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Preparation for the pilgrim trip by Julian
Subject: Preparation for the Lourdes Retreat â€" Rules and Guidelines
Dear Brother in Faith,
We are approaching our pilgrimage to Lourdes, a journey of spiritual growth and inner transformation. As part of this experience, we will spend a week in a retreat in the countryside, where we will reflect on and work through the seven deadly sins, learning to live without them through specific rules designed to strengthen our will and spirit.
Retreat Rules
To fully embrace this experience, each of us must commit to following these rules:
Pride (Vanity): Before arriving at the retreat, everyone must get a haircut. During the week, the use of mirrors and personal care products beyond the basics (soap and toothpaste) will not be allowed.
Specific Instruction: Before the trip, please visit a barber and ask for a short and uniform haircut, with no styled cuts or fades. It can be done with clippers at the same length all over or with scissors without any aesthetic detailing. Sideburns must be completely trimmed or kept to a minimum. Additionally, facial hair must be completely shaved off, or if you have a beard, it must be trimmed down to the minimum length without any defined style. The goal is to eliminate any attachment to personal appearance and begin the retreat in equality with others.
Greed: You may not bring money, credit cards, or valuable possessions. Everything necessary will be provided equally for everyone.
Lust: Total abstinence will be practiced, avoiding any acts or thoughts that distract our minds from purity.
Wrath: Silence will be observed at specific times of the day, such as during meals and meditation. Any conflict must be resolved calmly and with guidance.
Gluttony: Only the provided meals may be consumed, in the portions served, without bringing any extra food.
Envy: Comparisons and complaints will not be allowed. Gratitude and recognition of others' virtues will be encouraged.
Sloth: There will be a structured schedule of activities. Sleeping beyond the established time or avoiding assigned tasks will not be permitted.
This retreat is a challenge but also a great opportunity for growth. We invite you to come with an open heart and a spirit of dedication.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.
See you soon,
Retreat Organizer