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Tom Meets Jason by Shant
Story contains sexual content
Tom had always been goal oriented. When he graduated from high school, he wrote in a notebook what he hoped he would achieve by the time he turned thirty. He placed the notebook in a drawer in his room and then completely forgot about it.
Time passed. Thirty was rapidly approaching. One weekend while visiting his parents, his mother asked him if he would clean out the desk drawers in his old room for her?
When he opened a drawer, he pulled out the notebook which had been there all this time. He sat down and started reading what he had written. It brought back a lot of pleasant memories and he was glad that he had found it.
At the time, he wrote that he had just graduated from high school and had turned 18. He listed his three most important goals he wanted to achieve before turning 30.
First, he wanted to have his own business and be his own boss. He already knew that he wanted to be a barber and was going to barber college in the fall. He cut most of his friends hair all through high school. It didn’t make any sense to him to go to a four year college, end up with a large amount of debt and a degree he was never going to use. He was glad that he already knew what he wanted to do.
Barber college would take a year of instruction and then he would be able to work under a licensed barber. Mr. Brennan, the guy that cut his hair practically all his life, had already told him that when he finished barber college he could work in his shop.
That was exactly what he had done. Tom worked five years for Mr. Brennan. Mr. Brennan was actually the person that had encouraged him to become a barber. After cutting Tom’s hair for so many years, he knew Tom really loved his hair and really enjoyed cutting his friends hair for them.
When Mr. Brennan decided it was time to retire, he sold the business to Tom. He had cut Tom’s hair for almost twenty years and thought of him like a son. He came up with a payment plan that he thought Tom would easily be able to afford.
Tom worked alone in the shop and was booked solid almost the entire time. He worked nine hours a day, Monday through Friday. Most barbershops were open at least a half day on Saturday, but Tom decided he was making more than enough money to meet his goals and liked having the entire weekend free to do other things he enjoyed.
He was really surprised at how much money he was making. It was definitely more than he had imagined. When he was growing up he didn’t pay anywhere near what a haircut now cost. Cutting on average 15 haircuts a day at $30.00 each, resulted with him making $450.00 a day, and that didn’t include tips. He usually made over $500.00 a day. Not bad at all for a guy in his twenties.
The second thing he hoped to achieve was that he wanted to buy a house. Renting just didn’t make much sense to him. Why not have that money going to a mortgage? It felt great to be nearly debt free at such an early age and he started saving as much as possible to make the down payment.
When he turned 28 he made a down payment on a house. It wasn’t a large place, but it had a great layout and it was something he could afford. Looking back in his notebook, he was pleased to see that he had accomplished both these goals.
The third item on his list was that he hoped he would be in a relationship with a great guy and be settled down with a partner for life. When Tom entered high school, he told his parents that he was gay. They had no problem with it. They told him all they wanted was for him to be happy. He could not have had better parents.
He had not achieved his third goal yet, but he wasn’t at all worried about it. There was plenty of time and he was in no hurry. He never had any problem meeting guys, and was determined he was not going to just settle for someone and was going to be patient until he found the right man.
He preferred guys that were around his age or a little older. If they had a great head of hair that was an additional bonus. He loved it when he hooked up with a hot guy who had an incredible mane and he got to bury his hands in his beautiful hair. He really had a fetish about great hair, but he had never confided that to anyone.
Tom was a good looking guy, but did not have a big ego. He worked out at a gym and was in great shape. He was comfortable with how he looked and didn’t worry about whether he was good looking enough to attract someone.
If he was vain about anything, it was his hair. He secretly loved it and that’s what got him interested in being a barber. He knew he had great looking hair and that he was lucky to have it. His hair was a deep dark brown color with fiery highlights.
His hair was really thick and had a slight wave to it. It was over three inches long on the sides and he brushed them down and back, covering the top of his ears. He parted it on the left side and brushed the top up and back to the right. His hair on top was almost five inches long and when he brushed it back, it stood up over three inches high with beautiful waves running all through it.
He was home one Friday night and decided to go to the local bar, hoping he would hook up with someone for the evening. He was feeling a little frisky and wanted to find someone who wanted to play. He spent a lot of time getting his hair to look exactly the way he wanted. There were many times when he was out that he would catch a guy looking at his hair and admiring it.
He got to the bar and checked out the place. He didn’t see anyone that really interested him and thought, like usual, it was going to be a lonely night at home. He enjoyed living in a large town, but the gay population wasn’t as large as he would have liked. It was hard to meet new people. Rarely would he meet a guy that lived in the area. Usually, if he did meet a guy, he was just passing through on his way to somewhere else. One night stands were the norm.
He was walking through the bar one last time and suddenly came upon a young guy that really caught his eye. He was probably in his early twenties, younger than Tom preferred, but what attracted Tom to this guy so much was his hair. He thought it was the most striking color he had ever seen. It was the lightest shade of blonde, looking more like platinum than blonde, with many shades of blonde running all through it.
His hair was very thick and straight and had great texture. He wore it parted down the middle and it hung almost to his shoulder blades. God, it was awesome looking!
Tom could not take his eyes off the guy. He thought that even though he was younger than he usually liked, his hair was so incredible that he didn’t care a bit about his age. All he wanted to do was get his hands in his beautiful hair.
Tom stood against a wall in the bar, discreetly keeping his eye on the guy. It was obvious he did not know anyone because no one was speaking to him. They eventually made eye contact and the guy smiled at him. He figured that was a good sign and decided to go over and introduce himself.
"Hi, my name is Tom, and I live here. I just wanted to come over and introduce myself because I am positive that I have never seen you before. I’m a barber here in town, and I know there is absolutely no way I would ever forget seeing such a good looking guy with such unbelievable hair. It really is awesome looking."
"Thanks. It’s nice to meet you. My name is Jason," he said. "I just moved here with my parents and this is the first time I have been here. It seems like a friendly place and I hope I’ll be lucky enough to make some good friends."
They talked for a long time. After Tom complimented Jason about his hair, he did not bring the topic up again. As much as he wanted to get his hands in his mane, he didn’t want to scare the guy off. He figured if Jason now lived here, the smartest thing to do was take it slow and hopefully in time he would have him sitting in his barber chair. Even though it was killing him, he knew he needed to be patient.
It was obvious they were attracted to each other. Tom asked Jason if he would like to come home with him, and he said yes. They were immediately out the door and headed to Tom’s house.
It was a short ride to Tom’s home. As he was driving, he was having all kinds of fantasies about what he would like to do with Jason’s hair. Seeing he had already told him that he was a barber, he didn’t think it would be all that difficult to steer the conversation in that direction, and start talking about how awesome his hair was.
He hoped Jason would let him brush and play with his hair. Having a mane as wonderful as he did, he felt certain that he would probably enjoy having him pamper his pretty locks.
When they got to the house, Tom grabbed a couple of beers and they sat out on the back porch. It was a beautiful night. There was a full moon and the sky was filled with stars. They continued talking, neither rushing to start anything just yet, they were just enjoying getting to know each other better. Tom was happy he had actually met someone that was living here and hoped he would become a friend.
Jason surprised Tom when he said, "You may not have seen me before, but I’ve seen you quite a few times. I’ve been walking all around town just checking everything out, and one day I saw your barbershop. The first time I looked in the window and saw you working, I thought to myself that the barber was definitely a hot looking guy."
"Where I just moved from, most of the barbers were old guys and I always feared going to any of them to get my hair cut. I remember walking into one shop and seeing a big smile appear on the barber’s face. I could see he was practically drooling at the thought of getting me in his chair and cutting my hair. I was afraid he would cut it a lot shorter than I wanted, and that’s exactly what he did."
"I remember more than one haircut that was not what I had asked the barber to give me. Some barbers didn’t seem to care at all what I asked for. I guess that because I was young, they figured they could cut my hair any way they wanted and they wouldn’t get in any trouble. I was always afraid that most of them just wanted to give me a really short haircut, no matter what I wanted. That was one of the main reasons I started growing my hair long."
"I’ve walked by your shop several times checking out the kind of haircuts guys were getting. I’ve seen a lot of good looking guys come out of your shop with really great looking haircuts."
"With you being such a good looking guy yourself, I decided that when I did get my hair cut, I knew where I would be going to get it cut. It’s even better now that I have met you. I hadn’t expected that. When I’m ready to get my hair cut, now, I’ll look forward to it, instead of dreading it so much," Jason said and broke into a big smile.
"I’ve thought many times about a hot looking guy cutting my hair for me, instead of the old geezers that always cut it. Sitting down in a chair, having a real stud play with my hair, and then cutting it has always been one of my biggest fantasies. It would definitely be a huge turn. How long have you been cutting hair?"
"I’ve been cutting hair for about ten years now," Tom said. "I always knew that I wanted to be a barber. I love getting my hands in a great head of hair and cutting it. You sure lucked out in the gene pool getting that amazing hair you have. It really is beautiful. The color is awesome. It’s rare to see hair the color you have. Do either of your parents have hair like yours?"
"I don’t know how I got the hair I did," Jason said. "Both my parents have light brown hair. No one else in our family has hair that is anywhere near the color mine is. I don’t want you to think that I’m bragging, but I really do love my hair and I know how lucky I am to have it. I’ve only met one or two guys that have had hair the color mine is."
"It really is stunning looking, especially being long like it is," Tom said, as he reached over and ran his fingers through Jason’s mane. Jason didn’t seem to have any problem with him doing that, he actually had a big smile on his face. He was probably used to having guys admire his hair and fawning over it all the time. "How much longer are you going to continue to let your hair grow?" Tom asked.
"I really don’t have any definite plan when I’m going to get it cut," Jason said. "I’ve been growing it now for over three years and I really love it being as long as it is now. I imagine the day will come when I’ll just be in the mood, and on the spur of the moment, I’ll decide to get it cut. It’s a lot hotter here than where we used to live and I doubt I’m going to want it to get much longer, especially if I get a job where I am working outside."
When Jason said that, Tom became really optimistic, feeling certain that he would soon be playing with his awesome hair. "When you do decide it’s time to get your hair cut, I really do hope you will come to my shop and let me cut it for you," he said, all the while continuing to run his hands through his hair.
"Your hair is really fantastic and it would be a privilege to cut it. I’ll give you my card and if you suddenly do get the urge to cut it, all you have to do is call me and I’ll be waiting for you. Your hair is so awesome. I bet there isn’t even one guy in a thousand that has hair the color you have."
"You are so lucky to have such beautiful hair. I haven’t met many guys with hair as fantastic as yours," Tom said. "Would you mind if I brushed your hair? I already have a hard on just thinking about doing it."
"I’d love to have you brush my hair for me," Jason replied. "I get really turned on having a hot man running his hands through my hair and playing with it. I already have a hard on too, just thinking about you burying your hands in my hair."
Tom immediately did just that and buried his hands in Jason’s mane and began playing with his beautiful locks. He just couldn’t get enough brushing it, combing it, and running his hands through his gorgeous hair. This kid’s hair was just so awesome.
It was obvious Jason was enjoying having Tom pay so much attention to his hair. Tom took his hands and vigorously ran them over and over again through his beautiful locks. He had eliminated his center part and wanted to see just how tall he could get his hair to stand up. He couldn’t wait to get him in bed and then really manhandle his pretty mane.
Tom stood in front of Jason and started brushing his hair all up and back. He was having the most incredible time. Jason’s hair was just so long and so thick, and the color was so awesome. He couldn’t remember ever having his hands in such a great head of hair. He hoped Jason would stay here and they would become good friends and he would become his barber. Getting to cut his hair on a regular basis would be wonderful. He knew he wouldn’t even charge him for a haircut because he would enjoy cutting his hair so much.
As Tom continued brushing Jason’s hair, without saying a word, Jason reached over and unzipped Tom’s pants and pulled his dick out and started playing with it. He then began to give him a blow job. Tom thought he was going to explode right then and there!
Standing in front of this handsome young man, looking down at him while he brushed his wonderful hair, and watching him suck his dick was intense. They really hadn’t started having sex yet, and already it was such a hot time.
"Let’s go back to my room and see what happens," Tom said with a mischievous smile. "I think we’re going to have an incredible time." He took Jason by the hand and they went to his bedroom. Tom dimmed the lights. They could still clearly see each other, but the darkness made everything seem even more sensual.
Even though Jason was nearly ten years younger than Tom, he couldn’t believe what an intense time they were having. They were extremely physical with each other, pressing their naked bodies firmly against each other and running their hands all over each other, getting to know each other’s bodies. Jason liked to play with Tom’s hair just as much as Tom liked to play with Jason’s.
They played for hours, taking turns pleasuring each other. When one of them sucked the other one’s dick, the guy on the receiving end had his hands buried in the other guy’s hair. As they played, they became more and more aggressive with each other’s manes, making them hornier and hornier. They climaxed at the same time. Talk about intense!
They laid back on the bed, totally spent after the wild time they had just had. Tom lay flat on his back with his arm wrapped around Jason, who was snuggling up against him. They continued snuggling and talked for a long time before falling asleep.
When Tom woke up the next morning, he realized Jason was already playing with his hair. It felt fantastic! He loved that Jason was comfortable enough to play with his hair. It was rare that a guy ever did that. Tom figured that since he was a barber, most guys felt a little intimidated about playing with his hair. Jason was just the opposite, and it really turned Tom on.
They then had a great time having sex again. After that, they showered and got dressed. Tom asked Jason if he had any plans for the day? "Nope, I’m totally free the entire time. My folks have gone back to where we lived, getting the rest of our belongings, so I don’t have to check in with anybody."
"If you don’t have any plans, I would love to spend the day with you," Tom replied. "How about if we head out for brunch and then I’ll show you around town some more? I’d be glad to show you from a local’s perspective where the best restaurants are, the best places to shop, etc., things you might not discover for awhile on your own."
They stopped at a great little out of the way restaurant and had brunch. "You are so right," Jason said. "I probably never would have discovered this place by myself. I love it that this is where the locals go. I’m already starting to feel like this town is my home."
They continued to walk about the town. Eventually, they ended up walking by Tom’s barbershop. "You know I have some cold beers in the fridge. Why don’t we go in and get out of the heat for awhile?" Tom said. "I’d also really like to show you my shop."
They entered the shop and Tom closed the blinds and put the closed sign back on the door. Tom really didn’t have to do all that much to the place because Mr. Brennan had done a good job setting it up. He had kept both the antique barber chairs and had placed them beside each other. He thought he would keep the second chair because maybe one day he would hire someone like Mr. Brennan had and would already have a work space for him.
Tom had added more mirrors on the walls. He realized early on that guys with great hair really enjoyed watching their hair being cut. You wouldn’t believe how vain so many guys are about their hair. Tom loved the fact that he could watch the guy in the mirrors and see his fantastic hair being taken down. It was even better when he gave a guy with really long hair a short haircut.
"You’ve created a great place here," Jason said. "I really like the atmosphere of an old time barbershop that caters only to men, instead of the trendy hair salons where everyone now goes."
They were sitting at a table in the back room, when Jason said to Tom, "I had such a great time with you last night and this morning. I feel comfortable enough that I don’t feel ill at ease asking you about something that I would like to do."
"All last night I had such an incredible time getting my hands in your hair and playing with it. You obviously know that a great head of hair turns me on as much as it does you. Would you sit in your barber chair and let me cape you up and comb your hair? Your hair is so great looking that I’d like to see all the different ways I could get it to look," Jason said.
"I’d like having you do that. I get just as turned on having a guy play with my hair as I do playing with his. That has only happened a few times. I’ll like to see how you’ll get my hair to look. It will be another fantasy that we both share. Cape me up there, Boy, and let’s see what you can do!" Tom said.
Jason caped Tom up. "Oh, man! It’s going to be incredible combing your hair however I want." He stood behind Tom and brushed his hair all up and back, eliminating his side part. His hair stood up so well without any help at all.
He then parted Tom’s hair on the right side and brushed it up and back again. It looked really good being parted on the opposite side. "Your hair is so awesome. Any way I comb it, it looks fantastic," Jason said. "I am so turned on! I’m now going to comb your hair the way I would like to see you wear it."
Tom always brushed the sides of his hair down and back. Jason did just the opposite and brushed the sides up and then back, blending it into the top. Tom’s hair was standing up much higher on his head, and the sides being brushed up, instead of down, showed off his precious locks much more.
Jason then stood in front of Tom and aggressively ran his hands through his hair from the front to the back. Instead of his hair now looking so perfectly combed, it looked a little messy and showed off each individual lock more. It looked so much better, not looking like he had spent forever getting every hair to be perfectly in place.
Tom did the same thing to Jason that Jason had done to him the night before. He took out his erect penis and began playing with it. It was easy to see how turned on Jason was because his dick was rock hard and standing at full attention. Tom was really turned on with them reversing roles. All the years he had been a barber he never done that with anyone before and it was really fantastic.
After they finished playing, Jason combed Tom’s hair the way he wanted it to look. "So, what do you think about your hair being combed like this?" he asked Tom.
"I really like the way you have combed it," Tom said. "I’ve been wearing my hair the same way for too long and I think this really looks great. I do think that if I wore my hair like this though, I would need to take it take down a little on top, and the sides would probably look better not touching my ears. What do you think?"
"I think it would look great like that," Jason said. "I really think your hair looks better without any part at all. It shows off your hair so much more. I agree with you though, that it probably would need to be a little shorter if you wore it like this."
An idea popped into Tom’s head. It excited him, but it also scared him too. Only three men had ever cut his hair in his entire life and they were all barbers, but for some unexplained reason, he knew he really wanted Jason to cut his hair. He was so turned on by the thought of him cutting it that he cast off all caution to the wind and decided he was going to have him do it.
He knew exactly how he wanted him to cut it. If he used only scissors, Jason could cut an inch off the top and about half an inch off the sides. Tom could watch in the mirrors while he cut his hair and give him any pointers if necessary. He felt certain that he would do a good job though, and he could always even it up a little if needed. The thought of Jason cutting his hair really got him aroused.
"Have you ever cut anyone’s hair before?" he asked Jason with a mischievous grin. "Knowing that you love great hair as much as I do, I bet that you love to cut someone’s hair if you get the chance."
"Sure," Jason said. "I cut all my friends hair in high school and college. I’m a pretty good barber, if I do say so myself. Wait a minute! Are you thinking what I think you are? Are you telling me that you want me to cut your hair for you? Oh, man, Tom, that would be really awesome! I’m positive that I can do a good job!"
"Alright, let’s do it then!" Tom said. Not having to taper the sides and back would make it a pretty easy haircut for Jason to do. He combed Tom’s hair a little while longer because he loved getting his hands in his hair. He was so excited that he was going to do this.
"I can’t believe that you’re the barber and that I’m the one giving the haircut!" Jason said. "Before I met you, and just saw you working in your shop, I had already fantasized about you giving me a haircut. The thought never entered my mind that you would ever let me cut your hair. The moment I saw you I was turned on by your beautiful mane. This is really going to be mind blowing!"
Jason kept procrastinating before he started Tom’s haircut because he loved playing with his hair so much. He couldn’t believe that he was actually going to cut it. He was getting more and more aroused and decided he needed to start the haircut before he exploded!
"Okay, here we go!" he said. He combed up Tom’s forelock and sliced off an inch of his thick, shiny, dark brown hair. It was a rush for both of them seeing Tom’s pretty hair falling into his lap. Tom couldn’t believe the hard on he had. He knew that he was already dripping as Jason got ready to cut off more of his forelock.
"Oh man, Jason!" Tom said. "You have no idea how turned on I am right now! I want you to go ahead and cut another inch off the top! I really want to see longer locks coming off! It will be an even greater turn on seeing more of my pretty hair falling to the cape. Go ahead, Boy! I want you to do it!"
"No problem, I’ll be glad to do it!" Jason said. He couldn’t believe what Tom had just told him to do, but he certainly wasn’t going to argue with him. It would be even more fantastic cutting off another inch of his precious hair. He lifted up each beautiful lock and took the rest of his forelock down two inches. As he worked his way to the sides, he took them down a little more too, and was now taking about an inch off. Tom’s hair was definitely no longer going to be covering the top of his ears.
Tom could tell that Jason knew what he was doing, and just sat back and relaxed, watching him cut his hair. He knew that the haircut was going to turn out fine, and began to think that this could be the beginning of some great hair cutting times for both of them. He was looking forward to the day Jason decided he wanted to get his hair cut.
When Jason finished Tom’s haircut, he slightly wet his hair and took the blow dryer and began brushing it all into place. He was so stoked getting to cut this handsome man’s hair and have it to look exactly the way he wanted. Tom gave Jason a little reward too, and played with his dick while he combed his hair. He couldn’t have been any more turned on. He couldn’t remember ever having such a hard on for such a long time. He had gotten an erection almost the very moment he first met Jason!
Jason finished combing Tom’s hair and it really did look great. He also had been hard from the moment he lifted up Tom’s forelock and started cutting it. He couldn’t believe what a fantastic time he was having with this guy that he had only met the night before. He couldn’t have been any more stoked.
They left the shop and continued to walk around town a while longer. They then went back to Tom’s house. "What would you like to do this evening?" Tom asked. "We could go out to the bar if you want. It’s definitely a larger crowd on a Saturday night. I just hope I don’t take you there and you end up meeting someone that you would rather go home with than me."
"You don’t have to worry about that," Jason said. "I’m perfectly content. You’re the kind of man I have always been hoping to meet and I know I won’t be looking for anyone else." They both knew they were really infatuated with each other and couldn’t have been happier.
They grilled some steaks and had dinner outside. "If you don’t feel like going out, how about if we just snuggle on the sofa and watch a movie?" Tom said. "I’d definitely prefer to spend more time with just the two of us being alone together."
They got themselves comfortable on the sofa. They felt like they had known each other forever. "You know," Jason said, "It was such a rush getting to cut your hair this afternoon. It was something I had never imagined doing. I think I just might be in the mood to get my hair cut too. Would you like to cut my hair for me? I think it’s only fair seeing that since I cut your hair, that you should cut mine."
"Are you serious? Are you really sure you want to get your hair cut?" Tom said. "You know that I would love to cut your hair. I wouldn’t want to cut it short though because if we’re going to keep seeing each other, and I hope we are, I want you to keep most of your long, beautiful hair so I can continue playing with it. It really turns me on so much. How much of your hair would you want me to cut off?"
"How about if you cut it so that it’s just touching my shoulders?" Jason said. "It was so intense having you play with my hair the way you did last night that it got me thinking that maybe now would be a good time to cut it shorter, especially seeing that I have found such a great barber. I don’t think it will be all that big a deal to take it down to a more reasonable length. I’d still have plenty of hair and then not have to deal with it so much during the hot summers that I’m told we have here. It probably would also make a better impression being shorter when I start looking for a job."
"I’d also like both of us to keep our hair long seeing that we are so turned on by each other’s hair," Jason said. "I know you wouldn’t want to grow your hair as long as mine, but I hope you will grow the top out a little longer again, especially if you are going to brush it all back the way I combed it. I really would like to have you do that for me so that I will have more of your beautiful hair to play with too. Your hair looks so awesome being brushed back. I really love how it looks."
"I’ve had such a great time this weekend that I know I want to continue seeing you," Tom said. "It’s great that we each found someone who shares the same interest we have. I think we also know that we have a lot more in common than just loving our hair."
"I already know that I want to be the only person that ever cuts your hair. I would hate it if anyone else cut your hair, but me. I would be so jealous," Tom said. "In return, I’ll teach you how to use the clippers and you will be the only person that cuts my hair from now on. How would you like that?"
"That would be fantastic!" Jason replied. "I’d love to learn how to use the clippers. Once I am good with them, maybe there will come a time when we both decide to give each other a much shorter haircut. It would be an incredible rush seeing so much of our hair coming off! We’ll then have fun growing our hair long again. I promise that no one else is ever going to cut my hair but you."
Tom and Jason continued snuggling on the sofa and playing with each other’s hair. Tom was bursting inside at the thought of cutting Jason’s gorgeous hair. He finally decided that he couldn’t take it any longer and needed to cut his pretty hair before he came.
Tom first brushed Jason’s hair, getting it to look as full as he could. He took dozens of pictures because he wanted to remember how great his hair looked when he first met him. He caped Jason up and then slightly wet his hair in order to cut it with his scissors. Beginning at his center part, he combed all his hair straight down on the sides and back so that it was hanging all the way down to his shoulder blades.
This was going to be such a rush. Tom was going to be cutting off at least six inches of Jason’s awesome hair. He was so stoked! As much as he knew cutting off that much of his pretty hair would be mind blowing, he was glad he was going to still be leaving it down to his shoulders. Having just met him, he knew he wanted to play with his hair a lot longer before he ever cut it short. He just couldn’t get over the color and how thick it was.
Starting at Jason’s temple, he lifted up a beautiful lock and cut off over six inches so that it now just touched his shoulders. He placed the pretty lock in Jason’s lap so he could see how much hair was coming off. He continued selecting a lock and cutting it off, making certain it was the same length as the previous locks he had cut. He worked his way around the sides and back, carefully lifting up a six inch lock of thick, gorgeous hair and cutting it off and placing it in Jason’s lap.
After he finished cutting Jason’s hair so that it was now down to his shoulders, he combed each beautiful lock again making certain that the ends were all even. Getting to spend so much time combing his long, thick, beautiful platinum color hair just blew Tom away. He was in heaven. It was phenomenal cutting so much of his hair off! It was fantastic spending so much time combing his hair and then just trimming the ends a bit. He could see that underneath the cape, Jason still had a huge boner and was obviously stoked watching his hair being cut.
Tom then took his blow dryer and brushed Jason’s hair until it was dry. He had combed the top all back with no middle part. Using the dryer made his hair stand up even more and it looked much fuller. His hair looked even more fantastic, if that could even be possible.
When he finished, Jason said he was really happy with the haircut and loved the way it now looked. They headed to bed, knowing they were going to have a fantastic time. They were so stoked by the day they had spent together. They could not be any more turned on.
Tom had always assumed that he would not enjoy sex as much with a younger guy, but boy, was he wrong. He had a good feeling about Jason. They really got along great and the sex was incredible. If there was a downside, Tom knew he needed to take things slowly. He did not want to find himself falling for this guy if he was too young to make such a big commitment. After all, Tom had not been able to do that when he was that age. Maybe, he thought, it was because he had never just met the right man?
He knew it was way too soon to be making any predictions, but he hoped that maybe he might have just found the great partner he had been looking for? Who knew? Maybe he would achieve his third goal before he turned 30 after all! Only time would tell…