4661 Stories - Awaiting Approval:Stories 1; Comments 1.
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Davids turn then me by Barbershop memmories
Who's next Fletcher announced, as the severely clipped boy, (still rubbing the back and sides of his head) left with his Dad.
Without any hesitation David stood up, walked over, and sat in the chair, putting his hands on the chairs arm rests he lifted himself slightly and shuffled right back into it.
Fletcher flicked the cape and put it over him, tucked a tissue in around his neck then tucked both sides of the cape in, then took another tissue and tucked that in and folded it over the cape at the back of his neck and pumped the chair up.
Fletcher turned round and looked at Davids mum.
Ah missus Jackson, good to see you again, is David having his usual. Yes please Arthur, you know how i like done, she answered,,, then she turned to my Dad and said,,, thats why i always take David here, Mr Fletcher always seems to know exactly what i want,,, and never disappoints.
Thats the secret of a good barber.
Always give the paying customer what they want,, Fletcher said, as he put a guard on the clippers and switched them on.
Don't you mean, always give the customer what they want,,. I thought the customer was always right i said sarcastically.
What a cheek, Davids mum exclaimed, and my Dad sitting right next to her was looking quite embarressed
He switched the clippers off and looked round at me.
Are you having your haircut today.
Ye ye yes sir, i replyed, trying to sound respectful and sorry for being so cheeky.
And who's paying for it,,, are you paying for it.
No. My Dad is.
So your Dads the paying customer, in the same way as Davids mum is, am i right.
Yes sir.
Then just like David here,, when i get you in the chair, it won't be your choice,,, you'll be getting the haircut your father asks for, i think a descent and propper short haircut would best suit,,, it certainly wouldn't do you any harm.
He turned and looked at my Dad, don't you agree?
Yes, i certainly do he said, then my Dad turned and looked at Davids mum who nodded her approval, i'm always saying how smart David hair looks he said to her.
Fletcher bent Davids head down and ran them high up the back of his head repeating it again and again then did the sides in the same way, then took the guard off and clipped away all the hair on the back and sides right down to the skin well above his ears then thinned the top and cut it short leaving just enough length to combe it into a side parting.
David looked up and said,, can i have razor, you didn't do that last time, to wich Fletcher obliged, then rubbed in some brylcreem and combed it into a perfect side parting.
David beamed and said thankyou sir as Fletcher showed him his haircut with the hand held mirror, he uncaped him and David got out of the chair and walked towards me.
Go on christopher, my Dad said,,, as i got up and walked towards the chair.
Well,, whats he having Dad, Fletcher asked.
Just the same as Davids my Dad answered.