it. Don't worry." This was reassuring. I relaxed and she sensed it and ran the trimmer all over to leave me almost bald. This was not bad - it was similar to the buzz. I thought we were done when she started to wet my head. Now this felt good too but soon I felt a shaving brush and in some time looked up to see my head covered with shaving cream. Stacy seemed to be an expert in this part as she was meticulously applying the cream and foaming it up.
Then there was a small interval when she made conversation with my mother.
Then I felt a hand lower my chin and a shaving blade started its work.My mom said "Keep your head down Jim". The shaving blade scraped quite expertly and meticulously from up to down. In the silence the scraping sound could be heard. Now a cool breeze hit the back of my head.While I was enjoying that, the blade did its job on the sides. I was enjoying it. When it did the top, it was an awesome feeling. I looked up and saw my completely bald head. She said "Amanda will do the finish". I was surprised that there was more to it. She beckoned me to another chair where a younger lady who appeared to be a student came with a smile. She asked me how I felt and I said good.
Stacy explained to my mother "Small bits of hair may lurk here and there so we run some old fashioned clippers". Amanda was feeling my smooth head with her fingers and nodded to Stacy as if giving a signal.
Meanwhile my brother had climbed Stacy's chair.
Amanda ran the manual clippers deliberately. I liked the feeling as it worked its way up from bottom ensuring that any tiny pieces in its way were removed. The clipper moved up and down and on the top of my head. Amanda ran her fingers again - doubly ensuring that the area was smooth. I guess that's what Stacy meant by "to the skin". Then she seemed to be done. I looked at the side and my brother head had the foam and Stacy was loading up the blade..
Amanda removed the cloth, dusted me and my head with a brush. I was about to get up when she pushed me down signalling "Not yet". She applied powder and once again dusted me. "All done ma'am. You can check" she said and my mom came and ran her hand over my head. This felt good and reassuring. " wow. This is real nice. Great Jimmy" she said. Amanda then said " the top will have some of the hair from the root. Feel the back. That will be super smooth". My mom seemed to like stroking my smooth head and did that for the next few minutes with me by the side.

My brother meanwhile had now taken my place on Amanda's chair. My mom said " Now the summer won't trouble you and you can do your math happily with better focus". We waited for Amanda to get done with my brother. I asked Stacy "So now if I sweat won't it get into my eyes?" "With difficulty, you'll sweat dear. The wind will help dry it and you'll feel cool. Don't worry" she said.
As my brother stepped down she exclaimed "Perfect Cue ball pair. Can I get a pic?" We then posed with Amanda for a pic.
Stacy gave us some chocolates.
As we headed back, my mom asked "Do you want to stick your head out of the sun roof?". Sticking our heads out , the breeze hitting our heads was a wonderful experience.
Polly came the next day and gave a warm smile. I could focus better on my math and she wanted a pic with me too.
And mom never failed to stroke our smooth heads watching TV shows during the summer.

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